C F M GREGORY DRIVE Alliance Church A place to belong… There is a deep desire for community in all of us. Look at Tim Horton’s and malls, and you will see groups of people who meet on a regular basis. God has put within us all a strong need to belong, to contribute, to be valued and to be accepted. Gregory Drive Alliance Church is part of God’s “big family”, and you are welcome to come and belong! Belong A place to begin... Gregory Drive is a place for new beginnings, no matter who you are or what you’ve experienced. So whether you’re looking for a new church home or just a new start in life, God has a new beginning planned for you and your family. Your spiritual journey can begin right here! Begin A place to believe... We all believe in someone or something, and as a church family we have an unshakable belief in a loving and just God and we are learning to love each other unconditionally. We are governed not by man but by believing God and His Word. We invite you to join us as we learn, believe and apply what God reveals to us in the Bible. Believe A place to become… People exist to know God and be known by Him. We invite you to join us on the greatest journey of all - to become a person of God’s purpose and plan. Become Connue to Pray for those with ongoing concerns… • Irene Hickson, Janet Kleyn, Doreen Mifflin, Donna Stacey, Ethel Patrick, Tricia Pletsch Pray for … • LeeAnn Welch who is sll in London Hospital. • Ethel Wicksey as she mourns the loss of her brother, Edgar, who passed • away October 30th. PAKISTAN Chrisan Pastor Emmanuel and his brother were murdered outside of their courtroom a-er being sentenced to blasphemy, Samuel Masih was murdered by a policeman sent to protect him. In Pakistan 16 Chrisans are on death row along with Asisi Bibbi, and 20 more are serving life sentences. May each one be always aware of the fact that, Christ within us is the hope of glory! T W TODAY Jr. High Floor Hockey - 12:45 - 3:00 pm TUESDAY REMEMBRANCE DAY Elder’s Prayer Time - 6:00 am Jr. High Youth (Grades 7-8) - 6:30 pm WEDNESDAY Ladies Bible Study - 10:00 am THURSDAY Sr. High Youth (Grades 9-12) - 6:30 pm SATURDAY Men in Acon - 7:30 am Men’s Ministry Breakfast - 8:00 am Bethlehem Live Set-Up - 9:00 am C S RBC. GDEF RBGHDIFJ PKJLDE TEKMG FNBIFOJ PKJLDE MKEMOJ EPQBEIBG PKJLDE RDG VKH KBJLBEBH AINMB DBESJBH MKELTK BKSBE Senior Pastor Children Youth Pastoral Care Administraon Administraon 255 Gregory Drive West Chatham, Ontario N7L 0E2 Tel: 519-352-4580 Fax: 519-352-4587 www.gregorydrive.com office@gregorydrive.com A place to Belong… A place to Begin . . . A place to Believe… A place to Become… Living the Call Together. Acts 2:42 November 9, 2014 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Gordon Reynolds The Life God Intended It To Be! NURSERY & TODDLERS Baby/Walker Room 9:15 a.m. Karen Worek Jen Krieger “Eternal Life” Luke 18:18-29 & John 17:3 West Wing West Wing North Wing North Wing Room: Café 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service in the Sanctuary Nursery and toddlers ages 0 - 5 years West Wing DVD Series: The Truth Project Youth - The Truth Project OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES... ARE DUE BACK NEXT SUNDAY!!! BETHLEHEM LIVE! Check the bullen insert for the different ways you can parcipate in this year’s live producon of the journey to Bethlehem. Men’s Breakfast & Bethlehem Live Set-up! - Nov 15 - 8 AM 6:00 p.m. - Sundays at Six Room: Café North Wing (There will be no Children’s programs provided) Other “Growing Together” Opportunities at GDAC… Connect Groups Home based fellowship, study, prayer and outreach. Various groups throughout the week. Contact Evelien Wiersma for more informaon (519) 360-9240. Ladies Bible Study Every Wednesday morning at 10:00 am W V! We are pleased that you chose to worship with us today, and we trust that you will enjoy your visit. Please take a moment to fill out the communicaon card found in the pew in front of you, and place it in the offering plate. You will find a wealth of informaon at our Welcome Staon in the foyer, and any one of our friendly ushers would be glad to assist you in any way. Ministries for children run concurrent with the service, so if you have a child, please contact one of the ushers and they will direct you to our children’s ministries area. 11:00 a.m. Tina Fehr Christopher Clark Toddler Room 9:15 a.m. Melanie Smids 9:15 a.m. - Worship Service in the Sanctuary Nursery and toddlers ages 0-3 Sunday School for children JK-grade 6 Quizzing Program & Bible Study for ages 12-18 Youth Sunday School for grades 7-12 Adult Elecve Teacher: Joe Hall NEXT WEEK NOVEMBER 16 9:15 & 11:00 AM What beXer way for men to have fellowship and work on a ‘project’, than to have a full course breakfast together, share in a devoonal, and then serve and ‘go to work’ helping set-up the outdoor structures for this year’s ‘Bethlehem Live’ event. No need to sign-up – just come with an appete and work tools! SENIORS’ R US Our luncheon will be held on Thursday, Nov 20 at 12:00 noon. Our special feature will focus on the importance of exercise. Murray and Doreen Mifflin will sign you up between services today and next week at the old kitchen window. If you are 60+, this is your invitaon to join us. USHERS 9:15 a.m. Harry Suelzle Hughie Van Kesteren Lorie Cooper Jean AXewell Andrew Hummelen 11:00 a.m. Laird Vander Ende Eric Saunders Doug Campbell Steve Parr GREETERS 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Andre & Marylou Dugas VISUAL ARTS & SOUND 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Alice Derksen/Shirley Sutherland Jeff McFadden LIBRARY 9:15 a.m. Marylynn Ytsma 11:00 a.m. Wilma Norg FOOD HANDLING SAFETY COURSE We are once again offering this course. Anyone who is involved in food preparaon of any kind at the church and does not already have cerficaon should sign up to take this course. The course is scheduled for Saturday, January 17th, 2014 This is an all day course (approx. 9 - 3). Anyone interested please contact Randy Bain at 226-626-3325 or email the church office at office@gregorydrive.com by Nov. 21st at the latest. You must pre-register as course material has to be ordered ahead of me. I would like to thank all the people that have purchased cards to help the persecuted church. So far, more than $200.00 has been brought in. On behalf of those who don’t have a voice - “Thank You” Nancy Kostuk THINGS TO DO Don’t forget, Shoeboxes are due back next week, November 16th
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