GENERAL MEETING OF MARTIFER - SGPS, S.A. 14th May 2015 PROPOSAL IN CONNECTION TO ITEM 5 OF THE AGENDA (To resolve, in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 393 of the Portuguese Companies Code, upon the ratification of the the co-optation effected by the Board of Directors, at its meeting on January 6, 2015, of a new member of the Board of Directors in order to complete the current term of office) Considering: A) The resignation from the member of the Board of Directors of Martifer SGPS, SA submitted on January 6, 2015 by Mr. Mário Rui Rodrigues Matias; B) That pursuant Article 9, paragraph 10 of the Articles of Association, in the event of permanent vacancy of one member, the director shall be replaced under the terms of the applicable legislation; C) That, pursuant to Article 393, paragraph 3 of the Portuguese Companies Code, in the definitive absence of a director and in the absence of alternate directors, the Company shall proceed to the replacement of the director by co-optation; D) That the Board of Directors has resolved, in the Board of Directors MEETING held on January 6, 2015 and in accordance with article 393º, no. 3, b) of the Portuguese Companies Code, to co-opt Mr. Pedro Nuno Cardoso Abreu Moreira as Director of the company for the current term; E) The recognized professional and personal qualifications of the appointed director, F) The provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 393. of the Portuguese Companies Code, under which, the cooptation of a Board member should be submitted for ratification at the next general meeting. It is proposed: To ratify, pursuant paragraph 4 of Article 393 of the Portuguese Companies Code, the cooptation of Mr. Pedro Nuno Cardoso Abreu Moreira as Member of the Board of Directors. Oliveira de Frades, the 21st of April, 2015 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHOSE APPOINTMENT IS SUBMITTED TO THE RATIFICATION OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF MARTIFER SGPS, SA OF MAY 14, 2015 PEDRO NUNO CARDOSO ABREU MOREIRA Professional Qualifications: Has a degree in Economics at Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (1999), and has been granted an Advanced Management Programme for Managers by Oporto Business School and an InCompany Executive Training Programme by AESE Business School. Activities: Has extensive international experience, initially being appointed to perform corporate financial coordination functions within Mota Engil Group's operations in Central Europe, Africa and Latin America; lived between 2008 and 2014 in Warsaw and Budapest, and was appointed to several board positions of the Mota-Engil Group's operations in Central Europe in the areas of Real Estate, PPP / PFI, M&A and Corporate Development. During this period was appointed as member of the Board of Directors at several companies within Mota Engil Group, notably Mota Engil Central Europe SA (Poland), Mota-Engil Real Estate Management (Holding Real Estate Central Europe), Mota Engil EC CZ (Czech Republic) Mota-Engil EC Slovakia (Slovakia), Mota-Engil Magyar (Hungary), Mota Engil EC RO (Romania)), Mota-Engil Brand Management (Netherlands), Mota-Engil Brand Development (Ireland). Executive member of the Board of Directors of Martifer - SGPS, SA, since January 6, 2015. Positions held within the Martifer Group: Member of the Board of Directors: MARTIFER - SGPS, S.A. MARTIFER METALLIC CONSTRUCTIONS SGPS, S.A. MARTIFER SOLAR SGPS, S.A. MARTIFER RENEWABLES – SGPS, S.A. MARTIFER ENERGY SYSTEMS – SGPS, S.A. MARTIFER GLOBAL – SGPS, S.A. MARTIFER - CONSTRUÇÕES METALOMECÂNICAS, S.A. MARTIFER – ALUMÍNIOS, S.A. MARTIFER SOLAR, S.A. MARTIFER INOVAÇÃO E GESTÃO, S.A. NAVALRIA – DOCAS, CONSTRUÇÕES E REPARAÇÕES NAVAIS S.A. MARTIFER – GESTÃO DE INVESTIMENTOS, S.A. MARTIFER-AMAL S.A. GEBOX, S.A. NAGATEL VISEU, S.A. SOCIEDADE MADEIRAS DO VOUGA, S.A. Positions held in other companies outside the Group: He does not hold any position in companies outside the Group. Number of shares held in the Company: He does not hold shares of Martifer SGPS, SA
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