Marie Juliette Kurz, Ph.D. Staff/Postdoctoral Scientist Hydrogeology Department Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Permoserstraße 15 04318 Leipzig, Germany +49 341 235 1984 (work) +49 342 235 1837 (fax) / Objective To apply my research experience in aquatic biogeochemistry and background in water resource management to advance basic understanding and provide tools and concepts to aid in the management of water resources & aquatic ecosystems. To further develop a career incorporating research in the context of facilitating broader scientific solutions and applications. Education PhD Geology - University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) Environmental Engineering Sciences minor, Hydrologic Sciences certificate Dissertation: Biogeochemical and hydrologic controls on solute sources and cycling in a biologically productive karst river. BS Geology, environmental concentration - The College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA) Anthropology minor Thesis: Looking for ‘Landscape Knickzones’ in the Virginia Piedmont: Evaluating Landscape Disequilibrium Through GIS-Based Analysis of Hillslopes and Channels. 2013 2007 Research & Work Experience Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research / Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ (Leipzig, Germany) Staff Scientist / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter - Dept. Hydrogeology 2013 - Present * Developing a personal research program integrating the themes of catchments solute flux dynamics and aquatic ecosystem health, while providing concepts & tools for the management of water resources & aquatic ecosystems. * Strengthening inter-institute interdisciplinary collaboration by identifying common interests and leading & participating in joint workshops & research projects. * Contributing to the development & execution of institute-wide scientific directives & strategy. * Managing and contributing to the experimental design, field campaigns, and data analysis of a large (22+), interdisciplinary international research network. * Presenting research at local & international conferences, and preparing publications. * Reviewing and editing departmental publications for scientific content & English. * Supervising MS students, interns & field technicians during project development & field work. University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) Graduate Assistant & Alumni Fellow - Dept. of Geological Sciences 2007-2013 * Designed and executed an interdisciplinary research program to investigate the geochemical, hydrologic & ecological processes controlling solute sources and cycling in streams. * Analyzed and interpreted results using lab, geochemical modeling and statistical techniques. * Presented at professional conferences, stakeholder meetings, and public outreach events. * Served as lab safety manager from 2010 to present: maintained lab records and compliance, participated in safety training, and coordinated annual inspections. * Interfaced with permitting agencies, and prepared permit requests & annual reports. * Instructed and assisted in undergraduate and graduate level courses in societal water interactions and hydrology. NSF IGERT (Integrated Graduate Education & Research Traineeship) Fellow - Adaptive 2007-2011 Management: Wise use of Water, Wetlands & Watersheds * Participated in an interdisciplinary doctoral program which stressed the integration of April 2015 1 Resume – M.J. Kurz engineering, biophysical, and social sciences to train interdisciplinary scientists who can adaptively manage water resources. * Incorporated interdisciplinary training, coursework and research experiences to develop a framework for addressing the complexities associated with coupled human and natural systems and the interplay of policy and science required to manage them. University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR) NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Fellow 2006 (3 mo.) * Conducted a summer research project to characterize the comparative landscape geomorphology of watersheds using GIS, and presented results at a national conference. The College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA) Undergraduate Researcher 2006-2007 * Conducted a senior research project using GIS to analyze geomorphologic evidence of landscape disequilibrium in the Virginia Piedmont. Resident Assistant 2005-2007 * Managed a co-ed resident hall of 25. Organized community development programs, mediated conflicts, attended staff meetings and training exercises. Sharpe Community Scholar 2003-2004 * Planned and conducted a joint research and community education project on storm water drainage and pollution. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Freshman Researcher 2003 * Designed a stream ecology research project. Technical Experience & Skills Field & data collection: * Design and execution of field-sampling campaigns for hydrologic, geochemical & ecological data collection. * Collection and preparation of ground- & surface-water samples for analysis of major and trace elements, DIC, stable isotopes (C, H, O), DOC, nutrients, and age-date analysis (CFC, He/Tritium). * Calibration and deployment of in-situ field sensors and data loggers. * Installation, testing and sampling of shallow groundwater wells. * Design and execution of stream tracer tests. * Location & synthesis of publically available water resource & environmental datasets (USGS, FAWN, etc.) Data analysis: * Water and plant sample preparation and digestion in a class 1000 clean lab. * Basic analytical operation of a Dionex DX500 Ion Chromatograph and Thermo-Finnigan Element-2 ICP-MS. * Colorometric analysis of nitrate, ammonia and phosphorus. * Alkalinity titration. * Management of large datasets from individual & team projects, from data collection through publication. Leadership, communication & writing: * Management and contribution to research projects involving large interdisciplinary teams. * Supervision of students & field technicians during project development & field work. * Presentation of research at professional conferences, stakeholder meetings, and public outreach events. * Interfacing with permitting agencies, and preparation of permit requests & reports. * Preparation of peer-reviewed publications, scientific reports, and proposals for research & travel funding. * Review and editing of publications for scientific content & English. Software: Microsoft Office, Phreeqc (experienced); MATLAB, ESRI ArcGIS (intermediate); Groundwater Vistas, SUPCRT, EQNR3 (introductory). Languages: German (conversational) Publications Peer-reviewed Publications Kurz M.J., Martin J.B., and Cohen M.J. (2015) Diffusion and seepage-driven element fluxes from the hyporheic zone of a karst river. Freshwater Science 34(1), 206-221. April 2015 2 Resume - M.J. Kurz Kurz M.J., deMontety V., Martin J.B., Cohen M.J., and Foster C. (2013) Controls on diel metal cycles in a biologically productive carbonate-dominated river. Chemical Geology 358: 61-74. Cohen M.J., Kurz M.J., Heffernan J.B., Martin J.B., Douglass R.L., Foster C.R., and Thomas R.G. (2013) Diel phosphorus variation and the stoichiometry of ecosystem metabolism in a large spring-fed river. Ecological Monographs 83(2), 155-176. de Montety V., Martin J.B., Cohen M.J., Foster C. and Kurz M.J. (2011) Influence of diel biogeochemical cycles on carbonate equilibrium in a karst river. Chemical Geology 283(1-2), 31-43. de Montety V., Martin J.B., Kurz M.J., Cohen M.J. and Foster, C. (2010) Influence of biogeochemically induced carbonate cycles on metals content of a karst river, in Birkle P. & Torres-Alvarado I.S., eds., Water-Rock Interaction XIII: Taylor & Francis Group, London. ISBN 978-0-415-60426-0 Select Conference Abstracts Kurz M.J., et al. (2014) Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Hyporheic Respiration Under Variable Discharge Conditions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Cohen M.J., Nifong R.L., Kurz M.J., Martin J.B., Cropper W.P., Korhnak L.V. (2013) Springs as model systems for aquatic ecosystems ecology: Stoichiometry, metabolism and nutrient limitation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Khadka M.B., Martin J.B., Kurz M.J. (2013) Quantifying hyporheic exchange in a karst stream using 222Rn. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Kurz M.J., Martin J.B., Cohen M.J., de Montety V., Nifong R.L. (2013) Elemental sources, cycling and ecological availability in rivers in carbonate terrains: An interdisciplinary perspective. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Kurz M.J., Martin J.B. and Cohen M.J. (2012) Interactions Between Diffuse Groundwater Recharge and Hyporheic Zone Chemistry in Spring-Fed River: Implications for Metal, Nutrient & Carbonate Cycling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Kurz M.J., Martin J.B., Cohen M.J., de Montety V., Douglass R.L. (2012) Geochemical and biological controls on diel (24-hr) element cycling in a carbonate-dominated river. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC. Kurz M.J., Martin J.B, Cohen M.J. Douglass R.L., and Foster C. (2011) Influence of autotrophic assimilation on diel cycling of major and trace elements in streams. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Kurz M., and Hancock G. (2007) Looking for ‘Landscape Knickzones’ in the Virginia Piedmont: Evaluating Landscape Disequilibrium Through GIS-Based Analysis of Hillslopes and Channels. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, Charleston, SC. Kurz M., Patton J., and Boss S. (2006) Comparative Geomorphic Analysis of Three Sub-Watersheds of Beaver Reservoir, Northwest Arkansas. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Professional Synergistic Activities, Outreach & Service Professional & Stakeholder Workshops Berkeley Catchment Science Symposium, Berkeley Water Center 2014 International Workshop on Temporal High Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis, 2014 Helmholtz-UFZ NSF Research Day, Univ. of Florida I-Cubed Program 2011-2012 Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences Workshop, On the Cutting Edge 2012 Florida Springs Science Symposium, North Florida Springs Alliance 2012 Ichetucknee Preservation Research Workshop, Three Rivers Trust Inc. 2010 Professional Memberships American Geophysical Union (AGU) Geological Society of America (GSA) Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN) Community Outreach Florida Museum of Natural History (Gainesville, FL): Designed & displayed a ‘Florida’s Groundwater’ 2007-2013 activity for the annual outreach event Can You Dig It?, co-hosted by UF Dept. Geological Sciences. Participation >1000/yr. April 2015 3 Resume - M.J. Kurz Santa Fe College (Gainesville, FL): Guest lectured three sections of the Physical Geology Lab on Florida’s springs. th Westwood Middle School (Gainesville, FL): Taught eight 6 Grade science classes about Florida’s groundwater. rd 3 Annual Florida Springs Celebration (Oleno State Park, FL): Exhibited a Florida’s Groundwater display. Service - University of Florida Hydrologic Sciences Academic Cluster: Faculty Committee Graduate Student Representative UF Geosciences Day (Annual campus outreach event, Dept. Geological Sciences): Proposed, st nd designed & organized 1 and 2 events. Participation >400/yr. Graduate Student Council: Department Representative April 2015 4 2011-2012 2010 2010 2011-2012 2011 2007-2010 Resume - M.J. Kurz
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