ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MINISTRIES IN OUR CHURCH Chairman Steve Booy Cadets Peter Overgaauw Vice-Chair Stewart VanSchepen Catechism Peter Beimers Vice-All Andrew Streutker Church School Cora Kroondijk Clerk Tim Bentum Coffee Break Amanda Pasma Deacons Grace VandenDool Vincent DeBoer Young Adults Mark Sikma SHEPHERDING ELDERS Friendship Sara Verkuyl/Sylvia VanSchepen Ward 1 Jelle DeVries GEMS Linda Haverkamp/Wendy deVries Ward 2 Ralph Haverkamp Library Ada DeVor Ward 3 Walt DeRuiter Nursery Janelle Markvoort/Annette Voogd Ward 4 Henry Scheerhoorn Pastor’s Class Rev. Daryl Meijer Ward 5 John Joosse Praise Team Rebecca Sol Ward 6 Ted VanderKooi Sunday School Alicia Mulder Ward 7 Terryl deVries Ushers Justin Mulder Ward 8 Arie Markvoort Youth Group Gilbert Markvoort/Brenda Sol Ward 9 Jan Idema RADIO/TV MINISTRY Ward 10 Gabriel Ionitoiu Back to God Ministries International YOUTH ELDERS Peter Beimers, Raymond Bentum, Mark Sikma Every Sunday Dial CHAM 820AM – 8:00AM DEACONS Chair Grace Vanden Dool Vice-All Linda Klingenberg (Disability Rep) Kids Corner Treasurer John Ysselstein Jr. Saturdays CJFH 94.3FM – 8:00am Secretary Derek Booy WR/CRWM John Mulder Jr. CCDC/Tuition Lloyd Bylsma BACK TO GOD HOUR REP Gus and Fenny VanStraten Admin.Council Vincent DeBoer CANADIAN BIBLE SOCIETY REP Dave and Ina Sanders Refugee Rep Walt Neutel (Op Sharing) Audio Derek Booy Steve Booy John Joosse Nick Overgaauw Terry Sol Stewart VanSchepen Video Jonathan Bentum Christopher Beimers Rick Kiers Chad Pasma Rebecca Sol Sylvia VanSchepen Business/Counting Committees Shep Ysselstein (IC) Vincent DeBoer (L) Ben DeBeer Peter DeBoer Joleen Mulder Tony Overzet Nellie Bergman Minnie Huinink Marlene Lendvay Henrietta Mulder Wilma Overgaauw Fred Ranter Randy Sol Annette Toms Stiena VanBoven Henrietta Welbourn Fellowship Team Kristin Klein (IC) Stewart VanSchepen (L) Nellie Bergman Henrietta Mulder (S) Irene Nugteren Glen Sikma Clara Thomson Henrietta Welbourn Greg Wilson Fusion Team Chris Voskamp (C) Sonya Neutel (S) Grace VandenDool (L) MARANATHA CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 735 FRONTENAC CRES, WOODSTOCK, ON N4V 0B1 TELEPHONE: 519-539-5301 Email: Website: MARCH 29, 2015 Maranatha CRC’s purpose is: Helping people to grow in Jesus Christ by celebrating God’s grace Safe Church Team Nathan Huinink (C) Andrew Streutker (L) Lisa Schaafsma Peter Schepers (S) Rebecca Streutker Worship Coordinating Team Marianne Idema/Tony Schaafsma (C) Tim Bentum (L) Chad Pasma (S) Michelle Meijer Rebecca Sol Evelyn Tilstra Helen Ysselstein Pastor: Rev. Daryl Meijer – Office: 519-539-5638 Email: Ministry Coordinator: Mrs. Kristin Klein – Office: 539-5301/226-228-7446 Email: Missionary Support: Joseph & Robinah Mutebi – World Renew Josiah & Sarah Bokma – Christian Reformed World Missions Clerk: Mr. Tim Bentum 519-421-7157 Custodians: Mrs. Jennifer Beimers 226-777-1344 Mrs. Lindsay Horinga 519-456-5972 Secretary/Treasurer: Mrs. Sharon Kiers 519-539-5301 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ALARM Please leave the building by the closest exits. Parents: Your children will be taken by their teachers out of their classrooms via their closest exits. Please meet your children outside the building. If you would like a copy of the service please contact the office. Please have bulletin announcements in by Thursday noon. We have come into His House to worship Him. elcome to all those who are worshipping with us today. We extend a special welcome to those who are visiting. We pray that our worship and fellowship will encourage you and all of us in our daily walk with the Lord. Please join us for fellowship and coffee in the gymnasium after the morning service. May God bless Rev. Daryl Meijer in the preaching of the Word this day. Our weekly church newsletter is available at the Welcome Centre. Songbooks, regular & large print, are available from the ushers. NEXT WEEK Good Friday Rev. Daryl Meijer Easter Sunday: AM Rev. Daryl Meijer, Lord’s Supper PM No Service Next Sunday morning we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together as a church family. May God guide and help each of us as we prepare for this celebration and reminder of His grace. CHURCH FAMILY – Prayer Notes **We rejoice with Mark & Sara Verkuyl and family as they welcomed their son and brother, Wesley Matthew on Friday, March 20. We praise God for new life and pray His blessings as they raise their children! **Janet Bentum continues to recover from surgery at home with some days better than others. She and Jake expect to meet with a doctor in the next week or two concerning pathology reports and next steps, but it appears that preparations are being made for chemotherapy treatments. This is difficult news to hear; we continue to pray for Jake and Janet and family during this anxious time for God's peace and healing power. **Symen DeBoer continues to struggle at home with regaining strength and health after chemotherapy and stem cell treatments. His immune system is still very weak and he gets sick very easily. Pray that God will speed his healing and give Symen perseverance along this difficult road. **Due to their health, Mrs. Jacoba Batterink, Mr. Andy Berghuis, Mrs. Anna DeJager, Mr. & Mrs. Hank & Jean Meyer, Mrs. Tina Schut, Mr. & Mrs. Klaas & Liz Slik and Mr. Albert Wesselink are unable to join us for worship services. Please support them with prayer and encouragement. **Thank you to Maranatha CRC. We so appreciated the support and hospitality of your church and your willingness to help with whatever was needed for the AOYC Service last Sunday. It was great to work together! OFFERINGS Today – Voice of the Martyrs/Budget Good Friday – Indwell (Homestead Christian Care) Next Week – Christian Reformed Home Missions/Budget Received Mar 22/15 – Church Ministries $17,367.40 Friendship Canada $847.60 We gratefully acknowledge your support of our church, our denomination and various ministries! April 5 – Mr. Herb Cooney Jesus told us ‘whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.’ Every day we are presented opportunities to help someone. Every day we have the opportunity to see the face of Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to others. Pray for the courage to stand up for those in need of our help. Check out the GEMS Calendar to see who is celebrating birthdays or anniversaries this week! GOOD FRIDAY’S COLLECTION – Indwell (Homestead Christian Care) Indwell is a non-profit charitable organization primarily serving those with mental illness through affordable housing and rehabilitation services. We assist our residents in meeting personal recovery goals and improving quality of life through life skills training, social involvement, and spiritual growth. NEXT WEEK’S COLLECTION – Christian Reformed Home Missions Next week we will be collecting an offering for Christian Reformed Home Missions. In this coming week, please prayerfully consider supporting Home Missions as they spread the Gospel through funding local missionaries, offering leadership development courses, and supporting new church plants. TODAY: Elder in Charge: Mr. Andrew Streutker Usher in Charge: Mr. Richard Reinders Ushers: R. Reinders, J. Horinga, L. Bylsma, D. Ysselstein Audio: S. VanSchepen Computer: S. VanSchepen Library: Grace, Lindsay Welcome Centre: Nellie Coffee Servers: Fam. T. VanderKooi, Fam. S. VanSchepen Main Door Greeters: Fam. R. Kraak East Side Door Greeters: Fam. J. Klingenberg Nursery: Parent of the Month – Alicia Mulder AM Floater: Nicole VanderHoek Infants: Sharon Kiers, Chris Voskamp Toddlers: Justin Mulder, Melanie Huinink, Carley Nugteren CHURCH SCHEDULE Sun Mar 29 Mon Tues Mar 30 Mar 31 Wed Apr 1 Thurs Fri Apr 2 Apr 3 10:00AM WORSHIP SERVICE 6:30PM COMBINED PALM SUNDAY SERVICE at Covenant 7:00PM CADETS & GEMS 10:00AM BOWLING FOR RETIRED & SEMI-RETIRED at C&D Lanes 7:30PM ELDERS MEETING 7:30PM PASTOR’S FOUNDATIONS CLASS 7:45PM CATECHISM (Grades 8-10) 9:45AM COFFEE BREAK 7:00PM PRAYER MEETING 7:30PM YOUTH GROUP 11:00AM OASIS (see newsletter) 10:00AM GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL for children ages 3 – Grade 3 will be dismissed for Sunday School as written in the order of worship. All visiting children ages 3 – 5 please pre-register at the Welcome Centre in the front foyer before the start of church. CHURCH SCHOOL for Grades 4-7 are dismissed following the hymn after the sermon. March 29, 2015 – Morning Worship Service – 10:00AM Rev. Daryl Meijer GATHERING FOR WORSHIP Welcome *Gathering Hymn: “Ten Thousand Reasons” LUYH#559 *Call to Worship *Silent Prayer concluded by singing “Oh the Deep, Deep Love” *God’s Greeting *Hymn: “Be Unto Your Name” #S190 WE ARE RENEWED IN GOD’S GRACE Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon Hymn of Rededication: “Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God” LUYH#746 CHILDREN’S TIME Children’s Message Children ages 3 – Grade 3 leave for Sunday School GOD SPEAKS THROUGH HIS WORD Prayer of Illumination Scripture: Zephaniah 3:14-17 (p.935); I John 4:7-12 (p.1209) Message: “LET YOURSELF BE LOVED” *Hymn: “The Power of Your Love” #S124 Church School (Grades 4-7) are dismissed following this hymn WE RESPOND WITH OUR WORDS AND ACTIONS Preparatory for Lord’s Supper Congregational Prayer Offering: Voice of the Martyrs/Budget Offertory Prayer WE LEAVE TO SERVE THE LORD *Parting Blessing *Doxology: “He Is Exalted” #S63 Maranatha Praise Team * indicates please stand if you are able COMBINED EVENING PALM SUNDAY SERVICE: Please join us at Covenant CRC this evening at 6:30pm for our annual Combined Evening Palm Sunday service. This year we have four churches participating: Knox Presbyterian Church, Emmanuel Reformed Church, Maranatha CRC and Covenant CRC. Rev. Beth Fellinger will lead us. A combined choir will participate in the service. The offering will be for Operation Sharing. Nursery is available for the younger children. Refreshments will be served following the service. GOOD FRIDAY DRAMA PRACTICE Following the morning service after coffee time the choir and actors for the Good Friday drama will be having a practice. Lunch will be provided. Final practice, full dress rehearsal will be Thursday night at 7pm. GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SERVICES Join us on Friday, April 3 at 10am for our Good Friday service as we remember the sacrifice made in the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday morning we will worship at 10am celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour and partaking of the Lord’s Supper. We will not be holding an evening service on Easter Sunday. THE UNSHAKEABLE PROMISE – EVENING EVENT Join us on Sunday, April 12 for our final UP multi-generational evening program from 4:456:45pm. As we finish with this unit about the covenants God has made with His people and with us we will focus on Pentecost. We will begin with a short devotion, followed by supper which will be provided, an activity and we will finish with a time of worship. We would love to have you join us for this wonderful family event. The signup sheet is on the table in the foyer or you can email Kristin at COVENANT CHURCH FAMILY **We continue to ask for the Lord’s blessing on families with newborns: the Falcons (with baby Luke), the Broads (with baby Lois) and VanderSpeks (with baby Owen). May they experience an extra measure of strength and patience with all the busy-ness and the many transitions involved. **Let’s also continue to pray for Dinie Grevers (chemotherapy) and Bill Poort (preventive antibladder-cancer therapy). MARANATHA CRC NEWSLETTER March 29, 2015 O.A.S.I.S. Older Adults Sharing in Service We will meet Thursday April 2 at 11am at Covenant church. Speaker will be Jim from Van Dijks Greenhouses - Get to know what likes to grow on your patio. Apr 1: Bible Study Apr 8: Mission to Haiti Presentation/Games Apr 15: Games Night with the Seniors ********** On April 8 Mr. Glenn Reinders will be joining us to talk about Mission to Haiti Canada and what they do in Haiti. We hope to go with a group to Haiti next year, so if this is something you are interested in please plan to be at Youth Group that night! Parents are invited as well! YOUTH MISSION TO HAITI FUNDRAISER IT’S TIME TO THINK SPRING! A number of our youth are planning to go to Haiti for a mission trip next year, DV. Please check out the Vesey Bulbs flyer that is in your mail folder today. There are a variety of items that can be ordered so check it out and plan your gardens! Order deadline is April 19 and you can place them in the H. Kiers or R. Sol mail folder. Thank you for supporting our Youth! CADETS Tomorrow night will be Cadet-a-rama practice and race night. Cadet-a-rama will be taking place on Saturday, April 11 at CASS, Woodstock from 9am-3pm. Parent/Son evening will be Monday, April 20. VBS NEWS: Thank you to those who have already asked about when VBS is and when they can help. It's JULY 6-10 and YES, we'd love your help! Stay tuned for signup sheets and our "Lending Hands" board. In the meantime, keep your eyes out for broken umbrellas (to make our tree tops again) and empty shoe boxes. We hope to make a well with them. VBS Registration: As in years past, we are only accepting children who are ages 3 and 4 (Pre-School/JK) from OUR CONGREGATION. If you pick up a registration form, you will see it says SK to Gr.5. That is only for the public. FROM THE FELLOWSHIP TEAM In the next few weeks you may be getting a call from someone on the Fellowship Team asking for your assistance with two important ministries our church has. One is preparing meals for members who are sick and the other is being a part of the welcome centre team. The duties are to, welcome guests and visitors, register guest's children for nursery and Sunday school and answer any questions from visitors and guests. Please prayerfully consider how you can serve in these two areas. Thank you. YOUNG ADULTS You’re Invited to a new connecting place in the region! Introducing Young Adults Connect – a small-group based community for Christian young adults (18ish-30ish) coordinated by reps in Christian Reformed Churches in the Aylmer-Woodstock area. We plan to have small group gatherings on Friday evenings every other week, featuring a social time and relevant, faith-based discussion. Plan now to be at the launch event scheduled for Friday, April 10 (7pm until 9pm) at Ingersoll CRC. For more details contact your congregational rep: Becky Geerlinks at (519) 580-7563 or SPRING CLEAN UP The snow is melting, Spring is showing itself and the yard is looking for some tender care. Weather permitting; we invite you to join us on Monday, April 13 at 6:30pm to help pick up the garbage. We will supply gloves and garbage bags. See you there! Refreshments will be provided. FROM THE BUSINESS COMMITTEE If you notice something that needs repair in the church building please make a note and put it into the mailbox by the office door. This way the Business Committee will be aware of these items and take care of them. SCHOOL RELATED WOODSTOCK CHRISTIAN SCHOOL EASTER CHAPEL Please join us on Thursday, April 2 at 8:30am for our annual Easter Chapel. Steve Boctor from Huron Park Baptist will be leading us. Refreshments to follow! SPRING FEST Join us on April 18, 2015 from 7am-2pm at the Oxford Auditorium on Nellis St, Woodstock. Schedule: 7–9:30am: $5 Pancake Breakfast served by WCS Staff 8am-2pm: Market Place and Games open – Coffee Corner, Home & Garden, Flowers, Bake Table, Candy Table, lots of vendors and a LIVE auction 10:30am: Bizarre Bottles Sale 11am: Kitchen opens – Canadian, Dutch & Korean Cuisine 12:45pm: Live Auction LONDON DISTRICT CHRISTIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL ANNIE The LDCSS Drama Department presents ‘Annie’ on April 1718, 24-25 at 7:30pm. Adult matinee on Wednesday, April 22 at 1pm. Tickets go on sale March 23 and are $12 each. Call 519-455-4360 or email REDEEMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE POVERTY, INC: Redeemer and Partners Worldwide Canada present a pre-release screening of a powerful new film, Poverty, Inc. The film challenges each of us, even those who are mindful of “doing good,” to ask the tough question: Could I be part of the problem? Monday, March 30 at 6:30pm at Redeemer. Tickets are free, but limited. To reserve your spot, please visit ALL THAT JAZZ! Everyone is welcome to a free concert of Vocal & Instrumental Jazz Ensembles hosted by Redeemer’s Music Department; Tuesday, April 7 at 7:30pm in the Auditorium. ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT Sinfonia, Redeemer’s community orchestra, presents their annual spring concert on Saturday, April 11, at 7:30pm. The concert will feature Noah, an inspirational orchestral tone poem based on the biblical story written by Redeemer composition student, Chris Brown. There will also be two piano concertos and a performance of Brahm’s Academic Festival Overture. Tickets are $12, $10 for students and seniors, and are available on or through the Redeemer Box Office at 905.648.2139 x4211. OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS BACK TO GOD MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL GROUNDWORK: “Suffering Servant” Even those of us most intent on the Messiah get wrapped up in his victorious nature, and we overlook prophecies like Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 about the suffering servant which impact our understanding of Jesus this Holy Week. Tune in each week at or your local radio station Sundays Dial 820AM - 8:00am. KIDS CORNER “The Big Story” Liz digs up a time capsule from the founders of Terrene. Everyone’s excited until a valuable item goes missing. Can Liz solve this mystery before Granny goes to jail? Follow the adventures of Liz and his pals every week: or Sat 8am CJFH 94.3FM. FROM WORLD RENEW DIVINE LADIES NIGHT OUT Cycle to end poverty! - Join other cyclists this summer for a 10th anniversary ride with Sea to Sea and raise money to fight poverty. You can choose to participate in a 6-day ride in Ontario or a 10-day ride in Alberta. Proceeds from your ride will be used to fund ministry by World Renew, Partners Worldwide, International Justice Mission, and local poverty initiatives. Volunteers are also urgently needed to assist with both rides. For more information or to register, visit Register today to avoid disappointment. Ladies! You are cordially invited to DIVINE Ladies' Night Out, with Jason and Charmaine Brown, on Friday April 17, 79 pm. Huron Park Baptist Church (199 Berwick St, Woodstock) is hosting this evening of uplifting songs, authentic stories, passionate worship and fabulous desserts. Check out Tickets can be purchased online or by calling Carol Cole at 519-4212536. $10 in advance or $15 at the door. We're looking forward to a great evening together and hope you will join us DUTCH DAY JOB POSTING We would like to invite you to another "Dutch Day" this year! To be held D.V. Thursday, April 9, 2015 at the Tillsonburg CRC, 210 Concession St W, Tillsonburg. This year the ticket price is $12.50 p.p which includes lunch. We start the day at 10am with "koffie en gebak". We will show a nice movie and will sing some familiar songs. It promises to be another "Gezellige Dag" R.S.V.P.......early!!! Space is limited and April 6 is the deadline for reservations. Mark the date on your calendar. Looking forward to seeing you. Call Ineke Droogers 1- 519-765-2143 or Janny Kroondyk 1-519-8772724 to reserve your spot. Indwell is currently recruiting a part-time (20 hours/week) Apartment Support Worker for Harvey Woods Lofts in Woodstock. This posting is open through April 6, 2015. Application information to join Indwell’s dedicated team can be found at LET’S TALK, LET’S LISTEN Disability Concerns Canada Spring Conference Join us on April 25 from 9am-3pm at Maranatha CRC, Woodstock for this year’s conference. Jennifer, Clinical Director at Shalem Mention Health Network will be speaking on An Elephant in the Pew: Understanding Anxiety and Depression and Dan VanderPlaats, Director of Advancement at Elim Christian Services will be speaking on There is No Asterisk – 5 Stages: Changing Attitudes. For more info there is a newsletter available at the Welcome Centre. Registration fee is $35 and includes lunch and you can register at 25th ANNUAL GOOD FRIDAY CONCERT th Join the Ingersoll Choral Society in our 25 Annual Good Friday Concert, as we perform Faure’s “Requiem”, Rutter’s “For the Beauty of the Earth”, “I Believe”, and other sacred pieces. 50+ voices, with orchestral accompaniment and guest soloists. April 3, 8 pm at Sacred Heart Church, Ingersoll (where our first Good Friday concert was held 25 years ago!) Free will offering. or find us on Facebook. HOSANNA CHOIR & MATTANIAH CHRISTIAN MALE CHOIR 6th Annual Hamilton Place Concert – April 4, 2015, DV Tickets are now available for the annual combined concert of the 125 voice Hosanna Choir & 45 voice Mattaniah Christian Male Choir concert which will once again be held, the Lord willing, at Hamilton Place on Saturday, April 4 at 7:30pm. In addition to our regular line-up of musicians of Ryan Vandenberg (Organ), Andre Knevel (Organ), Joyce Postmus (Piano), Scott Harrison & Shawn Spicer (trumpets), the concert will also feature Heather Macdonald (Oboe), and Jacob Schenk (Tenor from Urk, the Netherlands). Tickets are available at $15 & $25. To obtain your tickets, contact a choir member, or contact Wendy den Hollander at 905-6281211 or email her at or online at CONCERT th In commemoration of the 70 Anniversary of the Liberation of Holland, the Soli Deo Gloria Christian Male Choir from Urk, the Netherlands will present a concerts: May 2 at Knox Presbyterian Church in Woodstock May 5 at Redeemer University College, Ancaster May 6 at St. George's Anglican Church, Guelph To order tickets or for more info contact John VanderLaan at; visit or call 905-648-3170 INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN'S CONFERENCE Grit and Grace.... Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed. Lam. 3:22 Guest Speaker: Leanne Friesen We'll be considering how we can find God's Grace in the midst of the challenges of the journey. Life can be hard, life can be gritty. How can we reach out and embrace God's grace? Please mark your calendar for Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 9am-4pm. Once again, we'll be at The Meeting House in Oakville. Registration: and cost is $45 EXERCISE AND BRAIN HEALTH RESEARCH STUDY Dr. Robert Petrella and his research team at Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute are conducting a research study looking at how either a standard exercise program or a standard exercise program combined with mindmotor exercise, impacts memory, thinking skills, and other health outcomes in older adults. If you are 55 years of age or older and answer YES to the following question, you may be eligible to take part in our study: “Do you feel that your memory or thinking skills have gotten worse recently?” For more info call 519-685-4292 x42315 Exercise classes will take place at Maranatha CRC; 3 times/week for 60 minutes for a 6 month period and there are no fees. Start is Mar 30/15 SERVICE ASSIGNMENTS USHERS: Usher in Charge: Mr. Fred Ranter Good Friday: F. Ranter, J. Horinga, L. Bylsma, D. Ysselstein Next Week: F. Ranter, J. Horinga, A. DeVor, P. Vandersar AUDIO/COMPUTER Next Week: T. Sol / J. Bentum LIBRARY Next Week: Gabriel, Nettie DOOR GREETERS – Next Week Main Door: Fam. A. Kuiken Side Door: Fam. R. Kraak COFFEE SERVERS Next Week: Fam. P. Vandersar, Fam. M. Verkuyl LETTERS TO OUR MISSIONAIRIES This Week: Fam. C. Triemstra –Joseph & Robinah Mutebi Fam. J. VanBarneveld – Josiah & Sarah Bokma Next Week: Fam. R. VanBarneveld – Joseph & Robinah Mutebi Fam. K. VanBoven – Josiah & Sarah Bokma Mutebi’s – c/o World Renew–Uganda, PO Box 4473, Kampala, Uganda or email: Bokma’s – Centro Nehemias/Bokmas Apartado Postal 1076 Managua, Nicaragua or email: NURSERY Parent of the Month – Alicia Mulder Good Friday Infants: Natalie Klingenberg, Jennifer Beimers Toddlers: Amanda Pasma, Heather Elliott, Janelle Kroondijk Next Week Floater: Jolene Wilson Infants: Marianne Idema, Janelle Markvoort Toddlers: Alicia Bentum, Adrienne Reyneveld, John DeVries April 12 Floater: Genevieve Ysselstein Infants: Irene Nugteren, Patti Reyneveld Toddlers: Rebecca Streutker, Sylvia VanSchepen, Naomi Beimers UPCOMING EVENTS Apr 7 – Deacons Meeting Apr 14 – Administrative Council Meeting Apr 21 – Elders Meeting Apr 22 – Congregational Meeting Apr 27 – Business Committee Meeting Apr 28 – Full Council Meeting
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