MINUTES OF THE THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE PATIENTS’ REFERENCE GROUP ON THURSDAY 16TH APRIL 2015 AT THE VESTRY HALL Present : Philip Taylor (Chairman) , Mo Clayton (Secretary) -- see attached list for full list of attendees. Doctors Morgan, Potter, and Streeter represented the Marden Medical Centre. Apologies : Richard Benns, Linda Doust, Dr Richard Estall, Patsy Russell, David Shaw. Matters Arising from the Second AGM : there were no Matters Arising. Introduction and Welcome. Philip welcomed everyone to the meeting. As approximately 50% were new members he explained the purpose and function of the PRG – to be a voice for patients, to liaise with the medical team. He congratulated the Practice on the way it supported the PRG. The PRG had supported the Practice in their plans to retract the extent of the boundaries covered. The annual survey had been organised, and the answers given confirmed the goodwill between patients and medical staff. Meetings are held about every 3 months, for 1.5 hours, at the surgery. Any action proposed is only carried out with the support of the Centre. It is non political, non sectarian, non racist. Over the last year membership had been about 70 – the PRG would welcome input from any ethnic minorities or a wider base of membership. The primary school pupils had been asked to design a logo and the winner was Nathan Parker – unfortunately when Catherine, Liz and Phil went along to present the award to the winner, Nathan was away sick – if anyone knows him or his family, the PRG would like to thank him personally. Focus Groups. As chairman, Phil had attended meetings on wider issues, as had other members of the Group. Exercise and Weight, Fitness Campaign. This has not been very successful to date, but the need for such a programme in Marden is agreed and it is hoped that progress may be made in the coming year. Patient Transport Scheme. The Rev’d Ali Duguid had asked if the PRG could take on the role of transport co-ordinator, but it was decided with regret that the Group could not help. Newsletter. Jenny Mallion and Gill Tarry produced the first Newsletter, A4 on 4 sides. Phil thanked them for their work – another one is due out in May. Chairman’s Position. Phil is stepping down as chairman after 3 years from 16th April. Expert Patients’ Group. Julia Addison asked about the progress on a group of mentors to help patients with conditions that would benefit from mentoring from someone with experience of the complaint. Dr Morgan said it had not been possible to get this operating A new resident in the village complimented the practice on its operation, vastly preferable to his experiences at his previous Practice. A new doctor, Dr. Sarah Dudley, will be working 2 mornings a week. This is in addition to registrars, who assist on a temporary basis. Dr Potter spoke about the increase in the list size, i.e 10% increase over the last 18 months, due to new houses and migration from other villages. One of the health care assistants is now a trained nurse and will be working in the surgery. A new receptionist is to be appointed. A new treatment room has been established and an isolation room created. The PRG suggestion that it should be possible for patents to talk to the reception staff confidentially has been implemented. The Care Quality Commission maintains a watch on all medical practices. Dr Potter thanked Phil for all his work over the last 3 years and with the Health Fair. He said things may change as the village expands but it is hoped the personal touch will remain. The doctors will be participating in a Sponsored Cycle Ride round Horsmonden in aid of Walking With the Wounded on the first weekend in May. 7-Day Opening. There may be access to a GP over weekends but not necessarily at the local Practice. This is a political issue. A Practice cannot refuse to take on any patient who is eligible. Recruiting for general practice is proving difficult, particularly as doctors retire. Committee. • • • There are 16 people currently on the committee, 20 is the maximum number. Secretary Vice Chairman Newsletters Mo Clayton Siân Burr Jenny Mallion and Gill Tarry New committee members recruited at the meeting were Fred Barr, Peter Kershaw, David Smith and Keith Herbert, bringing the total to 20, the maximum allowed. A new chairman will have to be found at the next committee meeting. Phil said he would come back to the committee after the new chairman had been found. He will continue with the website and mailing list if required. Dr Streeter thanked Phil for his hard work and he was presented with a gift. Phil thanked the Practice for all the help given to him over the last 3 years. Health Fair. Catherine Alderson spoke about the Health Fair and in particular the work put in by Michael England. The WI provided refreshments. Michael England was thanked for his work for this event – over 30 exhibitors, 222 attendees. GPs ‘cycled’ to Brighton on the stage. Picnic in the Park. It is hoped there will be a PRG presence at Picnic in the Park. The new committee will look into this. If anyone could help, they were asked to contact Catherine. This ended the meeting. Thanks and good wishes were sent to Michael England.
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