Immaculate Conception Parish Family 153rd YEAR OF SERVICE 307 N. Walker St. | Montgomery City | Missouri | 63361 Fr. Russell Judge, Pastor /Rev. Mr. Wayne Korte, Deacon/Patricia Richard, Secretary | 573.564.2375 Parish Office | | Office Hours M-Th 9am-3pm Bulletin Deadline: Wed 3pm Cynthia Newman, School Principal | Mary Hedding, School Secretary | | 573.564.2679 School Office Society of St. Vincent DePaul 573.835.3631 Parish Council Members: Michelle Allen, President, Dianne Talley, Michael Auchly, Julie Beck, Julie Worsham, & Sarah Korman Tom Eggering, Knights of Columbus Representative - Richard Bainbridge, Finance Commission APRIL 26, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Church Income Report Mass Intentions Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5:00pm 10:00am 8:00am 5:30pm 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 5:00pm 10:00am For 1st Communion Students Our Parish Family +Fr. Francis Stuart, OSB +Vincent Schimweg +Anna Hank +David Ritter +Bill & Helen Giltner +Jeff Welter Our Parish Family Total Expenses for Year Needed each Week This Week’s Offertory Plate Loose Collection Given in Office Other Offerings Total Income This Week Envelopes Used 53 of 187 $545,398.10 $10,488.43 $ 3,009.00 $ 167.50 $10,347.18 $ 35.00 $13,558.68 With God all things are possible Parish Membership: Call the parish office to register. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 4:15pm Saturday or call for an appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: Celebrated during Mass or at another arranged time. Call the parish office to set up an appointment to meet with Fr. Judge Sacrament of Marriage: Call the office at least six months prior to the date you would like to get married to make arrangements and set a date. To Become a Catholic: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins in the Fall and sacramental initiation normally occurs at the Easter Vigil. Call for details. THE SCRIPTURES AND STEWARDSHIP In today’s Gospel reading we hear Jesus referring to himself as “the good shepherd.” His sheep know him, trust him, listen to him and follow him; having faith that no harm will come to them as long as they stay close to him. We reaffirmed our faith in Christ when we renewed our baptismal promises at Easter. As stewards of our relationship with Jesus Christ, are we, like the sheep, willing to listen to Jesus, follow him, trust him? MONEY COUNTERS AND SERVERS ARE NEEDED FOR SAT. 5PM MASS! PLEASE CONSIDER SERVING YOUR PARISH IN THIS WAY. TRAINING IS AVAILABLE, PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE IF YOU CAN HELP!! Liturgical Ministers for May 2nd and May 3rd Ministry Saturday, 5pm Lector Michael Cobb Chldren’s Liturgy Sunday, 10am Amanda Arens Bonnie Walker, Regan Pazdera Communion Rev. Mr. Wayne Korte, Ministers Margie Cobb, Shirley Henke Delores Miller, Eileen & Jacob Lotton Ministers of Bill & Margie Cobb, Hospitality Ginny Cochran, Shirley Henke Steve & Kathy Holtz, Ron & Dianne Talley Servers Anna Cobb, Elizabeth O’Keefe Gift Bearers Steve Cobb Family Money Counters Dottie Brueggen, Sandy Bethel Zach and Elizabeth Shierhoff Julie Worsham Family Ruth Schneider, Jaime Hemeyer, Dot Steffan Upcoming Events & Announcements! Sunday 8:45-9:45 AM Elementary Religious Education Classes at Catholic School - LAST CLASS!! 10:00 AM Mass Here Monday 8:00 AM Mass Here (Today) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:30 PM Mass Here 7:00 PM Catholic Education Commission Meeting 8:00 AM Mass Here 12:45 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary and Perpetual Help Devotions 7:30 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting 8:00 AM Mass for Over 50 Club Members and Prayer Partners Friday 8:00 AM Mass Here Saturday 5:00 PM Mass Here Sunday 8:45 - 9:45 AM Elementary Religious Education Classes at Catholic School - FINAL 10:00 AM Mass Here CONGRATULATIONS! To Rick & Sara Beth Boschert as they celebrate their 23rd wedding anniversary on April 25th!! PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR FIRST COMMUNION CLASS WHO WILL RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH. THE STUDENTS ARE BECKHAM COTHREN, JACOB HOGUE, ROY KUENY, CLAYTON PARKER, LANDON POTTEBAUM, JAYSON RODGERS, TATUM WESSEL AND JORDYN WYMAN. Congratulations and prayerful best wishes to those who were Confirmed on Tuesday, April 21st!! Lafe “Gregory the Great” Arens Andy “Andrew” Milner Devon “Sebastian” Oden Bryan “Thomas the Apostle” Pazdera Karlie “Agatha” Schmidt Victoria “Victoria” Weitkamp Vivian “Angela Merici” Worsham CHURCH CLEANING ANGELS! Thank you, SO MUCH, for coming to the aid of the cleaning of our church in anticipation of the visit of our Bishop, John Gaydos! Thank you to Judy Nelson, Margie Cobb, Michelle Allen, Lanie Gardner and Delores Miller!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU! From SSVDP: We sincerely appreciate the generous April Quarter Collection of $354.22 from our parish family. Thank you so much for supporting us in our efforts to help those less fortunate! IC SCHOOL ALUMNI DINNER Everyone is invited to the First Annual Alumni Dinner and Silent Auction on May 29th. Tickets are $35 per person and include a four-course meal, music and access to the silent auction. All Alumni, parishioners and public are encouraged to attend. Proceeds will benefit the IC School, parish and help establish a scholarship fund for high school seniors who graduated from Immaculate Conception School. For tickets, questions and more info, email or call the school office at 573-564-2679. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIP - FINAL NOTICE! The Knights of Columbus will again be offering a $500 scholarship to a graduating senior. Qualifications are: must be a Montgomery City Knights of Columbus member or a son or daughter of a Montgomery City Knights of Columbus member or a member of Immaculate Conception Parish, Montgomery City. The scholarship will be awarded after successfully completing the first semester or term of the freshman year and being enrolled in the second semester or term. Applications are do by May1st. For an application, contact Wayne Korte. CAMP SIENA FOR YOUNG CATHOLIC WOMEN - JULY 26 THRU JULY 30, 2015 Our Diocese will once again sponsor Camp Siena for young Catholic women to help them deepen their relationship with God and others by exercising, understanding, and living their unique feminine spirituality and becoming the woman god is calling them to be. The event will be held from 5pm Sunday, July 26 through noon Thursday, July 30, 2015 for young women entering freshman year of high school through those who are entering their senior year. It will be held at St. Patrick Church in Laurie, MO and costs $150.00. The camp offers many opportunities for growth, service, singing and Sacraments. Activities include Camp Wonderland, Camp Windermere Ropes Course, cooking and crafts and daily adventures of many kinds. Applications are in the parish office if you interested and additional information. DAYCARE OPENING Immaculate Conception School Daycare - Early Childhood Learning Center - has two openings for toddlers, ages 2-4 Years. Our daycare is open M-F from 6:30AM to 5:30PM. Our ECLC provides a loving Christian learning experience. “Learning through play”! For more information call the school office at 564-2679 and ask for Miss Jesse, our Daycare Director. THE 8TH GRADE GRADUATION CLASS OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL WILL HAVE GRADUATION CEREMONIES ON SATURDAY, MAY 23RD AT THE 5:00 PM MASS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS FROM IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH WILL BE RECOGNIZED AT 10:00 AM MASS ON SUNDAY, MAY 24TH. PLEASE WEAR YOUR CAPS AND GOWNS & BE AT CHURCH 20 MINUTES EARLY PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER THE SOULS OF FRANCIS WESTHOFF, MOTHER OF MARY DICKHERBER OF OUR PARISH FAMILY AND VIRGINIA FALLOON, MOTHER OF DAVID FALLOON, ALSO OF OUR PARISH FAMILY. THEY BOTH PASSED AWAY THIS LAST WEEK. MAY THEY FIND ETERNAL PEACE. Please Pray For: Sandy Atkison, Tammy Pelley, Jim Myhren, Lora Mae Cleeton, Frank Cobb, Parker Calbreath, Fr. James Offutt, Orion Clayton, Audrey Beck, Anna Marie Cobb, Bill Fischer, Gary Gardner, Judy Cunningham, Sarah DeHaff, Jack Smiley, Paul Schaffrin, Jim Cochran, Margie Lindenbusch, Charles Lockhart, Bobby Lewis, Jr.,Kaylee Long, Donna Devlin, Vera Carter, Don Benney, Bob Welter, Bill Dryden, Kevin O’Connor, Pearl Rutledge, Terry Hardee, Donna Bell, Norbert Arens, Evan Clements, Olivia Schrum, Janice Senevey, Cathy Devlin, Kim Holmes, Peggy Sontheimer Please pray for all our men and women serving in the armed forces….Aaron Henke, Jacob Merz, Daniel Lohmann, Jared Korman, Tom Kraust, Tim O’Fallon, Brandon Benney, David Bruce, Gary Frey, John Burce, Chris Burce, Jacob Jones, Matt Veder, Michael James, Michael Adams, Travis Thebeau, John Martin and Brad Dempsey. Pat Stumbaugh - 573.220.9441 Broker Associate Phone: 573-564-1150 Fax: 573-564-1149 Website: FOR FAST SERVICE CALL 573-564-3020 Bryan Schmidt - Owners - Rick Boschert 1230 Aguilar Drive Montgomery City Missouri 63361 Bart Korman - 573.359.0000 Sales Associate Julie Worsham 573.489.2778 Real Estate Agent Keeping Real Estate Simple! 1040 C South Sturgeon Office: 573.564.3433 Fax: 573.564.3030 Montgomery City, Missouri 63361 Dairy Queen BUELL ACRES INC. Custom Dirt & Terrace 573.220.2606 780 White Road Montgomery City, MO 63361 613 S. Sturgeon | Montgomery City | Missouri | 63361 573.564.2318 573-564-8117 877-774-1483 Fax PO Box 156 517 N. Sturgeon Montgomery City, MO 63361 ♦ Custom Design Work ♦ UPS® Shipping ♦ Wide Format Printing ♦ Business Cards ♦ Faxing ♦ ♦ Mailing Plus More ♦ No Print Job Too Small or Large ♦ Complete Payroll Service ♦ ♦ Internet Solutions - Domains, Email, Website & Shopping Cart Hosting & More ♦ As your family grows…is your life insurance keeping up? A growing family needs protection that grows with them, I can determine just the right amount of coverage for you….and keep it affordable! The future starts me today! Jeffrey A Fennewald, FICF 34075 Audrain Rod 708 Martinsburg, MO 65264 573.492.6612 QUEATHEM INSURANCE, LLC Serving the area for over 20 years Crop & Hail Home Farm Auto Life Business Health Competitive Rates "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day." John 6:40 Discounts Available 573.564.3896 131 N. Walker | Montgomery City | MO | 63361 Our sincere thanks to these businesses for supporting our bulletin. Contact the Parish Office about placing your ad here! 573.564.2375 Any business interested in advertising in our weekly parish bulletin is asked to contact the parish office. The twelve month cost is $150/ spot. Ad size depends on the number of advertisers.
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