PRICE LIST IVF LONDON Effective 1st July 2014 Please acknowledge the following terms and conditions: The fee for the consultation in London is £150. Full initial consultation fee is refunded if you progress through treatment with any GENNET clinic. All costs for treatment do not include the cost of medication or blood tests. These will be chargeable as per price list of the GENNET clinic you choose on the day they are taken. All ultrasound monitoring scans during the treatment can be done in any GENNET clinic free of charge once you are GENNET patient, but additional investigations, tests and medication are payable as per price list of the GENNET clinic you are attending. Registration fee for the donor programs (oocyte and embryo donation) is £ 415. Full fee is refunded if you progress through treatment with any GENNET clinic. Once a donor is found, the entire amount for treatment is payable prior to the beginning of donor’s treatment. For all cycles resulting in embryo transfer, a HFEA fee is payable in the sum of £ 75. For all IUI cycles using donor sperm, a HFEA fee is payable in the sum of £ 37.50. Payment methods are: cash ( GBP, EUR, USD), debit/credit cards and wire transfer ( GBP, EUR, USD). CONSULTATIONS / ASSESSMENTS ▓ CONSULTATION ( Initial consultation is refunded if you progress with treatment ) £ 150 (Initial consultation, treatment planning, follow up-consultation, post treatment consultations) ▓ FEMALE FERTILITY ASSESSMENT £ 200 Consultation, antral follicle count scan, ovarian reserve profile, follow up consultation ▓ MALE FERTILITY ASSESSMENT £ 200 Semen assessment, follow up consultation. ▓ SEMEN ASSESSMENT £ 100 ▓ JOINT FERTILITY ASSESSMENT £ 250 Joint consultation, antral follicle count scan, semen assessment, ovarian reserve profile, follow up consultation. ▓ COUNSELLING (IMPLICATIONS, SUPPORTIVE, ASSESSMENT) PER SESSION £ 100 (Please note, 2 supportive sessions are included within treatment fee) INTRAUTERINE INSEMINATION (IUI) £ 800 Includes monitoring ultrasound scans, sperm preparation, insemination procedure NATURAL CYCLE IVF £ 2,000 Consultation and ultrasounds during treatment cycle Egg collection procedure Fertilisation using IVF Embryo transfer procedure Registered in England & Wales Company Number 7378003 Registered Office: 16 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NT Director: JUDr. Matej Stejskal V4 P: +44(0)20 8209 3226 | E-mail: | 1/3 PRICE LIST IVF LONDON STEPS OF PAYMENT £ 1,600 is payable up to the day of egg collection. £ 400 is payable on the day of the embryo transfer. In case embryo transfer does not take place the remaining amount will not be payable. IN VITRO FERTILISATION (IVF) £ 2,500 Consultation and ultrasounds during treatment cycle Egg collection procedure Fertilisation using IVF Embryo transfer procedure STEPS OF PAYMENT £ 2,100 is payable up to the day of egg collection. £ 400 is payable on the day of the embryo transfer. In case embryo transfer does not take place the remaining amount will not be payable. IVF WITH IN VITRO MATURATION (IVM) £ 3,300 Consultation and ultrasounds during treatment cycle, Egg collection procedure, In Vitro Maturation, Fertilisation using IVF, Embryo transfer procedure STEPS OF PAYMENT £ 2,900 is payable up to the day of egg collection £ 400 is payable on the day of the embryo transfer. In case embryo transfer does not take place the remaining amount will not be payable. FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER (FET) £ 950 Consultation and ultrasounds during treatment cycle, Includes thawing and further culture of embryos as necessary, Embryo transfer procedure and clinical advice. EGG FREEZING CYCLE £2,300 Consultation and ultrasounds during treatment cycle, Egg collection procedure, Freezing of eggs EGG DONATION CYCLE UK £ 6,000 Consultation and ultrasounds during treatment cycle (donor and recipient) All costs relating to the donor except matching fee and any external scans/services requested by the donor Implications Counselling Egg collection procedure Fertilisation using IVF Embryo transfer procedure STEPS OF PAYMENT £ 415 Registration fee is payable PRIOR to treatment, £ 5,585 is payable PRIOR to the donor’s start of treatment. Registered in England & Wales Company Number 7378003 Registered Office: 16 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NT Director: JUDr. Matej Stejskal V4 P: +44(0)20 8209 3226 | E-mail: | 2/3 PRICE LIST IVF LONDON ADDITIONAL SERVICES £ 800 ▓ ICSI - INTRACYTOPLASMIC SPERM INJECTION ▓ PICSI - PHYSIOLOGICAL ICSI (including ICSI) £ 1,000 ▓ IMSI (including ICSI) £ 1,400 ▓ BLASTOCYST CULTURE £ 200 ▓ ASSISTED HATCHING (mechanical) £ 200 ▓ EMBRYOSCOPE per cycle (if applicable) £ 400 ▓ EMBRYOGEN - special medium containing GM-CSF (if applicable) £ 350 ▓ EMBRYOGLUE - special implantation medium £ 150 ▓ SEDATION ANAESTHESIA £ 230 ▓ INTRALIPIDS per infusion £ 300 ▓ PESA/TESA Surgical Sperm Retrieval. £ 1,800 Sedation and storage of samples is subject to an additional charge. When using sperm for treatment, ICSI will be required and will incur the relevant charge. ▓ £ 2,000 SURROGACY Additional fee for cycles with surrogacy, including implication counselling. ▓ SPERM DNA FRAGMENTATION £ 350 If sperm aneuploidy is also required, an additional charge of £450 will be applied. CRYOPRESERVATION ▓ EMBRYO FREEZING - VITRIFICATION £ 500 In addition to IVF/other procedure. Up to a period of 12 months. ▓ SPERM FREEZING up to a period of 12 months. £ 300 ▓ ANNUAL STORAGE EGG, SPERM OR EMBRYO after first year £ 300 CITY FERTILITY LOYALTY PROGRAMME City Fertility loyalty programme is our way of saying thanks to our patients. Most patients stay with us even if the treatment is not successful and we want to reward them. The concept is simple: you earn a voucher for 10% discount from your next City Fertility treatment cycle. If you are successful, you can give this voucher to a friend. Voucher is valid for 12 months after issue. Registered in England & Wales Company Number 7378003 Registered Office: 16 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NT Director: JUDr. Matej Stejskal V4 P: +44(0)20 8209 3226 | E-mail: | 3/3
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