instructions on how to register online.

How to register for Mansfield Trailer Park: Go to
And choose “Campground”, and then click “Register”
Once you are on the “Register” Page, it will look like this:
If you are ready to register online, click the link.
Set up an account:
Click “Start an Application”. Please note, the registration software we are using is designed for camps and schools so
please ignore the language that includes “parent/guardian” etc.
Add your name and information.
You can also add other family members throughout this process but you only want to choose a
“session” aka “trailer site” for one person (you).
Choose a session
Fill out the two required forms
The first Form is the Household Form:
The second Form is the Licence to Occupy Form which has 3 pages
When your forms are completed, your screen will look like this:
Choose how you would like to pay
Review your selections and submit
Make sure you receive a confirmation email in your inbox
If you don’t receive the email, call the Mansfield office at 705-435-4479.
Using your Account
When you log back into your account (which you can do at any time), you can see a summary of your registration, view
your forms, update your household information and make a payment.
Questions? Please call 705-435-4479 or email