CLASS -1 Dear Students, The long awaited summer vacations are back again, the purpose of these holidays is manifold. It is a time to have fun with family and friends and to explore new horizons. But during these jolly days, fruitful utilization of time cannot be overlooked. So children,here are some fun filled activities to keep you engrossed and provide many different ways to develop your skills. Have lots of fun and come back recharged to share your memories with us….HAPPY SUMMERS!!! GUIDELINES FOR PARENTS a) Help your child to explore through the provided links and get the required print outs. All the worksheets and score cards will be pasted in the respective subject notebooks. b) Grades will be given for holiday homework. c) Your child needs only your guidance to do the holidays homework. d) The child should submit his/her holiday homework in time i.e. on 3rd July. e) Make your child practice English and Hindi writing twice a week in a separate 3in 1 copy. f) Read as many books of English and Hindi and do the spell check regularly. GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS a) Dear Students, holidays are surely a time to be a little carefree but not careless. So take good care of yourself b) Eat Healthy food c) Keep yourself fit by practicing ‘SURYA NAMASKAR’ from the given link. d) Do not neglect your studies and keep revising the concepts covered in class so that you develop a good hold over them when you come back to school. NOTE : HOLIDAYS HOME WORK WILL BE ASSESSED AS PER THE RUBRIC PROVIDED. ASSESSMENT 2 1.5 1 CONTENT *Information related to the topic Content not completely Only few of the is accurate. related but there is instructions are followed *Originality of work originality of work PRESENTATION *Well organized presentation Work organized but cutting *Work not organized. *Good Legible Handwriting & over-writing found. *Handwriting not legible. SUBMISSION OF * Submitted on time * Submitted one day late *Submitted after WORK repeated reminders (within 1 week) STUDENT’S * Student’s own initiative & *students’ work is a mere *The student has to redo EFFORTS efforts evident despite reflection of either parents’ the entire work teachers’/parents’ guidance or teachers’ directions. ORAL PRESENTATION *The child should be able to present the task accomplished in the class orally *Well presented but clarity of subject knowledge of the given task not clear *Chance given again for oral presentation ENGLISH TASK1. VIDEO BASED-- Watch these videos carefully on naming words Attempt the worksheets on the given links GAMES- Play the games on the given links to improve your vocabulary (Attempt and paste any three worksheets and your score card in your notebook ) TASK2. SKILL BASED- SUNDAE DELIGHT ICE CREAM Make your Sundae delight ice cream from the given story book. a) Draw an ice cream cone of different flavours like-chocolate, vanilla; strawberry , mango , and pineapple. Make your drawings on appropriately coloured sheets of paper – Brown for chocolate, Red for strawberry , Orange for mango, Yellow for pineapple ,cone for cream colour .The sheets served as the flavours for our story book report. On the top flavour of chocolate, write the title you had just finished reading. Write the names of the character on the Strawberry. Write the message on the mango. On the pineapple, write one line about the character you liked the best. Staple together the ice cream flavours with cone. (submit it to your class teacher) b) Pick out ten new words you have come across while reading the book and write them . Now arrange these ten words in alphabetical order. c) Search any 6 sentences having is, am ,are and 10 Naming words. Write the plural form of the searched naming words. (Paste your book review report and attempt Task 2( b, c) part in notebook. TITLE GIVE A NEW NAME TO YOUR STORY WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS TO A FRIEND DRAW AND NAME YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER WHAT IS YOUR FELLING AFTER READING THE STORY TASK3. LEARNING BY DOING: LINGO SLING ( An example is illustrated for you) Let’s have fun with words. Make an amazingly gorgeous ‘VOCAB HANGING’ for your class with the help of your parents. a) Illustrate the word on a card board sheet. and make cutouts of any shape ( You can take circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star, crescent etc). b) Make as many 3, 4 or 5 letter words as you can from the chosen word c) Hang it with a string or ribbon to the main word cutout and the ‘lingo sling is ready. d) Choose at least two words from the list below. (WORDS 1. KEYBOARD 7. CAULIFLOWER 2. HIPPOPOTAMUS 8. SUNFLOWER 3. CROCODILE 9. SNOW WHITE 4. TORTOISE 10. BLACKBERRY 5. PINEAPPLE 11. CHOCOLATE 6. WATER MELON 12. CINDERELLA (submit it to your class teacher) TASK4. BURNING ISSUES : NEWSPAPER HUNT In your newspaper, find ,read and write an important news headlines of sports and current affair (one each) with date of each day. |Write it neatly in your own handwriting with proper punctuation. For ex- capital letter, full stop and comma. (Do it in English notebook.) हंद न-1 वी डयो पर आधा रत :(Online Question) दए गए लं स पर कम से कम 10 व अ धक से अ धक इ छानु सार कहा नयाँ दे ख व दे खी गई कहा नय क सू ची एक कैटर पलर के प म पे टल शीट से बनाएँ िजस पर दे खी गई कहानी का नाम लख व उ चत मो टकोन वारा उसक रे टंग कर बहु त अ छ :साधारण :अ छ नह ं लगी : 1. Tales of Panchtantra in hindi series 1 2. Tales of Panchtantra in hindi series 2 नमू ना : कहानी का नाम व मो टकोन न-2 कौशल पर आधा रत(Skill Based Question) सं ा (Naming words) का प रचय :- सं ा मतलब नाम ह नाम यि त , व तु ,जानवर , थान अब नीचे दए मजेदार लं क को दे ख और सं ा क अ धक जानकार अपनी हं द क कॉपी म क ह ं पाँच ा त कर | य (जैसे – पक नक , सकस , कसी योहार आ द ) के च चपकाकर उनम सु ंदर – सु ंदर रंग भर व हर च म नज़र आने वाले एक –एक यि त ,व तु , थान, जानवर/प ी का नाम लख | अवकाश के बाद क ा म आकर इस वषय पर मज़ेदार चचा कर | न-3 करना व सीखना :((Learning By Doing) खला डय क सं या : 2 पे टल शीट से ताश के आकार व साइज़ के 20 का स बनाइए ,उन पर अपनी पसंद के कोई 20 वण सफाई पू व क ल खए |जैस:े काड :- क डाइस फर एक चौकोर ग ते के ड बे से बड़ा व सु ंदर सा डाइस बनाएँ िजसक अमा क श द आ –◌ा :- येक साइड पर नीचे दए अनु सार लख :- इ –ि◌ ई-◌ी खाल दु बारा डाल त प चात ए -4 साइज़ शीट पर दो कोर का स बनाएँनाम ........................... oसंo 1. वण उदाहरण: क कोर काड मा ा मा ा स हत वण ◌ा का श द काला 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ह ता र खलाड़ी 1. पोजीशन : खलाड़ी 2. कु लांक अंक 1 व ध :आप व आपका म मल कर यह खेल खेल | 1. सव थम दोन खलाड़ी 10 -10 का स बाँटे | 2. फर बार -बार से एक –एक काड डाल अथात एक खलाड़ी एक काड डाले व दू सरा खलाड़ी डाइस डाल | 3. फर काड डालने वाला खलाड़ी काड पर आए वण व डाइस पर आई मा ा को मला कर उससे शु होने वाला श द सोच कर (ऊपर दए नदशानु सार अनु सार कोर काड पर ) लखेगा | 4. फर दू सरा खलाड़ी इसी या को दोहराएगा व अपने कोर काड पर लखेगा| 5. इस कार दोन खलाड़ी 10 -10 बार लगे व श द बनाकर अपने-अपने काड म लखगे | 6. त प चात दोन का स अपने अ भभावक से चैक करवाएँ | हर सह श द को एक अंक व गलत को ज़ीरो अंक द | 7. अंत म कुल कोर नकाल व वजेता घो षत कर तथा दोन का स को एक साथ टे पल करके छु य के बाद क ा म लाएँ | न4अख़बार पर आधा रत ग त व ध हं द अख़बार म से कोई 15 मु य खबर (हैडलाइंस) काटकर उ ह अपनी हं द क कॉपी म चपकाएँ व हर खबर के नीचे पु नः अपनी वयं क लखाई म सु ंदर ढं ग से लखकर नदशानु सार उन पर दायरा लगाएँ तथा उ ह पढ़ने का अ यास कर 1) अमा क श द –लाल रं ग 2) आ क मा ा के श द – भू रा रं ग 3) इ क मा ा के श द – हरा रं ग 4) ई क मा ा के श द – बगनी रं ग MATHS Q1:Watch the video from the given link and write the answers in your fair notebook. 1-How many stamps were there in the given video? Count and write. 2-How we can break a number? Write in an expanded form 3-How many less stars were there than stamps? Q2: FUN WITH SHAPES 1-Prepare different sceneries with the help of GEO BOARD and RUBBER BANDS (given in maths kit), click pictures of the best 5 and paste in your notebook 2-Make your own TESSELLATION KIT (refer your maths kit) using cutouts of colourful pastel sheets. 3-Create any 1 means of transport using your own tessellation kit 4-List all the shapes used above 5-Cover the means of transport with the transparent sheet and bring it to the school. Q3.Play these game and mail the screen shot of congratulations token to your teacher. Q4. SPORTS TIMES a) Watch the IPL Semi final and final match and note the final score of both the teams in the Matches in your notebook and compare the scores by subtracting the highest score from the lowest. Paste the picture of the winning team. Q5. Weather report Read weather report in newspaper for 10 days and record your observations in the table given below. (Note : Table to be prepared in the fair notebook) A) Write the total number of days. B) Write the number of cloudy days. C) Write the number of sunny days. D) Which was the windiest day? Date & Day Sunny Cloudy Windy SKILL BASED We have all heard about the story of the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ who went to her grandma’s house for a visit. Do you remember what all she saw during her journey in the correct sequence? Solve the question in sequence. Match the answers to the things she saw. One has been done for you A) 10 -5 = 5 B)9-3 = C)4 -2 = D) 9 – 5 = E) 7 – 4 = F) 8 -8 = G) 5- 4 = H) 8 -1 = (Note: Paste the picture in fair copy) EVS QUES 1. DOTTIE’S GARDEN Watch the given link carefully and know about the steps of growing a plant. Now when you know how to grow a plant a) Go ahead and grow your own little green friend (Plant) and give an interesting name to it b) Draw and colour pictures of every step while growing and nurturing your plant. Use these pictures to prepare a film strip on a pastel sheet showing the entire procedure. QUES 2. AUTOGRAPH THE TREES Objective: To arouse curiosity about the natural environment. Skills Developed: a) Observing and tracing the impressions b) Feeling and recording Task: Go out for a nature walk in a nearby garden. Do not forget to carry few plain papers and your crayons. Select 3 trees to complete your observation. Steps: 1) Put the plain paper against the trunks 2) Rub crayons on it. (use a different crayon for each trunk) 3) Observe the impressions of the barks. 4) prepare a survey sheet on an A-4 size sheet as per the given format and paste your observations on it. 5) Mention few more differences which you observed. Sample Survey Sheet CATEGORY OF DIFFERENCE IMPRESSIONS (paste in the space provided) SIZE OF TREE (Small/ Tall/ broad) ROOTS (Inside the ground/ can be seen) SHAPES OF LEAVES (Round/ thin/long) WHAT DOES THE TREE GIVE (Fruits/ Vegetables/ Flowers) TREE 1: (NAME) TREE 2: (NAME) TREE 3:(NAME) QUES. 3 Plants Grow in The Direction Of Light (Cardboard Maze Experiment) Remember your little green friend who came into existence as a result of your task 1. Let’s do an interesting experiment using the plant and observe its interesting growth. a) Refer the given link to conduct your task b) As you conduct the experiment keep a note of following points in your fair notebook: Day 1: What do you think will happen? A week later: What is happening? Final Result: What did you observe? QUES. 4 Recycling Is Fun a) Watch the given link and learn about the Three R’s which can help to save our environment. b) Now you are ready to be an active environmentalist, go ahead and inspire your neighbours to follow the 3 R’s. c) Get four printouts of the attached ‘Follow Up Worksheet’ and get reviews from 4 neighbours. d) Collect 1 recyclable object from each of the 4 neighbours and create something innovative combining all the 4 objects. FOLLOW UP WORKSHEET NAME__________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________ PH. No.________________ OCCUPATION ____________________________________ 1. How do you dispose off the garbage in your house? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. Did you know about the 3 R’s for ‘Saving Environment’? NO YES 3. After speaking to the student volunteer, how inspired do you feel? Do you pledge to follow the 3 R’s? ______________________________________________________________ 4. REDUCE How can you reduce the use of things you waste? ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ SIGNATURE_________________ REUSE What all things can you reuse at home? RECYCLE Which objects can you recycle at home? ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ DATE_________________ Music & Dance ‘’To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear’’ Related to this make your ward to do warm up daily along with the given link zumba kids (You can find this video in school blog also) Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June. This year we are celebrating Father’s day on 21st june Child has to learn this song (You can find this video on school blog) COMPUTER BEAT THE HEAT Explore the given link and make your pool look super cool by dragging in appropriate pictures and bring a coloured printout of the same. Worksheet : Write 10 lines on 'MYSELF' in wordpad . Use different Font size and Font colour for each line and bring a coloured printout of the same. Art & Craft 1. Watch the given link and make a beautiful basket. Use your own creativity to decorate it in best possible manner. the given link and make abeautiful notebook. Use your own creativity to decorate it in best possible manner.
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