2 1 Fairfield Holiday Club 2015 Monday 30th March –Thursday 2nd April 09.30 – 12.45 (13.00 on Thursday) at Fairfield 01923 827198 T AGE LIMITS: Holiday Club is for all children who are in School Years 2 to 6 now (ages 7 – 11) • All bookings and additional information need to be made on the form below. If your child has a medical condition or allergy, please let us know. • Please book only if your child can come for all 4 days [Monday–Thursday]. • To make careful arrangements for each child, numbers are limited so advance booking is essential. • Please return this form to Fairfield, Windsor Close, Northwood Hills, HA6 1PD as soon as possible. Closing date; Wednesday 25th March • • A letter will be sent to confirm whether or not your child has a place. Please indicate if your child wishes to be in the same group as another child by adding the second name on the form. We will do our best to accommodate your request. Please make sure your children come in suitable clothes for craft and games. If, after booking, you find you are unable to come, or if your child is unwell on Monday 2nd April • • PLEASE LET US KNOW before 10.00am. Places which are not taken will be offered to those on the waiting list. I/We promise to come to Holiday Club each day Monday 30th March –Thursday 2nd April from 09.30 – 12.45 (13.00 on Thursday) " Fairfield Holiday Club 2015 Booking Form Family name of child/children: Parent's full name(s) Address Work ( Nanny's name (if applicable) Contact ( during Holiday Club Doctor's surgery Doctor's ( Phone Numbers home Fairfield member Name(s) child/children is/are known by if not the given name; mobile Date of Birth Sex School Child(ren)'s Details First Name Current School year Please let us know about any medical condition or allergies (continue overleaf if necessary) Photography: We are hoping to take pictures and video during the club for display in the church only. Please sign here to give permission: YES__________________________ or not; NO________________________________________ In the event of a major accident, your child will be taken, by ambulance if possible, to the nearest casualty department and parents will be informed as soon as possible. If this is not the procedure you would like us to follow for your child, please notify us in writing. To help cut costs and to keep you informed about Holiday Club and other children related activities at Fairfield, please let us have your email address. Youngest child's School Email address name; year Alternatively send it to office@nhec.org.uk and please make sure your filters allow our emails through! Many thanks.
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