Ingleton Primary School Member of The Three Peaks Family of Schools North Yorkshire County Council APRIL 2015 – SCHOOL NEWS Class photos The photographer is visiting on Wednesday 15th (N.B. changed from tomorrow). You will be able to order class photos soon after. Internet safety Internet safety is everyone’s responsibility. We have concerns so have hosted workshops in school and recently sent home communication from PC Adrian Fryer. We are now inviting all parents to attend a meeting with PC Jayne Grace on Wednesday 6th May at 7 p.m. in our school hall. The evening is about us understanding the dangers and knowing how best to support our children. Farmers’ Market Our second Farmers’ Market is being organised by Class 5 as part of their Food and Farming project. The Kids’ Committee and Gardening Club will also be involved. It will be held on Friday 24 th April in the hall at 2.30 – 4.30pm. If anyone has friends or neighbours who might have produce to sell, please ask them if they would like to have a stall – eggs (we ran out last year!), jams, honey, cheeses, pies…the list is long. Please email replies to Class 5 on the admin email address. Any donations of flower or vegetable seeds or small plant pots would be most appreciated for our school seedlings stall. Thank you. Wray Fair We are seeking volunteers to make a scarecrow. It would be displayed at Wray Fair over the Bank Holiday weekend. Can you help? St Stephen’s Primary School Class 5 will be welcoming visitors next Monday. We will then be planning to spend an enjoyable day in Bradford, making friends and learning about others. Clubs Mrs Colledge’s rounders club starts after school on Wednesdays, beginning next week. Forms will be sent home tomorrow to any children in KS2 who are interested in coming along. Shine restarts on Thursday 23rd April Debating Competition We are very proud that our Y6 debaters brought home the trophy after a competition at Skipton Council Chambers last month. Well done to Ethan, Elliot, Rachel, Millie, Jonathon and especially Jed (Best Boy Speaker!) Cross Country Runners Jake, George and Luke did themselves proud when they took part in the County finals. Well done boys. Sports results and photos Miss Middleton does a great job of regularly updating the website – have you seen the rugby pictures? Cricket Anthony Bradley from Settle Cricket Club will be coaching Class 4 on Tuesdays starting next week. Book Fair We took £672 and used the commission to purchase new books for classrooms. Holiday Absences Where a child is taken out of school for the purpose of leave of absence in term time Headteachers : Mrs D. M. Barry & Mrs J Colledge Low Demesne, Ingleton, Nr. Carnforth, Lancashire, LA6 3DY. Tel. 015242 41592 Fax: 015242 41663 Website : E-mail : without the permission of the school, the absence will be coded as unauthorised and as such, if it is 10 or more sessions (1 session is am or pm) in duration, may result in a Penalty Notice. Forthcoming sporting dates North Craven Football Festival @ Ingleton Primary School – Tuesday 21st April 4 p.m. (Y5 & 6) Tag Rugby @ North Ribblesdale Rugby Club on Weds 6th May p.m. and Cricket @ Settle on 5th May – further details to follow School links Our pupils have enjoyed working with Mr Greenep (Class 2 D&T project) and Ms Pursglove (Y6 Maths) from Settle College. We appreciate their time and talents. Y6 also enjoyed a music afternoon with Mr Hooper and QES students. Such links support transition to secondary school. Assessments All the year 6 children will be completing national tests during the week beginning 11th May. Lots of healthy food and early nights needed then please!! Year 2 children will have ongoing assessments throughout May. The children in years 3, 4 and 5 will be involved in class assessments in June. Ingleborough walk The annual Y4 trek up Ingleborough will take place later this month. We are so lucky to be able to stroll from our school. The day is always memorable. P.T.A. Well done on a really successful and most enjoyable Bunny Drive. Our hall was packed and the chocolate prizes were plentiful! Blue bags will be distributed next month and collected on 21st May. Thank you for your support. Holiday dates reminder We break up for half term on Friday 22nd May and re-open on Monday 1st June. School will be closed on Monday 4th May. Holiday dates are also on our website.
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