Gold Wing Road Riders Association “ Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge” Mall City Wings News and Reviews Great Lakes Region D • Chapter MI-D • Wing News By Dave Wing Chapter Director Hello Funseekers. T his issue isn't talking so much about the fun that we will have but the fun and memories that we had with Bill Hendrick and of course his bride Ruth. We are dedicating this newsletter to Bill and all the pleasant memories that we shared with him. I haven't been riding with our group this past month as I have been in northern New York riding. On my way home I was thinking about what to write about this month. Then I got home and opened my emails to see the sad news about Bill. My mind shifted to thinking about him and the memories that we have shared with him and Ruth. They may not be in order as my memory might not be as accurate as it once was. I first met Bill and Ruth during my first gathering that I attended at the Old Country Buffet in Portage. Dee Miller greeted me and filled me in a little about the group and introduced me to Bill and Ruth. I believe this was in 2006. Shortly after that was our District Rally in Midland which I thought was a good thing to attend. I didn't know anyone else that was going so I packed up my tent and headed for Midland. On the way it started to rain so I July 25, 2015 Chapter Gathering Comstock Community Center 6330 King Highway Comstock, MI 8:30 a.m. Donuts 9:00 a.m. Meeting Ride to be determined • July 2015 stopped at a rest area and along came Bill and Ruth. I wasn't sure but I thought they might have been the people that I met at the gathering. Sure enough it was. Bill right away asked me to join them. They were staying at the Holiday Inn but took me to the fairgrounds as I didn't have a GPS yet. In fact I didn't even have a dew rag which Bill noticed right away and gave me one that he had and told me to keep it. I thought they were just a fashion statement so Bill filled me in on their purpose. I still have and wear Continued on page 2 Come ride with us! All bikes are welcome. Mall City Wings that dew rag. In fact I wore it on the way home from New York. When the rally was over they came by the fairgrounds and led me home. I think Bill realized that I didn't have much experience touring and he started sharing his knowledge with me. I did find that "Ruth GPS" could override the one on the bike. I had a very enjoyable time and experience with them which made me want to come back and be a part of our group. Another memory I had was going on my first men's campout. We meet at the BP gas station on D Avenue and always leave at 8:30 am sharp. On the way someone asked about another man not being there and by Bill’s response of “Oh I told him we were leaving at 9:00,” I thought Bill didn't want him to ride with us. I found that was just his sense of humor. During the same trip, we went to a restaurant where the group ate breakfast every year. The waitress came over and planted a big lipstick kiss on the top of Bill's forehead. I guess that was something that one of the guys planted in her head on a previous year which became a ritual. It seems like that has happened at other restaurants too. Bill always took it in stride and may have laughed harder then the rest of us. June 2015 Page 2 I remember Bill and Ruth being our "Couple of the Year" and riding all over to other chapter meetings and rallies. Last August at the site of my accident, Bill was there using his EMS training to cut off my glove and bandage my hand. I remember looking up and seeing him. He was 90 at the time doing care for someone else. I guess we kind of thought that he would always be there with us. Depending on your beliefs maybe he will be riding with us. At least in our minds. I am sure we will fondly think and talk about him for years to come. Bill was like a magnet drawing people to him. Always interesting and willing to share a story or information. You did have to listen carefully and keep your mind sharp or you might miss some of his humor. I will miss him. Mall City Wings June 2015 Page 3 May Gathering By Dee Miller O n a soggy May 30, we had a small group of 14 with one motorcycle in the parking lot, and it wasn't Chaney's. It was Tony who left home in dry conditions. Both Dave and Wendell were out of town leaving Roger to conduct the meeting which started at 9 am and concluded at 9:16. (TAKE NOTE DAVE) We planned Friday rides, asked members to take raffle tickets (no takers), talked about the decision regarding Parade of Homes, and upcoming rides and rallies. Tony gave us an update on Lois and her recovery from back surgery. Marge is also recovering from surgery. Get well wishes to both of these ladies. Prayers to Bill who wasn't feeling up to joining us. For Rider Ed, we had a discussion about visibility and accessories to increase it. Chapter Pride: Donna Simonton 50/50: Tony Salvaggio (for rain gear) Rider Education By Dave Wing own ride." Sometimes the speed or route that the leader is taking may not be to our liking. It is always our option to leave the group, go to the back or just to say that you will meet everyone at the destination. Whatever you decide let someone know what you are doing. Speak up, like Bill would do. B eing safe and mishap free on any ride should be at the forefront of our thoughts when riding. Since this is dedicated to Bill it comes to my mind that Bill and Ruth always wore their gear all of the time. I believe they were wearing full face helmets the first time that I rode with them. When I heard the statement that if you go down and your head hits the pavement that there is a good chance that you will have an injury to your jaw, nose or any skin that is not covered, I knew I would wear a helmet all the time. Still this is a choice just like not wearing a helmet is in a lot of states. Those of us that have had mishaps are glad that we had our full face or modular helmets on. I remember Bill mentioning to people riding behind him that they were riding too close to him for his comfort level. We have to look out for our bodies and safety. Sometimes we may not realize what we are doing and appreciate the info. It might save us too. We always ride staggered in group riding sometimes we forget that too. Of course riding on our Michigan roads we may not be able to ride staggered because of the potholes and road conditions. When riding in a straight line we might think about leaving a little more distance between bikes. When group riding, always have the thought of "Riding your Hope to see you soon on a safe ride. June 2015 Mall City Wings Wendell’s Notes By Wendell Nielsen Assistant Chapter Director Hello "Wingers," I t's with sadness, I write this article for our newsletter. This week our friend Bill Hendrick passed away. In the few years I've known Bill as a member of Chapter D, he always Page 4 had a smile on his face and a gift of welcoming people. I recently read: "success is a journey, not a destination" and this best describes the life of Bill Hendrick. Listening to Bill talk about his journey through life, it was an adventure for him. Bill grew up during the Depression and served in the US Navy during WWII in the Philippines. Bill lived and owned a successful business in Galesburg for many years. Bill's passion for "living life" took him on many journeys, whether flying his airplane or riding his motorcycles. Whether Thursday morning "Old Dog" breakfasts and rides, the Men's Campout in Interlochen, or Chapter rides over the years, your "smile and company" will missed by all. To Ruth and family our condolences for your loss, from your "Goldwing" family. Chapter D Officers Dave Wing Wendell Nielsen Kay Schanzenbaker Open officer position Open officer position Chapter D Team Gary McKee Mike Wood Rusty Shelburne Kathy VanLeeuwen Chapter Director/Rider Ed. Assistant Chapter Director Treasurer Rider Education Membership/Charity Liaison 269-657-2946 269-382-2843 269-962-9437 Sunshine Guy Ride Coordinator Webmaster Newsletter Editor 269-963-6111 517-543-6257 269-324-3695 269-501-3205 MI District Directors Assistant District Directors 989-426-3828 810-397-1813 Region Directors 989-429-9144 Michigan District Directors Bob and Kim Scott Bill and Linda Diffin Region Directors Lee and Kay Tieche Mall City Wings June 2015 Memories of Bill By Bruce & Christy Hughes B ruce and I were once very active in GWRRA Chapter I (Battle Creek), but seemed to get busy with other things after the chapter merged with Chapter D. Nevertheless, Bruce and I have remained very close friends with Bill & Ruth ever since meeting them 910 years ago. We both have wintered in the Zephyrhills FL area for the past five years and during that time, took many rides together, which - as well-trained Goldwingers - almost always included a lunch destination. As many know, Bill is quite a catfish aficionado and I had a lot of fun planning rides designed to take in eateries serving highly rated catfish for Bill within 100 mile radius of Zephyrhills. He taught us about removing the "mud vein" to improve the taste of filet and always made quite a ceremony of it at the table when the kitchen had not already done so. During our meal, he was always able to entertain us with stories of his WWII pursuits, business ventures, and many pleasure trips he took across the country in his vari- ous airplanes and RVs over the years. We also had the privilege of vacationing together in other places, including "Scootercade" in Eureka Springs and on a steam-powered paddle boat cruise down the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers. Bill & Ruth were always full of fun & energy, despite their age, and were a great inspiration to all regarding how to live life to its fullness until the very end. We loved them and will greatly miss our dear friend, Bill. Page 5 Mall City Wings June 2015 Page 6 Bill and the Rio Grand River By Jerry Boody just getting up, and the first thing he said was “did I get any pictures?” I told him no but if he wanted to do it again I would take some but he declined. He was 82 at the time, a tough old guy and I will miss him. I n 2006, we stopped at a steep look out near the Rio Grand River shortly after this photo was taken. Bill lost his footing and fell completely over next to a foot high wall leading down to the river. When I looked back I could not see him, only the bottom of the bike. So I ran down to him and he was Bill and the Landing Gear! By Roger Miller started a lasting friendship. here do you start when talking about a man who meant so much to so many? Bill and I met in 1996 after Dee called him when seeing him as a new member on our membership list. She invited him to come to chapter D's meeting, Bill said he would be ready, and that My favorite memory of Bill was the time Gary Geeting installed Bill’s landing gear on his 1500. After installation we all took a test ride. Gary ended up in a ditch, and I ended up in a guys front yard on my ride. When I got back, Bill W jumped on and immediately ran into the back of Gary's garage, where the dent can still be seen today. Dee and I will miss seeing Bill's smiling face, but know that some day we will meet again. Love you Bill! Mall City Wings Special Days July 7/3 7/4 7/10 7/23 7/26 7/31 Birthdays Richard Freeman God Bless the USA Dale Simonton Gary McKee Leola Inglehart Jean Wing No July Anniversaries Buy or Sell FOR SALE: 2001 Oldenkamp Magneta cargo trailer. Have to check in mirrors to make sure it’s still there going down the road, hauls excellent! Need to make room, I don't need 2 trailers! Asking $350 call Wendell Nielsen at 269-370-4130. Tonneau Cover for 6.5 ft. truck bed $100. Contact Jim Lash at 377-4447. To place an item in this column, email Kathy VanLeeuwen at June 2015 Page 7 2015 Mission Gifts Activities/ Rides Thank you to all members who participate in the Mission Gift drawing and donate the prize to help the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission. June Marge McKee July Dee Lash August Laurie Shelburne September Dee Miller October Lois Salvaggio November Kathy Hausman Please call or email Kay Schanzenbaker if you are going to the dinners for a count for table reservations. Down the Road July 24-25, 2015 Region D Rally Jay County Fairgrounds Portland, IN Michigan District Rally August 20-22, 2015 Osceola County Fairgrounds, Evart, MI Wing Ding 37 September 3-6, 2015 Huntsville, Alabama Region D “Fun at Sea” Western Caribbean Cruise October 24-29, 2015 More into on web site July 11, 2015 10:00 a.m. Mystery Ride Meet at exit 85 July 17, 2015 6:00 p.m. Frankies in Three Rivers Meet at exit 85 July 25, 2015 Chapter Gathering Comstock Community Center 6330 King Highway Comstock, MI 8:30 a.m. Donuts 9:00 a.m. Meeting Ride to Laura’s Little Burger Joint Decatur, MI
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