TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 Volume 57, # 05 At the 19 Wing Comox Honours and Awards ceremony last Tuesday, Flight Lt (Ret’d) Doug Yeo received a certificate of recognition and a commemorative pin for service during the Second World War. The certificate is awarded on behalf of a grateful nation, and as a tribute to selfless acts of service and sacrifice during the Second World War, in defense of Canada and our shared values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. The certificate is awarded on behalf of The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and The Honourable Julian Faustino, Minister of Veterans Affairs. Doug Yeo was born in Gravelbourg Saskatchewan in 1924. He grew up in Lumsden Saskatchewan in a family of six brothers and sisters. At the age of 17 Doug volunteered to join the Royal Canadian Air Force. He crossed the Atlantic in 1943 and joined squadron 410 as a navigator in a Mosquito fighter bomber. Squadron 410, known as the Cougars, flew intruder and night fighter missions. In two tours Doug flew over 96 missions, crash landing on two occasions. Doug flew on D Day providing cover for Flt Lt (Ret’d) Doug Yeo receives Certificate of Recognition 19 Wing CO Col Tom Dunne presents Flight Lt (Ret’d) Doug Yeo with the Certificate of Recognition and a commemorative pin for service during the Second World War at the Honours and Awards ceremony held at the Officers Mess on March 10. Photo by Cpl Nathan Spence. paratroopers and after the invasion flew from several airfields in both France and Switzerland. Doug flew until Victory in Europe Day, and then returned to Sas- katchewan, got married and started a family. He attended the University of Toronto, graduating in Dentistry in 1951. He went on and achieved a master’s in Pub- lic Health at the University of Michigan. After several years in Public Health working for the Province of British Columbia, Doug co-founded the University of British Columbia Dental School. For 25 years, Doug was a professor, associate Dean and Dean of the Dental School. At 91 he remains active in his retirement. An avid hockey player and bicycle rider, he joined the Boomer’s Legacy bike ride at age 87 and plans to continue his involvement. Approved Service Provider to the DND Integrated Relocation Program Royal LePage In the Comox Valley Rob Saunders 250-334-7026 2429 INVERCLYDE WAY, COURTENAY E CUSTOM RANCHER in Aberdeen Heights features open concept living area with vaulted ceilings and skylights. Low maintenance fully fenced yard for children or pets. Mountain views from the attached patio. $359,900 www.royallepage.ca/id/387688 #121-750 Comox Road, Courtenay, B.C. V9N 3P6 Bus: 250-334-3124 Toll Free: 1-800-638-4226 Fax: 250-334-1901 www.royallepagecomoxvalley.com Email: royallepagecv@shaw.ca 21-3100 KENSINGTON CRES., CROWN ISLE CROWN ISLE 2 BR + DEN PATIO HOME w/ dbl garage on the 11th Fairway. 2 living areas, huge master w/ walk-in closet & 5 piece ensuite. Includes all appliances, has tons of storage & large west facing patio overlooks the Golf Course. $359,900 www.royallepage.ca/id/3387734 2 | TOTEM TIMES MARCH 17, 2015 Totem TIMES MANAGING EDITOR Camille Douglas 250-339-2541 camille.douglas@forces.gc.ca GRAPHIC DESIGNER Gillian Ottaway Querin 250-339-2541 gillian.ottawayquerin@forces.gc.ca SALES REPRESENTATIVE Mark Middleton 250-218-4653 mark.totemtimes@gmail.com DISTRIBUTION Michael Pearce 250-339-2541 One year subscription - $66.94 Price include tax. A Division of Personnel Support Programs CFB Comox, PO Box 1000 Stn. Main, Lazo, BC V0R 2K0 totemtimes@gmail.com 19 Wing Comander Col Tom Dunne presents LCdr (ret’d) Kirk Allen Sundby with the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) Commendation at the Honours and Awards ceremony held on March 10. The CDS Commendation is awarded by the Chief of the Defence Staff to recognize deeds or activities beyond the demand of normal duty. Photo by Cpl Nathan Spence. Dr Sundby receives CDS Commendation LCdr (ret) Kirk Allen Sundby received the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) Commendation at the 19 Wing Comox Honours and Awards ceremony on March 10. The CDS Commendation is awarded to recognize deeds or activities beyond the demand of normal duty, and was presented by Wing Commander Col Dunne on behalf of the Chief of the Defence Staff during the ceremony. While deployed to Afghanistan from February to May 2012, LCdr Sundby delivered an exceptional performance as the senior surgical advisor within Regional Military Hospital – North. Focusing on developing sustainable local solutions to clinical challenges, he contributed directly to the improved proficiency of Afghan surgeons and enhanced overall clinical competency. LCdr Sundby set an outstanding leadership example that inspired both other coalition advisors and Afghans clinicians and greatly enhanced the reputation of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). An orthopedic surgeon in the Comox Valley, Dr. Sundby took a leave of absence from his local practice to work with the CAF in Afghanistan. New colours for the gliding school fleet Regional Cadet Air Operations The Totem Times is an unofficial publication of 19 Wing Comox, BC. The Editor reserves the right to edit copy and reject advertisements to suit the needs of the publication. Views expressed are those of the contributor unless expressly attributed to DND, CAF, or other agencies. In case of typographical errors, no goods may be sold and the difference claimed against this paper. The paper’s liability is limited to a refund of the space charged for the erroneous item. Material may be reprinted with attribution. Published 22 times a year, every second Tuesday, with permission of Col Tom Dunne, 19 Wing Commander. Publications Mail Registration No.4098. Printed by Ladysmith Press, Ladysmith, BC. Circulation: 1800. A new colour scheme for the gliders operated by Regional Cadet Air Operations at the Comox Cadet Flying Training Centre made its flying debut earlier this month. While most have seen the brilliant yellow and blue paint scheme on the fleet of Cessna 182 tow aircraft, March 3 marked the first flight of the new paint scheme on a Pacific Region glider. This particular aircraft, CGCLK, was heavily damaged in a severe windstorm several years ago. The repair process included a complete Structural Repair and Inspection Program (SIRP), which has brought the aircraft to better than new condition. Mr. Marc Lemay was the lead Aircraft Maintenance Engineer on the project, and with the support of K&L Soaring, the original manufacturer, and the rest of the RCA Ops Maintenance Team, the aircraft was rebuilt to current specifications. Mr. Lemay commented “it was a long process, but C-GCLK is now the best equipped, modern, and good looking aircraft in the fleet.” The new specs include a stunning new paint scheme, which was imagineered by Capt Gianni Grando. A particular challenge was colour matching the paint on the metal wings with the paint on the fabric covered fuselage. Due to the different processes used, getting the right match meant facilitating cooperation between two paint manufacturers. In the end, there is now an official Cadet Yellow paint colour at one manufacturer, and Cadet Blue at another. The entire Pacific Region glider fleet will transition to the new scheme at an approximate rate of one aircraft per year, as the aircraft cycle through the regularly scheduled SIRP process. With a total of thirteen aircraft on the go, you’ll still see the white gliders for some time to come. LCol Keith Stewart, the Regional Cadet Air Operations Officer, spoke briefly about the Maintenance Team. “Led by Capt Jim Lowdon, Cadets will soon be flying the skies over the Comox Valley in newly painted yellow and blue gliders, thanks to a new paint scheme being applied as the gliders undergo their regular maintenance. our maintainers are well known for the excellent quality of their work. C-GCLK, in her new colours, is yet another example of the very high quality of craftsmanship consistently demonstrated by this crew.” BRAVO ZULU to the entire RCA Ops (Pac) Aircraft Maintenance team for yet another job so very well done! MARCH 17, 2015 TOTEM TIMES | 3 President of the Royal Canadian Air Force Association Col (ret’d) Terry Chester along with WComd Col Tom Dunne present members of 442 Sqn with plaques for winning the Mynarski Memorial Trophy on March 10. Left to Right: Col (ret’d) Terry Chester, Capt William Livingston, Sgt Christopher Lamothe, Sgt Robert Hardie, Sgt Michael Baker and WComd Col Tom Dunne. Photo by Cpl Nathan Spence. 442 Squadron receives Mynarski Memorial Trophy Members of 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron, referred to as Rescue 906 Cormorant helicopter crew, received Mynarski Memorial Trophy plaques at the 19 Wing Comox Honours and Awards ceremony last Tuesday. The Mynarski Memorial Trophy is awarded annually by the Royal Canadian Air Force Association (RCAFA) for notable contributions to aviation search and rescue, and the trophy was awarded at the RCAFA awards banquet held in Ottawa in October. Rescue 906 helicopter crew included Capt Jonathan Hall, aircraft commander; Capt William Livingston, first officer; MWO Philippe Robin, flight engineer; Sgt Michael Baker, flight engineer; Sgt Robert Hardie, search and rescue technician team leader; Sgt Christopher Lamothe, search and rescue technician team member and MCpl Nathan King, search and rescue technician team member. On 16 August 2013, Rescue 906 was tasked to search for a missing Beaver aircraft on West Commander of the RCAF LGen Yvan Blondin presents the Mynarski Memorial Trophy to MWO Philippe Robin, MCpl Nathan King and Sgt Christopher Lamothe during the RCAFA awards banquet in October 2014. Vancouver Island. Faced with deteriorating weather conditions that forced slow and perilous navigation amid unforgiving terrain, they persevered and showed great skill in locating the crash site and rescuing the survivors. The crew of Rescue 906 demonstrated remarkable proficiency, tenacity, dedication, and courage in the performance of their duty, which directly contributed to the safeguarding of lives and reduction of human suffering. Col (ret’d) Terry Chester, the national president of the Royal Canadian Air Force Association, and LGen Yvan Blondin, commander of the Royal Canadian Air Force awarded the Andrew Mynarski, VC Memorial Trophy to three representing members of Rescue 906 Cormorant helicopter crew at the awards banquet in Ottawa, and Mr. Chester presented individual plaques to the remaining crew members at the March 10 event, including Sgt Michael Baker, Sgt Robert Hardie, Sgt Christopher Lamothe and Capt William Livingston. 4 | TOTEM TIMES MARCH 17, 2015 The search and rescue crew aboard a 442 Sqn CH-149 Cormorant land on the shore along Buckley Bay south of Courtenay, BC, in response to a medical distress on March 11. Photo by Capt Pete Wright. 442 Sqn participates in emergency response at Buckley Bay Maj Mary Lee, 19 Wing Public Affairs Residents of Buckley Bay were treated to a full emergency response show on Wednesday, March 11 at approximately 3:30 p.m. when 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron, Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), Emergency Health Services (EHS), and the local fire department descended on the shore in the small community just south of Courtenay, BC. The exhibit was not a practice, nor was it for training. All assets arrived on scene at the Fanny Bay dock within minutes of one another in response to a medical distress of an elderly man aboard a 20 foot aluminum vessel. The exact location of the vessel was pointed out by a 442 Sqn C-115 Buffalo circling overhead and was able to relay information back to the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Victoria who received the 911 call initially from the second passenger onboard the vessel. A CH-149 Cormorant from 442 Sqn touched down along the shore and two search and rescue technicians (SAR Techs) immediately disembarked and headed toward the dock to meet EHS personnel and offer necessary medical assistance to the patient aboard the small vessel that was heading inland. The efforts required by all responding agencies may very well have been straight forward and uneventful, yet to the residents who gathered along the beach to catch a glimpse and snap a few pictures, the scene was anything but ordinary. The mission played out textbook perfect in that responding agencies arrived on scene swiftly and were prepared to assist one another as needed to complete the medical emergency, much like the training 442 Sqn just completed in Port Hardy the previous week during their annual SAREX. “All assets arrived within 15 to 20 minutes from the initial call from JRCC,” remarked Capt Pete Wright, Cormorant aircraft commander. “The rapid response time and multiple agencies that arrived on scene demonstrate Canada’s west coast SAR capabilities and is testament to our interagency training and to the close relationships established among our organizations to ensure the best response is provided on all SAR missions.” JRCC Victoria is operated by a team of SAR experts from both the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard. Their role is to task military SAR aircraft and CCG SAR vessels to respond to maritime and aeronautical incidents anywhere in British Columbia, the Yukon, and nearly 600 miles into the Pacific Ocean. MARCH 17, 2015 TOTEM TIMES | 5 No Sno Fest 2015 at 19 Wing Members of 19 Wing spent March 6 braving the cold Pacific Ocean, dressing up as video game characters, partaking in challenging games, and celebrating, all in the name of No Sno Fest 2015. No Sno Fest is an annual event at 19 Wing that gives members the chance to work together and have fun as a team. Photos by Cpl Nathan Spence. 6 | TOTEM TIMES MARCH 17, 2015 19 Wing Honours and Awards Ceremony WComd Col Tom Dunne presents MCpl Allan Bent with the RIMPAC Commander’s Commendation. Photos by Cpl Nathan Spence. WComd Col Tom Dunne presents MCpl (ret’d) Robert Brimacombe with the Wing Commander’s Commendation. The Wing Commander’s Commendation recognizes achievements of personnel who have individually, or as part of a group, contributed to 19 Wing Comox by personal effort and example. WComd Col Tom Dunne presents CWO John Rowley with his Chief Warrant Officer Scroll. WComd Col Tom Dunne presents Sgt Yan Sénéchal with the Wing Commander’s Commendation. The Wing Commander’s Commendation recognizes achievements of personnel who have individually, or as part of a group, contributed to 19 Wing Comox by personal effort and example. MCpl Jason Fink receives the Special Service Medal Expedition Bar. M C p l F ra n k E d g a r Hamill receives the Operational Service Medal with Humanitas ribbon. MCpl Christine Scalabrini receives the General Campaign Star Medal with SouthWest Asia ribbon. WComd Col Tom Dunne presents CWO Christopher Bailey with the second clasp for his Canadian Forces’ Decoration (CD2). WO Michael Patey receives the Operational Service Medal with Humanitas ribbon. MARCH 17, 2015 TOTEM TIMES | 7 Cpl Simon Bigos receives his CD2. Sgt Brian Costello receives his CD2. WO Marion Crapp receives her CD2. Maj Graham William Denniston receives his CD2. MCpl Brian Hewitt receives his CD2. Sgt Sylvain Houde receives his CD2. WO Luc Lapointe receives his CD2. MWO Brock MacDonald receives his CD2. Cpl Marcel Martineau receives his CD2. Sgt Michael O’Rourke receives his CD2. Capt Christopher Smith receives his CD2. MCpl Timothy Steel receives his CD2. MCpl Nina Usherwood receives her CD2. MCpl George Betteay receives his Canadian Forces Decoration First Clasp (CD1). Maj Filip Bohac receives his CD1. MCpl Dave Gallant receives his CD1. Sgt William Kelland receives his CD1. WO Shawn Taylor receives his CD2. 8 | TOTEM TIMES MARCH 17, 2015 442 Squadron trains in Port Hardy Maj Mary Lee, 19 Wing Public Affairs, and Cpl Nathan Spence, 19 Wing Imaging Two responding SAR Techs and the Flight Surgeon, Maj Andrew McLeren, on scene of a mock plane crash with other responding agencies including Port Hardy Firefighters and paramedics in a simulated mass casualty scenario during 442 T&R Sqn SAREX training from March 2-5. One of the key elements to this annual training is to test the coordination and interoperability with first responders who are likely to be called upon during a real SAR mission. Sgt Christian Morrissette and MCpl Cameron Hillier, two Search and Rescue Technicians from 442 T&R Sqn, respond to a casualty with multiple injuries during a simulated plane crash as part of the annual squadron SAREX Training in Port Hardy, on March 3. A CH-149 Cormorant helicopter and two CC-115 Buffalo aircraft, along with approximately 70 members from 19 Wing, participated in the SAREX training exercise. Crews honed their skills in various facets of a major search scenario and a mock plane crash including tracing a locator beacon, parachuting to crash scenes, administering emergency first aid, and evacuating several casualties from a remote area. SAR crews carry a casualty on a stretcher to an awaiting CH-149 Cormorant and will simulate an evacuation from the scene of a mock plane crash to the closest medical authorities during the 442 Sqn SAREX in Port Hardy on March 3. MARCH 17, 2015 LCol Thériault receives a birthday surprise TOTEM TIMES | 9 19 Wing DVMAG hosts documentary showing Totem Times Staff The Defence Visible Minority Advisory Group (DVMAG) at 19 Wing is showing the poignant and award winning documentary If I Should Fall on Wednesday, March 18 in the Wing Theatre. If I Should Fall is a true story of the Afghan war experience, as told from the perspective of Trooper Marc Diab, a Canadian soldier of Lebanese origin who served in Afghanistan with the Royal Canadian Dragoons, based in Petawawa, Ontario. Trooper Diab was killed on March 8, 2009, when his vehicle struck an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). He was the 112th Canadian soldier to die in Afghanistan, Members of WLE surprised their Commanding Officer, LCol Pierre Thériault with a funny cake and gathering to celebrate his birthday (a day late) on March 2. WLE promotion WLEO LCol Pierre Thériault presents the WLE Chief Clerk, MCpl Dak Ban, with his promotion to Sergeant along with CWO Adrien Lemieux. and only weeks away from coming home. Marc’s story is just one of 183 who fell in Afghanistan, and sharing his story is a powerful way of honouring all of our soldiers. Founding editor of the Toronto Sun, Peter Worthington, succinctly depicts the film as one that “captures the closeness of soldiers for one another, the agony and pride of those who lose a loved one to war, and the universal pride of the nation and her soldiers.” Attendees can expect to see the personal and intimate details behind the honour and sacrifice of soldiers, and realize the heavy price our soldier and their families pay for their nation. In the closing minutes of the film, the family emphasizes that the public funeral for Trooper Diab was truly a funeral for one family: the collective Canadian family. Producer Paul Culliton will be in attendance at the special 19 Wing showing, beginning at 10:00 a.m., to introduce the film. Tickets are free and can be obtained from DVMAG co-chairs, Rama Narsing or Maj Lucas. If I Should Fall features music by Canadian artist and honorary colonel of the RCAF, Loreena McKennitt. It eloquently portrays the story of Trooper Diab, and in doing so, tells the story of many. Lest we forget. 10 | TOTEM TIMES MARCH 17, 2015 19 WING FITNESS AND COMMUNITY CENTRE - 1575 MILITARY ROW COMOX MILITARY FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE Phone: 250-339-8290 - www.familyforce.ca - www.facebook.com/comoxmfrc Monday - Friday: 0800 - 1600 hrs - Closed Weekends & Holidays « ROSETTA STONE » ROSETTA STONE EXCEL - 2010 LEVEL 1 ;ϯ½ÝÝÝͿ SPRING BREAK ACTIVITIES EN LIGNE - Formation linguistique ONLINE Language Training For Excel Level 1 introduces a user to LEGO DAY DROP-IN ;½½¦ÝͿ pour les conjoints (es) et Spouses & Dependants Only Excel. Instructions will include: data dépendants seulement Ce programme est offert aux familles des membres militaires. Apprenez à votre propre rythme dans le confort de votre maison. Ne vous souciez pas de manquer des classes en raison de maladie, de vacances ou de l’horaire chargé de votre famille. Progressez à votre propre rythme. Personne n’est oublié et vous pouvez prendre autant d’avance que vous le désirez. This subsidized program is offered to families of military members. Learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Don’t worry about missing classes because of illness, vacations, or a hectic family schedule. Progress at your own speed. No one gets left behind and you can surge ahead as quickly as you like. Communiquez avec Danielle Bernier au 250-339-8211, poste 6656 ou Danielle.Bernier@forces.gc.ca. Contact Danielle Bernier at 250339-8211 Local 6656 or Danielle. Bernier@forces.gc.ca for details. FOOD SAFE NIVEAU 1 (14 ans et +) FOOD SAFE LEVEL 1 (14+ yrs - Adult) Ce cours s’adresse aux employés des services alimentaires ainsi qu’à toutes personnes qui ont à manipuler de la nourriture. Ce cours est souvent exigé par les employeurs en Colombie-Britannique. Samedi 25 avril 9 h 15 à 17 h 15 Salle de conférence ϳϱΨŵŝůŝƚĂŝƌĞൟϴϱΨŶŽŶͲŵŝůŝƚĂŝƌĞ Animatrice : Gaetane Palardy, &ŽƌŵĂƚƌŝĐĞĐĞƌƟĮĠĞ ͨ&ŽŽĚ^ĂĨĞͩ;ŝůŝŶŐƵĞͿ Notes : ƉƉŽƌƚĞƌƵŶůƵŶĐŚ͕ĐŽůůĂƟŽŶ ĞƚďƌĞƵǀĂŐĞ͘/ŵƉŽƌƚĂŶƚ͗EƵŵĠƌŽ d’assurance-maladie requis au moment ĚĞů͛ŝŶƐĐƌŝƉƟŽŶ͘ Community Volunteers, persons preparing food for family and friends, food industry workers, and high school students ZRXOGEHQH¿WIURP completing this course. Saturday, April 25 9:15 am – 5:15 pm ŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞZŽŽŵ ΨϳϱDŝůŝƚĂƌLJൟΨϴϱEŽŶͲDŝůŝƚĂƌLJ 'ĂĞƚĂŶĞWĂůĂƌĚLJʹŝůŝŶŐƵĂůĞƌƟĮĞĚ WƌŽǀŝŶĐŝĂů&ŽŽĚ^ĂĨĞ/ŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŽƌ Notes:ϭ͘WůĞĂƐĞďƌŝŶŐ>ƵŶĐŚ͕ƐŶĂĐŬ ĂŶĚďĞǀĞƌĂŐĞ͘Ϯ͘ĂƌĞĂƌĚEƵŵďĞƌ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚǁŚĞŶƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌŝŶŐ͘ entry, editing, toolbars, formatting, simple formulas and functions. Other topics included: comments, paste link and printing spreadsheets. A working knowledge of the Windows environment is preferred. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday April 14, 15 & 16 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Computer Learning Centre ΨϳϬDŝůŝƚĂƌLJൟΨϵϬEŽŶͲDŝůŝƚĂƌLJ Sharon Pickthorne, ĞƌƟĮĞĚŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ&ĂĐŝůŝƚĂƚŽƌ Note:WůĞĂƐĞďƌŝŶŐĂŵĞŵŽƌLJƐƟĐŬ͘ PROGRAM & ACTIVITY GUIDE The spring issue of ‘In the Air’ will be available for distribution on Wednesday, 18 March. Drop in and create some awesome Lego creations! Children 0-9yrs must have parental supervision and cannot be left unattended. Kids 10+ yrs, are welcome to drop-in without a parent. Wed, Apr 1, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm DƵůƟͲWƵƌƉŽƐĞZŽŽŵƐ Note: ^ƵďƐŝĚŝnjĞĚďLJŽŵŽdžD&Z͘ YOUTH POOL PARTY ;ϭϬͲϭϲzÙÝͿ Pool Games! Fun prizes! The latest music and a yogurt parfait buffet! Thu, Apr 9, 6:00 pm 7:30 pm &WŽŽů Note: Subsidized by Comox D&ZĂŶĚ ϭϵtŝŶŐ&^ΘZ͘ NOMINATE A DEPLOYED MEMBER FOR THE “CHOSEN SOLDIER” PROGRAM! O Outreach from loved ones at home makes a big difference in the morale of a deployed member, but not everyone has a family or social network that can offer that support. If you know of a member ZKRZRXOGEHQH¿WIURPWKHZDUPWKRIDSDFNDJHIURPDWKRXJKWIXO d donor, why not nominate them for “Chosen Soldier” – an MFRC partner ded dedicated to supporting CF morale. Simply submit any deployed CF member’s name to ComoxMFRCDeploymentServices@forces.gc.ca to have a package forwarded for their enjoyment. The member’s information is kept FRQ¿GHQWLDOXQOHVVWKH\FKRRVHWRSHUVRQDOO\UHVSRQGWRWKHGRQRU'HWDLOVDW http://www.trevlac.biz/chosen_soldier.html. Want to know more? Contact MFRC Deployment Services. 19 WING FITNESS, SPORTS AND RECREATION Phone: 250-339-8211 Local 8315 - www.cfgateway.com Monday - Friday: 0630-2100 hrs - Saturday: 0830-1800 hrs - Sunday: 1100-2100 hrs M MARCH 17, 2015 TOTEM TIMES | 11 Calling all Military Triathletes! The CAF National Triathlon is set to be held from July 2-5, in Gatineau, Quebec. Olympic: 1.5km swim, 40 km bike, 10km run Sprint: 750m swim, 20 km bike, 5km run Military personnel wishing to compete must meet the qualifying times IAW the CAF National Triathlon Rules, and must have participated in a sanctioned triathlon event within the last 14 months. To register, please contact A/Sport Coord Natasha Cusson NLT April 30. Local 8783 or Natasha.cusson@forces.gc.ca Come Join Us! Keep the Legions going! 888 (KOMOX) RCAF WING Air Force Association of Canada 1298 Military Row, Lazo Memberships are open to all RCAF and Civilian personnel of 19 Wing, presently serving and retired. Contact 888 Wing for membership information. HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Sunday: 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Extended hours for Pub Grub/BBQ nights and major functions. For information on Wing events and tickets, please call 250-339-0888 or view on-line at www.888wingrcaf.com Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (RC) 19 Wing Chapel Did you know that the Legion membership is open to everyone 19 years and over? Did you know that becoming a member of the Legion is a meaningful way to serve your community? Supporting the Legion helps the following: Cadets Scouts Comox Valley Child Development RCMP Youth Camp Soldier on Sports Comox Valley Therapeutic Riders (now assisting veterans with PTSD) YANA MP Blind Fund Food Banks Hospitals Salvation Army The Comox Valley has three Legions to choose from – drop in and check them out: Comox Br 160, e-mail rcl.comox.branch160@shaw.ca (website www.comoxlegion.ca); Courtenay Br 17, e-mail rclbr17@shaw.ca and Cumberland Br 28, (250-336-2361) THE LEGION MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to serve Veterans, which includes serving Military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance and to serve our communities and our country. St. Michael and All Angels Protestant Chapel Sunday Worship: 1000 hrs Sunday Worship: 1000 hrs Weekday Mass: 1130 hrs Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Protestant Communion: celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. Sacrament of Reconciliation: upon request. Bible Study: please contact Chaplain for the dates and times. Marriage Preparation: please contact the Chaplain at least six months prior to planned date of wedding. Baptisms: please make an appointment with the Chaplain. For information contact the chaplains’ office at 250-339-8211, ext 8389. Branch 17 Courtenay (250-334-4322) Tuesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Fun Euchre, 1:30 p.m. Crib, 6:30 p.m. Gucci, 6:30 p.m. Meat Draw, 5:30 - 7 p.m. Jam Session, 2 - 6 p.m. Meat Draw, 2 - 5 p.m. All Members and Bona Fide Guests Welcome! THE LEGION HALL IS OPEN FOR DAYTIME, EVENING, AND WEEKEND BOOKINGS! Contact the Legion office and they will be pleased to help you with all your arrangements. Office: 250 334-4322, Lounge: 250 334-4911, rclbr17@shaw.ca. Lounge Hours of Operation: Tues - Sat opens at 12 p.m., Closed Sunday and Monday. Branch 160 Comox (250-339-2022) BINGO in support of local charities, every Monday, Comox Legion Upper Hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Bingo 7-10 p.m. Free Coffee! Support local charities! L.A. Bingo, 7 p.m. Men’s Darts, 7:30 p.m. Mixed Dart League, 7 p.m. Tuesdays: Ladies Crib, 7 p.m. Wednesdays: Beer & Burgers, 5 p.m. Ladies Darts, 7 p.m. Meat Draws, 3 p.m. Fridays: Drop-in Darts, 7:30 p.m. Meat Draws, 3 p.m. Saturdays: Mondays: Events & Entertainment April 1 – Pulled Pork & Beer for $10 in lower lounge for Members and signed in guests. New members welcome. April 3 – Dine on ham & scalloped potatoes, then dance to Georgia Straight Jazz Band, all for $15 per person. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Open to members and signed in guests. New members welcome. Lounge Hours of Operation: Opens every day at 11 a.m., 250-339-2112. Branch 28 Cumberland (250-336-2361) rclbranch28@shaw.ca Open Thursday - Sunday Saturday: Meat Draw, 3 - 5:30 p.m. The Legion provides lots of entertainment (cards, dinners, dances and more). It is worth coming in and checking out! 12 | TOTEM TIMES MARCH 17, 2015 Participants in the 19 Wing Bring Your Daughter to Work Tour try on gear at the Fire Hall. Visitors also had the opportunity to test fire hoses, and tour both the Aurora and Buffalo aircraft. Cpl Valerie Gunnell, MCpl Nina Usherwood, Capt Amanda Lauder, and Cpl Laura Coles take part in the Girls Fly Too event in Abbotsford on March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day. 19 Wing commemorates International Women’s Day Maj Krystle Connerty, DWAO A future aviator enjoys some time touring the aircraft at the Sky’s No Limit - Girls Fly Too event on March 8 in Abbotsford, BC. LET US BRING YOU BACK IN TIME AT THE COMOX AIR FORCE MUSEUM Open Tuesday thru Sunday 10:00am to 4:00pm (Admission by donation) 250-339-8162 | comoxairforcemuseum.ca complete with lights, sirens, and spraying of fire hoses. The 19 Wing DWAO hosted a group of approximately 50 CAF members and their daughters for an escorted tour that included stops at the air traffic control tower, the fire hall, and hanger 7 where personnel from 407 and 442 Squadrons discussed aircrew careers, tech and trade careers, and provided tours of static Aurora and Buffalo aircraft. Through these events the 19 Wing Comox Defence Team encouraged young girls to be the change in the world by ensuring “like a girl” is a positive phrase, to consider careers in aviation, aerospace and space industries, and to continue the advancements that Canadian women have made in society and in the military. 1466 Ryan Rd E. 250.339.6330 Open Every Day from 7am - 3pm Fresh Baked Bread, Sandwiches and More Come celebrate our West Coast aviation heritage in a welcoming and friendly museum: z WW1 to present day exhibits; zExcellent aviation reference library; zLocated at entrance to 19 Wing; zHeritage Air Park near-by (Numerous Aircraft plus Heritage Stone Display) Organic, Fair Trade, Locally Roasted Coffee PO2 Shawn Beckett and his daughters participated in the 19 Wing Bring Your Daughter to Work tour on March 11. Members of the 19 Wing Comox Defence Team participated in two events held to commemorate International Women’s Day that aimed to demonstrate what the phrase “like a girl” means to young women. The Sky’s No Limit Girls Fly Too event was held in Abbotsford earlier this month, and the Defence Women’s Advisory Organization (DWAO) Bring your Daughter to Work Tour was held at 19 Wing on March 11. The focus was to provide young girls with the opportunity to learn more about women in aviationrelated careers and women in the military. Highlights included free flights on civilian helicopters for female first-time flyers in Abbotsford, and passenger rides on fire trucks at 19 Wing,
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