“The Club” Newsletter Welcome to Preseason Edition 2 of “The Club” We are now under 4 weeks from the start of the Winter Season Club day – H2H, men and women intra club matches Juniors Saturday is the last term 1 junior program day and U10 quarter field registration and practice 8.45 AM: Under 10 registration and practice 9.00 AM: The U12/U14 group Term 1 program children will be taken by Ryan Gration The H in2 H groups will be on the Multi Purpose venues 10.00 am – 10:30 am: We will have fruit and sausages in the clubrooms and a chance for the Parents to ask questions of the coaches and staff. Seniors 10.00 am – 2.00 pm Men’s Practice matches These will be mini games mixed up with players of all levels. Great opportunity to get match practice and to meet other section members. BBQ will be going and there will be prizes for the mini games champion team plus we will have a practical umpiring/rules session where our top umpires will walk players through the new rules as well as highlight how rules are interpreted (such as stick shielding, obstruction, receiving a high ball etc). 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm Women’s Premier League and Reserves matches versus Waverley 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm Women’s Pennant and Metro Practice matches Key dates for the start of the Season Training Masters training - Monday 23rd and 30th March from 7-9pm Men/Women as advised by email and on website Season Dates • Masters games start Monday 13 April and Wednesday 15 April • Senior games start Sat 18th/Sun 19th April • Junior games start Fri 1st/Sat 2nd May • HookIn2Hockey and u10 Flames Term 2 starts Sat 2nd May MAJOR SOCIAL EVENTS MCC Hockey Section Induction night at the ‘G Friday 10th April 2015 All players are invited to attend the forthcoming MCC Hockey Section 2015 Induction Evening to be held on Friday 10th April 2015 at the MCG. The evening provides an opportunity for a tour of the MCG, a welcome to the Hockey Section and its’ relationship with the Melbourne Cricket Club as well as a social event. Details as follows: Players are to meet in the Hans Ebeling Room, on Level 2, MCC Members’ Reserve at 6.15 pm for 6.30pm. Finger food will be provided and a cash bar will be available, after the tour with the evening concluding at approximately 9pm. Places are limited to the first 100 people who book. The event is currently open to all players. Booking is free and can only be done via Trybooking using the following link: http://www.trybooking.com/128017 Contact Details: Tammy Foley – tamsynlisa@hotmail.com More Details to follow Round 1 Premier League Live Streaming On Sunday April 19th we have our first Home game for our Men’s and Women’s Premier League and Reserves teams v Doncaster. The Premier league games will be live streamed. We are the first of the clubs to have this and it would be great to get as many people to attend. We are also going to have our Juniors play between the matches. Please keep this date free and come and be a part of history. Melbourne Cricket Club Hockey Section A0051434H ABN 55 412 045 943 is affiliated with, but a separate legal entity to, the Melbourne Cricket Club Melbourne Cricket Club Hockey Section A0051434H ABN 55 412 045 943 is affiliated with, but a separate legal entity to, the Melbourne Cricket Club Hockey News Registration and fees On-line registration has opened. Please register and pay your HV fee to help us plan for the year and to be covered by the association injury insurance. Our 2015 fees details are on our website and you should study them to plan when you will pay for the different fees levels available. List grades of all teams in MCCHC Currently we have the following teams registered to play for MCC in the upcoming Winter Hockey Season Mens Premier League Premier League Res Pennant A Pennant B Pennant D Pennant E Metro A Metro B Womens Premier League Premier League Res Pennant A Pennant B Pennant C Pennant D Pennant E Metro A Juniors Under 16 Under 14 Under 12 Under 10 x 3 Masters Mens 35A Mens 35B Mens 45C Mens 50A Mens 50B Melbourne High School News Claremont Street Parking – allow extra time As you may be aware there are significant building works going on around the school. We have also been informed that there are also significant sewerage works being undertaken at the Claremont Street gates to the school. These works have created an increase in traffic chaos. Therefore we suggest that you allow more time to get to training and especially on game days. We will keep you up to date with any further changes Melbourne Cricket Club Hockey Section A0051434H ABN 55 412 045 943 is affiliated with, but a separate legal entity to, the Melbourne Cricket Club Representatives Jai Brown (Men's 3rd XI) was an umpire at the recent Mens Under 18 National Championship in April. Rhiannon Murrie and Janelle Bond have received AIS Officiating Scholarships for 2015. The AIS Officiating Scholarship is a pretty exclusive one - only 24 sports officials from all sports in Australia were awarded this in 2014. The scholarship includes being invited to a number of seminars held around the country ( the most recent on the Gold Coast) focusing on psychology, nutrition and other umpiring-specific professional development. We look forward to hearing more of their success in upcoming newsletters. Rule changes There will be a number of new rules/changes for the 2015 season These include:1. Long corners 2. Free hits outside circle 3. Green card suspensions – 2 minutes 4. Breaking at short corners 5. Maximum length of stick 6. Stick above the shoulder – PL and PLR only These new rules will be explained on club day – we will also keep people informed through training and via other forms of communication Melbourne Cricket Club Hockey Section A0051434H ABN 55 412 045 943 is affiliated with, but a separate legal entity to, the Melbourne Cricket Club From the latest MCC News Player Events We congratulate Nigel Clark (Mens 6ths and Masters) and Cathy on their recent engagement – Nigel is going to have a busy year having recently resigned as Managing Director of Momentum Energy – he has taken on the role of Chief Commercial Officer of the Carlton Football Club. If you have any events that have occurred recently eg Marriages, births engagements or significant family milestones etc please email the Red devil with photos – many thanks Melbourne Cricket Club Hockey Section A0051434H ABN 55 412 045 943 is affiliated with, but a separate legal entity to, the Melbourne Cricket Club SPONSORSHIP http://www.momentumenergy.com.au Contact - Joanne Maglieri Branch Manager- St. Kilda, 161-163 Acland Street, St. Kilda, VIC 3182 Tel 03 9032 6300 email stkilda@bankofmelbourne.com.au www.bankofmelbourne.com.au Just Hockey Just Hockey Melbourne 279-283 Burke Road GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 Ph: (03) 9885 7050 Email: melbourne@justhockey.com.au Go the Dees!!! THE RED DEVIL Remember to go to www.mcchockey.org for any additional information Melbourne Cricket Club Hockey Section A0051434H ABN 55 412 045 943 is affiliated with, but a separate legal entity to, the Melbourne Cricket Club
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