Marshland School MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Marshland School Newsletter WEEK 8, TERM 1 26 March 2015 CONTACT INFO: e-mail: Phone: Fax: Website: (03) 385-2239 (03) 385-2328 “SUCCESS FOR EVERY CHILD” Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Marshland School is located at: 329 Prestons Road, Marshland, Christchurch, 8051 New Zealand. PRINCIPAL’S NEWS: Nga mihi nui This week will be a hard one to top with the buzz that the wonderful win by the Black Caps gave us! We will use this incredible triumph to illustrate our learning model at Marshland School and the growth mindset thinking I wrote about last week. At assembly this week I spoke to the children about the confidence builder and confidence buster phrases we say to ourselves without even realising we are doing it. Phrases such as “I can’t do it” (a buster) can be turned into “I can’t do it yet” (a builder), and “This is too hard”, can be turned in to “This is hard, so I will use my toolbox of things to help me, like: ask an expert, ask the teacher, watch a tutorial, read back through the modelling book“. Mistakes can be great opportunities for children to learn and are in fact a very important part of learning. Confidence builders can be used by children as they learn and help them become much more independent and in charge of their own learning. While this term has been short, it has been incredibly jam- packed with very positive outcomes for us as a school community, such as the coming together of the community to win the Weetbix 4 Schools competition, the incredible turnout at the parent interviews and the wonderful achievements of our tamariki, who have grown in confidence and ability. The Easter Market Car and Boot sale next week promises to be a great success, and has been very well organised by Mark Ashby and all the parents of our children who play water polo. We have so much to look forward to with our new school, which by the way is coming along very nicely. As we get more pictures I put them up in the foyer, and it has been fun to talk with the many of you who have stopped by to have a look. I want to make special mention of our road patrollers, who keep the crossing safe each morning and afternoon. They have been trained by the police and have been doing a top job. Give them a thumbs up or some words of encouragement when you cross, they will need it with those cold winter mornings coming on. Special thanks to MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | 2 those parents who help on patrol too – it is an incredibly busy road, and we really appreciate you giving up your time. Ma te wa Next week we will have our celebration of learning assemblies. I have had a sneak preview of some lovely choir items and have heard our new band on a couple of occasions, so if you can, come along to celebrate a great term with us. Jacqui Pascoe (Principal) Jacqui TOROA TRENCH DIG (Our Marshland Intermediate Students). Over the past seven weeks, Toroa have been learning about World War 1. We have been looking into what it was like for our men out on the frontline and the day to day lives for the men who lived in the trenches. This has led us to look more in depth to the structural design of the trench and the materials and resources that were available in order to dig the trenches in 1915. The Toroa hub will be building/digging our own life size trench as part of our social studies inquiry. This will also be a celebration and commemoration to the 100 anniversary for our fallen heroes. Our digging site will be decorated with the student’s poetry and felt poppies as well as some posters and white crosses. We invite you to come and join our learning on Friday 27th March, between 9 – 11am and 1:30 – 3pm. We would like to give a special mention to I PAVE for providing us with safety fences, sandbags and spray paint, and MWF manufacturing for wood supplies. As well as the parents who have provided Toroa with extra materials like wooden off cuts and spades. Thank you. The Toroa team CELEBRATION ASSEMBLIES: Wednesday 1st April The Celebration of Learning Assemblies for Term 1 will be held at the following times: Pukeko - 10:00-11:00 Tui - 11:30-12:30 Korimako & Toroa - 1:45-3:00 SCHOOL UNIFORM – BLACK SHOES: A reminder to please ensure that your child wears the correct uniform to school. Our school uniform shoes are black, so please make sure your child wears sensible black shoes to school not coloured striped ones. Thanks for your support. NAIL POLISH NOT PERMITTED AT SCHOOL: Please remember that your child is not allowed to wear nail polish at school. If children wear nail polish at the weekend, please make sure this is removed before they come to school. STATEMENTS: You can either pay your account in the office by cheque or cash, or via internet banking. Our bank account details are – ASB bank, Papanui. The bank account number is 12-3149-0243776-00. Please use your child’s Christian and Surname as the reference. (Please do not use the reference number that appears on your statement as our financial computer programme does not recognize this!) Please note – we do not have Eftpos facilities at school. SICKNESS: If your children are displaying signs of sickness, please keep them at home. If they have vomiting and/or diarrhoea, they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last symptoms have disappeared. This is a Ministry of Health ruling, and must be adhered to, to stop the spread of diseases. MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | 3 SCHOOL COMMUNITY GROUP – Lena’s Metal Drive Fundraiser for school: Old scrap metal wanted for fundraiser for school. Old white ware, car batteries, roofing iron, copper cylinders, cans etc. Can be dropped off at 25 Spencerville Road (down very end of long driveway) on Saturdays from 8am to 12pm, but please phone Lena before you drop anything off. We can also collect from your place, for a donation. For drop off outside these hours, and any queries, please phone Lena on 027 293 8557. Let your friends and family know – the more scrap found, the more money raised for the school. WANTED FOR SCHOOL FUNDRAISER - AGEE PRESERVING JARS OR JARS WITH SCREW TOP LIDS PLEASE! Urgently wanted for school fundraiser, Agee preserving jars or jars with screw top lids!! Please txt 0272274779 or leave your jars in the boardroom on the bench. Many thanks. Debbie Stanley A HUGE THANK YOU TO RAEWARD FRESH MARSHLAND FOR DONATING ALL THE TOMATOES FOR DEBBIE’S YUMMY PASTA SAUCE. ROAD PATROL – CAN YOU HELP PLEASE? ONE PARENT HELPER REQUIRED BEFORE SCHOOL We require the assistance of parents to supervise the School Road Patrol on BEFORE School. Our Road Patrol pupils are fully trained and parents are there in a supervisory role. Prestons Road is a very busy road and it is most important that we make our school crossing as safe as possible for children. The morning patrol operates from 8.35 to 9am and the afternoon patrol operates from 3.00pm to 3.15pm. Parents meet the pupils in the hall, 5 minutes prior to the patrol starting times. If you can help, please email Mike Jefferies at ITINERARY FOR TERM 1 TERM 1 MARCH APRIL TERM 2 APRIL MAY Week 8 Friday 27th Week 9 Monday 30th Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Monday 20th Thursday 30th Friday 8th Last day of Swimming Lessons Year 6 Girls Cricket World Cup Game,12-3pm, venue TBC Canterbury Swimming Sports (NB – date change – previously Tue 31st ) Celebration Assemblies Easter Market and Car Boot Sale 4-8pm Cross Country Training starts – 2.40 to 3pm School Photos Cross Country Day (postponement date is Tuesday 12th May) Times: 1.35 – Junior (Years 4-6) Serious Race - 5 laps 2.00 – Senior (Years 7 & 8) Serious Race – 6 laps 2.30 – Fun Run – all should participate, including Junior serious runners. NB: THE SCHOOL PHOTO DATE HAS NOW BEEN CHANGED, AND WILL BE IN TERM 3, ON TUESDAY 4TH AUGUST MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | ASHBY BIG DAY OUT- Tuesday 7th April. Spaces still available Two options: $25 9am-3pm: $30 9am-5pm Please secure your spot at the office today or email Payment must accompany bookings. Who: What: When: Where: Why: Children aged 5+ Big Day Out Tuesday 7th April Marshland School Water Polo Fundraiser WATERPOLO MOVIE NIGHT FUNDRAISER – Wednesday 15th April: Sponge Bob - A sponge out of water movie Wednesday 15th April, 5.30 until 7.30. Movie starts at 5.50 sharp at Hoyts Northlands. Tickets $15 each Adult or Child. Every ticket sold, comes with a bag of lollies, and there will be lucky seats on the night Please contact Haley on 0273442006 for tickets DENTAL CARE OVER THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS The Community Dental Service will operate an emergency service over the school holidays. This service is to provide relief of pain only and will not undertake ‘routine’ treatment. The service will be available each working day from 8:30am until 12:30pm from the Hillmorton Community Clinic, Sylvan Street, Christchurch for the following times: Tuesday, 7th April to Thursday, 16th April 2015 (excluding weekends) PLEASE NOTE – this service is not operated on Easter Monday or Friday, 17 th April 2015. This service will operate by appointment only and if we are unable to see your child, alternative options will be given. If your child has dental pain as a result of an accident please contact your dentist in the first instance. You can phone and make an appointment for the emergency clinic by ringing 0800 846 983. TRAMPOLINE FUNDRAISER: Ice Trampoline are holding a fundraiser next Friday 27th March for their team travelling overseas. Come and bounce at ice trampoline. 6.30-7.30 $10, 7.30-9 $15. You can either purchase your tickets from Ice Trampoline or contact Carolyn on either 027 623 4044 or or message through Facebook. GOOGLE COMMUNITY GROUP – Marshland Minecrafters: I have setup a Google Community group for parents and Marshlands school children to join called 'Marshlands Minecrafters' to give an online social group where the children can get together to discuss Minecraft, give advice to others playing or learning to play Minecraft (both Creative and Survival modes), and plan on meeting up on the various Minecraft servers to play together with other children they know, rather than with total strangers online. It is a way to encourage a sense of community and team cooperative playing with other children from the same school (and including friends and siblings that might attend other Christchurch area schools who are interested in joining this online club). If your child would like to play Minecraft and you would like to make sure there is a supportive group with fellow peers and parents from the school, please join on line by search for 'Marshlands Minecrafters' in Google+, email me at or txt/call me at 0211 480 795. Your children can ask Tamzin from Tui 3 about joining or finding out more information. 4 MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | 5 AMAZING SILENT AUCTION PRIZES Outdoor Table and Benches, Bar leaner, Queen size Flexi Slat Bed Base and Pillow Top Mattress, Outdoor Table, Garden Bark, Hot Rock Massage, Firewood, Crusaders Training Jersey, Signed Crusaders Rugby Ball, Kindling Wood, Pine Cones, $100 Meal vouchers etc RAFFLES: Raffle no. 1 – 100 tickets at $2 per ticket. 1st Easter Egg Hamper, 2nd $100 Meal Voucher, 3rd 5 x bags Kindling Wood 1st - $200 Meal Voucher, 2nd, Raffle no. 2 – 100 tickets at $5 per ticket. Signed 2015 Crusaders Jersey, 3rd $100 Meal Voucher, 4th 30 minute Hot Rock Massage Raffles will be drawn on the day, at 7.30pm Come along and join in the fun __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ASB SCHOOL BANKING At ASB, we recognize a growing need to educate New Zealand children on the importance of financial literacy and to encourage good savings habits at a young age. At Marshland school we offer the ASB Children’s Banking Programme. This allows children to save and bank their savings at school each week. Should you wish to register your child with this programme please collect a brochure from the school office. If your child has an existing ASB account please complete section 1 of the application form and return it to your school office. For a new ASB account please complete the application form in full (2 pages) and return to the school office. Once an ASB account is established your child will receive an exciting ASB banking pack. When your child has money to bank they put their envelope into the school banking box which is located in the school office. Attached to these envelopes is a receipt that you keep at home. Marshland School’s banking day is every Friday. MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | 6 2015 SCHOOL TERMS AND DATES Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Monday 2 Feb - Thursday 2 April - (9 weeks) 86 half days Monday 20 April - Friday 3 July - (11 weeks) 106 half days Monday 20 July - Friday 25 September - (10 weeks) 100 half days Monday 12 October - Wednesday 16 December - (10 weeks) 92 half days TOTAL: 384 half days (As set by MOE) CAR PARKING AND CYCLISTS: Parents - please watch out for cyclists when you open your car doors. Look over your shoulder behind you, as well as in your rear vision and wing mirrors before you open your car doors. Do not open your car doors without thoroughly checking that the way is clear. It only takes a moment to check and thus avoid a potential accident. CAR PARKING – please do not park outside Fundamentals Pre-School: The pre-school across the road has requested that Marshland school parents please refrain from parking their cars in the Fundamental Car Parks. If parents have a younger sibling attending the pre-school, that is fine of course, but if not, you should not be parking there. Fundamentals have parents with young babies who need to park immediately outside the building, especially at the busy collection and drop off times (8.30-9am and 2.30 to 3pm). There are tow away signs in place and these will be enforced if Marshland parents continue to park there. There are plenty of car parks behind the church that you can use. Many thanks MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | TAKING ENROLMENTS NOW!!!! Kidsbase are located in the Marshland School Hall and we are taking enrolments now!!!! We have Before and After School programmes. The Before School programme offers Supervision from 7:30am – 8:30am every weekday during school term. Our programmes are loaded with lots of games, activities and equipment to ensure that all the children who attend Kidsbase programmes want to keep coming back. You can book as few or as many days as you wish your child to attend and we also offer casual bookings so your child or children can attend only when you need them to. It is Free to enrol so why wait!!!!!!! You can pick and choose the days you need We are fully Child, Youth & Family accredited WINZ subsidies are available to assist with programme costs For full programme details and all enrolment forms please contact: Kidsbase (03) 354 2906Email: Or visit: 7 MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | 8 COMMUNITY NOTICES: (These notices are purely for your information. The school does not endorse or guarantee any of these activities) SURFKIDS April Holiday surfing programme. April 7-10 and April 13-17, 10am 12pm. Learn the skills of Surfing in a fun, safe environment. All equipment provided and professional instruction from Aaron Lock and team. For kids 8 -14 years. Cost $30 per day or $135 for five. Venue: Scarborough Beach, Sumner, cnr Stoke St and Esplanade. Bookings essential. Register online. Call Aaron on 0800 80 SURF (7873) or SCIENCE ALIVE! Celebration of Light Festival A family based Light Festival April 11 – 17th at CPIT Madras St. Featuring Live Science Shows, Workshops, Hands-on Exhibits etc. Bookings essential for Stardome Sessions – April 14 &15, 5.30pm and 6.30pm. Phone Karen 353 4575. Enter the Photo Comp for all ages – Canon cameras to be won! Entries close 5pm April 2nd For more info on the festival KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE -Merivale Touch Typing Holiday course for Year 7 and 8 students. Monday 13th to Friday 17th April, 9.30 to 11.30am each morning. Phone 355 0345 to reserve a place. Also holiday courses in Maths, English, Reading, Spelling and Writing. Upstairs in Merivale Mall. ORGANIC KIDS EDUCATION AND CARE – An Educator In Your Area Has Spaces Available! We have an amazing educator in your area with spaces available to care for children aged 0-5 years old in a warm, nurturing in home environment with a maximum of four children in care at any one time. Bec is a fully qualified early childhood, and primary teacher who runs a fantastic programme for preschoolers. Organic Kids can offer you 20 hours ECE FREE for 3-5 years olds (MOE conditions apply) and we are able to administer WINZ subsidies. Regular play groups and outings are on offer. For more information you can find Bec on our website or call Louise on 0800 in home. SHIRLEY RUGBY LEAGUE:Voted Club of the Year by McDONALD’S YOUTH DUATHLON: Sunday 29th March. South Hagley Park 7 to 10 years: Run 1km, Cycle 4km, Run 500m 11 to 15 years: Run 2km, Cycle 8km, Run 1km A Rotary Club of Garden City Project. Entry forms available from Mr Jefferies Canterbury Rugby League Looking for Players from 4 years to 10 years old, girls or boys, and under 14 years old boys. An invitation to all current and future players, coaches and managers. If you are interested in playing Rugby League this winter and would like to be part of a family based club, our training and registration days will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays in March from 4.30pm @ McFarlane Park .Or for more information contact Rochelle Lynch 0211335437 BURWOOD EDUCATION CENTRE HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED: Reliable and honest cleaner required for 2 to 3 hours per week in The Limes area, near Burwood Hospital. If you can help, please phone Emma on 021 733 321 (Formerly Kip McGrath Education Centre) Phone 383-6525 Totally aligned to the New Zealand curriculum Individual tutoring in core subjects, all levels, all abilities Restore confidence and self-belief ENGLISH, MATHS, SPELLING, READING The only professional after school education centre that has a guarantee. Google 'Burwood Education Centre' and read our guarantee. MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER | RICCARTON PLAYERS PLAYBOX THEATRE PRESENTS Going on a Bear Hunt & other Stories, Poems & Songs For the Young and Young at Heart for April School Holidays Performing: Thursdays & Fridays at 7pm and Saturdays & Sundays at 11am and 2pm Tickets: $7.50 for everyone Venue: Addington School Hall, 22 Brougham Street, (entrance off Simeon St), Addington Bookings: Phone 3384 699 or online: Along with main themed story of Going on a Bear Hunt, we will be joined by Christopher Robin, Farmer Duck and we will learn what happens when you eat pizza before you go to bed at night. This hour long adventure is suitable for little and big people and will include lots of audience interaction and will give the children a chance to be part of the fun onstage. We encourage the littlies (and the young at heart) to bring a cushion so they can get up close to the action, and their favourite Teddy or Toy. 9 MARSHLAND SCHOOL NEWSLETTER SPONSORS: CARL TAYLOR HOMES: Many thanks to Carl Taylor Homes for donating $500 to the school. Carl Taylor Homes have been Building Award Winning Homes since 1999 and are members of the Registered Master Builders Federation offering a 10 year guarantee. They have developed a reputation in Christchurch and the Canterbury region as builders of quality homes, specialising in the construction residential buildings, architectural design and construction, project management and building maintenance. Check out our website or call Carl on 021 338 306 MAINLAND ROOFING: Mainland Roofing can offer an option for almost every roofing situation, use their free no obligation quotation system. They will advise you on the best possible outcome for your roofing requirements. Call their office or make an enquiry via their website: 365-6714,, Mainland Roofing has donated rugby balls, netballs and sports bags to Marshland School. RAY WHITE REAL ESTATE OPAWA: I PAVE CONCRETE: I Pave Concrete can help you with earthquake damage. Locally owned company servicing Christchurch home owners for over 30 years. They can remove broken drives, paths, patios etc. and replace in any finish. Landscaping service also available. They will donate $100 to Marshland School for any work completed. IPave have given generously to the school in the form of numerous donations and services, including money for sport equipment and sports uniforms. Phone Daryl on 0800 472 834 or 385 8096 for enquiries and free quotes. SUBWAY PARKLANDS: Many thanks to Ross Cooper and Renee Moore of Ray White in Opawa, who have donated $500 to help subsidize the Marshland Water Polo Team. They will also make a donation to the school equating to 0.1% of the house that they sell, in the name of the family whose business they have obtained. GJ GARDNER HOMES – CHRISTCHURCH NORTH Many thanks to Andrew McCarthy of GJ Gardner Homes Christchurch North, who have donated $500 for library books. They will also make a $500 donation to the school when anyone who builds with them is associated with Marshlands school. Subway lunches can be ordered through the office as a lunch option on Fridays. Order forms are available in the office. Please put your completed order form and correct money in an envelope, marked clearly on the outside with your child’s name and room number, and put it in the Subway box on the counter. Subway Parklands kindly donates 50c to our school for every school lunch order they receive. RAEWARD FRESH - MARSHLAND: 410 Marshland Road, just south of BP Marshland. For all your fruit, vegetable and meat requirements. Also see the Garden Shop on site. Every $100 spent at Raeward Fresh Marshland, by Marshland School parents, earns a $5 donation to our school. Loyalty cards can be obtained from the school office reception desk or from Raeward Fresh, and are for use at the Marshland shop only. Who donated 15 boxes of Weetbix 27 x 2L bottles of Blue Top milk 2 bags of sugar For our Weetbix Breakfast last Thursday Web:
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