
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
A Word from the Pastor
Mass Intentions
Apr 7:30am & 5:30pm
6 Leo & Nell Hogan, dec
Theresa O’Keeffe, dec
7 Renzo Ferrari, dec
Frances Turrish Swigert, dec
8 Mary Rhee
Cecilia Baricievic, dec
9 Virginia H. Chiles, dec
Slava Valeur, dec
10 Ray Fisher, dec
Victims of Violence
11 Blanchet House
Week of April 5
Coffee & Donuts after 9am Mass
Art of Cinema 7pm
Tuesdays at Cathedral Cancelled
Wednesday: Catholic Inquiry 7pm
Financial Report for March 29
Regular Households: 850
Sunday Envelope:
Loose Collection:
Fiscal Year to Date:
Social Services: $261
Easter Flowers: $247
Envelopes used: 187
E-Giving: 46
$ 1,484
$ 3,879
$ 15,830
School: $42
Have you signed up for Electronic Giving (E-Giving)?
Please contact the parish office if you are still receiving
Sunday offertory Envelopes.
Celebrations In Our Parish
This Past Week
Frank Bosch
A very Happy Easter to everyone! If you are visiting with
us today at St. Mary’s Cathedral, I want to welcome you to
this most important celebration in the Church’s liturgical
year: the Resurrection of the Lord. We sing together
“alleluia,” a word that means “praise Yahweh,” or “praise the
Lord.” We come together today as a family, as believers, to
praise the Lord and to give thanks for two essential truths:
the first is the Resurrection itself, and the second is that we
participate in this Resurrection through our Baptism.
The readings today sum up the Church’s faith and
proclamation regarding the Resurrection: that the tomb was
empty, that the Resurrection is real, and that the Resurrected
Lord appeared to the disciples.
All four Gospels tell us that the tomb was empty on Easter
Sunday morning. This, in itself, is not proof of the
Resurrection; but it is safe to say that there would be no
Easter if there was a body! An empty tomb points us toward
the reality of the Resurrection; that is, we are not speaking of
myth, or imagination, or wishful thinking, or mass hysteria.
Having said that, we also need to remember that the
Resurrected body of Jesus was quite unique; it pertains more
to the next world than to this world. Jesus was not a
resuscitated corpse (as was Lazarus); he was a new creation.
As I have said before in describing the Resurrected Jesus, he
was the same but different. In the Resurrection, the Jesus of
history becomes the Christ of faith.
The Easter proclamation given by St. Peter in our first
reading today (Acts 10) sums up the preaching of the early
Church regarding the Resurrection: “This man (Jesus) God
raised on the third day and granted that he be visible, not to
all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in
advance, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the
dead.” The disciples make a point to say that Jesus shared a
meal with them—he was real and not a ghost. But the most
compelling argument for the Resurrection is that it changed
the lives of these disciples, even after denying Jesus,
betraying him, and leaving him alone to die. After the
Resurrection they came to believe; and it is in their faith, and
their preaching, that the Church is founded.
The second essential truth we celebrate at Easter is that we
already participate in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. St.
Paul, in his letter to the Romans, sums it up most clearly:
“We were indeed buried with him through baptism into
death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the
glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of
life” (Rom 6:3). In a more mystical vein, St. Paul says in our
second reading that since we have risen with Christ, we are
already present with Christ in God” (Col 3:1-4). Heaven
touching earth, and earth touching heaven. The joy of
Easter! And good reason to sing A lleluia.
Msgr. Patrick S. Brennan
Thank You!
With deep appreciation to the many who have contributed to
the Cathedral Lenten and Easter Celebrations:
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all who are
visiting St. Mary’s Cathedral. Whether you are from a nearby
parish, a traveler from out of state, or not a Catholic, we are
pleased to have you celebrate with us.
Liturgical Ministers, Sacristans, Ushers, Greeters, Lectors,
Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers
Choir and Instrumentalists
The Knights of Columbus
Thank you and Easter Blessings to All!
Do you have a 4, 5, or 6 year old? Cathedr al School has
openings for the 2015-2016 school year.
Cathedral School’s Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
programs focus on the fundamentals of literacy and mathematical skills through varied developmentally appropriate
practices, allowing individual students to learn and grow at
their own pace. All the while, Cathedral's Catholic classrooms are faith-filled learning spaces where children develop
new friendships through play and cooperative learning.
Visit our website at www-cathedral-or.org to download an
application for Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade or contact
Susan Hatley in the school office at 503.275.9370.
We need your help! Cathedral School just purchased a new
database and we are trying to update contact information for
our alumni. Contact Cathedral School at 503.275.9370 with
your current information.
Zupan’s for the beautiful floral arrangements
Our parish staff & volunteers who with their generous efforts
and talents made all of our celebrations possible.
Tuesdays at Cathedral Cancelled: The talk by Fr . J ohn
Tuohey for Tuesday, April 7 has been cancelled.
Baptismal Preparation for Parents of Infants: The next
session will be on Thursday, April 16 at 7 pm in the Upper
Cathedral Center. Enter from 17th Street.
Q. Why are Catholics sprinkled with holy water from the
font today?
A. Water is one of the Church’s most important symbols.
We know it from nature as both life-giving and destructive.
In Baptism, we went down into the waters of death with
Christ and rose up to new life with him. Baptism is never
repeated, but especially during the Easter season we relive
our Baptism when we are sprinkled with water from the font
and invited to renew our baptismal promises.
Easter Flower Contributions Given in Memory/Honor of:
Eva Barney
Dolores Cruz
Emily Dedecleri
Loretta & Vicente Engrio
BJ Helsev
Meriu Kioshi
Joan de San Augustine
Kevin Shuler
Sidney & Gloria Schuler
Jeanne Sheryl
Ethel & Harold Tobin
Fernando & Simplicia Torres
Ralph Zech
Teresa Zech
Catholic Charities Annual Celebration of Hope will take
place, Saturday, April 18 at the Oregon Convention Center.
This event is an opportunity to celebrate and support the
wonderful work of Catholic Charities while meeting old
friends and new. The Celebration features cocktails, dinner
and dancing to live music. All net proceeds go towards the
organization’s work with the poor and most vulnerable. Learn
more at www.catholiccharitiesoregon.org/CelebrationofHope
2015 or call 503.688.2621.
In the new Catholic Sentinel, meet some of the Oregonians
who have decided to become Catholic. See what one woman
with cancer thinks about life and Oregon’s assisted suicide
law. The Congregation of Holy Cross is featured in a series
on consecrated life. Look at some spiritual dynamics affecting seniors and get ready for a retreat focusing on “Mary,
Undoer of Knots”, a favored Marian devotion of Pope Francis.
Scripture Readings for Apr 12
Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35; 1 John 5:1-6; John 20:19-31
Liturgical Ministers - Apr 11 & 12
Vigil Msgr. Patrick Brennan 11:00 Msgr. Patrick Brennan
7:30 Msgr. Patrick Brennan
9:00 Bishop Peter Smith
5:30 Msgr. Patrick Brennan
Bar bar a Brainar d, Betty Beair d
Martha Pelster
Matt Bordonaro, Hayden Thomas
Andy Beck, Paul Langton
Barbara Brown, Maureen Romero
Greeters & Ushers:
Vigil Virginia Ryan, Derek Bachand
9:00 Pat Walters, Mari Connoly, Bill Kehrli
11:00 Kara Kristiansen, Sr. Connie Furseth, Billy Joyce,
Chris O’Brien, Gary Townsend
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Vigil Lori Dunham, Mike Beaird
7:30 Martha Pelster, Mary White, Martha Kem
9:00 Anna Graham, Emily Shamrell, Michelle Vranizan,
Sally & John Doerfler, Gina Shapard
11:00 Julie McCarthy, Debbie Paynter, Sandy Simmons,
Ilse John, Ann Wehrley, Paul Dean
5:30 Dorene Kemp, Margaret Witt, TBA
Amy Brown, Kathy Kelly, TBA
Altar Servers:
Vigil Victoria Mozdy, Alexandra Mozdy, David Gajda
7:30 Lydia Pearce, Adam Pearce
9:00 Jane Ryan, Maggie Ryan, Spencer McKelligon
11:00 Anthony Langton, Isabella Lazara, Savanna Stewart
5:30 Fernando Martinez, Rodrigo Martinez, Lauren Herrick
Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Archbishop of Portland
Msgr. Patrick Brennan, Pastor
Rev. Peter Hoang, Parochial Vicar
Craig Casey, Deacon
Elizabeth Stephenson, Administrative Assistant
Alex Chan & Mary Jo Gornick, Receptionists
Julie Cettina, Parish Secretary/ Bookkeeper
Gail Burke Kingsley, Social Services, 503-241-2521
Sr. Connie Furseth, OSF, Neighborhood Liaison
Paulette Peynet, Director of RCIA
Stephanie Fisher-Hunt, Director, Sunday School
Angela Westhoff-Johnson, Music Director
Seung Min Oh, Organist
Laszlo Lantos, Maintenance
Kadee Acree, Chair, Pastoral Council
Michael Carrano, Chair, Administrative Council
Cathedral School: 503-275-9370
Amy Biggs, Principal
Susan Hatley, Administrative Assistant
Liturgical Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass:
5:30PM Congregational Singing
Sunday Masses:
9:00AM Congregational singing
11:00AM Cathedral Choir
5:30PM Contemporary Ensemble
Daily Masses:
7:30AM & 5:30PM
Reconciliation (Confession):
Saturday 4:00 PM-5:15 PM
Other times by appointment.