ffi aqT Bo6rdamErrfr 3rmi-dr 6w email address - fr,,68T-2 M.q./w/ s.rh- rdc_akola@redjl![qlcqm ]rys_b qiq ffi.ro1-ilq, ,,rhtdT 0124-Z435OO1 edq1gs!- www.akolanic. jn a7 ,zots kfrrqr. _ 17_ rotrzal, qR, / 6ffiE, 3ffitm qR 3rdfr(rqm, 3Tc--qqT BF6r E q;r FqlqrrftQr, Eq.q ffi - e6r o qar$ 3rmtdT 5o',R H1-drtl Erfi-d E lr{mt-ft :tfBzilqar qizqT iliqr$ qia qf{ffi, 3rdhi-f,T rcrirfia Ht' R-FE, q {ffi ;qTqr-d-qia ffi-6r $fMrdr a*{r HSTq6 H{mT.ft q-fi-fr q sfrpao HT.rrft E"rd?n Bg+ffi aTtsenr aprqffiqrtra ,ft fr rqr frs-c fufB s"arrnq B rr HtrE ftfB q ;qlq faryru,, 3{.?n.qr marm -*;ftfr-zo1s/q*; B4/w.14 fA. to ar*, zors H-qSi aftg 6r.-1 3r{q?Trt e-qsrift-d m-ftqrfrd G€ snfl-nnr-+ Jr q q-{ ;qrqrilq"id ffi-sr H-46Tfr erfi-a q E sfrk6o $'mT-ft :rfkzrl-+m qiEqr ;rcsrs m-{rqqrd .:n"t .sT ag.e qn r{q"trt ane-+ren-S-a wca sftgttfi qffiE-& sr$ B{qr q","fr 3iBa E-ccil-tr 3{f,shrlzFaT qr*w-q'rd +i?Tiqq a-tq H6TTfi t_"rt qTt fi, :r+tar H-cmT.fi q-fi- ru&s aTfr-*i ( ria-s) aro.a,* .arfl-a srer u-a 1 fr"tfr 3rf6 ?TiaT 3r$ ETq{ *rrfi_A Eaa-i fufia r45ur-a-o 3r6tfi q-f, qr +rrq-a e-ozo mp-qr-ilFfi-3rTt f"6r :nqqr.c qrdlt o-aF+u-qra a-rpurn-a .ir$ zne :nq-d ot-qia-qrd ;i]d]s *eilsrffi "hfi o-aftuqrfr ?rd hq-criB;a qqrqriei_* Bfra 3ffitdrr fr--Ert il-dT GTurrl qftm- X,+d" algu-qjd 3il_ffir 36Uqq-AT ,j tilflnr ddtlr rit+r* 655s qtrl,i dafiT t;qr& :n.Fr qRtz sT .Frsle_qrq. Mq-ortr, HFq-{ - n" ;ft qri orql-sqra kdlqD- ar&, qr 6nqlrfi ak eql-fi. alr-amro 3r-S qre 3rndo"qT qfr-frbfr ai.d" 3t/u/za1s qtr#.k{_qtt E, .q4ar ww , q_e"d F-r&c,qT 3ffilqT .. , trtrdT rdnut "4o151,Mffir,3rmtnr uftqr6' B-mr a-€] -qqp'4q, :r+iar ':inr rn-f|* i{qr iraae.qr i}irqqrfrl-Fdq-. B)q.r+ -TRqq#g a ts-fla a-dFsTd]_d }]3l€ 3rrq") mrqhq-qi) .r-.rcm{' qitLfi iueTa d-qa q-R.* }reord.s, wrai -qtla qroBl-qrf, qT-,rr k"Tlf$crrft aer Wr.-.rfi m. rstdT ot2t-24?4442 * qit EFrqtHq, 3rchh{T 6qq t).,24-2435007 : -fr*r:----;;;:-6.rE_ ,;;; 2. qsr-'t sfffi., ;rnrffi ar*, E_;il;-ffi, ;# #.ft#;-;im. sfEsFr+H a fufu rryur--m-a ,.sts T3:::Idc*akaE@Le!]ffmejLlaln ffi'.nqr-z M"v./w/ web address : www.akolanic.in -_r,.; sflla 6rsl-d-qTt q,{frr srq6.rfr{ qfu11 auqrd o-qfr qfus 3r6-fl8 qr mqtFrqlq cerft_a qlafrr_qii qlET G-efr ErR-.t gtf,tf.ry,11 srmldT q.riT rrrFfs_ffiq sAfr.a :nqqrs. an_ofroqrd. ++ Eu-atzutffi+r ..rr!-m FssqiT qRtd) s*Eq-cre 3mrrrrzhqa 3r6fdT B.-rqrfi-fr *ql-tqr o-ry arr& q (16I H-El,.q.q., amfr ruf;)o q-saraqx-a 17/3/zo1s q-Req mi-ffi qifi-qra q-rcfl q. d.,*#cer mr$_qrffiET 6t$d qTqT'?rfi 3rFqril ar.6ra Hrq-r o_lr+i. ff6cn rrft-fr q-qrut ,r ffi - ffi ft* * ;tar* fi, dffit ffi furuBmrt aqr ffi q{E-fr iF. 3rfitmr 0'724-2424442 6qs otz4-2435007 emairaddress-rdc-akoia@rediffmair.com ffi'.en'qT-z E.q./W/ EFrfr. gX qrfrrtr q;{ fr ftAi,h', r T qr rrqrir re?ni fffi (tgr+ ar 2) zqr B-era z+ 13 q $fWzqT JWrrfr 3r{ss-d gr{{ qB-qT qT BqHi?Tt;A tsfq q ;qrq ftsrrdr, TiETaq {-t 32 qhft a-${ H-s Tr6rirm sqcnrft zrft-m q 3{Fk+d €-cmT.ft Hgffi ar-rTffi 3irFH m-sren kflifi EF-{u-qIH|-& {iFffi qre s-S-rqxiofa ESrd a-qFqrfr-d 1eo8 zqT 3il-h{ (l) q fiFnr*q ftft zr Ftc?ffi 3l-S qfu-qT {iftF-dr, 1sz3 3rfhqr|r G-q-fl, 1984 zqn F?r-& o3/oz/zo1s aqr sfryqqe;E-S +d.fi gr+-fi Aaim. l3/oz/zols d;ft A?ffi-d e,{u-fiil 1.ffiq-orft rc3nols $S,fi-zor s/vffi84/w-14 k;Tiffi t6/3/zots $-q-g B-€T urfrr-f, E sfcn-rfr $frdr+-dT 3]fhii}4ET web address :www,akoranic.in tzols fuefr gaorrrn<-ft-qr6 ITfrE, cqizrTT 3ntqn-€-firq qit firftrq,3r6tilr 3iT.-ee rrhft qH sfB""Frr=fi ilrB-fir qd;ra) 6rd-{a E qT l3f,fturo uro ar-.q-M erRGrRr EF-{fr 3flzrlr1E6 gr5. 2. B"Fr H-ccFrft ilfirtr E qrcnT-tr sfM+Hr a+rT H-* Trf,rrqcn {rcfirft Erffrd E sRfrr*;o HrmT-fr 4r u-ilzn a6Rrtrg frfq ffi (ftg65, +*.111 qrff E atqq-f,r) E.q-fl, r984'zqr Brr,r ri L :rj-dnri rS ffi {Trrq er#-a qarrt ffi, t{frrr 31/a3/zas d;fr mrqfm$a ffia asn qmaT filta en1Iruna 3fl+d} 3G 3rfrtar qi@T arqrA 3rdBf, 6Ta €rd;{ qiltil. z. fu€rd wo-qm Bil+er kfli6 q *&i.rq 3r$ Rqznrrt Hrurr alfid. 3{Tq6-c :rS ilfr"dT 1:M 3. 3I.ffi :rat€)-q-d urol+m wrfi. 3,goi, E HrqR frr$a 3lTzraurfi FqT 6'rrrqir{rr?nzq-f,rCI1:t-dizqr lrrerrfr,d g-fi atgrt ffianrtr aqr ffi $\ryfr 3r6tfrr m. 0724-2424442 6+s emairaddress-rdc_akoh@reqiffmair.com m-.mcr-z M.q./W/ znfu_ t2015 t?cI 6rq[-dq,3priFn OIZ+-2435@1 webaddress:www.akolanic.in ftHiat' ;-sdqq# as-n=#-ffirfi 'ililqi; \)1 qit to3t2015 ;*". # ."* ,*r;ftd . 5 saffi B-q-{ {-dTs-f, s*q.Irqtar {ETu-dqI qM kdrfi q ild arrft Gnsil {-r*s*& rq?rrf{iqT mafruqra s5r 6r}d?Tr +fd 6. qFflfrf, afffi E1lffiun -qr Baimrw 3$ram *-dfd{ FqT ftaimrqrw e,qtrprfr,{ FqT cqr rr{rcR ffi-d-{ir 3{€-t€qT Bfq 3rfqtnr_?riEqr Eg+,-qT :+rqt3nq dg$ilf, tffi-d F{lrfd g-d g'nq znrd-{d :rsffifq zn-{ut 3{Tqqq.F 3rt. 3rfq--mT_qifr qT-dTfua ftgq;q.ig1-6 Fqci?qu} 2-d SNxfi^ ^ \JS{K- 3rsut'IQle, (+n.q.tl ffi,aqrT ffi3rmtdT \6.Drsrc-a ) x"*lH ornrf uls - s6)z.aF Office of the Collector & District Magistrate District _ Alc$l q Date- l?/or/ror5_ Notice & Joint Secretary, Law & Judiciary Department, Marfiralaya, Mumbai, vide his D.O. letter No.DGF-2015/CR-841D-4, Dt.l6l3l20t5, has invited applications in prescribed forms from eligible candidates for the appointment to the posts of District The Legal Advisor Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor and Assistant Governrnent pleader and Additional Public Prosecutor. The Collector and District magisrrate will prepare a panel of eligible candidates as per the provisions order XXVII of the Code of Civil procedure, 190g, (V of 1908), Section 24 (3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (II of lg74)and Rule 13 of the MaharashtraLaw officers (Appointment, Conditions of Service and R-emuneration) Rules, 19g4 and the amendment made vide notification dated 0310212015 and corrigendum to this notification dated 1310212015. 2' The required qualifications and eligibility criteria for the said posts will be as per the provisions of the Rule I 1 of Maharashtra Law Officers (Appointment, conditions of Service and Remuneration) Rules 1984 as mentioned below :1) 2) 3) 4) Applicant must be Citizen of India. Applicant must hold a degree in Law from any recognized university and enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar council of Maharashtra and Goa. Applicant must not be morg than 55 years of age on the date of appointment. Applicant must hold at least 7 years' experience of praotice as an Advocate on the date of application. 3' The applicant who desire tc apply for the above posts may submit the applications in the prescribed form annexed herewith. 1) The annlicatlrSs should be addressed to the Collectcr and District magistrate, District ...ft1e:te .... and should be submiued by hand delivery. The iast 2) 3) date of submission of applications is 3l rt rnarch, 2A15. The application will not be accepted after the due date and unreadable applications will not be considered as well. time, The incomplete a1d The applications must be accompanied with attested photo copies testimonials. of documents/ 4) The canvassing in any form by any candidate shall incur disqualification. 5) The selection of the candidates will be made by the way of interview. The date and 6) time of interview wil] be conveyed separately to the qualified candidates. The existing appointments on the respective posts will come to an end automatically on the date of issue of the proposed fresh appointment orders. Hence present law officers need to appiy freshiy for the said posts. The separate application is required to be made for the every post. d--" District'Magestratg AKOLA. eftamra BT.m..H rrts+qffifflfemt H^.*q}fi- ?o I \r\.m'. a vlq-r- t x Hfrre;qrq hgr'r, rrTqrq 6q qpf, grrer+r u-wgo tt+, riflFt-q,1ffi-xoo o?Q. n+{iffi :- qq qfi, Qot\ *..qr. frq flafe renrrrs-fq-rna qFfi fdqq, Iffi vrw e geq eq-flR erTa-dT {rGqrdrm qd tilcT q ffir qFrffiqiil fEcT Hqsrfr qsle e vr6nl irtrolqf,T dtq rrrrqq qrErs q+to q 3rfr fuqf, {rt_fl -fr ulfi rqffi TqiqTTqr+lffiqlfqsrrTHiqdqTqfr flrq, frqzrimtaq-qiq{irqTiFqqf,T sfu*{€ qrrqqr ^ '. S*;Ghrrrrwryo *1 ' *Ft**$r ?. sTqiH mqis tQtl?oot r'4 EI. sq;qFrirq, ffid qrqE{ ut* trqis (t/3/?oty \Tar=qivr+Hoiura kfu 3lftrsFqiqT frgm1 qffi I 6l qr 31-S Hq1-trr erTq*r s-{rEr t^ srTtd. o"EFir€aTEr ffi "s el_$inq To.RTE fuftI GTftrfi-fr 1ffi, T1iq;" rr# q *a10 F1.qq, tqax ET i{qq sqis q? qq zar ftaiffi ?/R/Ror\ afuqvffi e iqr#o Rri6 ta/Q/iot\ qr rrElqrq-r;qi qqnw $Ts?irr 3IIFII3116f, i- qamqfuP"r BTRrsrfr fTq'q, ttsry qrfuqq'tt, ffisf*ql{-fifir, qqoc .hil'E-{rft nt#qT S6kTr, qq\€t qi q'm'q ?y6) orqt FrcT qETfrrfl=qiqt ruiqT qr e*sq qe q e@ld ffi6 frWdrEr* +Tftre-firdqrkqr riro: qEF qTr€Ta. qrq-ffi e'rfl qi{qr enqe-q-e' enb. qfr+{ R qe*;rrfE q{rcqhqT qT{'n+ frvqimtfi t{g-ffiiqr rqfuil qeffia qem Y. Hl!ryr €rqr w flr{qe'r w'rrqn{r$ r*roM ffi erut wqwm ankq) fuqqi+td hffi gqm sT€d-ieT 3{Fr*wii ffiil !trqTil qci qpreT+6. 3fi{iqr kdm qg{r {rqil q}soar etr.d' r) q=ifu 0Trr€TI slqlfiqTqTrim q-t{q-rrqTrlilH Fflifrfr Elnt q++qtrilrffi qtq-rm}o€rSu-em**qH,efl ?) vfi ertqqrs ea16 qT E q-filtqTrnrd ddftrir iqftT qrr er€jfi{qqm terti{ {q-qT wrsrcR n*q grtqiq. w-rT*ffm'qr flqq q* sH1 qisqi fq?iFr qr-s qildT qd. y) qHq ? q* q({ ffiffiTr sswtg srrsfi'rs+* gqi'rffim vq{ftrs qqTErr q €nrffi qdrnrq-*ra sfoq a,r+ wr wr& q6r o{rEruErds,wq{ ffi \) ffio * ftqiffi lr.*/ol/Qoqq rffi ufoq Htidr qr'* Eeftn q1;ft. fuqrfusTH'. .g??1i Roov r1q q1. s;q;qtqFtqr+fr. qq/.anooq ffiqrqfroiqRf,r arqq rqrqEi .,{q6 ilqn q-qul,, rtrri qrq srckeT srqfq} Brfit m-gq q}q E gnt q-qflqi f;r'drs Er'{'ri E q+r qqiaT* qrfifril qrft. i Bq.q:dr{iqt ili q-dfqrsi ereT oTri qI. tsE Hrcrfli eqg rrslt$ ScdqT +=qt ei{uqri q arqe etffi{i+ riTm. =erTqriffiFi qriEuiflq qrE fta-iET $sTftl=,;r'.1 qi'r.i qwFrstrd q-or q fum q vf -qrq?frqT ffi l-):\mrlhuri 2\l)ts\-?r\I)O i.cr!.,i. Jilr\ fw,a e rm;qrqrftnriq-r elfi{sTqlq qrcTreT +$q qrii, s{s* qT. qrq?rqT-l =r{{ A* sG. rqtT& $w o{qt* enq-* ss-{ q-fi .rqTqrd} a eiq-dni** qr& {Nftrd q'{c" iq-06 q wtr qtqTql$ qfqT erF{qrqiql srtr=q +i.{ Bikq sl.-q-fl qTetd. qTHT dt eiqfr GTtsdFqT A q A-{ u.ffioqTqT-{Tq1'q<sEuqmgrql. q) BQ-qqT{iqT ild Emrc-dT Elqqr#il' sr*rwri q iqT dTt fqe€n-qT ffiffiT=qqT q15awfr lEcT m."{Erq d"rri en€f,. ffiqa sifu Tf,Tqd rfi{fr'fr q'qqeT elffiqr+ q.{rqrfr sa+frr fui ar$ qrTsdru qT-dfoqTf, Tg' q+d. \e) \rsTq-tflcit ? qrqqTriflf, Wrwtrt"qm exiqTid{{ereHtrqrtr st*Fr qng'rrcr qrr{ v{ e+qerdqT Eqshf, ffi Eqryrfii{ kfiu'rqaffi' aftq ffi *t.rqrf, qrqr. qrsr& frE1d qtqkft-s k-{<orqr atqil qisd eiTi. c ) {f, rsd' qft rf,Td m m fr mi*n fu ffi Tft rdfi qiercdq qr. rrore{ft rdffir, q6rrq qq qi* 31sr EHfr+Rffi ilr{frtkm itd@T qffilqT EqrdtT ersqR srTB. qrq-s ffi ermtq TH qh'q t.a1 .qr,qr &-wrqr MrsT=qIqT wi?ksr Ba'flq'uqm t:iH. q. erq qlrffi e g#iT s+ sbqT vR wsrqrar& frqtRf, s-{*qrff ffi& darrf,fi qlqd'qtcfr eq$ffi1tr-f,'mtsfuqlffiTi+1qqriqrcqTsuqrf,ffi. s6qr ereffl{{qr frii +U r) **e'erqqT g-qra1q gmqil : 1) 1) Proforma A, A-1, xl k*rurqqrqrffioq1lT q) +drqrs emrsrffia, ,r-) .._),__. *---:r<+rCie. td.uft.ft€lfrflE H-dftFTrc-fr-rrrqfu{ vfr, nt. rsdfrcT iisrt{-s'rfr Hqr fiil€TFrsrfr, qiqiYrtr e E*{ sr+rn qqq{) g?t :- mt I qu le er v* qqrqlqT qiil ):\nrJhrri \Desk-,.Z\Xl i.dltLa.ilo.x qTfr-S q eilEffi+s iqT sT+qdrsml FormNo."I" (Proforma of the Application for the appointment of Law officer) R.ule t3 (21)] [See 1. Post applied for 2. Full name of the applicant e surname first (In Block Capital Letters) Father's/ Husband,s Narne 3. Residential ndr{reoo address Permanent address Room/Flat/Blds. No. Villaee / Post - Room/Flat/Blde. No. Villaee / Post - Road - District / Ci District / Cit E.mail I.D. := Mobile No. i Tel. No. :- 4. (a) (b) Date of birth Age on the date of application 5. Place of birth 6. PAN number 7. Whether candidate is domiciied in the State of Maharashtra Whether enrolled as member of the Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa (Specify the registration iro.& date) 8. Educational qualification and experience :- (a) Details of the exarninations passed for graduate, tr aw*graduate, post- graduate :- Name of the examination Name of [Jniversity/ Board/ trnstitution (b) Total number of years of practice Name of the Courts where practised Class Year of Passing :- Totai ]rlo of, civil rnatters conducted Total No of criminal matters conducted Total No of Service matters conducted (c) Total number of sessions eases and criminal Appe als I Revisions personally conducted before the Sessions Couffi during the period of two year immediately preceding the date of advertisernemt (please specify the numbers of cases ) :(d) Give the details of those cases in the following formats :Name of the couri Date of Judsment (e) State the amount of your professional earnings during three years immediately preceding the date of application. Attach copies of Income Tax Returns, if any, in respect of the above stated periocl. 9. Previous employment, if any :* Date of Joinin 10. Languages know Date of leavin 1 l. Have you ever been arrested ldetainedlprosecuted bound/down/convi ctedl facing any criminal prosecution by /in a Court of Law for any offence if yes, give details thereof :- :- 12. Whether you are facing / have ever faced any disciplinary action from the Ear couneil of india or Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa or any Bar Association or any other professional body. Yes / No Yes / No DECLARATION 1. I have not been compulsoriiy retired, removed or dismissed from judicial service or from service in Governrnent of Statutory or Locai Authority of failed to 2. 3' 4' complete probation period in judieial service on any post or in Government or Local Authority. I have not been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude. I have never been permanentiy debarred or dis[uaIfied by any public Service Commission or Government Department/Body or District Court or High Court from appearing for any examination or seleciion eonducted for the puipose of recruitment. I, do hereby affirm that ail the details filied up in the application are true and correct as per-my knowledge, my appointment as a Law Officer, if made shall stand automatically canceltred and I shall be liable for fuither necessary action. Date :- Place :- Signature of the Applicant N.B. 1' Candidate shall append 2. the required true copies testimonials certiflcates and documents, duly attested by the Gazetted officer. Canvassing in any form shali disqualifi, the Appli cant. 3' The Applicant shall produce the Character Certificate from any two senior 4' 5' Advocates/ Senior Counsels. The Applicant shall his recent passport size photograph with his signature Unsigned applications and appiications not properly filled up by the candidates and application without necessary enelosures are liable to be rejected summarily. PROFORMA ''A'' (To be filled in and signed by District Magistrare) I Name of the 2 General reputation 3 Remarks about suitability for appointment, or otherwise with Advocate : : the reasons ( if any ) 4 Whether the Principatr and Ilistrict Session Judge : has recommended the CandiCate. Place Date : (District Magistrate) : PR.OFORMA ''A.1'' (To be filled in and signed by Principal Judge) District & ClUsers\Hp\AppData\Local\Temp\Rr$Dl3 1.9 I Session 3\proforma.docx Court, 1 Name of the Advocate 2 General reputation 3 Remarks about suitability for : appointment as Government Pleader and public prosecutor/ Assistant Government pleader and Additional Public proseoutor i) Experience ii) Knowledge of, law iii) Performance irr) Conduct Place Date : : : (Principat Judge) District & ClUsersVlp\AppData\Local\Temp\Rr$Dl3 t.913\proforma.docx Session Court, A) Date of Advertisement - 17'I' March' 201 5 be published in (The adverrisement for tilling the post of DGP/AGP will on 17'h March' 2015) as atieast one local Marathi and Englisl'r nervspapers the notice boards of well as on the off-rcial rvebsite otico.'*.n,,Lni and on District Bar Associationsi 2015 B) Last date of acceptance of applications u ili be 3 1't March, out betbre 15'r' April' C) The scrutiny of applications received rvill be carried 201 5. (Till 21.4.2015) D) Time tbr sending call letters to candidates E) Date of intervier,r'* 23''r April 20i F) Date of 5 to 6t1' Ma5"' 2015' sending necessary infoillation to the Government for t'inal selection -- 72'L MuY, 201 5 ' tn {tr''t;'l _:lUir I J --.-. .' (V,G'tsisht; I-egal Advisor-Cum-J oint Secretarl'
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