Fairfield’s Earth Day Celebration 2015 Arts Contest Thank you for your participation in Fairfield’s Earth Day Celebration 2015 Arts Contest! This year’s theme is “When I look out my window I’d like to see…” Entries may be in any of the categories listed below and must relate to the environment, sustainability, and/or our effect on the world in which we live. All Entries Due by April 3, 2015 ____ Age ____ Grade Grade Division (check one) o o o o o Primary (preschool-grade 2) Intermediate (grades 3-5) Middle School (grades 6-8) High School (grades 9-12) Special artist (all grades) Art Category (check one) o o o o o o Dance Choreography Film Production Literature Music Composition Photography Visual Arts REQUIRED INFORMATION Student First Name ___________________ Last Name ________________________________ School Student Attends _________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name __________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Address _____ __________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State_______ Zip ____________________ Parent/Guardian Email _________________________________ Phone __________________ I grant to the Fairfield’s Earth Day Celebration Committee (FEDC) an irrevocable, unlimited license to display, copy, sublicense, publish, and create and sell derivative works from my work submitted for the Contest. The FEDC is not responsible for lost or damaged works. Entries may not be returned. I affirm that this is my own original work. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to retrieve all work by May 30, 2015. I understand that the submission of my entry into the Contest constitutes acceptance of the above conditions. Have a question? Contact us at fairfieldearthday@gmail.com or visit us at http://www.FairfieldEarthDay.org. Fairfield’s Earth Day Celebration 2015 Arts Contest ARTS CATEGORY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS – Answer questions for the arts category relevant to your artwork submission. Title of Work (Required) __________________________________________________________________________ Artist Statement: in a separate document, explain how your work relates to the theme (Required; Min 10 words, Max 100 words) Dance Choreography 1. What is the title of the dance music? _______________________________________________________________ 2. Who is the performing artist or musical group? _______________________________________________________ 3. Who is the composer?_________________________ Who wrote the lyrics? ________________________________ Film Production 1. If you used background music, what is the title? ______________________________________________________ 2. Who is the performing artist or musical group?________________________________________________________ 3. Who is the composer?_________________________ Who wrote the lyrics? _______________________________ 4. List the names of the people who appeared in this film. _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Music Composition 1. Are there singers/instrumentalists? If so, how many and what are their names? ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Are there instruments? If so, what instruments? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Photography (please note: entry dimension may NOT exceed 11”x17”, including mat and must be no more than 3/8” thick) 1. Location of shot _______________________________________________ Date of shot ______________________ 2. Dimensions of picture? L________ x W________ Dimensions with matting (no frames)? L________x W_________ Visual Art (please note: entry dimension may NOT exceed 24”x30”, including mat and must be no more than 3/8” thick) 1. Describe the medium or type of visual art you developed (e.g., crayons, collage, oil on canvas). 2. Dimensions of picture? L________ x W________ Dimensions with matting (no frames)? L________x W_________ Literature 1. Submit an electronic copy to the Fairfield’s Earth Day Committee at fairfieldearthday@gmail.com. Fairfield Earth Day Celebration Release Waiver I hereby give the Town of Fairfield Connecticut, Fairfield’s Earth Day Celebration Committee permission to take my photograph, to record a video and/or to record my voice and to include said recording(s) or photos on its web site, newsletter and in press releases. I hereby release the Town of Fairfield from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the photographs, videos and/or audio recordings, including any and all claims for defamation or invasion of privacy. This authorization and release shall also inure to the benefit of legal representatives, licensees and assigns of the Town of Fairfield as well as the person who took the photographs. I have read the foregoing and fully understand the contents hereof. Name (please print) _________________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________ Name of Conservator/Parent/Legal Guardian ________________________________________ (if applicable; please print)) Signature of Conservator/Parent/Legal Guardian _____________________________________ (if applicable) Witnessed by _________________________________________________________________ Date ___/ ____ / 2015_ Event: Fairfield Earth Day Celebration 2015____________________ Location: Fairfield Warde High School, 755 Melville Avenue, Fairfield, CT 06825____________ Photo Description:
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