WOW! ™ Dick Gregory Triumphs over Cancer WOMEN of the WORD M A G A Z I Christian Publicist Pam Perry Mastering Ministry Marketing School Daze: Tips for Going Back to School N E WOWderful Woman Christie Taylor Our new People of Purpose Profile August 2008 WOW! | AUGUST 2008 contents 9 19 Pam Perry 40 26 INSPIRE Profile of the Month.................................6 Stacey L. Owens.......................................7 Open Heart.............................................14 People of Purpose.................................26 WOW! Teenz...........................................38 Thought for Today..................................44 ENCOURAGE Ask a Life Purpose Coach.....................24 Pebbles with Pastor BJ.........................31 Ginger Smith.........................................32 EMPOWER Moving Up Higher with Joyce Meyer.....22 Keys to Dynamic Bible Study................47 WOWderfully FUNNY ARTISTIC PROSE & CHRISTIAN FICTION Vanessa Davis Griggs...........................46 FEATURES Getting Ready for Back to School.........12 Cover Story: Pam Perry..........................19 Deciding to Go Back to College............27 FLRT: Kimberly Eaton............................28 Jayda Atkinson, Personal Chef.............29 The WOW! Mom.....................................37 WOWderful Woman: Christie Taylor .....................................40 BOOKS & ENTERTAINMENT Music with George Ward.......................10 Tameka Delaney Edwards.....................30 BEAUTY, HAIR, HEALTH & FASHION Sistah Health...........................................9 Fashion & Beauty with Genean Cross........................................16 Spirit Fit..................................................18 Do Your Do with Chiku..........................36 FINANCE & BUSINESS Money Matters.......................................43 Women’s Workplace Wisdom...............48 FOOD, TRAVEL & FEATURES In the Kitchen with WOW!....................34 A Joyful Toon..........................................42 Kartoon Knuggets..................................42 AUGUST 2008 | WOW! WOW! ™ WOMEN of the WORD M A G A Z I N E CEO AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Candie A. Price MUSIC EDITOR George Ward FASHION AND BEAUTY EDITOR Genean Cross BOOKS EDITOR Tameka Delaney Edwards Graphics & Art Candie A. Price Jr. Photographers Eboni Price Amyna Price Field Correspondent Denna D’Mitri CONTRIBUTING EDITORS AND WRITERS Barbara Arnold Joyce Meyer Kendra Norman Bellamy Gil Michel Mary Betner Bennett Sandi Morais Genean Cross Stacey L. Owens Tamara D. Davis Patrice G. Parker Denna D’Mitri Valerie Hicks Powe Kandie Delley Dr. B. J. Relefourd Christina Dixon Ginger Smith Aleathea Dupree Nicole M. Stevenson Temeka Delaney Edwards Joanne Taylor Edwina Findley George Ward Jo Ann Fore Michael Waters Diane H. Gordon Tex West Chiku’ Griffin Deaquelynn Williams Vaness Davis Griggs Denise R. Jacobs Dolores Lee WOW! Women of the Word Magazine,™ Inspire, Encourage, and Empower™ WOWderful Woman™ and FLRT™ are trademarks of Joy2bhizz Creative Services™ All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission is prohibited. W O W ’ d b y H I M ™ A MESSAGE FROM THE CEO & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CANDIE A. PRICE School Daze I “Be certain that as excited as your children may or may not be, Satan is still desiring to sift them as wheat and we must instill the Word of God in them and pray over them that God will protect them and guide them with His loving hand!” cannot believe that the end of summer is fast approaching. It is hard to believe that school will be starting back! Yes, I’m like most when I say my pocketbook is not quite ready for the school supplies, endless fees and school shopping that’s related to this season. I’m also not too excited about the balancing act that I must do to maintain school, business, and church schedules. But there is something exciting about beginning a new school year! The newness of the books and the supplies and the new school year generates in each child a new beginning! It doesn’t always last long, but it’s refreshing, nonetheless. They approach each year with the mindset to do better than they did last year - to focus more, to get better grades, to get involved with new activities. Of course they will face new challenges as well and it is very important for parents to keep their children in constant prayer! Be certain that as excited as your children may or may not be, Satan is still desiring to sift them as wheat and we must instill the Word of God in them and pray over them that God will protect them and guide them with His loving hand! This month our list of amazing women to feature grows even more! Christian publicist Pam Perry graces our cover and talks with us about her amazing career and passion to help Christian ministries grow to their full potential. We also have Christie Taylor, a woman of many talents, as our WOWderful Woman - read her steadily unfolding story of faith and passion for the arts. As usual, our articles for the month are always relevant and inspiring thanks to our dedicated contributors! Thanks to everyone who has emailed us and embraced our new website format and our dedication to providing a quality Christian publication! WOW! Magazine is the ONLY magazine available in 4 simultaneous formats! God is good and we praise Him for His faithfulness! Until next month, be blessed, my sisters (and my brothers!), and Enjoy, -Candie WOW! ™ WOMEN of the WORD M A G A Z I N E contributor JOANN FORE JoAnn Fore brings to us a wonderful story of Dr. Katie Brazelton, whose quest for purpose in her own life turned her into an extraordinary example for other women(p.24). DR. B. J. RELEFOURD Who can find the virtuous woman? Dr. Relefourd believes she’ s closer than you think!(p.31). VANESSA DAVIS GRIGGS God surrounds us with angels of mercy and protection when we are faced with trouble and tribulation. Author Vanessa Davis Griggs expounds (p.46). spotlight WOW! | AUGUST 2008 WOW! ™ WOMEN of the WORD M A G A Z I N E PROFILE OF THE MONTH Shaunte’ R. Smith Author Shaunte’ R. Smith uses writing to reflect her passion for life! Residence: York, PA Church: Bethel AME Baltimore, MD WOW!: We’re so grateful to honor you in WOW! This month! Tell us about yourself. Are you married or single? Name of husband or fiancée? Shaunte’ R. Smith: I am married. Craig B. Smith WOW!:Do you have children? If so, what are their names and ages? SRS: 3 sons (McKenzie 16, Dominique 11 and Michoel 9 Smith) step daughters Sheniqua 17 and Candice 14 WOW!:Briefly describe how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and how long you’ve been saved. SRS: I have been truly saved for the last 51/2 years. It was going through my second divorce and an abusive relationship when I found Christ. WOW!:WOW! is about inspiring, encouraging and empowering other Christian women. Briefly tell us about any activities that you are involved in or something that you’ve done that lines up with the mission to Inspire, Encourage and Empower others. SRS:I currently am an author. My writing reflects my passion for life. Where I have been and the testimonies the Lord has allowed me to speak upon. My first poetry book is entitled ”Defining Process”. I also have a short story piece in “If It Ain’t One Thing It’s Another” by Kiesha Green and my story is entitled “The Woman In The Mirror.” WOW!:What would you say is your greatest challenge in your Christian walk? SRS: Accepting my calling as God would have me. WOW!:How do you handle that challenge? SRS: I attempt to allow the Lord to massage my spirit so that I would be in a place of discernment. Sometimes you think that you are running from God, when in fact you’re running from yourself. God already knows your path. WOW!:Do you have a favorite scripture or a life scripture that seems to pull you out of anything? What is it and why? SRS: The story of Jesus walking on water in Matth 14:22. The entire story allows me the understanding of when I set my eyes off of God in any storm of life, I sink…. regardless to what I am going through, If I keep my eyes stayed on Him, with the faith that He will see me out of it, I won’t drown in my storm. WOW!: Out of all of the Biblical characters in scripture, who would you say closely mirrors your life and why? SRS: EVE- my husband and I have given each other the nicknames Adam and Eve as a reminder to the fact that we were created for each other. This also helps me to understand that we do have flaws and that we fall short and that we often are disobedient, however, God still loves us even in our flaws. WOW!:Feel free to leave with our readers any contact information you’d like about you, your ministry/business/church, etc. SRS: I may be contacted at WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Stacey L. Owens Recognizing the Need for Rest “With our busy schedules, we can barely find time to spend with the Master, let alone really hear from Him so He can give us direction for what we SHOULD be doing rather than what we think we should do.” M ost women I know are wired for multitasking. We can do a lot of things and most of us would like to think we can do it all-work, clean, minister, raise children, manage the home, maintain a good marriage, join a book club, cook, participate in community activities, exercise, and so much more. But if the preceding list makes you tired just reading it, imagine what it does to the woman who actually tries to achieve it all. While we can handle a lot of duties, we are not meant to individually take on the world. If we try to do it, we open ourselves to a variety of troubles including physical, emotional, and spiritual fatigue. Running on empty is more common in the body of Christ than we would like to admit. Most churches are packed with events that we just don’t want to miss. Add those on top of the responsibilities of home, work, and community life and you have a recipe for meltdown, isolation, and AUGUST 2008 | WOW! ineffectiveness. Many of us have pressured ourselves, or allowed others to pressure us, into “busyness,” always going, always doing. We’ve grown so accustomed to it that we feel guilty when we rest. Because if we rest we’re not noticed, we’re not valuable, we’re not contributing, we’re not worthy, we’re not useful. Dare I say, we’re invisible. Or so the pattern of thinking would have us believe. But rest is not an option if we are to be effective in life for God’s kingdom. I am not suggesting that church life is the only thing that causes burnout. We commit to many things that we should reconsider or eliminate. Of course there are sometimes when uncontrollable life situations reduce our ability to rest such as sickness, new babies or changing work schedules. But I am saying that “working” in church is not the alternative to resting in Jesus. With our busy schedules, we can barely find time to spend with the Master, let alone really hear from Him so He can give us direction for what we SHOULD be doing rather than what we think we should do. Only He knows all of our responsibilities and can arrange our schedules to get it done, while resting in the process. If we don’t hear His voice, we run around aimlessly only to start resenting the work and people of God because we can’t keep it all together. There can be numerous indicators of the need to rest. In my case it was disorganization, irritability, weepiness, apathy, complaining, and a sense of being overwhelmed. These may seem extreme but they were the result of a year of not enough sleep and overextension. I didn’t become this person overnight, but I ignored the signs too long and became someone I didn’t recognize. I was no good for anyone and my spiritual life had taken a hard hit. Why? Because in all the running, there was no resting. Maybe you can’t relate to my symptoms. But can you relate to a bad attitude whenever anyone asks you to do something else? Are you skimping on your responsibilities, doing just enough to get by? Does your mind wander throughout the day? Do you have a hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep? Is your mind racing a mile a minute? Are you complaining more than usual? Would you like to isolate yourself from everyone? Are you snapping at your loved ones for no reason? Are you becoming more resentful of those around you? Well, if any of those apply to you, check out how much time you spend resting with Jesus and getting good physical rest. I know some of us think we can operate on a few hours of sleep a night. But physiologically, less than seven hours is not enough. And over time, paired with less intimacy with Jesus, it can be destructive. In Isaiah 26:3, God promises to keep us in perfect peace if our minds are stayed on Him. But we can’t be focused on Him if we are divided in our interests and not resting in Him. The very idea of Jesus being the True Vine can become foreign to us because we are not connected to Him to get the nourishment we need to function. According to John 15, no matter how much work we do, we will not bear fruit if we are not abiding in Jesus. Abiding rest restores us, rejuvenates us and gives God the opportunity to speak to us when all is quiet. In the quiet, He reassures us of His love, His total commitment to our good, and He gently leads us to His will. He reminds us that He is actively involved with our every day lives, that He understand the pressures of “busyness,” but that He longs for those intimate moments where we can steal away with Him. In resting in Him, we are less overwhelmed by all of our responsibilities. I thank God for His grace in my extreme fatigue. Just when I realized I was in a dark tired place, He whispered lovingly in my ear and worked in my life to help me rest, to regain my fellowship with Him. Now I see the necessity of running every proposed commitment by Him for His approval. If I don’t get the confirmation to move forward, I don’t do it. For me, it’s just that simple. This is a very different strategy for me but a very freeing one. In this process, I can move forward knowing that I have the Father’s approval and not the approval of man, including myself. If you are feeling burdened and burned out, an invitation awaits you. Jesus wants you to take His yoke, learn of Him (which you can’t do unless you spend time with Him) and get rest for your soul. His yoke, He says in Matthew 11:30, is easy and His burden is light. Accept the invitation, and don’t forget to get some sleep along the way.• ©2008 Stacey L. Owens Stacey L. Owens lives with her husband and daughters in the Raleigh, NC area. To contact her, email stacey_owens@ WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Sistah Health Dick Gregory Triumphs over Cancer B BY SANDI MORAIS orn October 12, 1932 in St. Louis, Missouri, Dick Gregory made a name for himself as a comedian, civil rights activist, athlete,author,and nutritionist. He is rated number 81 on Comedy Central’s 100 greatest comedians of all time. As an activist Dick Gregory played a major role in the civil rights movement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., fighting for equality and justice for minorities. It was because of his commitment and dedication to nonviolence in the late 60’s that he became a vegetarian. Before he became a vegetarian he had ballooned up to 350 pounds. He smoked four packs of cigarettes and drank a fifth of Scotch everyday. After he adapted the vegetarian lifestyle and gave up his unhealthy habits he noticed that his lifelong battle with ulcers and his sinus congestion had improved with the change in his diet. As a result of his discovery he began to further research the vegetarian lifestyle. He was so impressed with the health benefits that he decided to become a spokesperson for vegetarianism. He spoke extensively on the health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle at churches, schools and universities. Dick Gregory was also an excellent runner in high school. He was awarded a track scholarship to Southern Illinois University. The desire and love for running never left his heart. In the early 1970’s he got involved in running marathons. He even challenged himself and ran a marathon from Chicago to Washington D.C., urging the United States government to take action against world famine. In 1984 he founded Health Enterprise Inc., a company that distributed weight loss products. The company was established out of a deep concern that he had for the lack of health food stores in the African American community. Two years later he introduced the Slim-Safe Bahamian Diet, a powder diet mix to the health food market. The Slim-Safe Bahamian Diet became a favorite with the general public.During the 1990’s Dick Gregory continued his fight as a civil rights activist but his biggest fight came in 2001 when he made an AUGUST 2008 | WOW! announcement to the world that he was diagnosed with lymphoma the worst form of cancer. This was truly a shock. Dick Gregory spent his life fighting for civil rights and lecturing on health and nutrition, now he was faced with a form of cancer that his doctor said was incurable. Because he was always a fighter, the champion in him would not accept the diagnosis as his fate. Being a man of continuous prayer he knew he had to step up his game and pray to God for more wisdom, knowledge and understanding. In addition to praying he knew as a nutritionist that he had to do more research on health and nutrition. After doing extensive research, Dick Gregory decided to take the holistic approach to fight his cancer. In his biography it states. “He refused traditional medical treatment – chemotherapy – and with the assistance of some of the finest minds in alternative medicine, put together a regimen of a variety of diet, vitamins, exercise, and modern devices not even know to the public.” His decision paid off. In 2005 Dick Gregory triumphed over cancer. He has become a warrior for the fight against cancer using his experience to lecture on the importance of diet in fighting cancer. He has helped millions of his fans around the world to understand that cancer is curable. At the young age of seventyfive he is still vibrant and full of life. It was such an honor to interview a man who is a true humanitarian and a giant in the health industry. In closing my interview with Dick Gregory, I asked him what was his prayer for the world, and he said, “Peace.” For more information on Dick Gregory and his health books visit: www.dickgregory. com• Jamaican born Sandi Morais has been a fitness instructor for twenty five years. smorais1@bellsouth. net., Did you ever wonder..... I Music Editor George Ward takes us inside the makings of an Effective Minister of Music. We are sure you will want to share this information with your church’s Music Ministry! “...don’t be weary Is there a more poignant question among music leaders in the church? Can there be one that has troubled or baffled the minds of a Minister of Music more? A question that sometimes causes restless nights, questions their abilities? In this article I will attempt to answer the question, “What makes an Effective Minister of Music” by sharing biblical and practical principles to encourage you to live a lifestyle that is pleasing to God, to invest in your talents, and to develop people in your ministry. Musicians are artistic people by nature and are driven to carry out the vision they have inside. This explains why people may refer to musicians as temperamental or neurotic, because they are constantly seeking to express themselves in a unique way. Choir Directors hear sweet melodic vocal parts in their head and will not settle for anything less than that. In my experiences I have heard it all. A friend was teaching a part to the soprano section and when they sang the part back to him it came back in three different ways. The whole room could tell that it bothered him and that the wrong notes distorted that sweet melodic sound he had heard. He stated in a commanding tone, “Not your way, my way please”. The entire choir somehow caught onto his vision and sang sweet melodic harmonies for the entire rehearsal. Thus, brings my first point. A Minister of Music is effective by perfecting his/her craft. It is required to have musical skill sets to lead the ministry, thereby gaining respect and trust among choir 10 members and musicians alike. He or she must be able to teach and direct the choir with a high level of proficiency. This is where the members discover who he/she is as a musician and as a person. Teaching and directing tells so much about him/her and how effective he/she can be in worship. Competency as a keyboardist and how well he/she prepares is key to a successful rehearsal and is expressed as he/she efficiently teaches the vocal parts. The Minister of Music should not waste time or allow choir members to focus on things outside of what is being taught. A steady flow is also key in that everyone involved is constantly challenged to participate and can follow the development of the song as it ministers to them. Also, he/she should not be afraid to be creative and incorporate new teaching methods into rehearsals. A Minister of Music undoubtedly has the responsibility of teaching biblical principles to every member in the music ministry. This exemplifies the qualities of a strong leader that is necessary for the ministry to be effective. A scripture that comes to mind is Psalms 101:1-2 that states, “I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing. I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart”. I find this to be very effective during a music bible study with choir members and musicians. It is plain and simple to understand what God is saying here about our conduct and decorum. This scripture has sparked several meaningful conversations that showed in well doing and worship as if it were your last time here on earth. One thing I have discovered is that ministry is not about me, but is all about how I serve others. God has designed it that way so we can depend on Him to use others to minister to us.” WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Music with George Ward results in behavior in and out of the music ministry. Coupled with sharing God’s Word with the music ministry is living a lifestyle that is pleasing to God. We all know that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, this is true. However, there is a difference between falling in the mud and later wondering where you can find a nice puddle of mud to wallow in. One thing the Lord loves is someone who loves to talk to Him. I asked my friend Pastor Charles F. Reid, Jr. who is Minister of Music at his church in Connecticut, What makes an Effective Minister of Music? He stated, “You should have a prayer life and a life in the Word of God. You should know enough of the Bible to be dangerous to the devil. After all, you are singing and playing the Gospel of Jesus Christ”. I have mentioned several components necessary to be an effective Minister of Music. Complacency is an issue that is prevalent in most churches. It is important to strive to be a skillful musician and serve in excellence unto the Lord. The Minister of Music’s area of motivation may be playing the organ and piano, and if he/she shows virtuosity in this area, he/she should also seek to develop himself/herself in other areas as well -areas such as leading in worship, teaching vocal parts, and organizing a ministry fellowship. The rigorous schedule that includes as many as 4 rehearsals a week and 2 or 3 worship services on Sunday mornings can be taxing. Not to mention scheduled services out with the Pastor, or weddings and funerals. Despite all of this, God has called him/her into this ministry and will give him/her the strength and tools to glorify Him in excellence as he/she leads by example in worship. “Pastors who dictate to you what you have to do and compromise what God says should be done in worship. I felt that I was there to please the Pastor first and everything else after that is secondary”, says Rease Maddox when I asked him what he thought was one of the major hindrances that a Minister of Music would mostly likely face in ministry. It is a very difficult situation to be caught in the middle of what God says and the expectations of the Pastor and Board of Trustees. “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” Isaiah 10:27. David Hughes encouraged me and now I encourage each Minister of Music to make sure that you know that God has put you in this situation and if so there is a lesson to be learned from this. A Minister of Music must endure much and be able to stand after you’ve done all you can, stand some more…you know the song. I was tempted to include in this article the many obstacles that prevent a Minister of Music from succeeding in his/her position. However, I now realize that we must spend our time focusing on ministry. If we are going to be what God has called us to be we need to give our undivided attention to carrying out His plan for the ministry in which He has made us shepard. Anything else is what Satan would have us to do so that our effectiveness would be null and void. I encourage you not to be weary in well doing and to worship as if it were your last time here on earth. One thing I have discovered is that ministry is not about me, but is all about how I serve others. God has designed it that way so we can depend on Him to use others to minister to us. That is effective ministry in a nutshell!• AUGUST 2008 | WOW! Here are 10 ways to be an Effective Minister of Music 1. Maintain a consistent prayer life 2. Competent teaching of biblical principles ip ability h 3. Strong leaders 4. Worship in Spirit and in Truth the Lord 5. Cultivate the vision of for your ministry 6. Invest in your talents and gifts 7. Establish meaningful relationships within your m inistry 8. 9. nized Become well orga Develop and mentor Ministry Leaders 10. Collaborate with ot her musicians GEORGE’S WOW! LIST Here are 5 songs to minister and encourage you this month! 1. Let Go Dewayne Woods 2. One God Maurette Brown-Clark 3. Celebrate Bishop TD Jakes & Potter’s House Mass Choir 4. To Live Is Christ Daryl Coley 5. Holy Are you Lord Joe Pace 11 Getting Ready for Back to School T BY VERONICA SCOTT he summer fun is about to end and now its time to get back to the business of school. It’s something the kids and parents alike dread. But the process can go much smoother if you plan ahead. Getting Back on Schedule It’s nice to be able to stay up late and sleep in during the summer months but getting the kids back to on a school sleeping schedule can create sleepy little monsters in the morning. To help avoid morning grouchiness, ease them back into a schedule a couple of weeks prior to the start of school. Start sending them to a little earlier each night and waking them a little earlier in the morning until you reach your goal. Buying School Clothes Before you go out and buy school clothes, first access the clothing situation of your child. Go through their closets and drawers and set aside outgrown and worn out items. This will give you a better idea of what they need in terms of clothing and shoes. Make a list of items they are in need of and establish a budget for school clothes. Start watching for those back-to-school sales in July and August. Don’t forget to scour the 12 consignment shops and even the Internet for sites with good deals. it in a visible area so everyone in the family knows what’s going on. School Supplies Relieve Anxieties About the First Day of School It’s a good idea to check with the school to obtain a list of school supplies that your child will need for the school year before you buy unnecessary items. Don’t forget to buy a new lunchbox if needed and backpack. Avoid buying backpacks with wheels, as most schools do not allow them. Visit the School Ahead of Time Many schools hold open houses ahead of time so parents can visit the school and meet the teachers. However, if your school doesn’t, make an appointment to tour the school and meet the teachers anyway. While you are there check to see what necessary paperwork is needed such as immunization records, yearly physical exam, and emergency contact information. This is also a good opportunity to find out the bus and class schedules as well as what kinds of sports activities and clubs the school has to offer. Getting Your Calendar Organized With the start of school come additional activities and things to remember. Be sure and have a calendar ready to mark school schedules and activities. Be sure and post Many children experience some amount of anxiety about going to school especially if it is their first time or they are going to be attending a new school. Talk to your child about their fears and try and ease them. If this is their very first time attending a school, try and arrange a play date with children they will be going to school with. Also take them along when you visit the school so they can see their school, classroom and meet their new teacher. Enjoy Those Last Moments Be sure and enjoy those last summertime moments. Plan a back-to-school barbeque, a family night, or overnight camping trip to commemorate the occasion. Find helpful and creative ideas for parents and grandparents while you shop our great selection of kids furniture (including our popular tables for kids) and classic toys. Visit today! Article Source: ?expert=Veronica_Scott WOW! | AUGUST 2008 AUGUST 2008 | WOW! 13 Open Heart Trust His Heart I BY TEX WEST have four, yes four, Beagles. Each one of them has very distinct personalities. Snoopy, the king and alpha dog of the pack is strong, confident, and obedient and expects to be treated as top dog. Angel, the queen, is spoiled, stubborn, lazy and rebellious but still expects to be treated as a queen. Biggie is not only big in statue but he’s big in heart and loves to cuddle. He seeks out affection and seeks what he already has, our love. Then there’s Ms. Wiggles, she was the rut of the litter. She’s small in statue and doesn’t present with much presence. She frightens easily and shies away just as fast. Beagles are pack dogs by nature and live to eat. When it’s time to eat or receive treats, Ms. Wiggles stands back from the others. She frets easily and constantly keeps a troubled expression on her face. We’ve never held back on any of her needs or treats but she acts as if she is not as privileged as the other dogs. When she receives a treat, she retreats to another corner and constantly looks back as if to see if we are going to take it away from her. She’s happy with whatever she receives, she never expects treats and is content with her daily rationing of dog food. The other dogs will position themselves in their designated spot and wait patiently for me to give them more. My nickname for Ms. Wiggles is, Step-Dog because she behaves as if she is less privileged than the other dogs. I was recently talking with my husband about something that happened to me that was really exciting and encouraging. I was surprised by the way that the Lord had worked this particular situation out. Gerry wasn’t surprised- he expected it. He even challenged me to write down a plain and specific vision in this particular area of my life (Habakkuk 2:2). I quickly “I need to trust His heart that He is truly for me, that He is the biggest lover of my soul and that He desires to fellowship intimately with me.” 14 dismissed his suggestion and pacified him with the remainder of the conversation. Later that night, frustrated and restless, I couldn’t sleep. This usually means that the Lord wants to talk to me. The Lord started challenging me on why I found it difficult to write down a vision or even a specific request for my life. I thought about what the Word says about my position in the Lord versus my actual perception of how I see myself. I don’t consider myself any different than the average woman who struggles with self-esteem issues at times but The Lord was trying to show me something a little different. It’s hard to admit, but I have a stepdaughter’s mentality when it comes to how I view myself in my Heavenly Fathers family. I get excited when I see the Lord doing great things in others peoples lives, I expect Him to come through in awesome ways. I love to see how mightily he works WOW! | AUGUST 2008 situations and circumstances out in other people’s lives- you know the ‘exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think’ scenarios. I often stand in agreement with friends on what some would consider, not logical or realistic request and can whole heartily believe the Lord for their petitions. Now don’t get me wrong, I faithfully believe and trust the Lord to supply our needs as a family. I believe Him to watch over us and to protect us. It’s expecting or requesting the things that are beyond normalcy and necessity that I struggle with. I’m careful not to go to the farther end of the spectrum and treat God as if He is my personal bellhop or genie to grant me all that I request. The Lord has been slowly revealing to me over the last few months that I have trust issues with Him. I say that I love Him and that I trust Him---but in certain areas, I regretfully confess that it just comes down to not trusting Him to be who He said he is to me. That’s a hard pill to swallow but it’s true. God is still God whether I acknowledge Him fully or not; He’s still magnified, whether in my eyes or not. I’m the one who has been missing out on treats and blessings simply because I’m not there to receive it because I haven’t positioned myself (heart and mind) to expect it. This past weekend I attended my church’s women’s conference entitled, “Trust His Heart”. Wow, you talk about being stripped of stinking thinking and finally accepting my position with the Lord, it was truly orchestrated just for me. Prior to the conference, I would have never admitted my stepdaughter mentality and really didn’t even view it as a problem. I’ve since realized that I have sinned against God because of not acknowledging Him for being God in my life. God has truly shown me that He wants and desires to bless me beyond just my meals for the day (my daily bread) and that He wants me to stop shying away from asking for big things, unexpected and yes even undeserved things. I need to trust His heart that He is truly for me, that He is the biggest lover of my soul and that He desires to fellowship intimately with me. My problem is that I lose perception of who I am in Christ and who God is fully. I don’t want anything that the Lord does not want for me—but I know that in some areas, I have not because I ask not. He wants to see me practice obedience in being who he created me to be. He wants to use every area of my life, for His Glory. Simply, He wants me to trust his heart. ©2008 Tex West resides in Grand Prairie, Texas in ministry with her husband, Minister Gerry West of West2West Ministries. Aléthia is a new clothing line that creatively interprets scripture with designs that are uplifting and inspiring to everyone. Truth you can wear and live in a way that is attractive on you and attractive to others. AUGUST 2008 | WOW! 15 Fashion & Beauty with Genean Cross Being the mother of a teenage daughter I, too, have found myself in the sea of moms disappointed and disgusted when it comes to the lack of fashion choices for young teen age girls, especially when shopping for fashionable, yet age appropriate ,attire for our lil Women Of the Word. So to all of our faithful moms who continually support this amazing ministry and to my amazing lil Women Of the Word my daughter, Tatianna, who keeps me abreast on the haves and have nots in teen fashion, this months article is dedicated to you. I must say I was so excited to see that the “Girlie” look is back, long gone is the “Goth” look, or what I call the “Rainbow Bright” look, which consists of every color in the rainbow and then some. Have fun with cool summer colors, floral prints and simple yet dressy strapless babydoll bubble dresses with inverted pleats all around bodice. Pair up any of these flirty styles with some of this season’s trendiest summer ready flat sandals, detailed with vibrant flowers, jewels and embellishments. Have a Blessed and Safe Summer,and Happy B-Day Tati Here we have a collection of summer dresses sure to make your lil Women Of the Word feel and look like the princess she is. 16 Lil’ Women of the Word WOW! | AUGUST 2008 where to find: Sleeveless satin tube dress w/watercolor inspired floral print $22.50*Twiggy Patent Flat $18.80*Eyelet Thong Sandal $14.80*Floral sheer but lined tube dress $22.80*Canvas Peep-toe Espadrille $19.90*Studded Slingback $17.80*Leather Flowered thong $29.99* Color block patent flat $22.80*Mori Wedge $19.80*Pleated rose print dress w/gathered bodice $24.80*Knit tube dress w/ bright colorful floral design and bubble hem $24.80*Strapless bubble dress w/inverted pleats $29.80* Baby doll dress w/striped trim and paisley pattern $24.80*Sleeveless cotton dress w/floral trim collar and empire waist $24.80* bright floral print halter dress featuring a shirred elastic midriff with adjustable neck tie $22.80* Layered Shear chiffon w/tropical print $22.80* Sleeveless strapless satin dress features exciting geometric prints with a embellished beaded neckline, Ruffled skirt trim $34.80. All styles by AUGUST 2008 | WOW! Genean N Cross is a mother of one daughter Tatianna, who she describes as her rock, her sunshine. She resides in Washington, DC. Fashion questions? Contact Genean at 17 Spirit Fit with Yvonne Bennett “With the current state of world affairs, we are all facing some sort of adversity be it physical, mental, emotional or financial. However it is our perception of our circumstances and our reaction to that perception that dictates the state of wellness or level of healing we can expect to receive.” I Seeing Through God’s Eyes t is said that “The Eyes are the mirrors to the soul.” Through our eyes we receive the physical view of the world, which in turn helps to create our perception of our life and the lives that surround us. In a world moving as fast as it does today, our view of life often becomes distorted which ultimately affects the way we live; from our thoughts, actions and reactions to our circumstances. Such distortion also affects our overall health in either positive or negative ways. With the current state of world affairs, we are all facing some sort of adversity be it physical, mental, emotional or financial. However it is our perception of our circumstances and our reaction to that perception that dictates the state of wellness or level of healing we can expect to receive. God’s Word says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Under the current state of affairs we may find ourselves faced with increasingly negative or doubtful, discouraging thoughts that if unchecked can throw us into an abyss of depression, anxiety or even self-destructive behaviors. When circumstances begin to lead you down this negative path of doubt or despair, it is time to stop, re-focus and “Look to the hills from which cometh my help,” and state “Lord help me see these circumstances and myself through your eyes.” As we speak to and yield ourselves to the power of God our view literally shifts. While circumstances are the same the ability to handle them becomes easier, physical ailments are relieved, your view of yourself and your physical appearance change. For example in instances when I am experiencing difficulties and I am in a bad mood, I can often become hypercritical of my surroundings and myself to the point of visualizing the worst of my physical appearance (not pleased with hair, body or clothes). It is in times like this that I shift my focus to God an instantly my hair goes from dull to radiant and stylish, my clothes from drab to chic, and my body from o.k. to uniquely sculpted, lean and tone. 18 God’s view of us is absolute perfection and while perfection is not achievable in this world we are always perfect to Him who created us.• Yvonne Bennett is a life coach and personal trainer and owner of Coach Bennett Life coaching services in Buffalo Grove, IL. Yvonne has 20 years of personal training and client service experience. She is also the director for the Spirit Fit Ministry at Trinity Baptist Community Church in Crystal Lake, Il, a ministry dedicated to providing bible based fitness education and programs. If you have questions or require more information you may contact Yvonne at WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Pam Perry Mastering Ministry Marketing AUGUST 2008 | WOW! 19 Candie A. Price: You’ve got to be one of the hardest working women in the Public Relations industry, specifically for God’s people! We appreciate you taking the time to share with our readers. First we’d like to know a little about your background. Where were you raised and what was your upbringing like? PP: I am a Motown girl. Born and raised in Detroit during the 1960s and I am the only child in my family so I loved to play with other kids next door…and my family lived next door to a family who took me to church every Sunday. Yes, thank God, my next door neighbor had a church and I played with his kids. So you can say I kinda grew up a vicarious “P.K.” CAP: Tell us about your family: spouse, children, names, ages, etc. PP: My soulmate is Marc Perry. We’ve been married 12 years and we have one daughter, who is 11. Marc is a marketing executive in an ad agency. Uniworld. This was the first Black agency in the country. His firm handles the target marketing for corporations like Ford, Burger King, Home Depot. CAP: For those readers that don’t know who you are, what exactly do you do and what does your business(s) consist of? PP: Well Ministry Marketing Solutions Inc. is a public relations consulting firm that targets the African American Christian market. We promote Christian authors and ministries to the masses. Our tag line is: “Marketing the Message.” Our main clients are publishers like Baker/Revell, Moody/ Lift Every Voice, Bridge Logos, Faith Words, Judson Press – these are publishers who deliver books to the Christian Booksellers Association market (CBA). You can also go to my website and get free info at www.MinistryMarketingSolutions. com CAP: With your background, skills and expertise in the Public Relations industry, you could certainly be making a hefty salary in corporate America, why did you decide to start your own company and devote your energy and skills toward marketing Christian businesses, ministries, and artists? PP: – It was a God idea for sure. Like I said, growing up next door to a preacher, I had first hand knowledge of how ministries worked because I was there so often. My gift was not in ushering, singing or event planning – I had a real heart to just promote and tell everyone about special events at the church. One day during my 20 teen years, Rev. Jordan said, “You are doing PR for Jesus.” That stuck. So, when I went to college – I majored in public relations and journalism. I started in secular media and agencies– but the Lord pulled me in to work with ministries after I had “cut my teeth” with those companies, and I began working with nonprofit Christian ministries, like The Salvation Army. And yes it was a big pay cut – but the personal rewards are incomparable! I love being in God’s will for my life. CAP: So many people don’t understand or see the need for a public relations component to enhance their business projects and/or ministries, especially in the African American community. How difficult was it for you to get those in this niche market to trust and believe in your “My mission is to be a blessing by helping ministries, churches and Christian authors ‘Market the Message.’ I’m all about networking for Kingdom Connections”. approach and is this still a challenge for you? PP: -Yes, that is the biggest frustration I have. That’s why I try to teach, train and coach others about the importance of ministry marketing. I tell self-published authors and ministers to think of marketing as evangelism but with more muscle. Instead of witnessing to someone one on one – think of it as planting seeds to thousands at a time. That’s why I love internet marketing – I call it digital evangelism. It’s so viral. CAP: What would you say is the most rewarding part of your responsibilities? PP: – Taking someone’s dream/vision and helping them bring it to pass. I love seeing authors interact with readers at book signing and conferences. I love hearing the good reports that the ministries are able to accomplish because they met their financial goals and had tons of products sold. It’s also exciting to me to get people excited about the things of God – you know some people don’t go to church and read Christian books – and when they go to an event or read a book because of some marketing that MMS has had a hand in – I know God is pleased and I’m ecstatic. CAP: If there is one thing that you could change about the public relations industry and the perceptions of others about “PR” professionals, what would it be? PP: True PR professionals are really just trained journalists. I would love for the media to really get that. We just happen to be working for a client – and not the press. We really can work with the media by providing good stories, interviews, sources, etc. We are content providers and idea generators. We have a heart for the media and I have a heart especially for Christian media. CAP: As a Christian first, how do you see your role in crafting a marketing plan for your clients? PP: Honesty. Integrity. That’s number one. I also let the Holy Spirit guide me when I put together a campaign strategy. My business was founded on Act 1:8 so I really believe in getting out of the way and following the Holy Spirit. CAP: There has been a huge uprising of individuals in recent years representing themselves as “publicists” and “promoters”. Surely it is so hard for someone to know whether or not some individuals can actually deliver on what they promise in promoting them and/or their projects. What would your advice be to someone who is just starting a Christian business or is a Christian artist trying to promote a service/ministry or product and looking for a public relations professional to assist them? PP: Ask them who they have promoted and what kind of campaigns have they created. Then ask them if it’s ok to contact that person. That will get rid of any doubt if they can deliver. My clients testimonials are on my website – so people can see what people have said about Ministry Marketing Solutions Inc. Also google them. Google doesn’t lie. CAP:: There may be someone reading this who is inspired by all of the great things you do and the success of your business, who would you say has been your greatest source of encouragement in your career? PP: My greatest source of encouragement are my previous pastor, Rev. Dr. Joseph R. Jordan and my current pastors, Dr. James and Stacia Pierce of Life Changers WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Christian Center in Lansing. They are a breath of fresh air when I need a lift and they are great business people. I learn so much from just watching them. I believe some things can be taught but most things are just “caught” by serving someone else. I read all their books too! You really can learn a lot by reading. CAP: What was the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? PP: I remember I was really trying to get the CBA industry to understand the African American Christian market and really hitting brick walls. And one day, a Bishop said to me, “Quit trying to get white folks to like you and just concentrate on loving each other [meaning other blacks]” I believe there is strength in numbers and our race must learn to work together more and really love each other – and help one another in business. That’s what other races do – and sometimes African Americans do the opposite. o, I work with other publicists and share information with them regularly and we even have a blog together (www.ThePRDistinction. CAP: What is your favorite scripture and why? PP: Hosea 4:6 – “My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge…” because I believe people would really do better if they knew better. That’s why I love books and the book biz! CAP: What biblical character most mirrors your life and why? PP: Peter. I am one to take a risk and walk on the water – even if it’s just for a moment – I really believe God and know He can save me if I start to sink. When I left my “real” job 8 years about, I told everyone to call me Pam “Peter” Perry. CAP: How do you want to be remembered? PP: One who helped paved the way for tons of successful African American Christian authors – spreading the Word and turning the world upside down! I want my business to have an impact and change lives! CAP: With all the things that you have accomplished what’s next for PP:? What have you not done that you want to still do? PP: I want to start a University. We are in the process of launching an online “Ministry Marketing University.” Look for that next year! We are going global to teach others about ministry marketing! CAP: As you look over your life, what is the AUGUST 2008 | WOW! one thing that you regret? PP: I don’t believe in regrets. Everything has a purpose - even the bad things. If I have learned the lesson from the bad experience then there is no need for regrets. It would be a regret if I kept making the same mistakes over and over again. But thank God I don’t have a hard head – I am pretty pliable and learn fast. I have learned to humble myself quickly and get the lesson in a hurry. I don’t like pain! CAP: Please leave with us any information about your latest projects,books,conferences, etc. and how others may contact you or secure your services: PP: I am working on doing monthly Teleseminars for authors and have an October PR Boot Camp coming up. My book, “115 PR Tips to Brand Your Ministry” is doing well. Churches are buying it for conferences they’re hosting. People can tune in and find out all my business and get the books/CDs at www. or call 248.342.8806. Candie A. Price is Editor-in-cChie f/ Publisher of WOW! Magazine. Candie is an utthor/speaker passionate about encouraging others through the written word. Candie may be contacted at c a n d i e p r i c e @ Sign up for daily devotionals by Candie at 21 Moving Up Higher with Joyce Meyer Are You a People Pleaser? “I am constantly amazed at how many people are driven to please the people around them—even if it makes them feel guilty.These people would rather please others than please God.” 22 D o you want to enjoy your life? I mean it! Do you want to really enjoy every single day of your life? If you are serious about enjoying life, then I have a tip for you: Stop trying to please everyone. First of all, you will never be able to make everyone happy. And secondly, most of the time, doing things that would please others would not please God. You cannot please God and please people. You have to learn to follow the leadership of the Lord in your life first. That is the number one way to really enjoy your life. As I travel across this country, I am constantly amazed at how many people are driven to please the people around them—even if it makes them feel guilty. These people would rather please others than please God. They would rather please others and live with a guilty conscience than please God first and have a clear conscience. Sound familiar? You may be a people pleaser! There are a few verses from the Bible on this subject that I’d like to share with you. The first verse is from Acts. The apostle Peter and the other apostles were threatened by the authorities to stop preaching. They were told that if they didn’t stop preaching in Jesus’ name, great harm would come to them. Their simple response is found in Acts 5:29. It says, Then Peter and the apostles replied, We must obey God rather than men (The Amplified Bible). They gave no thought to pleasing the authorities. They knew that if given the choice, they would choose to please God first. This is a very bold step for almost anyone, even when not threatened with bodily harm! The apostles were prepared to do whatever it took to obey God first. What about you? Are you a God pleaser or a people pleaser? Pleasing people is an easy trap to fall into. Being addicted to the approval of others instead of following the leadership of the Lord in your life may seem easier to do. Of course, it’s easier to choose to follow others when you’re afraid of what people will say if you don’t. If this is the case, your motive is wrong. I believe that the number one sign that you may be a people pleaser is when you act out of duty and not desire. When duty becomes the driving force in your life—duty or obligation—you are prone to pleasing people first. You find yourself doing things because you “ought” to or because you feel like you’re “supposed” to or maybe you feel WOW! | AUGUST 2008 that you are “expected” to do it. Instead of being motivated by what is best to do, you are motivated by what you believe others feel you should do. No matter what the action is, the motive is wrong. You have become a people pleaser. Another important verse on this subject is found in 1 Thessalonians 2:4. It says, But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the glad tidings (the Gospel), so we speak not to please men but to please God, Who tests our hearts [expecting them to be approved]. Paul, who wrote this letter to the Thessalonians, is echoing Peter from before. We speak not to please men but to please God. Paul is encouraging us to be God pleasers, instead of people pleasers. So how do you decide what you should do and what you shouldn’t? What is the basis of your decision with regard to whom you will please? Let peace be your guide. Peace should be the “umpire” in any decision. Peace should help you decide what you do and what you choose not to do. Colossians 3:15 says, And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live].… When peace is your guide, you’ll be able to easily follow your heart and please God, and you’ll be free at last from the bondage of pleasing people!• For more on this topic, you may order Joyce’s four-CD series People Pleasers by calling 1-800-727-9673 or visiting Author/teacher Joyce Meyer has been helping people overcome life’s problems through biblical keys to practical Christian living since 1976. Her radio and television programs are broadcast throughout the United States and much of the world. For additional information, you may contact Joyce Meyer Ministries at P.O. Box 655,Fenton, Missouri 63026 or visit AUGUST 2008 | WOW! Are You a People Pleaser? Do you want to enjoy every day of your life? If you are serious about enjoying life, then Joyce has a tip for you: Stop trying to please everyone! You can’t please God and please people. You first have to learn to follow the leadership of the Lord in your life instead of doing things only to please others. In the new four-CD series People Pleasers, author and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer tells the truth about the danger of being motivated by a sense of obligation to please others. Living your life based on the whims of people instead of the will of God will cause you a lifetime full of misery. But God wants you to be free! You will learn: t The seven signs of a people pleaser t The importance of taking stock of your motives t How to identify the trap of perfectionism Living your life to please others is no way to live. God wants to deliver you from that bondage. This teaching series will show you how! To order order using or or Discover, callcall 1-800-727-9673 To usingMasterCard, MasterCard,VISA, VISA,American AmericanExpress Express Discover, 1-800-727-9673 or log on to or log on to People Pleasers Name _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ Price includes postage. City _________________________________________________________ Return this coupon with your payment to: State _____________ Zip ________________________________________ 4-CD Series by Joyce Meyer $30 C257 Joyce Meyer Ministries P.O. Box 655 Fenton, MO 63026 Phone (_____) ______________________________________________________ 1-800-727-9673 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Joyce Meyer Ministries 23 ASK A LIFE PURPOSE COACH® From Despair to Purpose Back in the 80’s, I ended up sitting next to Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India. I wondered what on earth I’m supposed to do with my life and how she could help me. I imagined if anyone knew the secret to heeding God’s voice, she must. We huddled together on a rickety wooden bench on an upstairs balcony. I found myself yelling into this Nobel Peace Laureate’s ear, “Mother Teresa, how can you do this work in these terrible slum conditions?” Her intense dark eyes drew me in. She smiled from ear to ear, patted my arm, and softly said, “It’s pure joy.”Pure joy – working in these slums? I didn’t get it. I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about. And, I still didn’t get it for fifteen years! 24 D r. Katie Brazelton began her talk with the group of professionals gathered for the 2007 World Conference of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) in Nashville, TN. With all eyes on her, this petite, dynamic, and disarmingly vulnerable woman shared a very personal journey—her journey to find meaning in life. Katie encouraged the AACC group, “Not only can you discover your own unique, God-given purpose in life as I have, but you can teach others to do the same!” A small miracle when you count the years Katie was without purpose. An unexpected divorce and painful depression left Katie desperate. She sought meaning in life from accolades, advanced degrees, career challenges and extensive travel – to no avail. Determined to uncover the “true meaning of life”, she embarked on a dramatic journey around the world to find a mentor, hero, or role model who could give her the answers she desperately sought. Her journey led her to Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India to talk about joy; to Belfast as a guest of Ireland’s Nobel Peace Laureate to discuss inner peace; and to the tiny island of Malta to study St. Paul’s time of shipwreck. Hopelessness and despair looming overhead, Katie scooted around the world in search of answers. What she found, in the midst of her angst, was a universal cry for purpose. The AACC group pressed in to hear more of Katie’s journey. In 1988, a year after my visit to Calcutta, I was sitting in a graduate class, actually doodling, when the Professor began to talk about Dr. Viktor Frankl – a Nazi concentration camp survivor – and he said Frankl helped prisoners focus on a purpose they would like to accomplish after they were released. Simple things like paint a picture, plant a garden or hug someone, things that would keep them going and give them a purpose, just for that day. My professor explained the vital role of purpose in the human heart. All of a sudden, I felt like I had electricity run through my body. I think God used that moment in my life to let me know I wasn’t alone in my search for purpose. It was a universal cry in everyone’s heart and He had instilled that in all of us. Katie’s revelation led her to understand how God forms each of us for a specific purpose. And that genuine contentment comes for us, as Christians, only as we live out God’s design for our lives. If we live outside of His plans, a holy discontent gnaws our hearts. The universal questions which probe the depths of man’s soul—What is my purpose in life; What on earth am I doing here; WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Will you ever use me, Lord— are designed to bring us faceto-face with God. It is only then we begin to understand, as Katie did, “Our single life purpose— that is universal to all human beings—is to know and glorify God, but each individual is also given a unique purpose, which simply put, assists others in knowing and glorifying Him.” Katie welcomed this knowledge and embarked on a journey to spread the message of a purpose-filled life with Christians everywhere. She now spends most of her days talking with others about their God-given dreams and passions, helping them to escape an unfulfilling life and move toward significance and purpose. Katie is the founder of Life Purpose Coaching Centers, International®, the first Christian-based, international program to train others who are passionate about knowing and fulfilling their unique life AUGUST 2008 | WOW! purpose. Katie trains coaches, speakers, consultants, and facilitators to help others connect with God’s unique vision for their lives. As a Life Purpose Facilitator®, Katie coaches an international client base of Christian women, helping them to discover their life mission. She credits God for the work she witnesses in clients like Kay Warren—who is now a world spokeswoman for AIDS, and meets with Laura Bush. “Katie drew from me the blue-sky dreams that I’d been afraid to say out loud,” Kay Warren shared about her coaching experience with Katie. Some of Katie’s clients have gone on to open non-profit agencies for international projects for the poor, and yet others have become pastors and missionaries. Lifechanging revelations are springing up in the hearts and lives of women around the world. A best-selling author, Katie has written a series of books (Pathway to Purpose, Praying for Purpose, Conversations on Purpose, and Pathway to Purpose Personal Journal) to help women find their specific, second-half-of-life mission. Her latest release ( January 2008), Character Makeover, stems from her desire to take the coaching a step further. In this book, Katie becomes a personal, virtual coach, taking you on a forty-day adventure of deepening your character as you collaborate with God, role models, and her, preparing you to fulfill your legacy. “If you don’t do life on purpose,” Katie shared with the AACC group, walking off the stage, “You’re going to miss the mark of doing life God-style!” Dr. Katie Brazelton –Founder of Life Purpose Coaching Centers, International ®, Life Purpose Facilitator®, Author/Speaker – has discovered her life mission and is shouting from the mountaintop, “You can truly understand God’s purpose for your life.” Do you have questions on how to find your unique purpose and how to walk a passionate, purposeful life? Submit your questions to AskALifePurposeCoach@ Please note that questions may be edited for clarity and privacy and become the property of Jo Ann Fore. Jo Ann Fore is a Certified Life Purpose Coach® and freelance writer.Visit Jo Ann at or 25 People of Purpose Raymond Toilolo of Gridiron Ministries Filoiann Wiedenhoff: Welcome, I’m thrilled you were able to do this interview with me. First, please tell us a little about yourself. Pastor Ray: My name is Raymond Toilolo. I’m an Associate Pastor at Christian Life Center of San Diego, Founder of Gridiron Ministries, and in charge of the Freshmen & JV football programs at Helix High School . I’m happily married to a wonderful and beautiful woman of God, Trina, for 23 years. She’s my best friend, my assistant coach, my business partner, and my spiritual partner. She’s been everything to our children and me. God has blessed me with the perfect woman. My son Ray (23) is married to Faailuga and they have a one-year old son, Titus (my awesome grandson!). Ray is going to school for Physical Therapy in Sports Injuries. Chasity (21) is attending the University of Utah on a track scholarship, studying Sports Science. Levine (16) just recently accepted a football scholarship to Stanford University for 2009. Our youngest daughter, Sydni (12), has as her goal to attend and play college softball. I am very blessed and proud of our children. They are all Christians who have accepted Christ as their Lord & Savior, what a joy to know we’ll be with our children forever. Filoiann: How did you become involved in Gridiron Ministries? Pastor Ray: The Lord led me to form Gridiron Ministries in 2003. I’ve been involved in sports all my life as an athlete and a coach. There is so much you can learn from sports that will assist you later in life. It’s a way to minister to the young athletes. Coaches and athletes are so influential in 26 today’s society, but the wrong message is given to our young athletes of today, with the many arrests, deaths, drugs and alcohol - the character of an athlete is not positive. My prayers are to change the mindset of our young people, to fulfill their purpose and goals according to God’s will. Filoiann: Please explain what Gridiron Ministries does for the community and what it hopes to accomplish? Pastor Ray: Gridiron Ministries is a sports ministry geared towards youth and sports. Football and sports are the platforms we utilize, drawing young people to workout and participate in specific drills for speed, power and conditioning. It’s a mentorship program to teach our young people character through the Word of God, to improve their academic standards and enhance their God-given athletic abilities to be successful in their chosen sport. We empower the young people to reach their highest potential spiritually, academically, and athletically. (Spirit, soul and body.) Filoiann: What words of wisdom or advice would you like to impart to those who are reading this interview in regard to being a person of purpose? Pastor Ray: I would encourage your readers to really seek God for their purpose in life and obey their calling. I spent 4-5 years trying to fulfill my career desires and goals, and all along, I knew where my heart and passion were, to impact other lives in Christ. The story of Jonah comes to mind when we do not obey God’s calling. A sermon I recently heard was so correct when Pastor Jack Sheets, Jr. said, “Running from God’s assignment doesn’t cancel the assignment.” Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” In Jeremiah 1, God states before He formed us in the womb, He knew us. The plan for our life is set; we just have to be obedient to the life God has called us to. I have such peace and joy in serving the Lord, and making a difference in the lives of others. Filoiann: What type of support does your ministry rely on and how can people reach you if they would like to contribute or if they want more information? Pastor Ray: We rely solely on donations. The numbers of young people we minister to have increased. To continue to provide sufficient workouts, we need to purchase more equipment. We are praying that God will provide our own indoor warehouse workout facility, to conduct Bible studies, tutoring, indoor workouts, as well as have a weight room, computers for education stations, and a film room for college coaches. Please keep us in prayer. For more info you can visit our website at or we can be reached at or Filoiann: Thank you for allowing me this interview and sharing your time with us. If anyone reading this interview is interested in either supporting their cause or getting involved, please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor and Coach Raymond Toilolo. Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a Pastors Wife, Womans Biblical Counselor, Bible Teacher, Writer and Columnist. Her “How Do We Deal?” column offers practical and biblical steps for real life issues. You can visit her website at www. WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Deciding to Go Back to College How to Decide if an Accelerated Bachelor’s Degree Program is Right for You BY GLORIA HENNESSY Thinking you’ll need to put your life on hold, quit your job and go to college five days a week for four years so that you can earn a bachelor’s degree? Think again. As a working adult, you have tons of options available to you to start and/or finish a college degree. And none of them mean you have to quit your job - and thus lose your income and any momentum you’ve built up in your career - to earn a bachelor’s degree. You can sign up for an online education or an accelerated bachelor’s degree program and perhaps even enroll in a program that’s a combination of both. The online education world is, to use a mixed metaphor, the working adults’ oyster. This article will answer the following: * Why an online education is the way to go for working adults. * How an accelerated bachelor’s degree program and an online bachelor’s program are similar and different. When Time is Scarce, an Online Education Gives Plenty Let’s face it. We have no time today. We AUGUST 2008 | WOW! have stressful jobs. We have children and they “demand” - and deserve - our time. We have spouses - ditto on the “demand.” We have homes to maintain, bodies to exercise and - if we can scrape out time somehow - time spent on fun and relaxation. If we were 18 again, perhaps we could go the traditional college route. But not when we’re 38 or even 25. So enrolling in one of the many online degree programs available to working adults today can allow us to get that all-important bachelor’s degree. The Cornucopia of Adult Education College Degrees Explained An online bachelor’s degree program allows you to study for and receive your degree from your own home computer. There is no need to drive to a classroom after a long day at work, grabbing a fast food dinner on the way, and sitting in an uncomfortable chair for four hours listening to the sage on the stage - the instructor - spout wisdom at you. Nope. Instead, you can head home, kiss the kids and your spouse, eat dinner and help with the dishes and then head to your computer when you want, log on, and access the lesson as you see fit. An accelerated bachelor’s degree program may or may not be fully online. You might have to head to a classroom after work or for a full day on weekends. But the bottom line is your journey to a college degree is accelerated - you’ll receive it in less than the four years a traditional college degree takes. Depending on where you are in your studies (perhaps you took some college courses back in the day) you often can use those credits toward your bachelor’s. Therefore, the work necessary to complete an adult education degree will take less time. Many accelerated bachelor’s degree programs will have you walking to “Pomp and Circumstance” in two years - or less! Adult students can earn accelerated online bachelors degrees or masters degrees at Duquesne University’s School of Leadership and Professional Advancement. The academic programs are suited for adult online learners, including those who are already established career professionals. For more nformation, visit Duquesne University online at Article Source: ?expert=Gloria_Hennessy 27 TM Want to be featured in the First Lady/Minister’s wives profile? Email us at First LadyKimberly Eaton PROFILE: Spouse: REV. MICHAEL EATON Residence: PAULS VALLEY, OKLAHOMA Children: KIMBERLY, 24, CHRISTAL, 13 Church Affiliation: BETHLEHEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, www. Years in christian ministry: 21 YEARS Favorite Scripture: Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Favorite Biblical character: Esther Hobbies: Reading; Writing Articles for Christian Newspapers and Magazines, Scrapbooking and Traveling Ministry Passions (in what capacity do you serve in your church) Director of Women’s Ministry; Teacher of the Missions and Deaconess Ministries The best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten: “Only What You Do for Christ Will Last What you’d like to accomplish in your lifetime: I would like to become an accomplished speaker of the Gospel as well as a world-renowned author of Christian resources for women. Finally, tell us about any projects, books, cd’s, websites, ministries, etc. you have available and where to purchase/find them: I will be the featured speaker at a women’s conference in Uganda, East Africa where 500- 800 women are expected to be in attendance. I will be in country July 22, 2008 through August 6, 2008. This opportunity is a blessing from God as he has shown me favor this year by sending me on this assignment, as it is an opportunity of a lifetime. Information regarding this mission outreach can be viewed on both of my networks. I have been blessed to create two online ministries for women.Women of Divine Faith http://womenoffaith.ning. com/This site is designed for women of God to network with other Christian women for support, encouragement and to empower women in knowing God’s word. First Lady Ministry and Business Network Connection: This network is designed exclusively to be an encouragement for pastors and minister’s wives. This is a safe place to discuss those topics that are hidden in the deepest recesses of your soul. This is a business network as well. You will be admitted by invitation only from a member or myself. If you would like an invitation, please email me at: The best advice you can give to other pastor’s/minister’s wives: Know your spiritual gifts and use them for God’s Kingdom; just be who GOD called you to be and also walk in your own divine purpose. 28 WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Jayda Atkinson Personal Chef/Culinary Diva BY NICOLE STEVENSON What is your main goal behind this mission? When I think of the answer to this question I think about my purpose in life period. Overall, I want to generate a spirit of love, giving and unity whereever I may be from the inside of my home to being in the presence of strangers. I’ve found that sometimes people underestimate the power of their God giving gifts. Some may say they have nothing to give, that’s because they don’t understand the power of their gifts. I have gifts of cooking, encouraging others, staying humble and the love of people, my goal behind this mission is to utilize my gifts to the fullest extent. Why? didn’t you just stay in your area? I had to leave my area due to Hurricane Katrina, forcing my family and myself out of New Orleans. Five months following the hurricane, I had a chance to return to New Orleans, but I feel in my heart, Atlanta is where God wants me to be. HE has shown me how to reach my full potential and when HE calls me to do something and stand still in one place, I LISTEN!!! Let’s talk about your up bringing? My up bringing was different than a lot of kids, I was raised by my step family, allowing me AUGUST 2008 | WOW! the chance to experience growing up under a Great-Great Step Grandmother, Great Step Grandmother, Step Grandmother and Step Father, I hate using the word Step, but I feel it’s needed to acknowledge the fact that I was no kin to them, add the fact that my Step Father and my mom were never married. My mom had an episode some years during my childhood where she wanted to try drugs (crack cocaine), she got over that hump when I turned 16, which by that time I was on my own, pregnant and preparing to raise a child and run a household. My biological father was still trying to grow into the adult he is today. Thank God for the remarkable upbringing of my Step family I was mature, prepared and ready for whatever life was to bring my way. The unconditional love they gave me is the same love I pour out to everybody I meet along this journey. I have never held a grudge against my parents for the times they missed when I was growing up. Everything that is apart of my past pays homage to the wonderful person you see today! Where do you believe your journey will end? I don’t think journeys end, you may have road blocks, detours, vacations,layovers, anything that can possibly take you to the left or the Divva Dishes, LLC is a personal chef service and community outreach organization that provides eloquent meals and excellent service, that can only be described as DIVVALICIOUS!!! to right, but you’re still headed someplace. What I am looking for at my last stop, is my Savior telling me WELL DONE my child, now you can rest in sweet paradise! What has been the most rewarding moment for you? The most important recurring rewarding moment for me is to bring a smile to someone’s face. We never know what the next person is going through, so to have the ability to bring forth a smile is the best gift ever. w w w. d i v v a d i s h e s . c o m Nicole Stevenson has done book reviews, band reviews, movie reviews as well as writing and contributing to several sites, and magazines. She is the founder of First Cut’s newsletter around since 2003 and currently working on upcoming anthology”UnBlock” She also, draws and paints in her spare time. 29 WOW! BOOKS My Soul on Paper II: Even Deeper Asta Publications, 2007, 139 pages ISBN: 0977706087 List Price: $14.95 My Soul on Paper II: Even Deeper, by Laquania S. Graham, is a collection of poems and narratives that delve into a wide range of topics, such as the trials of “living saved”, self-esteem, pre-marital sex, racial harmony, and domestic violence. The young and introspective author writes about her pain from relationships and her healing through Christ. In her conversational tone, Laquania challenges us to forgive others as well as ourselves. This book is chock-full of positive messages and profound poetic prose. This is not just another poetry book - the narratives included are deeply personal, heartfelt, and uplifting. As a Christian and a woman, I identified with many issues addressed by the author. Her poems entitled Bleeding, Pray for the Prey, and Wait Your Turn touched me the most. Poetry lovers as well as those who need encouragement, inspiration, and empowerment will want to add this book to their collection. Laquania is a motivational speaker and youth outreach leader in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a graduate of Cleveland State University, and is currently working towards completing her Master’s degree in Public Administration. She co-authored her first book of poetry, My Soul on Paper, in 2006 with her younger brother, Jermaine Jackson. For more information about Laquania and her books, please visit ©2008 Tameka Delaney Edwards,, lives in Virginia with her loving husband and three wonderful children. Tameka’s writings have appeared in various publications and websites, such as Devo’Zine (Upper Room Ministries), A Growing Heart: Stories, Lessons, and Exercises Inspired by Proverbs (Kathy Collard Miller, ed.),, www.FrontStreetReviews. com, and She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication from Regent University.For book review inquiries: tamekadedwards@ 30 WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Pebbles from Pastor B.J. y ears ago, the Chi-Lites recorded a popular song, entitled, “Have You Seen Her”, and it described how the gentleman see’s her face everywhere he goes, on the street and even at the picture show. He hears her voice as the cold winds blow, even in the sweet music on his radio., and once again he profoundly asks the question, which I pose to you:.”Have you seen her?” In Proverbs this woman is described as being a wonderful homemaker, a courageous businesswoman, she cares for herself as well as those around her, to the point that in some cases she intimidates the women which we are today. Not intentionally, however, we sometimes attempt to compete with her instead of emulate her. So I ask you to locate the virtuous woman within yourself and develop your God given gifts, talents and skills with excellence. One of the many challenges we face as women is accepting the seasons of our lives with celebration. I was recently asked what is success, and since I am a journalist, I went back to a journal I had written in my 20’s, or the summer of my life, and I now see what was success at that venue of my life has changed dramatically. I found that success revolved around exterior things: children, spouse, education, moving up the corporate ladder and the like. As I document in this season, which I feel is the fall of my life, it now revolves around the interior: my personal relationship with God, my ability to have peace within myself, to accept the changes in my AUGUST 2008 | WOW! Have YOU Seen Her? “Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies…” Proverbs 31:10 physical being, and celebrate the thought processes in my mind, and totally submit to the woman I have become, one filled with Power as only Christ can give. I am now a woman with purpose that only the Holy Spirit can endow. I am a lady with grace and class that can only come through development in the principals of the Word of God. By accepting the transitions in my life, I now see her, I see the virtuous woman within myself, I see my face everywhere I go, a face that has aged gracefully with the changing of the seasons of maturity. I hear her voice when I speak words of wisdom, which the Lord has placed in my spirit. I hear her when I sing songs of Zion, to soothe a broken heart or to mend a wounded soul. Who can find a virtuous woman? Just as I have, you can find her when you look within yourself. You will find a woman more valuable than rubies, more spectacular than diamonds, more precious than gold. Dr. B.J. Relefourd is the television CO-Host Of The Gospel Touch, in Atlanta, and serves as Co-Pastor of Vision Of Life Ministries, with her husband. 31 Ginger Smith The “Widow-Maker” vs. Jehovah Rapha (A Woman’s Journey Back From Death) TIMELINE: Wednesday, July 2, 11:50 P.M., Emergency Room A charismatic Christian Emergency Room nurse (Nurse #1) places a frantic call to another Christian nurse (Nurse #2) who works in the E.R. also, but was off shift. Nurse 1, “Wake up! Wake up!” Nurse 2, “What?” (Still groggy from being awakened from a dead sleep) Nurse 1, “You’ve got to get up…NOW!” Nurse 2, “What? Why? Why are you calling at this time of night? What’s wrong?” Nurse 1, “WE’VE GOT A WIDOW-MAKER in here!” Nurse 2, “Why are you calling ME?” Nurse 1, “It’s a 29 year old young woman with an 8 day old baby! You have to get up and PRAY…NOW!” (A “widow-maker” is a term used for a severe heart attack that is beyond hope of survival for the patient…usually.) Earlier that evening (about 20 minutes)… Wednesday, July 2, 11:30 P.M. Meredith (the patient) complained to Johnathan (her husband) that her heart was racing. After sitting on the bed a few seconds, she collapsed and began to turn blue. Johnathan called 911 and immediately began administering CPR. He had just received his CPR Certification 2 weeks before. She responded to some degree by gaining some color, but would immediately begin turning blue again. Paramedics arrived 8 minutes later and saw the severity of the situation. Johnathan called his and Meredith’s parents immediately to alert them and tell them to pray…HARD! It appeared as if she had just dropped dead, and 32 he was NOT sure she would make it. As luck (or rather, God) would have it, both of the paramedics were Christians and began to pray for her as they immediately began trying to necessitate her. Her husband laid a Bible across her feet as they were frantically trying to revive her, and began to speak the Word over her,“You shall live and not die!” (Psalms 118:17) “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of Jehovah.” (ASV) They worked on her and shocked her until they were finally able to get a heartbeat. She was transported to the hospital in a FULL CODE SITUATION! At the hospital, she was critical and unstable. The Life Force helicopter was called in to transport her to a larger hospital. She “coded” (meaning her heart stopped) 11 times before she got there, and had to be shocked 9 times to restore her heartbeat. (The other 2 times, they were able to turn her over on her side, which allowed her heart to begin beating again.) The situation was “grave.” As soon as she arrived, she was taken to the heart cath lab. She was unconscious and non responsive the entire time. The cardiologist discovered a large blood clot in the main artery to her heart. The heart was completely occluded. He put a stint in and she was transferred to ICU. They immediately put her in a cooling chamber in ICU, which lowered her body temperature to prevent further swelling on the brain and further brain damage. The cardiologist told her husband she had little chance of survival, and if she did, there would be brain damage. They would just have to wait 24 hours to see if she survived, and then they would see if they could later assess the brain damage. Although she had been non responsive, she was placed in a medically induced coma and given paralytic drugs to keep her from having seizures, shivering, or causing any movement to her body. She was placed on a ventilator and told they would just have to wait. She was completely lifeless in ICU.There was no improvement Thursday or Friday. Prayers for Meredith began almost immediately, and continued to grow in scope with people around the world praying for her, as our church has an International Prayer Center (www. internationalprayercenter. org) where people from ALL AROUND THE WORLD ARE ABLE TO ACCESS and submit a prayer request. So, in a matter of minutes, people began praying, GLOBALLY! As they allowed her body to begin to warm up on its own on Friday, they were able WOW! | AUGUST 2008 to lower the amount of oxygen intake, and she tolerated it well. At 4:00 pm, she was partially awake, could open her eyes about halfway, nod her head yes and no, and recognized everyone and responded correctly to questions. The nurses were ecstatic! We all were! By 8:00 pm, visiting hours, she was fully awake, able to squeeze hands, respond yes and no, and even tried to mouth words over the ventilator. It was miraculous! Hours after being in a coma, she was responsive and alert. Early Saturday morning, they allowed her father to go and visit her before the scheduled visiting hours. He told her how many people were praying and how God was healing her. He told her she had received hundreds of calls and visits. She motioned that she wanted to write something down. The nurse got a pen and paper. She wrote, “We have good friends.” The doctor came and took her off of the ventilator later that morning. They had been told it could be several hours or even up to a few days before she was able to talk or make sense. The nurse told us as soon as the tubes were removed, Meredith looked at her and said, “I’m so glad you took that out of my throat.” They called for the family to go up. She immediately recognized them, talked in complete sentences, called everyone by AUGUST 2008 | WOW! name, and was completely coherent! One doctor wrote on her chart – “Awake,” followed by 3 exclamation marks!!! It was something they were NOT expecting. By Sunday afternoon, she was out of ICU and placed in a Cardiac Care room. The neurological exam and CT scans showed NO abnormalities and NO impairment. Everyone said it was miraculous! One of the problems her mother experienced while she was in ICU, was having to leave her daughter alone so much of the time. She knew she was unconscious, but just didn’t want her to sense that they weren’t there. One night as our Pastor prayed, he prayed for ministering angels to surround her and protect her in the night. It brought such peace to her mother. She realized now, she would not sense aloneness, because she would be surrounded by God’s angels keeping her company. Another miracle was discovered when she awakened that next morning. She looked at her younger sister, and asked when she had changed clothes. We were confused. She said, “That’s not what you were wearing last night, when I woke up and saw you sleeping over there.” She pointed across the ICU room. Everyone tried to explain to her that there wasn’t another bed in there, nor had she slept there. Later, they realized that God had allowed her to envision her sister in the room with her as further answer to their prayer, so she didn’t sense that she was alone. She had dozens of doctors and nurses come to see her and tell her what a miracle it was that she survived and an even bigger miracle that she was not mentally impaired. The neurologist said that he was firing himself from the case, because he simply wasn’t needed! Only 8 days after experiencing a massive heart attack, being in a coma and ICU, she was released from the hospital. She continues to heal at home, and is thrilled to be reunited with her baby. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20 (NIV) Ginger Smith www., www.myspace. com/ 33 In the Kitchen with WOW! INGREDIENTS * 16 ounces lean ground beef * 1 (1.25 ounce) package taco seasoning mix * 1 head iceberg lettuce, shredded * 1 red onion, sliced * 1 bunch green onions, chopped * 1 (15 ounce) can pinto beans, drained * 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, drained * 2 large tomatoes, chopped * 1 avocados - peeled, pitted, and cubed * 8 ounces shredded Cheddar cheese * 1 (16 ounce) package corn chips * 1 (16 ounce) bottle Catalina salad dressing DIRECTIONS 1. Prepare the ground beef as directed by taco seasoning package and set aside. 2. In a large bowl, combine the beef mixture, lettuce, red onion, green onion, pinto beans, kidney beans, tomatoes, avocado and cheese. Mix well. 3. Before serving, add the corn chips and enough dressing to coat. Mix well and serve immediately. Easy Favorite taco salad 34 WOW! | AUGUST 2008 35 Do Your Do with Chiku’ Summer Tresses F or Summer Bliss, swim lovers and out door goers should know what to use to protect the hair and skin. The rays of the sun can take the moisture out of the hair and skin. Below is some information for getting your hair in top shape while enjoying the summer and looking your best. Swim Lovers Swimmers need to use a clarifying shampoo and solution while enjoying the water. Nexus Aloe Rid Treatment Deep Clarifying Solution is the ultimate chelator that thoroughly removes stubborn buildup, residual medication, heavy metals, minerals and harmful impurities from the internal and external structure of the hair. Aloe Rid Treatment is ideal for “swimmers hair”; it effectively eliminates “chlorine green” and other pool and spa chemicals from the hair. Chlorine and salt water can make your air dry and build up a greenish cast on your hair during summer days, so you need to have extensive conditioning of hair and avoid highlighting them the hair. Use a good ‘clarifying’ shampoo The main ingredient to look for is EDTA. It is like a chemical claw that will remove all the chlorine from the hair. Chlorine is damaging to the hair and will also join with copper sulphate in the hair and turn it ‘swimmers’ green. Moisture Is Must Do not forget to moisturize your whole body during and after your shower, you will need to moisturize your skin every day for your sun-kissed skin. For sun-bathers When soaking out in the sun, do not forget to apply a good conditioner with sunscreens in it. The heat from the sun will help the action of the conditioner and the sunscreens will block out the UV rays, which cause hair damage. If you are in the sun for long periods of time,some protection is wise. Sunlight causes a chemical reaction called oxidation in unprotected hair, it weakens bonds between hair cells, causing hair to become dull and brittle over time. Styling creams, pomades, leave-in conditioners, and shine enhancers 36 with sunscreen (look for the ingredient octyl methoxycinnamate) can guard hairs by both absorbing and deflecting harmful rays. Know the SPF There is no official SPF for hair yet, and a hair product containing sunscreen doesn’t offer total protection: It’s hard to distribute it evenly, and water as well as perspiration, can Wash it out. Your best safeguard is still a hat. When hair is frizzy or damaged, its outer cover, or cuticle, is riddled with lifted or missing sections that allow the hair’s inner cortex to soak up hair-swelling moisture. Make sure you always Use styling products with silicone as Silicone smoothes down the cuticle, fills in gaps, and keeps moisture out. Such products (look for ‘cone’ ingredients on the label) leave an imperceptible film on the hair and shampoo out easily, so there’s no buildup. If you use styling products or heavy conditioners, the culprit may be product buildup, not oiliness. Use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a week. Humidity If your hair is limp mostly on muggy days, humidity is the main reason; it causes curly hair to frizz and it weighs down straight hair. Look for shampoos formulated to add lift and volume. Avoid using conditioners. However, if neither styling products nor humidity is the cause, use a shampoo specifically for oily hair. Turn a hot, humid day at the beach or pool to your advantage. Slick your hair back or put it up in a ponytail, since humidity causes hair to swell, the conditioner will seep in better. If you’ve slathered on a lot, rinse it off before diving into a pool. ©2008 Chiku’ Griffin, a licensed cosmetologist of 10 years, is CEO/Publisher of ExpoStyles Exposure Magazine, WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Family Values THE WOW! MOM WOW!: What is your greatest parental reward? Even though my children are very young, I am humbled in knowing that my children know the Lord. They talk and ask questions about the Lord and I am grateful to be the one to teach them. WOW!: How do you balance church, family, and your home? Well, let the truth be told, I am still trying to find that balance between work, family, and church which is challenging everyday, however, my strength and direction comes from the Lord. I work full-time but my real full time job is being a mom. I have to pray for patience and peace. Being married can be difficult too, but keeping the communication between each other is a vital key. WOW!: How often do you take “me” time and what do you do in your “me” time? Creating that time is challenging. Just the other day, my “me” time consisted of going to the mall alone, eating a pretzel and coke, and window shopping in only 1 1/2 hrs, but I really enjoyed it and needed it. I was grateful for just that little time. WOW!: How does having Christ in your life change the way you parent? I know that the way I live my life will have a major impact on my children’s character, attitude, outlook and salvation in Christ. I would be devastated to know that as their mother, I didn’t introduce them to the Savior, Jesus Christ. Motherhood is more than a job or responsibility, it is a ministry. WOW!: What was the best advice given to you as a mom, and what is the best advice you’d pass on to other mothers? The most memorable advice was not given verbally but demonstratively, through my Mom’s walk of life as a Christian. My mom is a God-fearing, faithful and praying woman. My advice to other mothers is to realize that we will all make mistakes, but we can learn from them. Our best teacher is God and every answer we need is in His Word. AUGUST 2008 | WOW! This month’s WOW! Mom is an example for all young mothers holding down careers, marriage and raising young children. She is sold out for Christ and has a heart for others! Dr. Rindia Lambert Hunt is a true WOW! Mom! PROFILE: Name: DR. RINDIA LAMBERT HUNT Marital Status: MARRIED TO ROGERS HUNT FOR 8 YEARS Residence: BIRMINGHAM, AL (native of huntsville, al) Age: 33 Children: Miles, 5, , Zion, 3 1/2, Occupation: OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Heroes: All the women in my family and extended family are my heroes because they are courageous and righteous women of God. They all have shown strength and perseverance through many situations by having their faith and trust rooted in God’s hand. Goals: My spiritual goals are to mature in God’s holy word through obedience to His will and His way. I pray for spiritual wisdom and knowledge. My career goal is to become a college professor of the heath field. To be featured in WOW! Mom, contact Tamara D. Davis at 37 WOW! Teenz T Do the Right Thing! my sister and me what to do. Many times I did not want to hear nor do what she would say, but as I grew into adulthood, I learned that everything she said was for my own good. Even in the times when I did not want to “hear” what she was saying, I respected her and I would listen to what she had to say. Because of that, to this day, my greatest joy in life was burying my mother with no regrets. 2 - Flee Sin and Temptation From Your Peers James 4:7 say, “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” The only way for you to resist sin and temptation from your peers is to submit to God. When you submit to God, you give your life completely over to Him. In doing that, God will pour His power and holiness in you. Once you have God’s power and holiness in you, you will find that the things your friends try to talk you into doing does not fascinate you anymore. You must give God your complete devotion in mind, body and soul. Amen One thing I have learned in my life is that when I say no to sin and temptation, the easier it becomes for me say no the next time - and so on, and so on, and so on until it becomes easy to resist the devil. Before long, the things I am able to say no to are no longer a temptation to me. “The best way for you to grow into young adults, who look back over your lives without regret, is to stay in the Word of God. The more you read God’s Word, the more you will understand God’s plan for your life.” I am sure that you have all heard adults say, “I wish I could turn back the hands of time,” or “If I could change the decisions I made when I was young, I would not be where I am now,” or even, “If I knew then what I know now.” The truth is, as adults, we cannot turn back the hands of time. We cannot go back and change the decisions we have made. We can only deal with them and suffer the consequences. However, as adults, we can - help, teach and train our children not to go down the same paths we have chosen for our lives. There is great news for you! Begin now,in your teen years,you can make sound godly decisions from today into adulthood.There are four areas that are very important for you to take heed to in your life. They are: 1 - Obey Your Parents Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise: (this means that God made us a promise if we obey our parents; this promise is) that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” As children, you must respect honor and obey your parents. Believe it or not, your parents have gone through the same challenges you face. They may not have experienced them in the same degrees that you face today, but they have been there. A single parent, my mother raised two girls. She always tried to tell 38 3 - Be a Leader, Not a Follower Today’s society of youth and young adults have more pressure on them like never before. So much of the world is all about money, clothes, sex, etc. When watching TV, there is no much out there, than ever before. Therefore it is very important for you to know that God did not call you to become a part of this world. He wants you to be in the world, but not of this world (meaning not overtaken by the physical and material possessions of it). Instead, He wants you all to stand out and be different from everyone around you. This means, you should not talk as others talk, you should not dress as others dress, nor should you go places everyone else goes. Romans 12:1 and 2 talks about being transformed by the renewing of our minds so we can prove what is good and acceptable in the will of God. This means, you must know and understand that your body is not yours to do as you please. We are vessels of the Holy Spirit (meaning, the Holy Spirit lives within our bodies). Therefore, you must be mindful of what you think, say, and do at all time. You are not to follow the crowds and do what your friends tell you to do. You must be your own individual; living a life before God in all you do. WOW! | AUGUST 2008 4 - Spend time in the Word of God I cannot stress the importance of this last area enough. Young people, you must spend time in the Word of God! Psalm 1:1, 2 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law does he meditate day and night.” The best way for you to grow into young adults, who look back over you lives without regret, is to stay in the Word of God. You must read it and think on what you have read. The more you read God’s Word, the more you will understand God’s plan for your life. I know that some versions of the Bible can seem hard to understand, but I encourage you today to stick with it; God will give you the understanding you need. Once you begin reading he Word, it will grow inside of you. You will see a difference in your relationships with your brothers, sisters, friends and parents. You will find that dealing with school and life will improve. Here is one thing I know for sure, if you begin reading our Bibles and putting God first in your life, your grades will improve. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Nothing you have ever done or will ever do in life is new to God. He has given you all the direction you will ever need in His Holy Word. Well, there you have it! When you do these four simple things and apply them to your life, you will be able to grow into a mature adult and look back over your life proud of the decisions you have made. Just always remember to do the right thing and you will succeed! Deaquelynn Williams, humanitarian, life coach, author, executive director, and owner of Quelynn, Inc., is a champion of life. Currently Deaquelynn serves as founder and executive director of God’s Star International Ministries which is the parent ministry to mPOWERd 4 LIFE Youth Development. www., m4lgirls, AUGUST 2008 | WOW! 39 WOWderful Woman Christie Taylor Living Life! 40 WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Candie A. Price: Tell us a little about yourself, marital status, children (and ages), city, state you reside, etc. Christie Taylor: Okay I’ll try to give the brief bio which begins with me born December 30, 1965 in Washington DC. In 1972, my Mom moved me along with my older sister and younger brother back Down South to a small rural black community called Jamestown, it’s about an hour north of Memphis (TN). I later lived in Tulsa Oklahoma while attending Oral Roberts University then moved, in the late ‘80s, to Detroit. By 1992, my path led me back to Tennessee where I still reside in Memphis. I’ve never been married and I have no children, but we’re definitely open to God’s endless opportunities in this area of my life too. CAP: You’re a very busy woman with her hands in a lot of things, tell us about your career and ministry accomplishments CT: I have to say that my love of the arts has always had a large impact on my career and ministry ventures. While growing up in church, singing was my big passion and I had dreams of becoming a professional singer, actually a Broadway star, because I loved acting too. However, it was while attending Oral Roberts University that I fell in love with radio. So over the past twenty years I ventured between music and media. Now as a singer and songwriter, I’ve worked with Gospel greats like Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Margaret Bell, Commissioned, Fred Hammond, Judith Christie McAllister, Donnie McClurkin as well as my Grammy Award and Dove Award-winning producer and brother, Mooki. Yet music eventually gave way to media and I worked in various aspects of radio from Detroit to Memphis and everywhere in between including Birmingham and St. Louis. In my most recent position I served as the afternoon drive personality in Memphis on 95.7 Hallelujah FM and 1600 Hallelujah AM in St. Louis simultaneously, and did double duty as host of the monthly ND Radio Gospel Talk Show as well as the weekly public affairs show, The Pulse. If that wasn’t enough, last year I released my first spoken word CD, “From My Heart: The Collection of Inspirational Thoughts” on my own label – L.LIFE Records and for the past five years I’ve been teaching throughout the Mid-South, my Living LIFE Seminar where I share five God-inspired principles for living life in full expression. As a matter AUGUST 2008 | WOW! of fact, just a few weeks ago, I moved beyond radio to fully focus on launching the Living LIFE Seminar brand nationally. As part of the expansion we have weekly Living LIFE Teleconferences every Monday morning at 8 AM Central /9 AM Eastern; have partnered with the Church Health Center to host free monthly Living LIFE Lectures; will host Living LIFE Seminars at the Fogelman Executive Conference Center and I’m planning to put together a national Living LIFE Seminar tour. I’m so excited! CAP: With all that you’re involved with, what are you most passionate about? CT: LIFE, and I mean Life In Full Expression. That is the acronym definition that I teach in the lectures and seminars. Candie, let me share something really personal with you. Beyond all my aspirations and successes, I still struggled with my basic desire to live. The reason…I suffered from the effects of having been sexually violated at a young age. For many years I lived in deadening silence. I didn’t even deal with the reality of the incident until a young adult and then I wouldn’t face the issues of my constant feelings of worthlessness until years later. So between the silence and the low self-esteem, just living was difficult for me. However, God taught me how to open up this area of my life to His light and love and it’s made a huge difference. So now just living is my passion. Everything else I “do” is just an outgrowth of that life. CAP: What is your greatest challenge as you encourage and minister to others? CT: In light of my last answer, I have to say that my greatest challenge in ministry is feeling worthy. Oftentimes when I see what God has planned for me, which is incredible and awesome, sometimes I don’t feel like I measure up, like I’m enough. CAP: How do you handle that challenge? CT: I have to go back to God and say “Lord are you sure you want me to do or be this or that? He then lovingly reminds me that my intrinsic value is not based “on me” but rather “in Him”. He reminds me that all He’s asked me to do is to “let” my light shine; I don’t have to “make” it shine. So my self-consciousness can then surrender to letting Him be seen in and through me. When I think of it that way, encouraging, ministering and giving to others becomes easy again. CAP: Who would you say is your greatest source of inspiration and why? CT: My mother. I can say that without hesitating. She has been an incredible source of inspiration my entire life. We are more than mother and daughter. We are blessed to be friends. There is so much I wish I could share about this incredible woman that God gave to me and me to, but space won’t allow. So I’ll just quickly share how just last year at the age of 73 she returned to college with the determination to get every degree she ever wanted. Wow. It’s that kind of determination to fulfill her life’s dreams that helps to keep me keeping on. CAP: You’ve worked with many artists in the Gospel industry, including but not limited to Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Commissioned, Fred Hammond and Judith Christie McAllister, who would you say left the greatest impression on you and why? CT: Wow. Everyone I’ve had the privilege of working with have left lasting impressions upon my life, however I have to sing the praises of Ms. Jacqueline Selmon. She was a choir director at Woodstock Church of God In Christ back when I was a teenager. My brother, Michael (aka Mooki) and I to this day credit her for our musical discipline. We were young, but she still took out time with us. We would go to her house after church and listen for hours to all styles of gospel music from the Hawkins to Andrae Crouch to Mattie Moss Clark to the Clark Sisters to Passage. She was the one who taught us how to read the album liners. She prepared us be respectful of and respected by the recording artists we would one day 41 have the privilege of working with. I’m eternally grateful to Jacqueline Selmon for her musical investment into me. CAP: What could you tell us about yourself that probably most people that know you wouldn’t know? CT: Most know now that I have a little adventurous spirit since I’ve gone skydiving and race car riding! But may are unaware of my strong fascination with the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. I have yet to go but I’ve met Trinis (as they are called) throughout my life and I’ve always felt a strong connection with them. I love their music - soca. You have to hear their gospel soca. I absolutely love it. My dream is to one day have a vacation home there. Hmmm, I could skydive there too. LOL. CAP: I always like to ask this question of those I get a chance to interview, How would you like to be remembered? CT: As a philanthropist. I’ve always said that I want all my other life accomplishments to afford me the financial means to be a philanthropist. I want to be known for financially undergirding charities and organizations committed to children and the arts. That’s how I want to be remembered. I want that to be my legacy. CAP: What more would you like to accomplish in your lifetime? CT: A life well-lived. This means I will endeavor to fully express all of my creative talents from music to acting to writing to having a family to enjoying the earth through adventure traveling; while also fulfilling God’s call on my life of teaching others how to realize their purpose and actualize their dreams. I want to accomplish living my life in full expression. To learn more about Christie Taylor and the Living LIFE Seminar visit www. or call (901) 339-0465. You may also purchase her spoken word CD, “From My Heart: The Collection of Inspirational Thoughts on and iTunes.• 42 y l l u f r e d W WO Funny! One of my fond memories of growing up was wandering out into the kitchen early one morning, probably sleep walking for something to eat, and seeing my dad up and sitting at the table. He had a cup of coffee, was all dressed for work, and had the Bible opened and on the table in front of him. I do not remember anything else other than that he was there most mornings. The Lord tells us that if we get up early, we too can find Him. Which begs the question, “Do we?” I pray so. For Christ’s glory, Troy WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Money Matters with Gil Michel M Investments for College Kids AUGUST 2008 | WOW! any times a parent will ask me when I think is a good time to get their children involved in the subject of investing. I really believe that the age at which a parent gets the ball rolling with their child depends on the financial maturity of the child. For some, it can be as early as 10 years old, although some may not be ready to broach the subject of investing until they reach college. Now, you may already be turned off to this article, because you either feel like you are not a college student, or you don’t have one yet. No worries, this is still applicable to people who are not college students. So let’s assume you are about to send your child away to college this fall and you want to equip him/her with, at least, a start in investing. One of the first things that I tell a teenager who wants to get educated about the stock market is to start researching a company that they are already interested in. For example, they know the latest sneakers that are popular right now. They also know which videogames are extremely hot. I tell them to find out the company’s stock symbol and go to a familiar website such as Yahoo Finance and start looking at how that stock performed in the past month or six months or for the past year. Once they do that I’ll ask them questions like why do you think the company did really well in a particular month? And sometimes they’ll answer, “Well, it could be because on a particular date, Dwayne Wade came out with a brand-new version of a sneaker. Before you know it, he or she will be on Google for at least an hour trying to find out trends in what has been going on with that company or when certain models were released. They engage in their own research and go on a wild goose chase and they don’t even realize that they are doing what a lot of financial analysts are doing (and getting paid for) everyday. Once this teen is now engaged in an investing mindset, it’s time for them to start putting money behind their research. I suggest websites such as Share Builder or even starting them as members in an investment club. Now many times they’ll say to you that there are no investment clubs in your area or at the school they are attending. It’s at that point when you can tell them to go ahead and start one with a group of three or four friends. Think about it. Would you rather your child sitting in the front of a video game console for three or four hours straight? Or would you rather see them with their friends like potential board members strategizing on how they’re going to become the next financial moguls in their family? It’s unfortunate that many high schools and even colleges are not preparing these young men and women to be financially literate. I’ve sat down with scientists, teachers and business owners who are very good at what they do for a living, but who also were not trained in how to properly invest for the future. So while your teenager (or even you) is off to dive into a culture of learning why not also let it serve to be a financial lesson as well. They may finish with a degree in the field that they choose but they will also walk away with a few financial life lessons of their own. Gil Michel is the president of, a financial website that is geared towards helping educate and motivate the Black community in the area of financial stewardship. 43 Thought for Today Masquerade “When will we allow the One who instructed us to cast all of our cares upon Him, to truly and deeply care for us? When will we realize that He will never hurt us? He will allow us to carry our own cross, but even in that does He supply help for us to not bear it alone.” BY PATRICE G. PARKER ften times, we traverse through life masking our hurts, pains and sufferings and we frequently find ourselves purchasing the ever ‘classic, never go out of style’ three-piece wardrobe; slacked with guilt, fastened in shame and cloaked in condemnation, we can be found parading down the Avenue of the Americas with a ‘to good to be true’ painted on smile topping off the camouflaged gear we ironically, but proudly wear, while being constantly bombarded with the latest apparatus further enabling our addiction to hide in plain sight. From St. John’s to Chanel, Maybelline and Mary Kay, Macy’s and Nordstroms; even Wal-Mart and Kmart have joined this precocious league. But the question yet remains as to when will we allow the One who instructed us to cast all of our cares upon Him, to truly and deeply care for us? When will we realize that He will never hurt us? He will allow us to carry our own cross, but even in that does He supply help for us to not bear it alone. After having just finished a counseling session with some of my female teens while working at a group home some years ago, it was then, while rummaging through my own wares, that I realized O 44 that I, too, had joined the ranks of the many attending the ‘Mardi Gras’ festivities. Looking for a way out, I ran into a mirror with this reflection, so I penned it for the entire world to have the same ability and opportunity to view their masks too, and then seek the comfort of the Holy Spirit to remove the mask and change their lives. “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18) In order to fulfill our God-ordained purpose, the Bible tells us that we will suffer persecution (Ref. 2 Timothy 3:12), but rather than use our suffering to help comfort someone else so that they can get through the same (Ref. 2 Corinthians 1:7), we choose rather to hide it and convey that life is ‘oh so grand’ and ‘all is well’. But remember, it is the Lord who searches the true intent of the heart. “For the masque can not contain the truest intent of the heart; for out of the heart no truer words can be spoken than those revealing the secrets of life.” Ladies and gentlemen, it is now the stroke of midnight and the Masquerade Ball has come to an end, please remove your masks. WOW! | AUGUST 2008 W ith little to no effort at all, She gracefully and gently lifted herself from her restless slumber. Laying her hand to caress the side of her cheek, she felt the remains of the last tear dried up. She then realized she must hurry if she’s going to greet her suitors on time. She let’s the smooth warmth of the water flow freely through her fingers, before applying the roughness of the cloth to strip away the fears from the night before. Then quickly she brushes away all the impenetrable indecorous language used to inflict the same abuse to her invisible intruder. Next she ponders, “What color should I wear?”, as she stares at the tattered, torn remains of her garments tossed in a heap on the closet floor. “No, no that will never do. If I wear that they’ll say that I did it on purpose. Ah, yes perhaps this bright, lovely floral ensemble will work. Cheerful, yet subtle in it’s hues of yellow, purple and golden orange”. Time is ebbing away, I must complete the picture. She starts with a base to blend her overall complexion, while hiding the purplish bruises under her left eye. Inheriting a strong bone structure helps a lot too; high cheek bones miss blows aimed to destroy the continuity of the face, a wide sculpted nose doesn’t break as easy, and full bodied lips hide the swelling quite well; um works every time. A full sweeping stroke of the powder puff, gently, not as hard as the strokes from the night before. The tingle from the mascara sent a pleasant chill down her spine, and the coolness of the lip applicator soothed the throbbing that still lingered. Finally her crowning glory, oh what a tangled web we weave. Slowly, methodically, she loosens the locks that seem to be seared together. But as each tress unfolds, it shines with all its mahogany brilliance, until it cascades into its’ original flowing mane. Where were they now? Where had they disappeared? How could someone conceive such atrocious behavior? Melancholy moments, no time for such pleasures. With a shrug of her shoulders, and a sigh of content and defeat, she stands tall, eyes fixed, body poised, she gallantly glides to open the door, the door that will lead her once again to her world. A world of lies, destruction, guilt and shame; one she dreads even exists, but one she must live, for what is the alternative? She opens the door and daylight floods in beckoning her to follow its path. Silently she closes the door, and quietly she trots with the countless others; all who’ve been invited to go and participate in the MASQUERADE. What a image of beauty reflecting back at her; such grandeur, elegance and refinement simply stated. How she reminisced of the days gone by, of unlimited hugs and kisses, promises of unconditional love and fulfillment. ©Patrice G. Parker is a native of Detroit, Michigan and a member of Perfecting Church, Pastor Marvin L. Winans, Pastor. She is the director of the Dorcas/Pastor’s Aide Society and oversees the script writing committee for the Drama Ministry. She currently resides in Southfield, Michigan with her son, Michael. AUGUST 2008 | WOW! 45 Vanessa Davis Griggs They that be with us “ And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold a host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kings 6:15-16) Let me give some background on this. Elisha, who followed Elijah and saw him as he was taken up by God without seeing death and asked for a double portion of his spirit, is now being pursued by the Syrians. The king of Syria was warring against Israel and somehow his secret plans were getting back to the Israelites. The king thinks someone in his camp is a spy but is told that Elisha the prophet is telling the king of Israel the words the king of Syria is speaking in his bedchamber (God will let you know what your enemies are up to). So the king finds out where Elisha is, sends a great host (army) with horses and chariots during the night, and they circle the city where Elisha is. Elisha’s servant rises early and, when he looks out and around, he sees they are surrounded by this mighty army. The servant knows they are in trouble. He runs to the prophet of God, his master, and says, “How shall we do?” In other words, we’re in big trouble here, what are we going to do. Elisha looks and sees and his answer to the servant is, “Fear not.” But then he goes a step further to let his servant know why they didn’t need to fear. “For they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” Today I say to you who are looking at things compassing you and the world in which you live: fear not. People digging ditches hoping you’ll fall, preferably on your face. People talking about you, some who may not even know you. Gas prices like we’ve never seen before. Food prices rising as they up the price or give you less for the same price you were paying two months ago. Depression, feeling a little down because nothing you do seems to be working these days. You’re trying to do the right thing, but you feel like every time you take one step forward something causes you to take 46 two steps back. Even if you’re not taking two steps back, you feel for every step forward you take, you end up taking one step back, which means you don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere. May I have a “Word” with you? They that be with us are more than they that be with them. We have God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost with us. We refer to them as the Trinity, but the fact remains: God is with us. No matter how many people or things that surround us to try and do us harm, they that be with us are more than they that be with them. In the case with Elisha, in the seventeenth verse it says, “And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” God will send angels to surround your enemies when they are trying to surround and overtake you. Now that’s some kind of fighting power on your side. So I pray right now that the Lord will open your eyes. Let you see that no matter what’s going on in your life, when you feel like you’re in trouble, when you feel like you’re just not going to make it, when you think the enemy is about to overtake you, may you know without a doubt and loudly proclaim: They that be with us are more than they that be with them! Copyright © 2008 Vanessa Davis Griggs All rights reserved Vanessa Davis Griggs is a speaker and the author of such novels as: Blessed Trinity and Strongholds. To visit her Web site, go to: www. K e y s t o D y n a m i c B i b l e S t u d y Betrayal (Part 1) T BY BARBARA ARNOLD hough it was midday,priests lit two of the sconces on a wall. A closed door and shutters fastened at the windows made the room dark, as well as cooler on this steamy Palestinian day, and, most importantly, free of eavesdroppers. Voices, despite inner anger, were suppressed to little higher than a whisper. “He must be killed. And quickly,” said one whose beard was not spattered with gray like the others. These younger ones don’t think first. “Passover is too close, too many crowds are swarming the city to seize him now,” said the chief of the priests. He paced around the room filled with bobbing shadows, amongst assenting heads and grunts. “There may even be a riot. “That won’t make the Romans happy,” said another priest. “So, we concur,” said the chief priest, while moving toward the door. “We wait till the Passover crowd goes home.” They walked out and behind them closed the door to a room that stored only secrets. Merely hours later, they would reverse their decision about when they would kill him. In a home just over a mount from the priests’ meeting, Jesus was reclining on padded mats with pillows around a circular rug used for dining. He was a guest of Simon, known as “the leper.” An uninvited visitor snuck her way forward to Jesus’ side, like a doe in a wood filled with bobcats. She uncovered AUGUST 2008 | WOW! an exquisite container of high-priced perfume, and let the contents flow onto His head. Without consideration for her own privation, she poured out the equivalent of a year’s salary. Her exhibition of devotion was followed by indignant reproofs at the wastefulness of her act. Outcries for the plight of the poor were hurled. Jesus put a halt to the mistreatment: “She will be remembered,” He turned toward her, “wherever and whenever the gospel is proclaimed.” She would not comprehend until later that she had been preparing His body for burial. Nearby, Judas resolved to put into effect his scheme. Jesus’ talk of His impending death—the fourth such prophecy in weeks—and the loss of the money, which would have come from the sale of the perfume, signified the termination of Judas’ aspirations. These aspirations, which included sitting next to a Messiah in his kingdom, immeasurable wealth, and recognition he lusted for but scarcely received, even from the throngs which followed Jesus, were now as irretrievable as the drained perfume. Thus, he left Jesus, strode through the streets and into the priests’ room of secrets to betray him, without misgivings. As the priests listened to Judas’ conspiracy, they were initially incredulous. The chief priest hesitated. “We’ll need to know when and where,” he said. This man truly wants to sell out his own teacher. Judas, self assured, strutted over to the chief priest, perceiving from the old man’s rigid stature that he had his entire attention. “First, I need a guarantee of silver.” Then he said, “I’ll have to do it before the Passover feast is over, before he leaves for Galilee again.” About five minutes later, he walked out with their pledge, making plans for the most advantageous time to double-cross one who had been his friend. So, the initial plot of the priests required revision; Jesus’ arrest would have to take place during Passover. Three had made plans for the death of Jesus: priests, a woman, a friend. Mark develops a narrative, with these three ingredients, structured like a sandwich: preparation for death by priests/ preparation for death by a woman/ preparation for death by priests, with the aid of a betrayer (Mark 14:1-11). This sandwich technique serves two purposes. With the woman’s tale in the central position (like ham and cheese, or peanut butter and jelly, within a sandwich), her service to Jesus is accentuated. Second, on either side of the woman’s story (like two slices of bread), the priests, as well as Judas in the later section, work as contrasting elements to her selflessness. Her memory is assured, “wherever the gospel is proclaimed,” because others attempted to profit, whereas she endeavored to provide. ©2008 Barbara Arnold 47 Women’s Workplace Wisdom Blessed are the Peacemakers nearly 90% of people in America believe in God, of those more than 80% claim to be Christian. Accordingly, we have a vast number of Christians suing other Christians. We have become such a litigious society and we are loving every minuTE of it. One need only consider the popularity of the most highly rated television programs. At the top of the list are legal based dramas and reality shows. We have the People’s Court, Divorce Court along with the courts of Christian, Hatchett, Brown and a host of other reality Television Jurists whose names I can’t at present recall. In the category of drama, we have four— yes, no less than four versions of Law and Order. There are also Boston Legal, and Shark. Through the magic of syndication, there has even been a reemergence of Perry Mason, Matlock, LA Law, and the Practice. Americans can not get enough of the court room. I acknowledge that there are many reading this article who are thinking; “She’s a fine one to talk, isn’t she a lawyer?” They “...the messages of peace and love, in the workplace and every other place for that matter, have given-way to the strong hold of conflict and litigation." BY VALERIE HICKS POWE Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called sons of God. Matt. 5:9 ften I am asked, “How can I appropriately demonstrate my faith in the workplace?” I think the obvious answer lies in the direction we receive from Matt. 5:9 along with John 13:35, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” However, the messages of peace and love, in the workplace and every other place for that matter, have given-way to the strong hold of conflict and litigation. A recent survey on religion found that O 48 would be correct, my colleagues and I have helped to perpetuate the phrase “I’ll see you in court”. Unfortunately, the majority of the people who follow through on the threat, “I’ll see you in court”, are often later over heard lamenting another slogan— that is “it is easier said than done”. Most Conflict is messy and exhausting. However, when conflict progresses to litigation it transitions into another realm that becomes time consuming, expensive, emotionally draining, and biblically frowned upon. Consider I Corinthians 6:1-8, where Paul admonishes the church at Corinth not only for suing one another, but for failing to resolve their differences within the church. Indeed, as believers we have a responsibility to nurture healthy relationships and restore those that are broken. Litigation leaves very little opportunity for either. Those who are caught in the ties of litigation, come to the quick realization that that they have very little precious time for anything else, as litigation literally ties up their energy, time and resources. Nonetheless, more and more courts are finding their dockets packed with cases that could have been resolved before invoking the jurisdiction of the justice system. This is particularly so when the litigants are WOW! | AUGUST 2008 Christian, as too many are. We will always have differences; however we do not always need to resole them in court. Consequently, this lawyer realizes the error of her ways regarding the proliferation of law suits in the resolution of conflict and has dedicated a portion of her practice to the process of mediation. The Process Of Mediation Mediation is the Voluntary and Confidential conflict resolution process in which an Impartial Third Party assists disputants in finding a Mutually Acceptable solution to their dispute. There is biblical support of the mediation process. In Matt. 18:15-16, we are encouraged to keep the dispute private (between disputants) and to have impartial assistance where necessary. Through this process the disputants come to a resolution that they mutually find acceptable. Who Benefits From Mediation? Mediation is the best first source of conflict resolution for church disputes,where members and/or officers find themselves in conflict. It is also very useful in resolving disputes involving the distribution of heir property and other family conflict. Mediation is particularly helpful in post divorce conflict, where additional litigation would further traumatize children and polarize the parents. It is especially effective in the workplace, where disputes are not limited to employees and managers but also involve conflict between coworkers. The process of mediation is useful to believers and none believers alike. However it is especially effective for believers, in and outside of the workplace, as the disputants have an opportunity to resolve the conflict, while utilizing and exercising the principles in Matt. 5:9 and Matt. 18:15-16. How Has Mediation Been Effectively Used? For the family—I recall mediating a dispute between the parents of a beautiful five year old. The mother, after five years was insisting on a court order for child support payments to be disbursed directly from the father’s employer. Because of the nature of his job, her request would have AUGUST 2008 | WOW! adversely impacted the mobility of his career within the organization. Over the course of several days, I learned that her request was motivated by the discovery of the father’s recent engagement to a woman with children. She was hurt and wanted him to suffer as well. However, she also felt that by marrying a women with children he would some how be taking something from her child. Through the process of mediation, they openly discussed the impact of his impending marriage on his financial and emotional commitment to their child. They worked out an agreement that addressed her concerns but did not compromise his career opportunities. Had they litigated the issue, the judge would have most likely entered the order, which would have given her exactly what she asked for but with consequences having long term negative implications on everyone involved. Because litigation is always an option, they had noting to lose by first mediating the conflict. For the work place—I was asked to mediate an issue of discrimination involving a Middle Eastern employee who was being subjected to harassment by co-workers. The organization was founded and run by a Christian who was not aware of the harassment until he received notification of the impending litigation. Although the employee was prepared to litigate the issue, he agreed to mediate it instead. It seemed that his co-employees teased him about planting bombs in the workplace and of being a terrorist. The mediation was resolved with a monetary award, transfer of the harassed employee, discipline for the employees who instigated the harassment, and the implementation of an intense training program for all remaining employees. Through mediation the dispute was resolved in days verses the years associated with resolving a dispute through litigation. By implementing the training program, other employees were spared the humiliation of workplace harassment. In short, the process of mediation allowed the parties to maintain peace, which is the most effective way for believers to Workplace Challenge: This week commit to exercising your faith at work through the mandates of Matt. 5:9 and Matt. 18:15-16. Quickly make an effort to resolve conflict. To the extent that it cannot be resolved between those involved in the dispute seek the assistance of a fair impartial third party who will maintain the confidentiality of the dispute. Before the issue rises to the level of litigation, seek out the assistance of a qualified mediator. demonstrate their faith in the workplace and in every aspect of our lives. For more information regarding the process of mediation or to request mediation services you may contact Valerie Hicks Powe at © 2008 Valerie Hicks Powe All Rights Reserved. Valerie HicksPowe is an author and a former senior trial attorney with the federal government. A practicing attorney with nearly ten years of experience in all aspects of Employment Litigation, she is now in private practice. Her book www.Proverbs: Women’s Workplace Issues from Proverbs© offers practical advice, inspired by the Proverbs, to real workplace problems faced by women today.No part of this article may be used or reproduced without the express permission of the author 49 50 WOW! | AUGUST 2008
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