Luke Farley leads a tour for Parkside 2nd graders. Milwaukee Parkside School for the Arts Visits the Haggerty During March and April the Haggerty hosted a series of art excursions for students from Milwaukee Parkside School for the Arts. In addition to seeing the Haggerty exhibitions, the students also toured the Joan of Arc Chapel and Helfaer Theatre. All of the school’s K4 2nd graders participated in the program—approximately 325 students, in total. A group of volunteers helped carryout the events. Haggerty docent Joan Houlehen and RedLine artistinresidence Luke Farley led the museum tours; Ann Hilbert, from Campus Ministry, presented tours of the Joan of Arc Chapel; and Marquette students Natasha Mraz and Justinne Certeza guided the children from place to place, presented the Helfaer Theatre tours, and assisted with handson activities. Parkside first grade teacher Jane Borden had this to say about the program, “Our K2 students are getting high level arts experiences at the Haggerty Museum this spring. The tour includes artful thinking in which students are asked to look at, think about, and react to artwork. We also have the opportunity to take a tour of the Joan of Arc Chapel and the Helfaer Theatre. This is a one of a kind experience that allows our students to have a day on the Marquette Campus and use their critical thinking skills!” 04.23.15 follow on Twitter | like on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2015 Marquette University, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: Marquette University Haggerty Museum of Art P. O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 532011881 Add us to your address book unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences | view online
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