McLean District’s Guide to EMERGENCY Preparedness “Prepare, Plan, Observe, Communicate, and Stay Informed During Emergencies” MCA Boundaries vs. McLean District Station McLean District • 44.25 Square miles MCA • 30 Square miles Neighborhood Watch: More important than ever 1. Expect depleted police resources during large-scale incidents initially • Prioritized calls for service • Likely lag in response times 2. Know Neighborhood Watch coordinators/POCs & their contact information • Conduits of communication with PD • Familiar with our Crime Prevention Officer • Familiar with NW concepts – Communicate with and look out for each other – Report concerns to the PD Don’t become a casualty or a hazard. Minimize Vehicular Travel 1. Expect depleted police resources (officers) 2. Obey signs, cones, flares, etc. 3. Cannot man all intersections in mass power outages Road closures Detours Uncontrolled intersections - Know & obey the law: Uncontrolled intersection ( § 46.2-820 ): Yield to driver on right Flashing red lights: Vehicles to stop, yield, proceed Flashing yellow lights: Slowly proceed with caution Secure Valuables 1. Safe Deposit Box If time allows 2. Personal Safe Cash, jewelry, firearms, silver Personal documents Consider mounting to foundation in less flood-prone area Inventory Valuables Electronics, cameras, silver, bicycles, etc. that are not secured in a safe or otherwise. Serial numbers & unique identifiers Photographs Back up to thumbdrive, “cloud,” etc. Communication Channels with FCPD 911 Non Emergency: 703-691-2131 PD Social media for updates FCPD News (blog) Facebook Twitter Via MCA Public Safety Liaison, Patrick Smaldore Conduit of information between MCA and FCPD McLean Station Patrick’s cell # 703-528-3935 McLean District Station 1437 Balls Hill Road (Corner of Route 123 & Lewinsville Road) Open 24/7/365 Accommodates walk-in visitors Mass communication outages
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