E2koncept Brochure

E2koncept & Training Solutions. LLP
(Enhanced Engineering)E2koncept and Training Solutions. LLP, a Limited Liability
Partnership firm (LLP Identification Number is - AAC-3421) is a team of professionals,
having years of Industry experience.
We work with Aviation company(s) like TAAL & other manufacturing companies to carryout
specialized design based training for aviation, aerospace, automobile sectors nationally as
well as internationally. We have experience for training 4000+ students in 5 years under our
several training modules.
Currently we are looking for fresh engineers in the field of aero/mechanical/automobile design
domain. Our trainees are successfully placed nationally and internationally.
Engineering Services
Modeling/Meshing/Analytical software support for aero/mechanical/automotive industries using wide range of PLM
software, Solvers and many more industry specific.
• OJT for 6/12 months with work experience letter and
assured placement
• Campus drives to college campus
• Alpine group of Institution
• Avian Aerospace
• Professional – 70+ programs
• Software courses (on campus/off campus)
• Exiting software Combo packages
• In plant training, Industrial training, software
training, Industrial Visits, Aero modeling camps
• Soft skill training,resume designing,profile
Vintage aircraft sales
Flying, Grounded, Engines (cut section/ running), Shells, Landing gears and all allied components/structures.
e2koncept program list
On job training project
Design and Analysis of Aircraft gas turbine Engine
6 months
Design and analysis of composite Drones/Predators
6 months
Design and Analysis of pylon section of supersonic fighter aircraft
6 months
Design and analysis of horizontal stabilizer of jet trainer aircraft
Titles Duration
6 months
Design and Analysis of Turbofan Engine With Afterburner
3 weeks
Design of subsonic wind tunnel
3 weeks
Nodal analysis of aircraft wing structure - A design approach
3 weeks
Stress analysis & optimization of wing box structure - A standardization approach
3 weeks
Aerodynamic analysis of solar powered UAV
3 weeks
Design optimization of Tubular /Trapped vortex Combustor using CFD
3 weeks
Simulation and performance analysis of Hypersonic Power plant.
3 weeks
Design and numerical Simulation of missile for different angles of attack.
3 weeks
Design and analysis of Hex copter.
3 weeks
Design and analysis of Hovercrafts.
3 weeks
Design and analysis of Flapping wing MAV.
3 weeks
Design, analysis and Optimization of solar powered UAV.
3 weeks
Design and Analysis of Wing and Fuselage of a Sailplane.
3 weeks
R/C glider design and analysis
3 weeks
Optimal design of fuselage structures.
3 weeks
Cabin Pressure Analysis of a Typical Passenger Aircraft.
3 weeks
Effect of Overload on Fuselage structure and Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis.
3 weeks
Fracture mechanics to predict fatigue life of Pylon components of a typical fighter Aircraft.
3 weeks
Nonlinear strength and stability analysis of a Landing Gear for a typical Ultra-light Aircraft.
3 weeks
Probabilistic Design Methodology for Composite Aircraft Structures.
3 weeks
Structural Sizing of Strut Braced Wing Aerodynamic Analysis
3 weeks
Structural and nodal analysis of compressor blisk
3 weeks
Numerical studies on structural Integrity of fuselage
3 weeks
Computation of transonic flows over a wing
3 weeks
Performance of Single stage axial flow compressor
3 weeks
Numerical analysis of curved composite panel
3 weeks
Optimization of static mixer for an automotive exhaust using CFD
3 weeks
CFD analysis of subsonic flow around struts attached to a conical diffuser at exhaust of gas turbine engine
3 weeks
A computational study of unsteady aerodynamics of a small fixed wing micro aerial vehicle
3 weeks
Dynamic analysis of aircraft components
3 weeks
Finite element analysis of rudder
3 weeks
Analysis of composite ribs with flanged cutouts
3 weeks
Design and analysis of aircraft wing
3 weeks
Bird strike analysis on leading edge of an aircraft wing using a smooth particle hydrodynamic bird model
3 weeks
The concentration of stress and strain in finite thickness elastic plate containing a circular hole
3 weeks
Studies on strength and stiffness characteristics of laminated composite materials
3 weeks
Studies on strength and stiffness evaluation of composite C-spar
3 weeks
Cutout shape and reinforcement design for composite C-section beams.
3 weeks
Bonding strength evaluation of adhesively bonded lap joints
3 weeks
Design study of landing gear system
3 weeks
Design study of Aircraft Hydraulic system
3 weeks
Design study of Aircraft ECS system
3 weeks
Design study of Aircraft FCS system
3 weeks
Design study of Aircraft Fuel system
3 weeks
Design study of Aircraft LSS system
3 weeks
Design of light weight super cruise fighter
3 weeks
Design of single seat Aerobatic Aircraft
3 weeks
Design of 5 seated Aircraft
3 weeks
Design of high subsonic Trainer Aircraft
3 weeks
Design of UAV/MUAV
3 weeks
Design of propeller Aircraft
3 weeks
Design Validation (FEM)of primary structure - Bulkheads
3 weeks
Design Validation (FEM)of primary structure - Wing Spar
3 weeks
Design Validation (FEM)of primary structure - Wing Ribs
3 weeks
Design Validation (FEM)of primary structure - Longerons
3 weeks
Design Validation (FEM)of Wing mounting Bulkhead
3 weeks
Design Validation (FEM)of LRU mounting brackets
3 weeks
Sheet metal Design& Fabrication study
3 weeks
Design study of Weld & Riveted Joints
3 weeks
Analytical Design of Wing Structure – CAD
3 weeks
Structural Substantiation of Wing Structure –CAE
3 weeks
Flow Simulation study of Airfoils and wings –CFD
3 weeks
Nose cone Design
3 weeks
Design & Assembly of Elevator
3 weeks
Design & Assembly of Aileron
3 weeks
Design & Assembly of Rudder
3 weeks
Jet Engine Design study
3 weeks
Axial Flow compressor Design & Axial Flow Turbine Design
3 weeks
Design study of Ramjet Engine
3 weeks
Design of Ducts – Nozzle / Diffuser
3 weeks
Design Study of wind tunnel
3 weeks
Flow simulation in Wind tunnel - CFD
3 weeks
Design study Engine inlets
3 weeks
Certification Course:
Duration in hours
Hyper mesh
Solid works
Nastran/ Patran
Combo package
Duration in
HM, Ansys, Catia, GD&T
solid works, NASTRAN/PATRAN, Hyper
mesh, GD&T
solid works, NASTRAN/PATRAN, Hyper
mesh, Catia ,GD&T
Auto cad, Catia, Hyper mesh GD&T
Auto cad
CREO, CATIA, Solid works ,GD&T
PRO-E /CREO parametric
CREO,CATIA, Solid works, NX-CAD,GD&T
Hyper mesh, Ansys, NASTRAN/
Any other customized combo as per student’s
Our employers are:
Contact Us
Mr. Shikhar Chaturvedi • +91 9629415396, +91 9629255862 • care@e2koncept.co.in | shikhar@e2koncept.co.in
NO. 74, Jay Pee Gateway, Behind Anthivadi Stadium, Hosur - 635119, Tamilnadu, India
• Ph: 04344 311321 • www.e2koncept.co.in
Correspondence Address
Indus Land mark, Block 5th, S2, 2nd floor, Near Titan Township, Mathigiri Road, Hosur - 635110, Tamilnadu, India