H LOD E 6.23

LOD Editor 6.23 is available via my website (bms page).
The process of installing a wing model (you look at when you look from inside the cockpit to the wings) is the same as
with external models. The problem is that there is no CT# (model number) or name to be found in the list. You have to
manually type in the wing model number. The wing models name end with 4 numbers. That is the model number. The
list with cockpit numbers can also be found here: \Falcon BMS 4.32\Docs\Other
For this example I will use the F-16 block 50CJ wing model. I will skip the steps of installing and opening the LOD
database. Check the "Model_Install_with_LE623.pdf" manual for help if you don't know how to do this. It's available
via my website too (bms page).
1. When you are in the main screen
click once on model number 0 (CT#
0) (1). A bar will appear. On the
lower right you will see the "Parents"
section with all 0's. Manually change
the 0 on the right of the "Normal"
button to 1196 (2). (If you want to
see if you have the right model click
then on the 3-D viewer button).
When the number has been entered
you click on the "Normal button" (3).
2. You are now in the LOD-Parent
Data screen. You will see that there
is only one model to replace. Now
adjust the data using the
Parent_Data_Wing jpg. The data to
be adjusted are marked in green (4).
Click on the "Update" button when
you are done editing the data (5).
More then once I have adjusted the
number of skin sets a model uses,
so check it!. The skin set number
has to be the same for the internal
and external models.
3. Replace the wing model. It's done
in the same way as with external
models. (cycle to "Replace Mode"
(6), "1" button (7), select model
(check model numbers!), ok). When
you have replaced the model you go
back to main LE screen or exiting
LE using the "Goto" button (8).
The process for replacing all of the
wing models is the same for all wing
If you have problems check the
manual or e-mail me via