FE B 20 1 5 MAAA Logo. MODEL AERONAUTICAL ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA QUARTERLY MAGAZINE Wingspan NEWS AIRCRAFT AEROBATICS OUT AND ABOUT SAFETY MATTERS EXPLORING AEROBATICS LEARN THE SKILLS FOR THIS EXCITING SPORT A MASTER BLASTER AN ENTHUSIAST WITH A PASSION FOR RC TANKS NEW MAAA QUALIFICATION SILVER WINGS ENCOURAGES NEW MODELLERS MAAA Logo. FEBRUARY ON THE coVER WING SPAN president’s report What a start to 2015! We’ve seen EXPLORING AEROBATICS President: Neil Tank momentum building for the MAAA throughout 2014 and into 2015 for the organisation. We’ve been MAAA EXECUTIVE working hard to change the way we communicate with members and to see our sport grow. I have received President: many complementary remarks and Mr Neil Tank emails from members advising of their president@maaa.asn.au satisfaction with the direction we have taken and the improvement in the communication process. 07 Many favourable comments have been received in regards Vice President: to Wingspan and this feedback from our member’s is really Mr Carl Bizon encouraging. On the January 11, we joined forces with RCM News, Betta Electrical and the hobby industry to present the F1 Air Race at MASTER BLASTER NEW MAAA QUALIFICATION vicepresident@maaa.asn.au Sandown Race Course, Victoria. The event not only highlighted aeromodelling but also other radio control activities, including dragsters, military vehicles, drift cars and boats. The event was Secretary: Mr Kevin Dodd secretary@maaa.asn.au a huge success and attracted in excess of 2,000 members of the public. See you there next year. 09 06 Competition Rules Secretary: RCM News extraordinaire Stephen Green played a key role Mr Ross Cant organising the event and bringing together some of Australia’s techsec@maaa.asn.au top pilots. 03 05 06 07 PRESIDENT’S REPORT What a start to 2015! The MAAA has a busy year planned sAFETY MATTERS Take extra care during the hot summer months silver wings Change to the wings recognition program encourages new flyers the excitement of aerobatics MAAA member Peter Bryne shares his experience of scale aerobatics 09 12 13 14 master blaster! RC enthusiast David Sipus is passionate about anything remotely controlled Model Engines Formula 1 Showdown Pilots go head to head and experience the adrenaline rush of flight. out and about Pictures of the action at the F1 Air Race at Sandown out and about MAAA members help St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School students learn about aerodynamics Small events also demonstrate the progress of the organisation Treasurer: in attracting the next generation. In this edition’s Out and About Mr Brian Dowie section you’ll see MAAA members in action at St Margaret’s, a prominent Queensland girls’ school, encouraging young people treasurer@maaa.asn.au to enjoy our sport. High on the list of events this year is the 2015 68th MAAA Nationals to to be held in Queensland from April 9 to 19. For those contemplating entering, don’t be hesitant, the MAAA Nationals Enquiries about Wingspan, including advertising, feedback and story ideas can be emailed to editor@maaa.asn.au is for everyone, from the novice to the serious competitor. Head over to the nationals website www.maaaevents.org.au to find out more now. Remember, if your club is inviting members of the public to an event, feel free to advertise it on the MAAA website! Go to: http://www.maaa.asn.au to add your event. 03 MAAA Logo. president’s report CONTINUED... FEBRUARY AUGUST MAY WING WING WING SPAN SPAN SPAN SAFETY MATTERS SAFETY POINTS FOR A LONG HOT SUMMER. WHEN IT IS STILL 30°C AT 5PM IN SOME PARTS OF THE COUNTRY, IT’S TIME TO TAKE EXTRA CARE AT THE FLYING FIELD. AS SUMMER HASN’T FADED, REMEMBER TO CONSIDER YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY AT THE FIELD. The F1 Air Race event was a huge success and attracted in excess of 2,000 members of the public. See you there next year. In our efforts to reflect feedback from one powerful voice, and offers you so much members in the 2014 Members’ survey, the more than just insurance, with management MAAA have an exciting announcement. We have support, expert advice and advocacy. For those been working towards creating Silver Wings and new to the sport, at MAAA clubs you will receive will be launching this qualification across our the best advice, instructors, knowledge and clubs at the start of the 2015/16 membership a safe environment within our clubs so that renewal period. Further details are on page 6 of everybody can experience the adrenaline rush this edition. and thrill of flight. I’m also pleased to announce that applications Until next time have a safe, fun flight. are now open for the 2015 MAAA’s Club Assistance Scheme. The Scheme will deliver funding to help our clubs provide facilities that will not only benefit members, but encourage all Australians to take part in our exciting sport. The Club Assistance Scheme has previously supported the purchases of fire fighting and mowing equipment and the construction of shaded areas and toilet blocks. Initiatives like the Club Assistance Scheme go a long way towards seeing our sport grow. They exemplify our motto, “aeromodellers helping aeromodellers”. For more information on The MAAA’s Club Assistance Scheme visit www. maaa.org.au. It will soon be time to renew your membership We have been working towards creating Silver Wings and will be launching this qualification across our clubs soon. Safe fun in the sun! Keep your wits about you! • Make sure you don’t dehydrate by having access to plenty of fluids while at the field. Water containers are not what they used to be and there’s a range of new drinking bottles that are aluminium and double-walled (with no spill straws) to keep your water cool. • Take a look at your clothing for the best protection in avoiding sun damage to your skin, which may come back in the future to torment you. Long sleeve light cotton shirts may work and some come in material that has an SPF rating. • If you need to retrieve a model away from the field, consider your personal safety and make sure someone knows where you are going and in what direction. • Take additional care if you intend to operate by yourself and always carry a mobile phone so you can call for help. • Try to avoid leaving models in closed vehicles during the summer months as this can cause problems not only with canopies but electronics, which may then fail at a later date. Pilot safety awareness does not stop by ensuring your electric model is armed in the correct manner and in a safe environment. It does not stop by keeping fingers away from spinning propellers or by not carrying out a ‘radio range check’ prior to the first flight of the day. Taking the time to actually check that the control functions on that new model ARE working in the correct direction, not just ‘waggling in the breeze’, avoids an unsafe operation and embarrassment. The MAAA investigates accidents that occur across the country and it’s really very important when flying model aircraft to keep your wits about you. If your mates aren’t paying attention, remind them and place the safety of yourself and fellow modellers before anything else. Nobody wants a good, fun flight to be spoiled by a trip to the emergency ward. Remember, you can learn a great deal from your fellow flyers who want to see you succeed and enjoy the experience for many years to come. For more information on clubs near you visit the MAAA website at www.maaa.asn.au. with the MAAA, I’d encourage existing members to stay part of our organisation that forms 4 5 MAAA Logo. WING SPAN FEBRUARY FEBRUARY silver wings THE MAAA HAS HEARD WHAT MEMBERS HAVE TO SAY! WE’VE INTRODUCED A SILVER WINGS QUALIFICATION BASED ON YOUR FEEDBACK IN THE 2014 MEMBERS’ SURVEY. WING SPAN THE EXCITEMENT OF AEROBATICS MAAA MEMBER PETER BRYNER TELLS WINGSPAN ABOUT THE EXCITEMENT OF AEROBATICS AND SAYS THAT LIFE IN THE FAST LANE ISN’T AS SIMPLE AS IT SEEMS. BEHIND THE EXCITEMENT OF THE STRIKING SPITFIRE, OR THAT LARGE 100CC YAK, THERE’S A PILOT WHO STARTED WITH A HIGH-WING TRAINER. Silver wings will be applicable to members flying models weighing over 2kg, while the gold wings will remain the same. The MAAA has listened to our cost model to enter the wings system with flying a heavier and possibly Scale aerobatics is a vibrant aspect The truth is that flying a plane is a Practise makes perfect and I’ve been membership and recently changed and hopefully progress up the scale to faster aircraft. of aeromodelling and competitions learned skill that can be done the easy impressed by the small contingent of the wings recognition program to bigger and more powerful models. In the transition period, all members are what make aeromodelling a way or the hard way. The hard way is flyers who attend a field regularly and include a silver wings category, which Silver wings will be applicable to who hold a bronze wing rating will sport as well as a hobby. It’s not easy to do it all on your own. The easy way practice aspects of their flying, and at will commence from July 1, 2015 and members flying models weighing over be provided with silver wings. These to place yourself under the scrutiny is to find out who has done it before open days can show an amazing skill cover model aircraft above 2kg. 2kg, while the gold wings will remain wings will be available, through your of your peers while you try to fly a and who will help you. There are level. the same. The new system will also State Association, at the beginning known sequence you’ve spent all clubs throughout Australia set up for This move comes after extensive allow more flyers to demonstrate of the 2015/16 membership year on year trying to perfect, or to undertake just this situation: To introduce and Most of these pilots have spent hours consultation through our 2014 their proficiency when visiting other renewal of membership. the nervous challenge of flying an develop interest in flying –all forms of practice refining their skills of membership survey and feedback MAAA clubs and participating in MAAA unknown sequence you’ve only seen of flying, whether it’s RC, free flight, control. So apart from flying, they need from clubs that changes to our events. on paper and flown in your head. control line or scale aerobatics. a reliable aircraft and they need a plan proficiency scheme may help Bronze wings will be retained to cover model aircraft below 2kg. MOP027 to improve aspects of their flying. encourage “park flyers” and those Flying tests for both bronze and silver Award of Wings and instructor ratings But scale aerobatics definitely I recommend you find a local club new to the sport. wings will be the same – that is, the will be amended and published closer attracts people to aeromodelling and, and ask for advice. Initially you should It’s one thing to copy what everyone current bronze wings test. The only to the implementation date. with the large number of cheaper RC concentrate on getting off the ground else is doing at the field, but it is The bronze wings category will be differing factor will be the weight of models on the market, it’s easy to be and becoming proficient in landing another to do it exactly when it’s aimed at attracting modellers who the aircraft. The pilot transitioning deceived into thinking that flying is and general flying. You can then called for, and to a set of rules. This is fly models under 2kg. This will allow from bronze to silver wings will have simpler than it appears. move through aircraft to find the right aerobatics. Model aerobatics follows people who want to start off with a low to demonstrate his or her proficiency choice for you. the same principles as full-size 6 7 MAAA Logo. WING SPAN FEBRUARY FEBRUARY WING SPAN master blaster! High-wing trainer Low-wing trainer FMS Yak 54 3D ARTF Sports Aircraft Sport flyer and uses the same Aresti diagrams experienced builder help you check (graphic language to illustrate that the hardware supplied is suitable. manoeuvres) as full-size. Often small improvements from the Once you can control a low-wing standard or manufacturer supplied trainer, the next airframe to equipment can improve reliability. experiment with is a sport-flyer, which These may include making sure is more aerodynamic than a trainer. If pushrods don’t flex in their travel or you work hard and keep refining your that the fastenings to control horns aerobatic skills it will soon be time for Deciding on the type of transmitter are firm and reliable. Using loctite on a larger engine, maybe petrol 30cc or to buy can be a challenge, but this bolts helps to keep them in place, and 50cc. Check your field for any policies is usually a budget driven decision. doesn’t require over-tightening. A drop about petrol planes and larger planes Prices can vary from very cheap (like of CA-glue in screw holes in balsa or as well as sound restrictions that those included in ‘combo’ models) ply reduces the chance of the screws might be in place. up into the thousands of dollars. A pulling out. Small tips like this go a basic 4-7 channel is suitable for most long way towards having a smooth If you are interested in learning more beginners, and can be replaced once flight. you can visit http://www.mini-iac.com So, where do you start? Transmitter you feel ready. High-wing trainer LAST MONTH WINGSPAN PROFILED PATRICK DRAKE, A KEEN MODEL RC SUBMARINE ENTHUSIAST. THIS MONTH WE TALK TO DAVID SIPUS, A PASSIONATE RC ENTHUSIAST WHOSE CURRENT INFATUATION IS MODEL TANKS. HE’S WELL ON HIS WAY TO BEING MASTER BLASTER. A life-long passion for RC... David Sipus shares his explosive enthusiasm for RC Tanks to learn more about scale aerobatics. Low-wing trainer Other interesting sites include: The next type of model in your The progression of models types from progression is called a low-wing http://www.scaleaeros.com.au learner to advanced flying is similar trainer. The Phoenix Scanner is the http://iac.com to full-size. It’s best for beginners to most notable of its type. This model is start with a high-wing trainer because very similar to the high-wing trainer, Tanks right now, trucks soon, but of their stability and self-righting just with the wings underneath. As a tendency with dihedral setup in the What’s your RC? How did you become involved in RC tanks? What is your favourite RC model? anything that can be modelled and Short answer…a friend introduced me That’s a little like asking a parent competent flyer you may still crash can be controlled remotely: aircraft, to them. Long answer…after my sister which of their children they like the wings. These planes are normally a plane like this. It’s just because cars, trucks, tanks and, really, I mean passed away I drifted away from most. I don’t really have a favourite made of foam and can be electric or you’re at the stage where you can take anything. In the past I’ve tried to get RC aircraft. She was a big influence as such, but right now the custom use a small glow engine. Trainers are off and land, but exploring the sky, my hands on old machinery like small ever since the wires of my control modified Walker bulldog DK1 would around 1.8m, taking a 0.40cu-0.60cu doing spins, loops, rolls, low passes excavators and dingos (dingo as in line plane got wrapped around her rate quite high because of its glow motor or equivalent in electric and inverted flying inevitably leads brand name and not the canine) neck when we were children and uniqueness as an RC tank. It’s hard to and the classic balsa or ply style is still to “dumb-thumbs” at the wrong time but no luck…yet. I’ve had fun building she was more concerned about the make work properly, but then that’s popular. and a reduced margin for error. Oops. large-scale dioramas with working subsequent damage to the plane. what I like about it. This started out Flying is unforgiving, and all pilots components to complement the Anyhow, I was looking for something a when I accidentally came across a Once you’ve bought the kit, read the need to know the consequences of tanks. I’ve been working on realistic little less intense and not so reliant on DK1 on the web. I had accumulated instructions and check the contents. taking risks. Take-offs are voluntary, looking tanks in battle situations...… prevailing weather conditions. A new a number of walker bulldogs (very If you are extra patient, take it landings compulsory, but not all Boom. tank club was forming at around the popular RC tank) and decided to cut a with you to a local club and let an landings are controlled. same time. New challenges presented couple up for the modification. themselves and I enjoyed the tanks. 8 9 MAAA Logo. MAAA Logo. WING SPAN FEBRUARY FEBRUARY WING SPAN 10 days. 9 sites. 78 events Are you involved in other RC models like model aircrafts? What models would you recommend for someone just starting out in the sport? I have about 27 odd aircraft, so invaluable source of knowledge. Be prepared that the model you chose to create may not perform as desired. Fliers will know what I mean in the form of true scale planes like the F4U yes. I’ve been involved with aircraft Like most modellers, I will choose a Corsair (also one of my favourites). modelling since the age of five model because of its looks or past Be prepared to sacrifice form for when my father gave me my first associations. I can hear my fellow function or vice versa to get it to work. plane. It wasn’t RC (control line) but club members saying, “Get a Tamia” Get it right and the joy is endless. marked the beginning. I became a others would be recommending Heng fully-fledged RC pilot about 12 years Long (tanks). In short, Tamia if you like ago and in 2008 I became a fix wing to assemble, Heng Long if you don’t. powered flight instructor. Before the Holden-Ford, Pepsi-Coke, the reality tanks and after the aircraft were RC is whatever the heart desires, but Blowing things up! But seriously…as an stadium trucks. My son and I had a without a doubt to fully appreciate RC modeller I love to create. Making go at indoor stadium truck racing. what the heart desires get the best it all look and work realistically. Then I did a stint of full sized speedway radio control system and components kicking back with my fellow modellers racing before getting into RC planes that you can’t afford. I don’t think that who feel the same way. again (back issues put a stop to that). anything can change an opinion about I thought that it might be cheaper to an RC model faster than a radio setup. get into RC planes. How wrong was I! When it comes to modelling it really What’s your favourite aspect of the sport? countdown to the nationals! RADIO CONTROL CONTROL LINE FREE-FLIGHT INDOOR The countdown to the 68th Model Aircraft National Championships in 2015 is underway. Hundreds of the country’s top model aircraft pilots are expected to descend on Queensland’s South-East for the National Championships to be held in April 2015. The Model Aeronautical Association of QLD, in conjunction with the MAAA and host club Tingalpa Model Aero Club, recently launched a new website to celebrate the National Championships. To learn more visit www.maaaevents.com.au comes down to personal preferences and no one should influence that. However, that being said, when it comes to making it work talk to those who know and take notes. Get into a club; other members are an 10 11 MAAA Logo. WING SPAN FEBRUARY FEBRUARY Out & about model engines formula 1 showdown! THOUSANDS ATTENDED THE F1 AIR RACE AT SANDOWN TO ENJOY FAST, FURIOUS AND AFFORDABLE FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. THEY ENJOYED SEEING MODEL AIRCRAFT, DRAGSTERS, OFF-ROAD WARRIORS AND SPEED BOATS IN ACTION ON THEIR DOORSTEP AT SANDOWN RACEWAY. THE MAAA WAS PROUD TO SPONSOR AND HELP ORGANISE THIS GREAT EVENT! WING SPAN find a club Looking for a model aircraft club near you? The MAAA has more than 300 clubs Australia-wide and you can find them all on our website at www.maaa.asn.au Simply click on Membership, Find a club and enter your details - You’ll be taking to the sky in no time! FROM BREAKING A GUINNESS WORLD RECORD FOR FLYING AN RC HELICOPTER ACROSS BASS STRAIT TO RACING JETS UP TO 300KM/H, THERE’S NOT MUCH MODEL ENGINES PURCHASING DIRECTOR NEIL ADDICOTT AND AND MANAGING DIRECTOR MIKE FARNAN WON’T DO TO EXPERIENCE THE ADRENALINE RUSH OF FLIGHT. The two pilots went head to head at the F1 Air Race AFHSS flexibility, impressive 4096 resolution and ultra low Sandown, an event that delivered fast, furious and latency, this affordable, feature-packed transmitter brings affordable fun for the whole family. ease and reliability to all pilots. The Flash 7 allows you to store up to 20 models and has full telemetry capability to Mike Farnan finished second overall in the Cassutt Air Race help you keep your finger on the pulse of all your models. going down by only one second to the eventual winner, Jeremy Randle, over four rounds of intense racing. Hitec products are distributed by Model Engines to retail hobby shops around Australia and are also available online Mike and Neil Addicott were both using the super reliable from www.worldhobbies.com Hitec Aurora 9x transmitter with Hitec Optima 9 AFHSS receivers and they never missed a beep with both pilots completing four rounds in blustery conditions. Get flying fast with the Flash 7 Model Engines’ association with Hitec products continues with their latest release, the Hitec Flash 7 transmitter, which delivers outstanding performance at an unbeatable L to R, Luke Cullen and Lee Seabrook. price. Ideal for beginners and experts alike, with built-in 12 13 MAAA Logo. WING SPAN FEBRUARY FEBRUARY WING SPAN The future of our sport SINCE 2004, THE AEROSPACE EDUCATION AWARDS HAVE BEEN HELD AT QUEENSLAND’S PARLIAMENT HOUSE TO CONTINUE TO HONOUR THE HIGHFLYING ACHIEVERS FROM AROUND THE STATE Industry benefactors from Boeing Defence Australia, Brisbane Airport • Boeing, Brisbane Airport and GE Aviation Teacher Innovation Award Corporation, GE Aviation, the Guild of • Illustrating personal qualities which particularly indicate why the applicant is a suitable recipient of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, Qantas This year the boys from Calamvale Airways, and the Royal Aeronautical Community College entered into the Society presented awards to the Aeroskills scholarship awards which I wish to Congratulate both Mick and winners from Year 10 to 12 at the three scholarships were provided by Sylvester being successful in winning Awards last year. Aviation Australia, ATEA and Boeing a Scholarship each due to their Defence Australia. hard work over the last two years in The awards included: the scholarship. Sylvester Young, Chris Paterson and Mick Adcock entered into the Aerospace awards for 2014 Aeroskills as well as the UAV Challenge. These Awards are Scholarships for • The Spirit of Boeing award • Year 12 Aerospace studies award • Brisbane Corporation Year 11 Award • GE Aviation year 10 Award graduating Yr. 12 students to the value This will now set them up for life as This is a prestigious award, which will of approximately $4,500 each to cover they continue their studies at Aviation provide the recipient with: the student contribution for the 12 Australia and ATAE. For myself, I months formal training including all entered into the Teacher Innovation the theory and off-the-job practical awards. components of an Institutional into an apprenticeship either at award is awarded to a teacher Qantas, Virgin or Boeing Defence. from one of the Aerospace Gateway the provision of professional Schools. This is a significant award development for colleagues; and The students had to complete a 4 min which recognises an outstanding video showing: commitment to teaching excellence • The work they have completed at school in Aeroskills • Qantas Quest Year 11 Award • External activities they have been • Raytheon Innovators Award • Aeroskills Scholarships, proudly sponsored by Aviation Australia, • a leadership opportunity in • the ability to contribute to the in the field of aerospace education. effectiveness of the Aerospace The Award recognises a teaching Gateway Schools Project. professional who demonstrates A big thank you to Mark Tunstall for helping out with writing the This year I was extremely proud to supporting documentation for myself receive the award being placed 1st out and students. of 5 other worthy teachers. aerospace- related studies; and The Aerospace Teacher Excellence • The Honorable Company of Air Pilots Award development experience in Certificate IV in Aeroskills and then • The Royal Aeronautical Society Award • a valuable professional comment on the applicant’s work Thank you to Debbie Williamson and 1st Prize for this award is a trip to Cathy Crawford for completing the Space Camp USA for 2 weeks as well as schools supporting documentation traveling to the Boeing assembly plant and for also attending the awards of all the commercial and defence ceremony at Parliament house in aircraft projects currently being Brisbane city. constructed. Chris Paterson I am extremely proud of the awards Technology Teacher we have won for ourselves and for Calamvale Community College initiative in his/her approach to For this award it was my second time Calamvale Community College. I aerospace education and who entering. Each application included: am always working to improve our involved with such as the UAV inspires others through the teacher’s Challenge. ongoing contributions to the learning • A statement of application by the outcomes of both students and other applicant of no more than 800 for our students to advance their teachers. words; and opportunities in the aviation industry. stance in the community for Aviation and to create as many opportunities Airline Academy of Australia and Boeing Defence Australia. • A short supporting statement from a person who is in a position to 14 15 MAAA Logo. WING SPAN FEBRUARY Out & about FEBRUARY LEARNING TO FLY AT ST MARGARET’S MAAA members visited St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School recently and helped students who were taking part in their science, technology, engineering and maths, STEM Project. The girls had practical experience learning about aerodynamics and a great time flying! IMPORTANT DATE SAVER October 24-25, 2015 Australian Model Flying Day, please add it to your club calendar. All MAAA clubs and members are encouraged to participate in some type of flying activity in aid of a nominated MAAA charity. More details will come in the next edition of Wingspan. Australia’s leading RC model flying magazine Available in print at Newsagents and by Subscription Interactive Digital version available at Apple Google and Kindle Newsstands or www.pocketmags.com Downloads to your device. Free App Published bi-monthly Stephen Green MAAA Published bi-monthly byby Stephen Green MAAA Aus Aus#5932 # 5932 Stephen@rcmnews.com rcmnews.com 03 03 9852 www.rcmn.com.au info@rcmn.com.au 9852 12261226 WING SPAN
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