CLASS-3 ENGLISH Summer Vacation is probably the happiest period in a student's life. The purpose is manifold. One is relaxation to recoup health and vitality , the other is to make up for the deficiency in any particular subject. Hence, the students are provided with some Online tasks to enable them with a valuable learning experience during their leisure time. Complete the assignment as per the given instructions. Q.1. Log on to the Website: Steps: Open the link → Home page → UK Now → Video UK (click on A to Z)list). Watch the video "CHRISTMAS SHOPPING". After watching the video, towards the end you will find exercises /worksheets (based on grammar and vocabulary). Get a print of each sheet and after attempting all the four tasks paste all of them in a scrap book. Now here is your Christmas Shop, get it ready for christmas by decorating it and placing things you would like to sell during Christmas. After decorating the shop, list down these things in your scrap book with reasons why you would like to sell them during Christmas. CHRISTMAS SHOP Q2. GAME BASED-Students will play the online game and paste five printouts of the score-cards in the scrap book. Log on to the Website: Steps: Open the link → Home page → Study break →Games Write all five letters you have made while playing in your scrap-book. → Word shake Q.3. Log onto the link and watch the video: An E- Greeting is an electronic greeting/ wishing friends or dear ones by sending e-greetings via e- mail. Students will send e-greeting Use at least five words that you have learnt from the game word shake. The card could be related to greet someone(Example: missing you, friendship card, happy holidays, get to their friend or dear ones via e-mail in 20-25 words. well soon, have a nice journey etc). Get the print of the e-greeting that you have sent and paste it in the scrap file. (B) Read lesson 1 to 9 of the Extensive Reader "Heidi". Fill in the table with the help of the given clues. Copy the format in the scrap file. Name of the character Quality A. Heidi 1. loving 1. She loved her aunt and grandfather. 2 ............ 2........................................................... 3 B. ................. C. ................. Evidence from the story ............ 3........................................................... 1 ............ 1.......................................................... 2 ............ 2.......................................................... 3 ............ 3.......................................................... 1............ 1.......................................................... 2............ 2.......................................................... 3............ 3.......................................................... Q.4.BURNING ISSUES: (Using the newspaper) Make a list of at least fifteen describing words from an advertisement in the newspaper. ExampleBeautiful, Clean, Sweet, small, Colourful. Use those fifteen words to describe the following things: Week:1 Things I see in a park. Week:2 Things I see in the kitchen. Week3: Summer season. Week:4 My favourite Cartoon character. Week:5 My pet animal. This task should be done once in a week in the scrap book only. विषम – हहन्दी प्रश्न 1.लरॊक खोर कय आलसी ब्राह्मण कहानी को दे खें तथा इस कल्ऩना-ऩत्र को ऩयू ा करयए? लरॊक - कल्ऩना-ऩत्र सोचता हूॉ उस याऺस का क्मा हुआ होगा ? आऩको क्मा रगता है ? अफ भैं आऩका याऺस हूॉ भुझे क्मा काभ दोगे जल्दी फताओ ? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ___ ऩॊडडत जी अगय भैं याऺस को काभ ऩय ना रगाती तो क्मा होता सोचो ,सोचो … _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ___ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ___ प्रश्न 2 . ‘अततरयक्त ऩठन ‘के लरए लभरी हुई ऩुस्तक ‘अनोखा उऩहाय ‘ऩष्ृ ठ 1 से 15 तक ऩढ़ें औय फकुर के जीिन ऩय एक सभम ये खा फना कय उसे भोफाइर की सहामता से हदखाएॊ भोफाइर की रूऩ ये खा साथ भें दी गई है | ए- 4 साइज शीट को चाय हहस्सों भें काट कय भोफाइर फनाने के लरए प्रमोग कयें तथा जोड़ने केलरए रयफन का प्रमोग कयें | 6 सार के फकुर का चचत्र 12 सार के फकुर का चचत्र 16 सार के फकुर का चचत्र फकुर का फचऩन कैसा था ? क्मा उसके साथ सही हुआ ? क्मों सबी फच्चों को भाता- वऩता का प्माय चाहहए ? कौशर – छात्रों भें ऩठन ,रेखन ि चचॊतन कौशर का विकास होगा | प्रश्न 3 - आऩ सबी जानते हैं जर ही जीिन है | एक जजम्भेदाय नागरयक होने के नाते आऩको अऩने घय भें प्रमोग ककए गए जर, जैसे - अऩने घय भें कऩडे धोने का ऩानी आहद, का दोफाया उऩमोग कयना चाहहए |आऩ अऩनेऩरयिाय के सदस्मों के साथ फैठ कय इस के लरए एक मोजना तैमाय कयें तथा उसे प्रमोग भें राएॊ कपय कुछ ऩॊजक्तमों भें उस तयीके औय अऩने ऩरयिाय के सदस्मों के अनब ु ि बी लरखें | आऩके लरए एक एक उदाहयण हदमा गमा है | मोजना ------------- कऩड़े -------------- सपाई धोने -------------के ऩानी का उउउउउ | सपाई के लरए | ककतनी फाल्टी ऩानी फचा ऩाए – सदस्म का नाभ उनका अनुबि कैसा यहा कैसा आऩका अनब ु ि कैसा यहा लरखें | यहा | प्रश्न 4 – प्रततहदन हहॊदी का सभाचाय ऩत्र ऩढ़ें औय हय सप्ताह भें एक फाय ऐसे चचत्र ि सभाचाय ढूॊढ कय काटें जो ग्रीष्भ ऋतु के फाये भें जानकायी दें ?अफ इनभें से 10 नए शब्द अऩनी कऺा कामय की ऩजु स्तका भें लरखें औय िाक्म फनाएॊ| नोट - सभस्त कामय कऺा कामय की कॉऩी भें कयना है | रुबरिक 5/5 4/5 अतत – उत्तभ प्रश्न 1 प्रश्न 2 प्रश्न 3 3/5 2/5 उत्तभ सयाहनीम तीनों प्रश्नों के उत्तय तीनो प्रश्नों के उत्तय केिर दो ही प्रश्न केिर एक ही प्रश्न कय लरखना | दे खना – ऩयू ी लरखना | कहानी ऩयू ी न कयना | ऩाना कहानी | दे खना | कहानी की थोड़ी जानकायी विषम- िस्तु की उचचत होना| सभझ ना होना | ऩढ़ना 1से 5 ऩष्ृ ठ ऩढ़ना तथा ऩुस्तक दो बफॊद ु ऩूये केिर एक बफॊद ु ऩूया कयना तथा | लरखना | उऩन्मास ऩष्ृ ठ 1से 1से 15तक ऩढ़ना तथा तथा केिर कामय कयना | ऩूया कयना | उऩमोग तथा सबी केअनब ु ि लरखने ऩय 10ऩष्ृ ठ उऩमोग तथा साभान्म ककन्हीॊ दो उऩमोग तथा ककसी एक के अनब ु ि लरखने ऩय | के अनब ु ि लरखने ऩय | | कहानी को तोड़ा की ऩढ़ना सा ही केिर उऩमोग लरखने ऩय | | प्रश्न 4 प्रततहदन सभाचाय – प्रततहदन सभाचाय – ऩत्र ऩत्र ऩढ़ना | सभाचाय ऩढ़ना ऩयन्तु सभाचाय न ऩढ़ना , ऩयन्तु सभाचाय काटें रगाना ि िाक्म फनाना रगाना ि रगाना तथािाक्म फनाना | केिर 2 ि सभाचाय िाक्म केिर सभाचाय –ऩत्र ऩढ़ना | न फनाना| MATHEMATICS Q.1 Watch the video ‘Class 3 Maths (’ ‘ TIME’ and answer the following questions in your fair notebook:a) What was the initial time shown by the clock in the video? b) What will be the time after minute hand hand in the clock takes 2 rounds? c) What was the shape of the clock in the video? d) Name any five objects from real life which have the same shape. e) How many rounds do minute hand in the clock needs to take so that hour hand comes at 5. Supporting link:- Q.2 Visit to the following links for practicing tables online. Practice from these games in two sessions of 5 minutes each daily. While playing take a screen shot of your working. Steps for taking screen shots are 1) Press ‘PrntScr’ key available in centre of topline of the keyboard. 2) Open paint software and press ‘ Ctrl+V’ 3) Press ‘Ctrl+S’ and save the file Take out a print of the same and paste in your notebook. ( 3 screenshots) Take a print out of score sheet as well and paste it in your fair note book Revise tables from 2 to 20 and write all the tables in your fair notebook. Q.3 Skill Based Using computational skills, solve the following puzzles and paste the printout in notebook. a) Complete the hierarchy by adding the two numbers to build the block on their top. b) Fill in the blank boxes by doing the required calculations: e.g. _____ + 13 + 15 =50, So _____ = 50-13= 37-15= 22 c) Fill in the blank by adding the two numbers at the opposite end in the circle. ( For e.g. 1+ 7=8, 7 + 9=16) Q.4 MANIPULATIVES TASK (Refer to page 156 of your book) Using the tessellation kit given in your math kit, create 5 different tessellating patterns and complete the observation table TESSELLATION NO. OF NAME NO, OF NO. OF SIDES IN EACH SHAPES THE CORNERS SHAPE INVOLVED SHAPES IN EACH SHAPE 1 2 3 4 5 On the basis of your observation, write down what type of shapes tessellate and what type of shapes do not tessellate. Give an example of each type of shape. Also draw each pattern in the notebook. Q.5 Maintain a temperature record and note down maximum temperature for any 10 days from the newspaper and do the following in your fair notebook: Page 1: Temperature of all 10 days with dates. Page 2: Hottest Day amongst these 10 days. Page 3: Coldest Day amongst these 10 days. Page 4: Arrange all the temperatures in ascending order. Page 5: Segregate all the temperatures as even and odd number. RUBRICS: I ) Online Questions : 4 All questions attempted correctly after comprehending the video. ii) i)Video Based 3 All questions attempted correctly with very few mistakes after comprehending the video. 2 1 Few questions Only one question attempted correctly attempted correctly after comprehending after the video. comprehending the video. Game Based 4 3 2 1 Scored 90- 100% in the Scored 60- 80% in the Scored 40- 60% in the Scored below 40% games. games. games. in the games. II) Skill Based 4 3 2 1 All puzzles solved All puzzles solved Two puzzles One puzzle correctly but with few solved correctly solved correctly mistakes III) Learning by Doing Maths Kit Assignment 4 3 2 1 The task has been done Task has been done in Task has been done but The task not been properly and all a proper manner. All not in a proper manner. appropriately done. patterns drawn. patterns not drawn. Few patterns drawn. No pattern drawn. IV BURNING ISSUES 4 3 Task has been done Task has been done appropriately with appropriately with little neatness , good less neatness , good presentation and all presentation but all details mentioned. details mentioned. 2 Task has been done with few details, not well presented and neatness is not there. 1 Task has been done with few details, presentation is poor and neatness is not there. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Task1: Online task: Watch the animated video on photosynthesis in the given link and then answer the following questions in your fair copy: OR a. Name the organ in plants which perform same functions as your nose. b. What will happen if plants do not have (i) leaves and (ii) roots? c. Which structure of the plant is known as the kitchen of the plant and why? d. What is photosynthesis? Task2: Game based task: Enjoy and play on line games two times and make your learning long lasting. Take two screen shot of the final score of each game and paste in your fair copy Game1: Now make a list of 10 animals that you have watched in above stated game and then classify them as herbivores, carnivores or omnivores in tabular form in fair copy.(One example is done for you) S.No Name of the animal 1 Cat Herbivores(eat plant products ) -- Carnivores(eat flesh) Omnivores(eat plant products as well as flesh) -- Plant productbread Flesh-Mouse Game2: Also write the correct sequence of the steps involved in agriculture as shown in above stated game: a. Harvesting the crops b. Ploughing the field c. Watering the plants(Irrigation) d. Sowing the seeds Task 3: Skill based (Observation and Reasoning) Below are some day-to-day activities. Perform these activities and write its observation along with its explanation and scientific term. (For few activities you can take help of your parents) S.No Activity Observation Reason of your Scientific term observation 1. Keep water inside freezer for 4hours. 2 Observe inner surface of utensil’s lid in which water is boiling. 3 Keep ice cold water in a tumbler and observe its outer surface after 10 minutes. 4 Keep fresh milk in fridge and observe nest day(layer of fat) 5. Soak raisin/currant for overnight in water and observe next day HINT: For scientific terms you have to find out meanings of these terms- evaporation, freezing, condensation, denaturation and coagulation, osmosis etc and then correlate with above activities. Task4. Learning by doing: Every year environment day is celebrated on 5 th June. Let’s join our hands and contribute for it. Prepare any material as hot air balloon, papier mache bunny, papier mache hat etc using papier mache. You can watch the given link a. Bring the prepared material and learn few lines on it to present in the class. b. Now think and answer how papier mache activity is environment friendly? Task 5: Burning issue: Now it’s time to read newspaper. Cut out any seven news headlines related to environment from English newspaper. Paste these headlines in fair copy along with its meaning explained in 1-2 lines for each. For example : News headline related to Environment: Summer diseases strike, city reports packed OPDs Meaning: Number of diseases have gone up due to the scorching heat of the summer season and this causes a huge rush in OPDs(out patient departments) of hospitals. Rubric for above five tasks are: TASK 4 3 1 NO. 1 All 4 questions answered correctly 2 2 questions answered Attempted but correctly appropriate Cleared all levels along with 4 screen shots 2 screen shots pasted 2 screen shots pasted pasted along with the correct answers Along with not correct answers. 3 4 Covered all the given data and is correctly Data done incomplete information displayed inappropriately Work Work done Work done and presented with appropriate presentation and answer 5 is correct done but without Collected information but presentation or answer Pasted all the seven news along with meanings Pasted five news along Pasted with meanings along two-three news with meanings Computer Make A Scenary on “SAVE ANIMALS” with the help of Kidpix Software. Take print out of scenary and submit to your Subject Teacher. Steps to download: 1. Link for downloading the kidpix software is given below: 2. To take print out : click on file and select print … RUBRIC Number of Items 4 3 2 1 The collage covers There are a few The collage has a The the white few more large pictures, but white space than does not cover the pictures. entire page, leaving no white spaces showing. No space showing. repetition of collage has whole paper. pictures. MUSIC Sing with your children at home. Singing creates a sense of togetherness. Singing is a comfort to children. It has the power to help your child go to sleep, and calm a child who is frightened, angry or frustrated. Singing banishes grumpiness, obstinacy and boredom! When you sing with a child it makes whatever you're doing fun. LEARN AND ENJOY FOLLOWING SONGS 1. PRAYER – TERI PANAH ME HAME RAKHNA ENGLISH SONG Assessment of this song will be done in the classRUBRIC A B C D Child has learned the Child has learned the Child has learned the Child has neither learned tunes of the songs with tunes of the songs with tunes of the songs but the tunes nor the lyrics correct lyrics some correct lyrics lyrics are not clear Properly LET’S BE FIT When a child become physically more active, they not only lose weight, but their thinking and Problem-solving skills also show signs of improvement. 2. FUN AEROBICS Assessment will be done in the class RUBRIC A B C D Child has learned the Child has learned the step Child has tried to learn the Child has not learned the basic steps and performed but performed with less steps but some steps are steps. with full enthusiasm. energy. still not clear. Art Education (Drawing) CLASS III Decorate one Thali(with different decorative material) Make one Rajasthani painting (Madhubani) in your school file. v&sa=X&ei=FzBMVY-ZKcmpuwS294HICg &ved=0CCIQsAQ Madhubani painting =u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=uH5EVbz6JYnkuQT94oH4DA&ved=0CBwQsAQ (Rajasthanithali) RUBRIC A Elements and Principles of Art (2) B (1.5) C Planned The artwork The student did The assignment The student did carefully, made shows that the the assignment was completed the several student applied adequately, yet it and turned in, of the artwork the shows lack of but showed little was evidence of any completed sketches ,and principles (1) D E showed of design while planning awareness of the using one or little elements, chose more elements while an overall of the elements colour effectively; composition was and principles planned. of art; scheme and (.5) evidence (0) minimum never understanding carefully , used showed an space awareness of evidence effectively. filling the space planning. no of adequately. Creativity/Originality The student The explored several tried choices ideas before selecting one; student a few selecting The student tried The student a idea, and help fulfill showed no out adequately, assignment, but evidence of one; but it gave no original of thought. generating many or based his or originality; evidence ideas; her on substituted trying anything unusual someone else's "symbols" combinations or idea; personal changes on decisions after observation; ideas; referring to one might source; copied work. several tried made connections previous to work student for lacked the The made solve the problem in for have unusual. knowledge; a logical way. demonstrated understanding problem solving skills. Effort/Preservance The project was The student continued until it work hard and finished was complete as completed the the student could project, but could have been make it; gave it with a loom or improved effort far beyond little effort it more than required; to might adequate pride in going been interpretation of well beyond the outstanding. the assignment, have requirement The student The project was The student did the completed with not finish the project, but it minimum effort work but adequately with effort; lacked finish; chose an easy project and did it indifferently. Skill The artwork was With beautiful more effort, the showed average showed patiently done; it work could craftsmanship; average craftsmanship; was as good as have been adequate, but not craftsmanship, evidence hard work could outstanding; as good as it lack of pride in lazy this or lack make it. lacks could have been, finished work. of and a little the finishing The student The student below a bit careless. The student showed poor of understanding touches. Use of Techniques Used skills and Used skills and Used skills and Minimum techniques techniques techniques to a application appropriately. minimum skills standard. techniques, new in ways, followed directions unfinished requirements. work. Did not meet of and the expected
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