Mall City Wings News and Reviews Wing News Gold Wing Road Riders Association

Gold Wing Road Riders Association
“ Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge”
Mall City Wings
News and Reviews
Great Lakes Region D
Chapter MI-D
Wing News
By Dave Wing
Chapter Director
Hello all of you fun seekers.
pring has sprung and fall has
fell, and, it is cold as.........use/
u/al. I haven't been doing a
whole lot of fun things myself because of all the little things going
on. I Have started back to work
again. Still a little sore in spots but I
think I am getting better daily. Then
I start hurting in a different spot,
like my knee. That couldn't be old
age could it? You too? Oh well, life
is good and all is well. Thanks for
all of your support and thanks to
Wendell for doing the meeting in
my absence.
Since last meeting we received a
check for $143.50 which was $.35
for each raffle ticket sold. Our sales
were down this year so our check
was smaller.
The picture is of my new 2007 1800
and Bushtec trailer. Ken Burkhalter
is a Gwrra member who lives in
Chelsea, MI. I was having a problem connecting with someone to
take me over there to pick it up and
as luck would have it, his wife
November 2014
wanted to come to the Kalamazoo
museum for a show and being such
a nice day he offered to take one
last ride on his bike and bring it to
me. Since then I took a little ride
and it felt good to get back in the
saddle again. I found this bike for
sale on the Region D website and
saw that it had a CB, ABS and also
an airbag. It only has 29,000 miles
on it and has been well cared for. It
has most of the things that I had on
my old bike plus a few things that I
didn't have like a tire pressure
monitor and gear indicator. In the
pictures it looked white but turned
out to be silver. I feel fortunate to
get this as it was a close replacement with the money from Progressive to buy both the trailer and bike.
Progressive also paid my sales tax
on the new bike, which was a nice
surprise. Oh, and Steve VanLeeuwen’s son is buying my old CB and
Wendell my Cyclemate trailer. So, I
guess several of us benefitted from
this transaction.
This will be the last gathering for
some of you until the warm weather
comes back in the Spring. Have a
nice enjoyable winter in your
warmer climates. I hope to see
some of you in Florida this winter.
It all depends on whether the old
house sells timely. The renters are
out and it is back on the market. If
you know anyone looking for a
Continued on page 2
November 2014
Mall City Wings
Wendell’s Notes
By Wendell Nielsen
Assistant Chapter Director
Hello “Wingers,”
he changing of the seasons
is upon us, the colors of the
trees and the colder temperatures are with us now. As we
draw to a close the 2014 riding season, we will be planning for 2015
rides. Share your favorite ride ideas
so we can put them on the calendar
for next year. Let us know if you
have some roads that we haven’t
traveled before and want to add.
Wing News
For anyone interested, the fall officers meeting will held November 8
at the Bay Valley Resort, 2470 Old
Bridge Rd, Bay City, Michigan.
Anyone can attend the meeting, you
don’t have to be an officer!
Page 2
Before we know it the holidays will
be with us, let’s enjoying time spent
with family and friends. After several unsuccessful attempts to make
arrangements for our chapter
Christmas dinner in Marshall, we
will be gathering at the Ten- Ten
Buffet at 5282 Gull Rd on Saturday,
December 6 at 4:00 pm. So plan on
joining everyone for good fun and
Remember it is the season to prep
the “Wings” (except for the snow
birds!) for a long winter here in
Michigan, hopefully not as bad as
last winter!
Ride safe and have Fun!
house in Paw Paw, send them my
I hope we have a chance to get a
couple more rides in this fall yet. If
any of you get the urge let me
know. We may even put together
an impromptu ride.
Please keep in mind the thought of
going to a rally as a group next year.
Wing Ding would be nice, but any
rally will do. I have missed riding
and being with you guys this fall. So
keep in touch, I enjoy hearing from
you and seeing you.
Thanks to Wendell for working on
the Christmas party. More to follow
Ken Burkhalter arriving at Dave’s with
the bike and trailer.
Chapter D Officers
Dave Wing
Wendell Nielsen
Dee and Roger Miller
Chapter Director/Rider Ed.
Assistant Chapter Director
Membership/Charity Liaison
Kay Schanzenbaker
269-962-9437 or
Sunshine Guy
Ride Coordinator
Newsletter Editor
Chapter D Staff
Gary McKee
Mike Wood
Rusty Shelburne
Kathy VanLeeuwen
Michigan District Directors
Bob and Kim Scott
Bill and Linda Diffin
MI District Directors
Assistant District Directors
Region Directors
Lee and Kay Tieche
Region Directors
Mall City Wings
Rider Education
By Dave Wing
Chapter Director
t this time of the year we
are starting to think about
getting our bikes ready for
storage and preparing them properly for the coming months. Our
manual talks about changing the oil,
pulling the spark plugs out and filling each cylinder with a tablespoon
November 2014
of oil and then turning the motor
over with the kill switch off. Then
charge the battery, clean and wax
the bike and put a light coating of
oil on any chrome to prevent rust
from starting. Make sure all of your
fluids are the proper levels and up
to date. I have heard also that having the tires on cement in one spot
isn't good for the tires and can
cause a little flat spot on them. I
have put the bike on the side stand
and put a thin board under each tire
to keep it off the cement. Also put
Page 3
stable or a like product in the gas
and keep the battery on a battery
tender. I know the best idea is to go
to a warmer climate and keep riding
all winter. They also recommend
changing the oil in the spring in
case there is any moisture that has
occurred. This is also a good time
to look for any loose parts and
check normal wear items like brake
pads. Inspect your tires for wear
and look for anything abnormal.
Stay safe and happy riding!
September Gathering Notes
By Dee Miller
endell was put on short
notice that he would be
running the show today. I think he said that he headed
for home at 4am so he would be
back in town on time for our meeting. Thanks Wendell. Twenty-one
members present this morning.
We had fun sharing adventures at
Region D rally and on the excursion to Brown County. Tony endured some good natured bantering
over the air pressure (or lack of) in
his tires when checked before they
were replaced. It was a good topic
for a rider education discussion.
Today was the last meeting for Bill
and Ruth who are heading to their
Florida home October 1st. They
are safely there. Gary and Marge
had a tree fall on their house and
garage during the last storm. Last
report the kitchen ceiling is fixed,
but Marge has to wait 3 weeks to
There is no date and place determined for a fall officers' meeting. October will begin the 10am
start time for our meetings until
spring. Ideas were suggested for a
Christmas dinner. Wendell said he
would make calls, and we can make
a decision at the October meeting.
Mission gift won by Kathy
VanLeeuwen. Chapter Pride went
to Jan Smith. 50/50 won by me
and Harold.
Hendricks and Langers were the
only riders who headed to Cranes
Orchard. I heard that the wait was
so long to eat there, that they left
and went to Fennville.
This is it for me. We are heading
west on the 9th. We will keep in
touch with updates in case anyone
is interested to hear how warm and
sunny Arizona is!!! Until spring.
Mall City Wings
Special Days
November Birthdays
11/5 Harold Burgan
11/10 Dave Wing
11/17 Laurie Shelburne
11/19 Steve VanLeeuwen
November 2014
Mission Gifts
Thank you to all members who
participate in the Mission Gift
drawing and donate the prize to
help the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission.
Kathy Hausman
November Lois Salvaggio
Buy or Sell
Tonneau Cover for 6.5 ft. truck bed
$100. Contact Jim Lash at 377-4447.
11/17 Charles and Norma Futrell
11/19 Gary and Marge McKee
11/26 Jim and Dee Lash
11/26 Larry and Kathy Hausman
Two rear wheels for a wing $75.
Rivco hitch $200, and the take off
parts from a trike conversion. Call
Bob Hartbarger at 517-499-6926.
Page 4
October 25, 2014
Chapter Gathering
9:30 a.m. Coffee and Donuts
10:00 a.m. Meeting
Ride Planning Session to follow
Ride to Essenhaus
November 7, 2014 - 6:00 p.m.
Player’s Grill, Augusta
November 21, 2014 - 6:00 p.m.
Reds Grill, Kalamazoo
November 29, 2014
Chapter Gathering
9:30 a.m. Coffee and Donuts
10:00 a.m. Meeting
To place an item in this column, email
Kathy VanLeeuwen at
Give Thanks for family and
friends and enjoy your holiday!