May 2015 - Mansfield Public Library

Beyond the Bookends
Do you use interlibrary loan?
Here’s some important news.
On April 16, 2015, the Connecticut State Library announced
that the reQuest Interlibrary Loan database will shut down on
June 30, 2015 for at least two months while they bring a
new Interlibrary Loan system online. They estimate that a new
Interlibrary Loan system will be implemented by Fall of 2015.
Because of this decision by the Connecticut State Library,
effective May 15, 2015, the Mansfield Library can no longer
accept Interlibrary Loan requests via ReQuest.
You may still place requests for materials
via the library’s online catalog.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the State Library’s decision. An announcement will be made when the
State Library’s new Interlibrary Loan system is up and running
in the Fall. In the meantime, we will be working to formulate a
plan by which we can continue to offer some level of Interlibrary Loan service to our patrons. We will keep you posted.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the State
Library’s decision. Contact the State Library at 860-757-6510,
for more information.
May 2015
Quiet Corner Reads 2015
What Strange Creatures
by Emily Arsenault
Join other Quiet Corner readers for an
evening with the author!
June 16, 7 PM, Pomfret School
Emily Arsenault will talk about her work
and answer questions. There will be light
refreshments and cash bar. The event is in
the dining hall in the Main House building
on the Pomfret School campus.
Tickets are available at the
circulation desk, $15 each.
Phoenix ReFashion:
Fashion Workshop
May 7, 6:30 PM
Organize your wardrobe and coordinate
outfits! Re-working a classic wardrobe is
not only a good economic decision, but a
good environmental choice. Using already
existing materials, you can repurpose outdated but re-useable items in fresh and
different ways. Dress for work or play with
flair and individuality. Join us as we gain
ideas on repurposing some of those clothes
we all have hanging in our own closets.
Mansfield Public Library
Book Discussion Group
The library now offers wireless printing from your laptop,
tablet, or smartphone to our printer! Learn how at our website:
E-Help is here for you…
Have a question about databases, computers, your tablet or
smartphone? Email or to set up a
convenient time to meet with us.
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of
each month at 7 PM.
May 12, 2015
This month’s book is
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
by Annie Dillard
Apply online for a library card!
Library cards are free!
More details are available at our website at
Children’s Storytimes and Play Groups
All Story Time programs begin at 10:30 AM.
All activities are free and open to the public.
Wonderful Wednesdays: Wednesdays 10 :30-11:30
Stories and activities for Preschool children. The dates for this month are May 6, 13
(Wonderful Wednesdays start again June 17)
Toddler Time: Fridays 10:30 to noon
The dates for this month are May 1, 8, 15, 22
(no Toddler Time on May 29 due to BOE Preschool Screening in the Auditorium)
Family Story Time: Our weekly all-ages story time— Saturdays 10:30-11:30.
The dates for this month are May , 9, 16, 23, 30
Paddington “Be Homeful” Storytime
Tuesday, May 12 , 4 – 5 PM
Annual Plant Swap
Saturday, May 16, 3 PM
Meet other gardeners, share
The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness (CCEH)
and swap plants!
has teamed up with Paddington Bear to raise awareness of
To participate, bring in one plant
family homelessness in the state. Mansfield kids can help!
or many, a perennial, annual,
At our “Be Homeful” program we’ll read the story of Padshrub
or vegetable in a container
dington, talk a bit about what makes our own homes so special, and make
you are willing to give away.
a picture of what we love most about our homes. All kids will be invited
label your plants as best
to decorate a marmalade jar to fill with pennies and other loose change.
you can—name, light and soil
These jars will be collected at branches of People’s United Bank between
requirements, and any unique
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day (June 21), or you can return your jar to
characteristics they may have or a
the Library. Money from the jars will be donated to CCEH. Bring in an
good story about them.
empty jar to decorate if you have one; we will also have a collection of
Each plant you bring gives you the
jars on hand.
opportunity to exchange it for
Get Ready for Safe Fun in the Sun
something new. You can start
Tuesday, May 19, 4—5 PM
potting now, but people have been
known to bring in ‘freshly dug
Summer is coming…do you know the safe way to enjoy the sun? Join us
plants from the morning garden’
after school for beach stories plus information and activities about stayas
well. This program is free and
ing safe in the sun. UConn Pharmacy graduate student
open to the public. For additional
Carl Garcia will present lots of good information
information or questions, please
about how to enjoy outside activities without getting
call the library at 860-423-2501.
too much sun. Learn all about how to use sunscreen
properly, along with other good ways to protect yourWatch our FaceBook page for
self, and try some fun activities that test your sun safepictures as we build our
ty knowledge. Before you go, decorate a fancy pair of
Children’s Garden!
(foam) sunglasses so you can leave the library in style!
We are busy planning wonderful
summer activities in the garden.
Summer Reading begins June 19th!
We've marked out our garden
Kids, teens & adults are invited to sign up for a summer of great reading space near the playground and
& fun incentives. We’ll be kicking off with a Superhero Family Party on plan to build beds on May 9
(weather permitting) Keep an eye
June 19 at 6 PM. Join us all summer — come to a Garden Party, learn
on future newsletters and emails
about beekeeping, dance and sing with Turtle Dance Music, try some
for more information about volunhigh energy hula hooping, visit with a llama, be amazed by
teering and garden programs.
Storyfaces, learn the story and science of ice cream and more!
Mansfield Public Library
54 Warrenville Rd. , Mansfield, CT 06250
Volume 14
Issue 5
Monday: 10-5 Tuesday: 10-8 Wednesday: 10-5 Thursday: 10-8 Friday: 9-5 Saturday: 9-5 Sunday: Closed