WEEKLY NEWSLETTER St. John’s C.E. Primary School 13th February 2015 HEADTEACHER’S NEWS In assembly this week we have act out the story of the Chinese New Year Race where some pupils pretended to be the thirteen different This Weeks Attendance Class Week Ruby 94.7% Sapphire 91.5% order in which the animals finished in. This year is the year of the Diamond 94.1% sheep and on Sunday the 22nd February, Chinese New year will be cele- Emerald 95.1% animals who had a race over the mountain to the left of the orchard and across the river. There were no rules for the race except to finish as quickly as you could. The Jade Emperor named the years after the brated in London with many special events taking place. If you are free on that day, I would really recommend a visit, as it is a truly spectacu- Overall 93.7% lar parade to experience. This week I have been working with Emerald Class on looking at how we can make our school safer by encouraging parents to make the correct choices when dropping and collecting their children from school. We were delighted to have two police officers visiting Emerald Class on Monday to talk to the class about the importance of ensuring that our parents are making the correct choices. Both of these officers will be returning to our school on the first week back after half-term to work with us on implementing this particular project successfully. Our aim is that our school becomes a safer place as a result of our parents making safer choices. Our overall attendance this week is 93.7% which is due to many pupils being off ill. Hopefully we will see a big improvement in our attendance next half-term and try to achieve at least 97% every week. We are delighted to inform you that Mr Law will be returning after half-term. Have a relaxing and enjoyable half-term and we look forward to seeing everyone returning on Monday 23rd February. Week Beginning 23rd February 2015 Monday 8am Breakfast Club NO Netball Club Football Match at Enfield Grammar Tuesday 8am Breakfast Club Circuit Training – 12.45pm to 1.15pm NO Football Club Art Club—3.13—4.10pm Science Club—3.15—4.10pm Dance Club—3.15—4.10pm (by invitation) Wednesday 8am Breakfast Club NO Tag Rugby Club Keyboard Club Recorder Club Thursday 8am Breakfast Club Tag Rugby Tournament Friday 8am Breakfast Club Circuit Training – 12.45pm to 1.15pm Church Services St. John’s Church, Phipps Hatch Lane: Sunday at 9am Best wishes St. Luke’s Church, Browning Road: Sundays at 10.30am Children and their parents are welcome at both churches and both have Sunday Schools. Susan Notley Headteacher 1 At the beginning of the week we were still in Burglar Bill mode as the story made quite an impression on the children, with many telling us that they had ordered their own copies, such is the power of literature! We then turned our attention to a more traditional story, 'Goldilocks and the 3 bears', which was really enjoyed and retold through role play and then with the use of puppets. It of course lends itself to the investigation of measure and size and we used rulers, hands,feet and basically anything we could find to measure all kinds of objects both in and outside the classroom. As Shrove Tuesday is next week we shared pancakes on Friday and lit our story candle to discuss Lent. We created a series of Lent play scenes to depict the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert. The thought of giving up sweets for 40 days however led to some interesting comments. So as yet another half term draws to a close all that remains is to wish you all a great half term and Keep Reading! Janet McPartland and Pat Creed In literacy this week we have continued looking at our class story ‘Thad Gets to the Moon’. We discussed the features of instructional writing and then wrote up rules explaining how to play football. The children also got the chance to write their version of ‘Thad Gets to the Moon’ creating their own space character. They were very inventive with their characters’ names, a few class favourites were Galextar, Zoomatron and Moon-Love! ing what numbers they end in and using the pattern to predict what number comes next in the sequence. Ruby Memories Sapphire Tales Year 2’s were extra lucky this week to have been given the opportunity to attend Lee Valley Sports Centre and try an array of sport activities. They all really enjoyed the challenges but looked forward to getting back to school and having a restful afternoon! Just want to say a huge well done to the whole of Sapphire Class for a fantastic half term of hard work! You have been superb! Have a lovely halfterm break- you deserve it. In numeracy we have been looking at number in particular recognising patterns. Year 1’s have been exploring odd and even numbers, counting in 2’s and doubling while the Year 2’s have looked at Holly Ashton counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, focusing on recognis- Diamond Delights This week in maths the son where they were able to plot significant children have worked on events which are special to them. Please remem- identifying the values of ber to read and practise times tables with your digit in numbers up to and beyond 1000, ordering child this half term and support your child in numbers and using less than, more than and completing their science task ready for our next equals symbols to make number sentences cor- topic. rect. In literacy we drafted and rewrote our per- Have a lovely break suasive letters and we then learnt about the Chinese New Year Race. The children have retold Maria Piscitelli this story and created some beautiful illustrations together with fire-cracker decorations too! (A very Happy New Year to you if you are celebrating!) The children really enjoyed drawing time-lines of their own lives, during our R.E les2 Emerald Echoes We have had another great when we come back. The children have done so week in Emerald Class. The well this half term. I am really pleased with week started with a talk their hard work and have really enjoyed teaching from a police officer about safety and cars them. parking outside of school. The children then Have a lovely half term. planned and made posters for parents warning Claire Hill them about how their choices outside can cause danger. They have created some informative and interesting posters. We have been thinking about the Six Nations Rugby Tournament and the children have picked a team to research over the holidays. We will be presenting our work to the class and having a Six Nations topic Sports’ News Sports’ Clubs will start the second week back. Football match on Monday and Tag Rugby tournament on Thursday. Reminders The Friends of St. John’s will soon be holding their very first Jumble Sale. We would be very grateful for any new or used items that you would be happy to donate to us to sell on. Please refer to slips sent home in book bags. Keep collecting those 2p’s. Please ensure ParentPay is up to date. Breakfast Club and School Dinners need to be in credit. Friends’ Notices If your child is off sick, please telephone the school in the morning with the reason why and bring in a written explanation on their return for our records. French Trip — New Date Please note the new date for the French Trip, for both Diamond and Emerald Class is Thursday the 25th June and Friday the 26th June will be the new training date instead of the 10th July. Therefore, the pupils will be off school on the 26th June so that they can recover from their extremely long and adventurous trip. 3 Date List for Spring Term 2015 FEBRUARY Monday 16—Friday 20 HALF TERM MARCH Wednesday 4 Church Service at St. John’s Church 9.05am Thursday 5 World Book Day—Pupils dress up as favourite characters Friday 6 Class & Team Photos Monday 9 9.30am Monday 9—13 Cuffley Camp Visit—Sapphire Class Easter Egg Competition Mothers’ Day Gifts Tuesday 10 Cuffley Camp Visit—Emerald Class 9.30am Friday 13 Red Nose Day Monday 16 Thursday 19 Science Week Am—Workshops for KS1 & KS2 Pm—Jack Trelawney author visit for Yr 2—Yr 6 Parents’ Week Thursday 26 Cuffley Camp Visit—Diamond Class Friday 27 Winners of the Easter Egg Competition to be announced Monday 30—Friday 10 EASTER HOLIDAYS APRIL Thursday 16 Happy Bags Collection Day MAY Wednesday 6 Cuffley Camp Visit—Reception Class 9.30 JUNE Thursday 25 French Trip—Diamond & Emerald Class Friday 26 INSET DAY JULY Monday 6—Friday 10 Bikeability Cycle Training Yr 5 & 6 Wednesday 8—Friday 10 Bikeability Cycle Training Yr 3 & 4 Term Dates for 2015 Spring Term Tuesday 6 January 2015 – Friday 27 March 2015 Half term – Monday 16 February – Friday 20 February 2015 Summer Term Monday 13 April 2015—Wednesday 22 July 2015 Half term—Monday 25 May —Friday 29 May 2015 Autumn Term Thursday 3 September 2015—Friday 18 December 2015 Half term—Monday 26 October—Friday 30 October 2015 Inset Days for 2015 6 January, 26 June Bank Holidays for 2015 1 January, 3 & 6 April, 4 & 25 May, 31 August 2015 4
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