OFV )NTRACTUAL BASIS. Place of posting Designation Ren uneration Age Educational lualification Fixed) Es ;ential: 1. Xll th Pass Data Entry Operator (01 No.) Nancowrie Rs.1 1000/-pm+ Rs. 1000/- pm lard area AS al 3Wance Not Above 40 Years 2. Diplomaic rtificate course Application In comp ter from tt : recognized institute. De ;irable: L Graduate with computer Knowledoe Interview details: Place of Interview: Car Nicobar Date Name of the Pc 15t0412015 !. Data Entry o ;t Vel ue erator Office of the Dis 'ict Programm Goordinator,(Dt ) Car Nicobar, Time 10.30 AM Nicobar )istrict 1. Original Mark Sheet and c ficates in support of 12tn Pass Certificate, Employr Card. Professiona ( t ucational qr fication etc. rtions. Eg., Experience Certificate. General Information: 1. Interested candidate may . pply to the District Pro Commissioner), MGNREGA, I mqnreoa.nicobar@omail.com While attending the interview fc eligibility and other norms and r 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. inator (Deputy icobar District or can send their applicatir n by email lD:r mohd0031 @qmail.com on or before 10/04 2015. shor rld ensure that e/she fulfills the hat the particulars furnishec by him or her rre correct in all 'the post, the applicant respects. lnterested candidate shall be r :ady to work in remote/har< areas and wh rn directed also may have to travelto remote/hr 'd area as and when require L This appointment will be purell on contract basis which is ikely to be extt nded on mutual consent and this does not conf rr any righU privilege for reg rlar appointmer : or continuity of service. No TA/ DA shall be paid for ap rearing in the interview. Inte ested candidat, are required to make their travel arrangement i t their own cost. The candidates may contact tr Shri. Srinivas, Asst. Liaiso r Officer of the DC, Nicobar in office the Assistant Commissir ner(Settlement), DC office, South Andama r, Port Blair for IVo. is other informatior . The con obtaining Landing permit 9434297 1 20/993327 61 20 Shri. Mohammed Rafique, Pr )gramme Officer, MGNRE iA, Car Nicob )r contact no. 9434270026, may be contactec for further details. and 7. lact IN CASE IF IT IS DETECTED AT ANY STAGE OF SELECTION THAT A CANDII 'ATE DOES NOT FULFILL THE ELIGIBILITY I ORMS AND/OR THAT HI /SHE HAS FI RNISHED ANY INCORRECT/FALSE INFORMAT f,N OR HAS SUPPRESSED \NY MATERIAL FACTS, HIS OR HER CANDIDATURE WILL STA] D CANGELLED. IF ANY OF I IS/HER SHORT COMING IS/ARE DETECTED EVEN AFTER SE .ECTION HIS OR HER SE RVICES ARE TERMINATED WITHOUT ASSIGi ING ANY REASON THEREOF -IABLE TO BE a) \r../ /W t lrahrie Officer MGNREGA, Nicobar ;t, Car Nicobar INTMENT DATA EN Passport Size Photo Name of the applicant (in Father's/ Husband's name Sex (Male/ Female) Date of Birth (As recorded in Qualification Certificate) Educational Qualification Experience, if any Postal Address/Phone/ Mobi I hereby declare that the information furn above by true and correct to the best my knowledge and be .ldo any information is being false or incorrect or after my is liable to be cancelled in this application are and that in the event of , my candidature by legal action. Place: Date: nature of the candidate) f{cJ€ Fc t +E<q d rtqrfr dR rR=TrrI fit'n. enqn ft-+ien ftrd qEi'ot er-atfu gll crf rrfq-fi'tRrr dls ; qfarf,t IItRTfi Effdr 1 *ct ('el 3fict-r (or €) fc.d qf ra qq-t $. ild-dfft 11.00 *a cl /,4 ,/ - -ts cnlo.1 ildfucs. ooo/- +o dFefi qra Q uc{ 3;r9? J TSt +tC'r iwftc' fl;I *gtarr nt lierd{fit frtu F+tur' ifettir: +,n ffifsr tftl in arr r 15t04t2015 iEr tfr 3tr q,t+frI Fqnr gJT|t raqa'6fr) ta{ 10.30 AM n ft+tsr. frfrr t. u161o zft .qartsqridfrqa or5, aqm Trfufi mr{f,r 3Trfr 3n 1. T@F TF frcdn frm +.r+*.q qrft' strd ritr q-qrur 3Flettr Tqlq q=r rE tzfi crs trffIU q1" grq|;q gqal grid;d - z. .F{ F+-A t mohd003' @qmail.com t 3il efl * ffi rdt-rn fr*ilqr trqr 3. F6+-5F7 frqrt qrei ,,e f,dd frqI qr-dr t fu qs gtFnzr ficII 4. {fl FBtrt r t':nc$ F6? ffir ffiaqt Ftdwr +'Rq mr$ w frrctr sq t loqr aK': IIT s. +t$ fivld Kr greilffiT{ d qf qt sTc fi qnr f,r acqt :EIT * 6. Tffiq-cRT o-l dBq qrf ra 3l sMr, i cs* a& 94942971 jl ffiqR ffrr mqnre rc/oq/201s tTf,A ;r u+fr fr('Ere IIFF'R fr'rm *i w gTricm al qr sil { Ts+'trnr !r+ gd 6? t qr rst'vafr vqlfi fr gt 5raif6'g+ qE r orar d Tr{q{fi gvrga4. €d-d $Tfgt Hr r aitr 3la?r ql rcd d T.t f,q'{f, m-{dr qf iI'aefl s& f +rq *a4 *'ft('tqr f{r 3it-{ rg afi frtlr "TRq (rs I d 6fu;r zqr+rro * at{ I qrdr 6TdT s+frFr aq frv dri fi ,isTr+dr I 3it{ {s +qr f,r frqF-d tr *'3{r?JR fr qt fr*sTFfrK c-qrd rfi ;rar Fr d q I ed, Eftu ,^+ I \'tg+111, -lJ9lc 1q\ 7. s'R ffiq r d sTrrrff, +' .tr{ { (--\ CI,l HL{(D -l E7 9434270026 't'd G( T i ili *. R(' dt"t ilmr Ft m'rgfl-q-cr* +'R(r:rrq?qfi tr staq dr+fiift qrE-d 7/9s33276120 o-rqi-dq c mri t'R(' ,ff gffi ffiEr ri 1T6ru-O ergi t,iqfi m-{ ss-i l *eeqE {6ro, orffifr 3i +.rfr, qatrn, r nt fi fuqr ar u-+-ar tr . tr FatrrT, rqri + ,fi1 Er€-, tu-Sfrq rS dl qA r'o's I q;rarT qrdidt d qrt * -t / d Ffr lft q5r gsF ra fucr zrql t ?IT IiF: | ,fi TrFrft dldt sr+ qr J #t dqdrft ' .ITqIrI dsil qqa fi irkl 5l rfi qr rrSI trfl q f+ffi eft *n q qdr ilrnqr dr aan' ftar r rficd fr-qr qr qr rar 3 {iqfi (ftv-en; ffiqR grzr Fdtrn *'ildd idr (rfr ffi.{ tta 3nrrrt t ffrr Ecvzcr l- ' rcr(rqEr {\Y rr --5---' r=-.rr} -rraltftl "-'5- frq crgqH cTrfirq sH t ve-gm tilwr o-rot fugq3il+fiqfr sd5tr fuRfr frr)q sfr neTr {"f t t 5S wot t vffi o-) Gl-ffifirt qT T{E fuqr w,fr t6qq oi .rao iDT qrq-fiffi nen frr+ri uq"f crqT .rq d tfr wwrl TEIFT: ftqi.F: rl (s+{o-r or awre-t)
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