`Ohana Observer The Exceptional Family Member Program BLDG 219 Each issue of The `Ohana Observer is created with you in mind. As you peruse its content and think of a story you want to share, submit your ar cle or featured story, person, or event to EFMP and we may publish it in the next edi on. Contact EFMP Program Manager (808) 257-7773 Training, Educa on, & Outreach Specialist (808) 257-0290 Family Case Worker (808) 257-8894 Page April 2015 MCB Hawaii www.facebook.com/efmphawaii Facts About Autism 1 in 68 children, 1 in 42 boys, will be diagnosed this year with an autism spectrum disorder There are currently 70 million individuals in the world with autism Marine Corps wide, 1,401 family members enrolled in EFMP with a diagnosis of Autism MCB Hawaii, 55 family members are enrolled in EFMP with a diagnosis of Autism Autism is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the U.S. In the past 6 years, the prevalence of autism has increased 78% Family Case Worker (808) 257-7782 MCBH EFMP presents A Community Awareness Event Join us for coffee and conversation to discuss resources available for EFMP spouses. All military families, friends and DoD employees welcome to attend EFMP’s 2nd celebration of Light It Up Blue—a national campaign to shine a light on Autism. Enjoy free food, fun activities for kids, and parent-networking with other military and community supporters. This is a FREE event and open to everyone with military baseaccess! Location: Waikulu Community Center, MCB Hawaii Date: April 2, 2015; Time: 5PM—7PM Questions or to RSVP, call: 808-257-0290 Page 2 Here are some idea-starters for Summer Programs that are affordable, close by, and jammed packed with fun ac vi es for school-age kids. Register early to ensure your Keiki gets a spot at your first choice program. Military Programs! MCCS Youth Programs – Fun and enriching programs offered through Child Youth and Teen Programs. For specific events and dates, visit MCBH Building 5082 or call 808-257-7430. For informa on about special needs and considera ons, ask about the Inclusion Ac on Team Intake Form. Semper Fit and Aqua cs – Get Semper Fit this summer! KIDFIT SUMMER PROGRAM: For ages 6-12 years. Contact Semper Fit Gym for more informa on and to register: 808-254-7597. For details about KIDFIT dates and mes, visit: www.mccshawaii.com/kidfit AQUATICS SUMMER PROGRAM: Morning and evening swim lessons available. Group and private lessons. KEIKI WATER SAFETY: Ages 8 – 12 years. Youth must be able to demonstrate ability to swim one length of the pool without any aids to be eligible for this course. Civilian Programs! Heroes at Home – YMCA at Camp Erdman provides youth entering grades 6th—9th a chance to meet other militaryconnected middle school youth from around the island and to par cipate in ageappropriate levels of high ropes and recrea onal ac vi es. Kids will also be given a chance to customize their experience by choosing many of their ac vi es. Camp Erdman is located near Dillingham Airfield and Camp Mokule’ia. This FREE program is in partnership with Department of Defense and funded by University of Hawaii 4-H Youth Development Program. JUNIOR LIFEGUARD: Ages 12 – 17 years Register online: h p://www.ymcahonolulu.org/camp_erdman/programs/ heroes_at_home To learn more about MCCS Aqua cs and/or to register, contact Ms. Heather Chun at 808-254-7655 or visit: www.mccshawaii.com/aqua cs For ques ons about special needs inclusion at this program, contact Shantal at 808-637-4615 ext. 2002 YMCA – Windward Branch & Central Oahu Branch offers various Day Camps, some of which can be booked one week at a me, or a full nine-week program that includes a oneweek away camp at Camp Erdman. For more informa on, contact 808-261-0808 or visit: h ps://www.ymcahnlonlinereg.org/Ac vi es/ Ac vi esAdvSearch.asp Page 3 CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU Special Olympics Hawaii is an athle c program designed for children and adults with intellectual disabili es. All levels of ability are encouraged to par cipate. Training for the Aukake Classic season is from June – August 2015 for team athle cs Bocce and Soccer. To learn more visit: h p://www.specialolympicshawaii.org/games-andcompe on/aukake-classic.html Hawaii Adap ve Paddling Associa on is a non-profit organiza on that provides an opportunity to children and adults with physical, mental and emo onal challenges to par cipate in the sport of Hawaiian outrigger canoe paddling. With an emphasis on safety, trained volunteers provide a nurturing experience so that par cipants can reap the benefits of the canoe and ocean. HAPA meets every third Saturday of the month, weather permi ng. Next event: April 18, 2015 For more informa on visit: www.hawaiiadap vepaddling.com City and County of Honolulu – Department of Parks and Recrea on offers summer programs at various loca ons throughout the island for school-aged children with and without disabili es. For children with disabili es, assistance and modifica ons are available during the program at no- or minimal- costs to the parent. Summer 2015 Program, June 15– July 24, 8:30AM – 2PM, Monday – Friday Submit the Registra on Form and inform the registrar at the park that you checked YES for Reasonable Modifica on needed. Complete the Modifica on Request Form. A Therapeu c Recrea on Specialist (TRS) will follow up with you to learn more about what modifica on are necessary to ensure a fun and safe summer for your child. Walk-in registra on dates: District III (Pearl City to Waianae & Wahiawa) District IV (Waialua to Waimanalo) May 9, 2015 on Saturday 9AM – 12PM (Noon) May 11 & 12, 2015 on Monday & Tuesday 2PM – 5PM District II (Makiki to Aiea) ACCESSurf - trained volunteers provide adap ve surfing, shoreline flota on and swimming for any person with a disability on the first Saturday of each month at White Plains Beach Park from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Par cipants simply need to come to the beach to sign up. Surf staff suggest arriving no later than 11:30 a.m. to ensure your surf me. Next event: April 4, 2015 For more informa on, visit: www.accessurf.org May 16, 2015 on Saturday 9AM—12PM (noon) May 18 & 19, 2015 on Monday & Tuesday 2PM—5PM The ac vi es and field trips will vary from park to park. Contact each park offering a summer program to learn more about what ac vi es will be offered. For more informa on, visit: h p://www.honolulu.gov/rep/site/dpr/summerfun_docs/ Summer_2015_Program_Informa on.pdf Page 4 Space explorers allow children and young adults to jump, crawl, and pretend while improving sensory integra on. Watch as your children transform into bananas and blueberries while doing heavy work and working on their motor planning skills. Move Around While Staying in Place - Sensory Stretchers Made from a comfortable 'resis ve' material, the Space Explorer suit provides calming deep pressure, heavy work and propriocep ve input for tac le defensive children, sensory seekers and crashers (including children and tweens with au sm). This fun suit helps children develop spa al and body awareness, muscle strength, motor planning and crea vity. Head can be placed outside or inside the Space Explorer. Made of four-way stretch Lycra; with a Velcro closure. Feel the need to wiggle? Climb into the Stretch Loop and wiggle away without leaving your place! The Stretch Loop is circular piece of stretch fabric that can be 'worn' by children (and adults) who need help with focusing and those who feel the need to wiggle or fidget during school, homework, meal me or any other me that they must sit in place. Made of four-way stretch fabric that is made from Spandex and elas c, the Stretch Loop is designed to be sat in either on a chair or on the floor. Stretch the fabric with your legs and the need to move or wiggle will be instantly sa sfied. The Stretch Loop is ght enough to provide an outlet for heavy work, and is a great way to release energy. Each Stretch Loop comes with a hanging, storage bag and an informa onal booklet with the science behind Stretch Loop as well as ideas for use (valuable info for parents and teachers). Bacon & Egg Cups The EFMP Lending Library offers great books, DVDs, learning tools & sensory resources for our families to enjoy and learn from. If you want to know more about a topic, make EFMP Lending Library the place to begin your search. Ingredients: 12 slices of bacon, crisp-cooked and cut crosswise into thirds 6 eggs or 1 1/2 cups egg subs tute 1/2 cups diced bell pepper 1/2 cup (2 ounces) shredded pepper jack cheese 1/2 cup half-and-half 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper In the days leading up to & the days following the Easter holiday, what ingredient is probably most plen ful in your family’s refrigerator? Eggs, of course! Enjoy this fes ve & colorful, gluten-free breakfast dish. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly spray 12 standard (2 1/2-inch) muffin cups with nons ck cooking spray. Place 3 bacon slices in each prepared muffin cup, overlapping on bo om. Beat eggs, bell pepper, cheese, half-and-half, salt and black pepper in a medium bowl un l well blended. Fill each muffin cup with 1/4 cup egg mixture. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or un l eggs are set in center. Run knife around edge of each cup before removing from pan. Recipe taken from Recipes for Gluten-Free Kids available at the EFMP Lending Library Page 5 Every Mon/Wed or Tues/Fri—Poli’s Place Playgroup www.keikiokaaina.org/ programspolis_place.htm 3097 Kalihi St., Honolulu 9AM—11AM 808-843-2502 Every Tuesday in April —In The Park Series; new event theme each Tuesday; free family event. Riseley Field 4PM—6 PM Apr 2—Light It Up Blue: A Community Au sm Awareness Event. SHINE a LIGHT on AUTISM by joining the EFMP team, military families and community partners for a FREE event for the whole family. At MCBH Waikulu Community Center, 5-7PM. Enjoy fun ac vi es for kids, light refreshments, and opportuni es for parent & community networking. For more informa on call EFMP at 808-257-0290. Apr 4—Access Surf: A Day at the Beach at White Plains Beach 9AM—1PM No cost to par cipate; For more informa on please visit www.accesssurf.org. Apr 7—Spouse Transi on And Readiness Seminar from 5:30PM-8:30PM. Prepare for transi on to civilian life. Call 808-257-7097 with ques ons and for loca on. Sign-up at www.mccshawaii.com/ trpworkshops. Apr 11—Base wide Power Outage Apr 18—Hawaii Adap ve Paddling Associa on (www.hawaiiadap vepaddling.com) Kailua Beach park 10AM—1PM; Free event. Apr 18—Au sm Speaks Walk at Ala Moana Beach Park (Magic Island) 9AM—12PM; For more informa on and to register please visit h p:// www.walknowforau smspeaks.org/faf/ homede fault.aspievent=1126296 Apr 23—Special Needs Advisory Forum** Bldg 219 Classroom 1; 1PM-2PM A collabora on mee ng for those who work with and have an impact on EFMP families to meet, discuss and address issues and concerns the families are experiencing and ways in which to assist them Apr 23—EFMP 101** Bldg 219 Classroom 1; 2PM –3PM Come and learn about what EFMP is, who should enroll, how to enroll, what the benefits of the program are and where to go for support. Apr 25—East Side Base Power Outage. For more informa on please visit: h p://www.mcbhawaii.marines.mil/ Apr 28—Coffee Hour** MCB Hawaii Starbucks 8:30AM—9:30AM Opportunity to support and network with other EFMP families and receive informa on on programs and services pertaining to EFMP. Apr 28—EFMP Spouse Coffee Hour** MCB Hawaii Starbucks 9:30AM—10:30AM Join us for coffee and conversa on to discuss resources available for EFMP spouses. This coffee hour will follow our regular coffee hour. Apr 29—United Healthcare Presenta on for families and providers regarding ABA/ECHO at Ft Sha er Community Center from 8:30AM-12PM. For more informa on, please call EFMP Office 808-257-0290. or your Family Case Worker. **All abili es welcome, please contact the EFMP office (808-257-0290) for more informa on on how we can help accommodate your EFM at this event. MCBH EFMP does not endorse any one agency listed and we Exceptional Family Member Program encourage Families to use the newsle er as a general guideline. Every BDG 219, MCBH effort has been made to ensure that the informa on above is current as 808-257-2090 DD Form 2792 (Medical EFMP Enrollment) of date of publica on. For specific program informa on, please contact Hours of Operation M-F 0730—1630 DD Form 2792-1 (Educational EFMP Summary) the agency directly. www.mcchawaii.com/efmp MCBUL 1754 (Changes to Respite Program) www.facebook.com/efmphawaii Above documents can be found on EFMP webpage
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