B.A (GENERAI,) (Distance Mode) FINAL YBAR ASSIGNiVTBNTS (Session 20I4-f S) Centre for Distance and open Learning Jamia Millia Islamia Maulana Mohammad AIi Jauhar Margo New Delhi - tl0025 Instructions for B.A (General) (Distance Mode) Assignments Z}L4-IS 'fhe students are requircd to read carefully and follow the instructions given beloiv; + Submission of oue assignment in each course of the programme is cornpulsory. r rhe Assignmenl Responses (AR's) may be submitted by hand at your programme cenffe or send by post to the Programme Coordinatorof your StudyCentie lirest by zzth Feb.zots wiitrout rate fee & wifh rate fee by ;rn'rt;;;,idis]" t It is cornpulsory to send/submit each course Assignment of the programme separately on different booklets/sheets however try to submit your all uriigtio.ots together by keeping them in atr envelope. Write your name; roil number, fu-ll address and total number of assignments submitted in bold on the envelope. . t t t Prepare a covcr.page. exactly as per the format given in your programme guide (see programnle guide under heading 'Assignments') for your assignm"ot ,.rponres. Write the course title, course code (capital letters) and other relevant information at the appropriate places ofthe cover page. Write yotlr'name, roll nuruber and full address and date at the top right hand comer the first page of your assignmart responses also.. Please rcmember keep a photocopy of 1o the ones you submitted are lost in your assignment responses, r- - -----> just in tr.ansit. r : : : . i case Recoliect your Evaluated Assignments after evaluation from your study centre. Kindly contact your programne coorrrinator for the same. For further information on assignments, assignment responses and their submission rearl your programme guide carefully. l of T'utor Ma rked Assignment Assignrncnt of lilnglish-IV Coursc Title: [Jnderstanciing poetry Session: 2014-15 Attenrpt any Six Qucstions each question equal 1' 2' Course Code: IIEG-IV Maximum M:rrl<s: 30 nrar.l<s. How would you distinguish between blank verse and free verse? Critically comment upon the centraI themes of Shakespeare's sonnet 'Shall I Compare Thee to A Summer's Day', 3' Discuss characteristic features of the metaphysical poetry as exemptified in Donne? 4' 'Gray's Elegy is remarkable for blending landscape poetry with funeral elegy'. Do you agree? 5. Explain Daffodilas a poem about the poetic creation. 6. Comrnent upon various poetic devices used by Shelley in his poem 'ode to the West Wind,. 7. What is Dramatic monologue? Explain with an example. B, What are the salient features of Modern poetry? 9. Criticalty comrnent upon Emerson,s poem .Brahma,. 10. Discussthe poeticstyle of Jayanta Mahapatra. I'utor Markcd Assignment Assignment of Bnglish-V --------. Course Title: Understanding Drama Session: 2014-15 Coursc Code: BEG-V Maximum Marks:30 Aftempt any Six Questions each qucstion equal marks. l. what is theatre? comr,ent upon the origin of drama/theatre. 2. write a short note on Marlowe's contributio'to English Drama. 3' Comment upoll the role and significance of theatre irith reference to the texts prescribed in your course. 4. Define any two terms: a. chorus b. Interludes c. Mystery plays d. Miracle plays 5' Discuss sonre of the features of Shakespeare's tragedies. 6' I{ow did Henry Ibsen contribute to the growth of Modern American drama? 7. What is Miller's view on tragedy? 8. Critically analyze main themes af Hatf- I4/ay House 9' what are the central concelns of the play dhastr.arn Kowal? i 0. Wrat is the role of plot in poetry? Tutor Mrl<cd Assignnrent ASSIGNM ITNI.: I{INDI-IV ';;;:;;,8*__-* session: z0l4-1, ----*----'-- (dT orS ole' ') fr'w"g"-Ivth Maximunr Marks:30 ffic , ftl €': s-ql' d w.nq ftfuq r srda sq iDT Brtn drr+m aoo qq} + M r 1. f{G{frfuT c{c} 6.r sp.rd ft-s-fl ffiFqq; i f6-s qrqr S s-rq rr;fi qfi ?,-.......... u) on+lb rr) vq6ng1 qf .rt-oqtt T) uy (?c) *{r d .'d" or isqfferfi qrnFr' eq-6 r6-q q'" fr'.dq'ffid grn (.T) {ffir o.f{flr of sqltt s-dtu * I (qF) o-fi=renr (e) ftqr rrrn ?.......... 6jG) (sq-tcrrdqo,rrt. "ItTTfurar. $rqrqrE o1 wdalq silc rft d? fft (o.mrqfr,gtrff{rg. {qRrtgr) q" f{€€' d rq-{rqrt-{ ir-r qr'r ftfuq (q) gTrfufi'rdq 2. sfi lW ftfuq 3. P-{\ +.q*.qMur r} rnFfo fterrrqnf sff srrd}a;n st S ? 4. REI{I d ffil T'nr of g,Eq f+ctc-drq fup* s. gffi gfr{ orcq-qft tn ogffiiol ' .** sfreq 6. 'EiFS"' or sftcrq q-f,r$q.rftfusr I 7: {sqtq?rm{ d} ugre vEfuot or sds B: vqrndar d q-ftcrs-6) rqs-d olfuq olfqg ei fu{rffi oreq { :ry.fbT srt?.f?m qE rnfiq da-qr o.l ft-firs gsTr €. ? r{Sq S ftfuq 10: f+qftfuo S d frr€r sf 6T-dqfqf at irqs sFo qr*gry +lfsq . r I I r I (o) r fffr fa,nuq irm ff irq{ v"rqr S gq} Tfr_ r , flIqr*qe ssn Tr{rO sT-Ea Es qd in sta 16r. t f*-trd-q or erqo (iq) elo rer, t d' Ts r{furr rfi rn ar{ r Ig EEdq ;trr6r Tq rnqfr I q{rT rm errq ffi. 3rdrfii' { rrd{rq q=E f6-i I E srdl ilfi' {tt{ t qrfr I sriql +- rrt l+6-rrr * o r Ki' qr{ err{ .q11 sff sn* t I rrq a1 erfr rril B-sr'ft qr{n c qr* t I o13 e1* ffnrfr, *e qdFer qer ^frfr urfr rrff w scr. qsfu o.r qrgr qdr I I ulrr qrrfr lFR trdt sr*: F{-r{ gi qr"fr I tr-E €q-c irr{Ir eT Fr6.-gqr. G:R O'rfr O-S qruftlt srfeft frd' sfl' 1qr. dq rfr inq rftfl r 6g o.-fft qFr iD y're'. v{fr q{r ilq sfffltt ffi € q r ; w (q) r0 anq ers ct6 srsr.d r d qto-€ rrs urqfr rrrfi I r fuga-r ut cpi qfl r ff\-6r sn'rR Rrc rfr t t strfu TrF d'rlt sra o) {w I kg ftrq .rg tir a-c #^r, qe ilFd sfr{ 6er q oi{ r qrol srrq 6-df-'dR'rtirr { t r .r{^to' Rqf, | errr qrR slb ird e1fi r gerB s-r qiai I g€ R-g iD.tr q urorq rI +.rt qr6T dler;r.r {ilTITt gE ftl irfl q trrcFr wqln {.q$ *nR ia t** r I 'l'utor Marhecl Assignrnent ASSIGNMBNT: I{INDI-V ia=*,Scssiorr: [; ;* ; nal ;; *'B; ;R;; 2014-15 ord s#: ;";;"_*; Maxinrunr Marl<s: 30 Hq : ffifuq d € ftr€ E: qqT d s-mq flf*g;1. e.fud fr"fi-drr grer €ffr ftfu\ (o) irrRe$fra*r # ore ftqr\r=T # .rnm qqr Ehr ilR\ qmfr-n .T) vrrfBfu.o u) ffio m) rrufrft-6 ^ r*) (q) rrrqrfr q-qffiq gRd-6rw d-sq q,t | ? (5rArTt.r,zSeftftTl ('r) {B-q wtrs m-r vftHil Mq .,..,,.... rffit q6-d ftffi-i ft.sT ? m) $qqq _*) .rnrf*q,-d*fi (q) 3il-trmft{ q r{TRFq6 irvrcrr* qrrff zn-r's-qt'r ........:.. (Ri'Ta ft'qia, qTq-{€nfi) (q) 2. g Een qrqu) rw0 q*nq tr}fl .. . t ten eu r #t**q ;iR*H**$il*=* qlihmTq +t qrqrq ftSqdrcrT mr vds qftfuq fift-nr-f, Eht erTffifi W wnpft-o qpRerffii ot qR-qrT Afrq qRRqfrqT d er-+rrn m-*,ql 1ne1ryT ory of $rtrffi-6 I 3. 4. 5. fr=rfofuofrt frr€i q)qr (o) qrrt5 g.i ffiftfu\ _ -" f r (q) uqqrE O qrccn ft-q1 S frft*q 5q 6. frFfr wr'trdq d gFders d qrrov"r a1 irrsur qq frqrq a1frq 7. vnrl o-rq of vgrr ftrEwilN ftfuq 8. qftq*oreq o1 rrrqr;q ft$qrtrrg erTr$q Eu* crPffi o'rd{ o1 qrqTr or cRrq dtcg ?: F3 d ?F"rar l0.tFdTffi I r I is'r r irftirrq qf,rd Eq €rsq,1 cTq frq""rg qcr{qt Tutor Marked Assignment ASSIGNMDNT: URDU-IV Courue Code: BUL-04 Session: 2014-ls Course Title: Classical Urdu poetry Maxirnunr Marks: 30 -d rl U / f Jt r 5 -sft Qs -t J L 4 j f .-,1,>ily J ) t p : _> : a j -4t;trr,j,n*tt -f. ot g ft<r,, { g fop 0t, t t I _t -1,;i,, <{; Lr z. 1q1) t -'{ { r{,f et i,!,2 r 1t,g { grt z* n {4, / {, +i _r L fi ,: -r u ou a$; or L rz. t 6,{; a.i o (q{ 4- *, -y t.-{+'6oi1!g1t;tVt:utlQ-tr'tt{ c,L,f ,!S$tvt-U1v-!t:i r4,tft:e-ttb{lit7-a -<{1}:r,}!rf ,tit4rt4,tnCtlOlVtftl,r,fi,r,!r)j,;,-rr*.,,ft_.6/rt{ .,L2c{ r_,, t 1rit,, q E,ut L st I n g U, (,, rrfJu,;7 t 4,lti u,tJ z r t'6 4,f f v Z u/ I " {;, r Lorr L ro {,:- } {t _. Z:,f;,A,f (Ji,;t" 4.-V: c,! J fii {,? -r, i -c {-1 $ $ n aS 6, tt -, }- L d r._ L t L } I _t. t ft'fttr*5"$,ftHi?:t' Cource Codc: BUI-05 Course Title: Bssay, Translation & Rhetorics Session: 2014-ls Maximum Marks:30 -A $ :rz / L r) t r 1 4le: -t L L a, j 7 .- ct,> tttr Ll i 1 t * - :,,L i -dEi'r,tjto-tl t r 4 q/,lv? 4 & f$ qla P o ;v4-yd,jpqrrr,f{,f ed tf f,tL,tt;r:tr2r4ntd 4-d{ cf _, -4f {;vtt-xZ.$d6S Lpu,'P_r s -€,-b t z x !-ritf u 46,r,,t ;vi L 6,tt s P -r 1,i Wt f p L.-vlut {gr 4,.* LJv -t-votr; +t zrb{,, t)r+,,s P g,t f , fi :;':;,". 1 &,t ",, {t {et X,lv - 4 a Lt.fj,6(,r;T ,/.,I g f t --,,,,sl 4,-," ct' J _a L.; _, ::il :::',1;" v-v xe ujt (4 t J,.lc/ - tn tr,?, ^ vn,4 / $f 7 :r7,:t,l*t, 1{, -g:_, I {,,rrr--,/ p rt rtJ{,,t', } ut, utv _t. O o 'TUTOII MAIIK IID ASSIGNMI}N]I couRSE Session:- coDE-errrs-04 l;iilfil;;;;;;;;F:F;;;;;; 2014-ls Maximum Marks:- 30 Notl:Allemptany;;;;;,;;;;;;,';;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;-;.""*-*i ' How did the Arabs influence the Indian h?de betwe"n gth-12tlr centuries AI)? 2' What are the characteristic of early medieval traditional in painting 3. Define the fu'ction a'd inter -vassal relationship of samantas. 4. Explain the causes for the Turkish success. 5' Discuss the measure taken by Alauddin khalji to introduce price control. 6. Discuss the techniques used by the weaver during the 14rh-i5,h centuries. 7. Define the main functio' of the Diwan-i wizaratand Diwane-i Arz. 8' what was the mahmood ghaznavi objective for invading India? 9. Discuss the powers and function of the feudatory chiefs. lO.Write short note on the following. A. Function of wali or Muqti B. position of caliph, TUTOR MARKEI} ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT: HISTORy-IV COURSE CODE- BHIS. 04 Session:- f+{w : PAPER: - lndian History from 2014-ls sa-s etuqr o*} J-#q; t,"- 1 snsl i sTrdff 3ft qmrdt irffi d fl-s .TRdq amqR""* fr fs q,Trfuf, fr?Trr qqcT 2 orrt'ft-* rtr4-{rdq fr.d-fi-dr ftl i?*qc*ff or sdqc sftfrc qsq 3 w{d + Urq qrrqt cf{ vlrqii- S sridR-d r{eid or sete siftq s$r 4 gEf al tr6a..f,.1' S o.m"fr sfi Eqrqr a1fuc q$i 5 rronrfrc fuffff grrT xss fu"* mttnqi ig fuc.rc sqrd or s.fi{ sflfrcr s{q 6 gq-o.ti ariT rqft-rsf} crdrM tt erccrc qri srft a-+-ffi o.r s+{ dfrq s{rl z {rqrq-q-fcqrEa sflq e-qr.{*q<rd d rge arql eT fo-orpl am*, q-dTF trs'"I s m-{i d gw vi{q aqr e} ? 'rsr-fr S qrqfi rr{ q$I e y"fr. wrqrii q''iFld \s qfurdi o.r fre{q dftrqr qrt 10 ffirfoff t € fr.ff d qr dhq d..s ffi sFr r r r r BflsDrTUr r (i) e-S qr g.ffi (ii) redr6r d EF.rd d fuft - i5,r'Century Maximum Marks:-30 ;-________-_-__ ftqfrtud jt € +qd s, cs-+ d g,h - TU'IIOR. MARIilDD ASSI GNM]CNI' ASS ----:--------Course Code: BIIIS- 05 Session:- IGNMI,NT: I{I STtOt{V-v Coursc Tirle : 2014-tS (Mid Ig'h - 20tt,Ccntur.,,) M"xirnurn Mnrks:* 30 Moder.rr 0ur.ope ' Note: Attentpt iln$ six questions out of ten questiorts belon, 1. I-low was education used by the modem state to promote? 2. What \4€re tlle land marks of the refornts act lg32? 3. Explain the various division.s within the French society and the problerns of the third estate. 4. How would you explain the rise of Nafrolean III? 5. I{ow did Bisrnark control the liberal critics? 6. By I9l4 what were the nrain feature of the Russian industrial economy. 7. I{ow do you see the role of peasantry in fi.ance? ,, 8' what role did Bismark pray in the unification of Germany? 9. Define the reason for trre decline of the ottoman Empire. 10. Write short note on the following. A. Weimer Republic. B. Comintern. TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT: HISTORY-V -----:------Course Codc: BHISSession:- 2Al4-lS srTgftfr \Ter fu-qr Coursc Titlc: Modern Europc ltUio lad,- 20rh Century) Maximum Marks:_ 3ii {* fr{qr ' fq-i 1 05 i fs-d{ s, qrd d strs dfrrqt Trg{K of qar-qr w-fi d eio wqrq Bt rr{rfiT ti d ftq RTeTr e} ftffi q-fiiq E:{+qrd I 2 gun eftft-qq 1as2 qil fr*strIt trqr eft Y$I 3 EFiffi rrr{]sr d frfuq funvd 3*q TSrT r}c afi wryrcrei at q-sqr sq"T I dfrq I 4 ilkqE an-q d v(q et Eqrcq cTrq frrfl e=nrq * mt-i ysl s M i B-{Twrfr oTrffif oi *A fuh.d ft-ql swr 6 1s14 crcn' rrs srHFI-fi sTefqq-{€tT at rSrr frtqdr( T*r eft ? srr 7 rFRr d Fvo q-.f qn 1frfl tr{ ftqR +lfuq q'FT e riltrft d \'fttfiwT q lM qff .tfr-or sT qof-q dtfuq qwr e 3rhFT wrflq d qa-q d o.rcqi .Fl scts dftq swr 10 ffifuo { t Aer q} w sftw d-q frrd (i)frryffi-6 vs;T r I r I r fi) ofn-* o a MAITKIID ASSIGNMI'NT ASSIGNMENf-: I,OLITI CAl, SCUTANCIi-IV 1' ;;; ; ;;;;;il:;; --- tJTO IT -' -' - -- - - -' ;;il;,; ; _ ffi;iln ;;;il -;; Session:- 2014-15 ;il;i ffi :{ Maximum Marl<s:- 30 Affcmpt any sIX Questions, choosing onc from the (en eucst'ions belorv. L Write an Essay on Inrperialism. 2. Discuss Non Aligned Movement. 3. critically a'alyse the perspectives on the changing world order. 4. Discuss the growing impo(ance of restructuring United Nations Sustem. 5. Write an essay on International 'fourism. 6' Discuss the growing importance of Regiorral Organizations in International Relations. 7. Write the featurcs ol'flrir:d world state. 8. Write an essay on recent tlrnds in communication Technology 9. critically analyse the changing world order.in cold war era. l0' Revolution. What are Earth-Nationai coriflicts? Discuss their Patterns and Dimensions. TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT: POLITICAL SCIEANCE.IV Course Code: BPS- 04 Course Titlc: - INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Session:- 2014-15 Maximum Marks:- 30 Attempt any sIX Questions, choosing onc from the ten euestions below. }T€;I 1 s€"I 2 ftfuT ? fzftviel-qrq r{ ft-En Eqf otfu\ r{rqrwqrE Erq ft-q-.q 9-€=I 3 q-q-drfr gq;I q$fi'\TE d Id,I6q 4 q-aq 5 q€"I 6 trt"I 7 qA;T B gv"T I rFI 10 BTrdtffTriq-o qrh qem Efr q-qf +tfuq ? Eq d'trq-fi rldloror * ? zDT Gr-m-rf*q cTrriqr*drE qq frq-ar {ffi tdfuq qflfrq ? ? { sl*q d E-.6-d Eq qfiq ftt q-qf qfrfrq q,t gfrqT fr*Enrcil T{ qqt otfuq q-qqr noffi mrfu fr a-a q erTt u-glt w ftqq ftfuq vfto gq m";s fr qq-m-S gq ttrro- H+fiilT of GilfrqlTFq-o qut{ rhlfrq qrfiq flSq riqE eqr f,rird C. $rS s-qrq yq rrsq aff q-qf qfiftq sRrrt$u rr{sli ffi I r r t ? r Course Codc: IIPS- 05 Cou"t'sc Title: - Modcrn lndian Political Thought Session:- 2014-15 Maximum Mnrlcs:- 30 Attempt any sIX Questions, choosing irne from the ten euestions below. L Write an essay on colonial interventions in Society, Economy and Polity of lndia. 2. Discuss Gandhi's concept of Swaraj and Satyagraha, 3. Write a note on M,N.Roy,s RadicalHumanism. 4. Critically analyse the role of any one of the following in religious movements in tndia; r Sir Syed Ahmad Khan . Mohd lqbal r M.A.Jinnah 5. Discuss the Ram Manohar Lohia's role in social revolution. 6' Write an essay on militant nationalism of Tilak, Aurbindo and Bhagat Singh. 7. Wrlte a note on Anti coloniatTribal movements in tndia. 8. Write an essay on Bhudan Movement. 9. Discuss Gokhle Socia-political reforms. 10. Write a note Subash Chandra Bose's'Nationalism. 'futor Marked Assignmen t ASSI GNMENT: POLITICAI SCIEANCE-V Course Code: BPS- 05 Course Title: - Modern Indian Political Thought Scssion:- 2014-f5 Maximum Marks:- 30 Attempt any sIX Questions, choosing one from the ten euestions betow. Il'fi t{qrq. oreferyfi€r aen nq-ffi eqft-iRffi €-{dq}q qT ft{+er 1 t ftfuq rtrEfr rft d wq-Gr vq qrurng s erqwun +t .qr€il dfuq r 2 3 \rq.Yq. Trq d ffi-cqefr qrcrflqrq w ftqoft dftq st=r 4 ffifuf, q t ffi qtr d tnffi6. sTrdmq tt Tfu4T +t endqqrFrs vwr sq;r r I qrgTT 1. qflftq : Tfi *q_E 3r6SK EIFT 2. fi-5rq-q EE'qr6T 3. qq.g, ft-iqT IR;r 5 r$I 6 Itq;I 7 geil I Irq;T qwf I 10 r+6T dltr{n sT rrrqrfum' s{r+d-q q Tft-6r +t qrrsr qifrq frtrr. orrffi qq cr.rf, fti6 d sna-6-{r-fr qiqqrE qy ft{*T truq qmd fr GffiiRm ffitfr q{qrffq oTrqtffi qft ftFTUft el&q T{rt aTr;qtd-{ tr{ ft-{.eT frfuq qrq r f dfrq? "MSffigtrnrrrqqf g?TIq qq qls fr qEna w ftquft qift'q r r r 'l'utor l\{arked Assigtment ASSIGNMENI' : O^OCIOLO G Y-I V Cource Cadc: BSO_ 04 Session:- 2014-15 C'our.se litle: - SOCISL PROBLBM IN INDIA tYI'IAIIIIIIfI Maxirnum Marl<s:_ 30 Affornnl any oh,, SIX cr\r Attcmpt ^eucsfion s, choosing one li.onr the fen euestions belory. 1 what are the imprication of high fertirity for the famiry and society 2 qt{-d*3ih €qrfr +.fr(r rnil d;ar ffi5}}[?:fiH:1,:focial $r+IrRfiqffid 3 4 5 6 t T& il-d T;r€qr:tt 10 tra'sformalion and criticaly evatuate the revorurionary set Hsifqqn-q* *.mi6.un6ffrsrfrfir gv at r6rE(r. ** ;31*fu-i * **, fi ar Briefly discuss probiems faced by women working in unorganized sector. tt{ ffia sft(' q'tr dt arrr*rcft 3rkdt ;; q.." fir ar r& v*rsqr:*.w u-ql, Explain briefly rnain causes for the failure to imprement raws in unorganized sector. qi* ffiur f,rR(r. * ry m) mz1 s.+ '' $o*$ain *.ryq 6*qr Fr dfrw what are the rnain causes of student unrest in contemporary in rndia? rrr*rdfa rrrs dl eir*i *:riEtr_ l::jt" *G-;* sqr t... constraint on women imposedivthe caste structure and the crass drfr dc{ar 3il-{ Eat i{ftn {drr What s{*? 9 *.qqr renE Ft$ i- qfterur sRKr. Define minorities and rist three probrems faced by minorities in lndia? 3rfr#€qol qt qfu+rft=a *-ce ,Ynt 8 s-r +ztr q*q are the reasons for upward s Eiilw fir qea*t t }TfdfiBfi w srfr .r$ +fqt swing," ."O".rr"s in lndia? €dfr?r d-d JJ."# Write shorr note on pastoraland catfletrerdingtribe, Tl'frur 3ik dm{it fir qrfrt arfi ffi-q{ *qr wr t t.. (ftfi-dr*"a ;fr- Rfu(,... what are the provisions for minority rights enshrined in the constitution? sBqa * frfu 3iixn+sqq. 3{fisRt *- frv # rrqqm t... 'futor Marked Assignment ASSIGNMENI': SOCIOLOGY-V Coursc Code: BSO- Course Title: - SOCIOLOGICAL TI{OLJGI{T 0S Session:- 2014-1S Maxirnunr Marhs:- 30 Atfernpt any SIX Questiorrs, choosing one from the ten euestions belorv. 1' Write brief essay on the Max Weber's protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism. *"rraqr 6r E-sfun fraid 3*{ ttrqrq *r srran r{ ffifrq frtiu 6po.. 2' . Distinguish between the utititarian, the positivist and the idealist basis of social action given by parsons. qRa q--dRr srqrho erRBfrqt * wzitfiarqrE, 3rr?rcn6 3itr 3ilEel-drE * R-qid +ch:fff+-qur sfrrr... 3' Do you agree with Malinowski's claim that magic is kind of substitute activity. lllustrate your answer with suitable examples. C#dr*fir 4' * 6-r drET *I dr{w- il{6 qr yFr=rnr+' p*qr*anr t *, nr ura * snq 1r64f, Ht sq{qr r{relrur *. unr s*=u*, Discuss briefly Durkheim's views on ttre relation between society and individual 6 consciousness. Ffil'i ft qmio +d-dr *. frq *. riiiu 5. write criticar essay on mark's dqrrra qr sE {iq,q *.-qTqCffi *. 6' * ffi .r{ iR.d vH qarr =rd *r Rgia r cr< "rt ffiF 3rh d-{ dciiRa erffifut * *{ s}q qdr$(rr What are the Veblen,s views on social changes? ffi Hr What is indology? Name some of the indologists and briefly discuss their contributions to lndian sociology? eTrffiflE ryr tt F€s sTll*dRE ffit h ;rnr ildri 6q' eTrff{r s;ilEr d r{h $rd. *rrqtaq{ur1frHvt 9. uat mR* trreory of cran conflict. srqrh-*- qftq-fd tr{ *EtrdT * kdru 8' E{Sff Distinguish between logical and non-logical actions, as discussed by Vilfredo pareto. ffis 7. qq Discuss Durkheim's views on forms of sociar soridarity. $rfrrR#'r'+ar*.sq 6rdrr * R-{R trtrF(rl 10' How did Redcliff-Browns field work differ from that of Malinowski,s? s tsfutr srsd €r..= E* qrs Rrr|ft6-qur I flffiffir qT t Rt * t o 'l'rr tor. lVl arkcd Assignnren t ASSIcNMI4N'I': I SLAMIC ST'UDIIIS-IV Coursc Codc: BISLS-4 C0ttt'se l.itle: - tslanric lr,cligiou.s Session:- 2014-15 Sciences :(A)'I'al,sir a11d l1a4lith Maximunr Mar.ks:- 30 Attempt any sIX Questions, choosing one fi.orn thc ten euestions trelow. l ' What do you undersranci by Tafseer and discns.s its importance in rhe fielcl of Islamic Srudies. 2' Define Tafseer and discuss its develoirment cluring the period of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 3. Write a detailed note on Imam Razi and his contlibution in the field of Tafseer. 4. Write a critical note on Tafsir-e- Tabri. 5. Write a note on Tafseer ..Tafheem-ul-eur'an". 6. Discttss the role of Maulana Ashraf Ali l'hanvi irr the field of Tafseer. ' What do you utderstand by l{adith and discuss its significance in lslam. 8. write a'article on the historical compilatio'of Hadith 9. Write a note on the achievement of Imam Bukhari in the field of Hadith. 10" Gi'e a brief introduction of Siha-e-sittah and their compilers. 7 TUTOR MARKED ASSIG \TtfEI{T: ISLAMIC S TUDIES Course Code: BISLS-IV Islemic Religious Sciences: (A)Tafsir and Hadith Session: Z0l4-lS Maximum Marks: 30 +c s?S qq-d q{{ d Btr{ *fuq I isfi }rrfr d s6 srrr{ tr f q-fi flsrfiT t enq rqr rr{sfr t? €RTfr6 m#m t gs d qrs fir quf-c 61fr\ 2 iTwffr sfi qRqrqr efrq .xq fsq-q fflo) d ora t Ers d r{Tfr 6-r qofq frlftT 3 drr$-{ s e'tr fr qqp ql .fi d ord qr qo fl{qd +c frffi I 4 f,wffr e-qft q{ tl-o errcTtfirtrfi q}e ftfuq s drnrfty dq$g.{ €wrq q{ qs. =il-e ftfof 6 f,q-{ft-r d a}r t q)fiTiT GTqr$D' ora an-rft d 6rrtr oT aqf eifuq z F*s t orm cqr wrsrd g efti Wmrq t eq] o-r trqT qre t? B a*tT d qffir6 ri6-i{-{ qy T+. fuq ftfuq e 6*-$ + s}-* fr gqrq gqrfr tn1 sq-oerrt w gfi ele ftfuq 10 Qws R'{mT oih s{ d rfTr6 ofrfun ml r+f*q qR-d-q €ft\ | I Tq=T - 'IFI q'fi v$q qw eFI swr e-FI f r r r r | ASS] Course Code: tsISLS-S G Tutor Marked Assignment NMENT: ISLAMIC STUDIBS.V Cource Title: - Islamic Religious Scienccs :(B) Fiqh, Tasawrvuf ,Kal:rnr Maximum Marks:- 30 Session:- 20I4-15 Attempt any SIX Questions, choosing one from the ten Questions belon'. I. Defin'e the Fiqh and discuss its basic sources. 2. Write an articie on the developneur 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I 0. of fiqh during the period of holy prophet and pious caliphate. Write a note on the life of Imam Abu Flanifa and his services in the field of Fiqh. Write a note on the shafai FiqbWrite an arlicle on Maliki school ofthoqhWhat do you understand by Tasawwuf and discuss its trigin e"rd derrelopment. Write an article on the development of Chishtiyab sufi order in India Discuss the origin and development of N4shbandiyah sufi orderWrite a note on Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani and his contribution in the field of 'l'asawwuf. Write all essay on the life and services of Hasan Basri. TUTOR MARKDD ASSIGNMENT: ISLAMIC STUDIES Course Code: BISLS-V Islamic Religious Session: 2014-Ls =he grfi sqfr d vdffi {frgt H!fi rrdt d Sciences : (B) Fiqh, Tasawwuf &Kalam .i-+, gcrrq Maximum Marks: 30 gl 1 fit-€ aT qR'rTqr €tfuq *t ss d StFc'ro #f tnT sd#s qifrq 2 dffiq (vro) d grr sil"{ ffi q;ftrfl t frt€ of v-qft q{ at5 ftqt1 ftfuq 3 sqrq 3r{ 6fis.r ;iq frffi d et{ t vq d 6.rd trt q-6 *-a ftfuq 4 wF{ fu-€ q{ Tn +d fr&q s qrffi fr;-e qs \q. Rdq ftfoq 6 n-sqw t ernq qqr irrrsa-S B? ss{ d vqTq qq ftqr{T tbt qqf +tfuq 7 sl{f,-d frRdql Wt ffi d frenm{ qq \rfr ftdq ftfu! I q-rqrqftqr qtbt ffi d vqrTq q-q ft-mrfi zb1 Tqf afiRq e qls Br-€a iFIRq ffi otq arrq.n d Onqw A e)_a t vq d 6rqT qt qfi. *d fttu\ ofrq g-{ S ffTqT rR qr6 fttteT fufuq 10 E-{Fr eo-fr q,T ffi r I r t I t I I I t Tutor Marked Assignment Assignrnent: Economics III Year PeperCode: BECO-04 Session: 2AM-201s Course Titlc: Industrial Development in India Max Marks: 30 Atfempt any six questiorrs. AII quesfions carry equal marks, List out in detail the various indicators of economic development Briefly discuss the impact of globalization on Indian industry. sketch the structurc of Indian industries at the time of independence. Examine the role and functioning of any two major large scale industries. What is Corporate Governance? How far this has been effective in the Indian industrial scenario? What are flreir shortcomings? What are the various aspects which are considered before determining prices olindustrial plo4gcts in India? Examine the detail the process of indusnial finance of the large scale industries in India. 'Industrialization in India has created widespread regioml imbalance... Critically'evalumeBrie0y dirclrc rry fro3 Dwindliry role ofTrade Uni)ns Obsol€te Indrstial fBdstaims Fringe benefits 'Iulor Marked Assignnrcnt Assigunrcnts Econonrics III year oii ;;;;il;;;;;il;;;il:-"l;:rr;:;;;;;,*;: ' l 2' - Max Marks: 30 Distinguish l:etween Prirnary a.nd Sciondary dara. Give a 6rief account of the vr!'v' chief r"vlrrvur nrethods ot"collecting Primary data and bring out their nrerits and dernerits. The following table shows that rnonthly expenditure of 80 students of a University Calculate aritlnnetic mearl starldard deviation alrd coefficicnt of variation oftlre above. 3' (a) Explain (b) tte meaning of skewness using sketches of frequency curve. calculate Karl pearson's coefficient of skewness from trre data Ilourly Waecs (Rs,t 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 6d- *5 6 T r0 oo 25 '10 r00-t' t0 I t0-t20 r 20- 130 YCn Oetowl below No. cf worLprc ---60 Calculate lhc correlation coefficieni frc,nr tfte lbllowing results t0: N=10 fX=350 ty=3r0 I(X-rs;?=162 I(Y-:t):=:zz q l(x-3s) (y-31) Also find the regression line ol. (a) Briefly explain = e2. y on X. rhe three approaches ro.probability. O) A problem in statistics is given to three students A, B and C whose changes of solving it are l/3, and I/5 respectively. Find the probability that the problem will be solved if they all try independently. ll4 6. 7. 8. : A die is tossed tri'ice. Getting 'a nurnber greater than 4' is considered a success. Find the mean and variance of the probability distribution oithe number of success.. Distinguish between; Sysrematic and srmtified sampling 9. b. Simple Hyporhesis and Compositi t"typothesis Type I and Type Il error !: Given the following infonnation relating to two ptaces, A and B, test whether there is any significant difference between their mean wages (ai 5% lcvil of significance):
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