THE SAGA - Maranatha Christian Academy

Living in Balance
Are you in awe of God? To truly
explore that question will take
eternity, but I want to just cover
one aspect: balance. Now with
God, things are not just in balance,
but He is completely everything
that He is. He is fully mercy and
holiness. He is fully love and
righteous judgement. As humans,
the best we can do is to strive for
balance. As we seek balance in our
lives, we model and instruct the
same in those that are watching us.
For parents, summer is a wonderful
time to teach balance.
As parents who work outside of
the home, can this be a time where
you step off the gas pedal of work
IN THIS Pray for
A Note from the
for a period of time and invest
more in your family? Of course
a vacation is a great thing to do.
I might also suggest summer as
a chance to change routines so
that time with your children has
a different flavor. If your work
allows, go to work a little later
and do something with your
children before you go to work.
Try a long lunch and experience
something together.
If you are privileged to stay at
home with your kids throughout
the day, what a joy to get creative
and show how to balance
productivity and fun. Build into
each a day some time where they
work to accomplish a task and
thereby learn the joy of completing
something. At the same, let them
have time outside where they get
to be creative and enjoy the things
in God’s creation. For your older
children, let them walk beside you
as you figure out balance in your
life. Let them in on the decisions
you have to make to make sure
you are successful at work, at
home and making a difference at
May your summer be richly
blessed as you enjoy your family
and keep God in the center of it
By Mark Schultze
Volunteer Always
By June 1, 2015—
All official MCA communication
will be sent to MCA email
addresses only.
Start checking your MCA email
Haven’t signed up yet?
Contact your school office or
Volunteer Appreciation
On April 29th, the school held a special chapel to honor volunteers.
The service was purposed to thank parents, families and students for
so often sacrificing their time and resources to Maranatha. This school
would not be the same without all the help we receive, and for that we
cannot say “thank you” enough.
The chapel consisted of performances by the fifth graders and a
performance by the high school choir. Dr. Dunn gave a compelling
message on servanthood and stewardship, encouraging us in our roles as
Christians to help each other and to share what we are given.
Volunteers -- you are appreciated! Thank you for all that you do!
Always On Integrating
with Family
By Tim Warkentin
Deuteronomy 11:19 You shall teach them [God’s commandments] to your children, talking of
them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie
down, and when you rise.
God’s injunction to the ancient Israelites regarding
the teaching of his commandments provides a model
for how parents today should raise their children. Often
the instruction of children in spiritual matters is left
by parents to specific institutions and times. Children
receive spiritual instruction during the church service,
during the school day or during a planned devotional
time. All of this training during scheduled time periods
is good and necessary but God does not want spiritual
instruction to be compartmentalized into just certain
times or activities. God provides parents with a constant
stream of valuable “teachable moments” that do not
follow human schedules.
As the above verse makes clear, spiritual training
is to be constantly done as families go about
their daily activities. If a home movie presents an
unscriptural view, it should be criticized as it is
being watched. When the news is being discussed
over the dinner table, Scripture should be brought
to bear on current issues. Pastor’s sermons, teacher’s
lessons, social media and friend’s opinions should
be all be evaluated against Scripture. This constant
comparison of daily life to Scripture sharpens
discernment. Children raised in this manner are
prepared to understand a deceitful and increasing
hostile world because they have been practicing
their whole life. Godly instruction should be
“Always On”.
Art in the
Here are some images from art this semester.
Art students did an installation at the Pinwheel
house in Shawnee. It’s a child abuse prevention
and education center. This was our art service
project. Students John Slattery and Max Flint
designed and built a large pinwheel. Art 1
students Dillion, Peyton, Allison and Alayna,
spray painted the work. Blue is the national
color for Child abuse prevention. April is the
month for child abuse awareness. We were
glad to support this incredible mission to our
county. Art 1 students also installed an art
installation in the hallway of the high school.
They did a natural weaving project designed
by Mrs. Williams. Art 1 students learned
about art installation and how to write artist
statements with substitute, Ms. McCann.
MCA Artist Statement:
Our mission is to teach
students an appreciation
of God-honoring art, to
develop our creative visual
art skills, provide outlets
for expression, and to
minister to others through
the arts.
Pray for Nepal
“We love this chance
to see our kids’
artwork! What
talented kids!!” -Jim
& Jeanne Marmon
The Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal on April 25th killed more than 8,000 people and injured more than
19,000. The catastrophe triggered multiple avalanches and puts areas at risk for landslides, also leaving
hundreds of thousands homeless. Aftershocks are expected, and on May 12th the country experienced
another earthquake killing over a hundred people and injuring another 2,500.
MCA 2005 graduate Stephanie Plummer was in Nepal with Peace Corps during the first devastating
earthquake. She had just left Pokhara that morning to take a bus back to her village. Due to a landslide on the
road, she had to walk the remaining distance up a mountain. Her volunteer group has been sent home due to
safety and medical concerns. Peace Corps headquarters in Katmandu and some of the staff lost their homes in
the disaster.
Stephanie’s mom asks us to please continue to pray, especially for safe return of the volunteers and for the
Nepali people to encounter Jesus and the love God has for them throughout this recovery time and that God
will make a way for them to face the future with hope.
8th Grade Trip
June is a great time for juniors to take the ACT.
The ACT is based on what students have learned
in high school coursework, not their reasoning
skills. Testing in June will enable your students
to showcase what they know, before summer
break, while knowledge is still fresh in their
Registration Deadline: May 8
Test Date: June 13
Register at for the June 13 test!
Late registration fees will apply after Friday, May 8.
Want to get more familiar with the ACT? Find
free and low-cost test prep options at www.
May 7th-9th eighth graders went on their annual
class trip to Hannibal and Springfield, Missouri.
The class spent time exploring historical sights such
as the Lincoln Museum and the Mark Twain house
and caves.
They took part in group building activities, daily
chapels, and group devotions led by parent sponsors
and trip advisor, Mrs. Morken.
Students say their favorite parts of the trip were
playing dodgeball at night, the Lincoln museum
because it was so interactive, and the new and
exciting experience of exploring the caves. The
eighth graders had a wonderful weekend of bonding
with each other. It was a great trip to unify the class
and prepare them to come into high school unified
and ready to grow together educationally and
Come join us for
Graduation of
class of 2015 on
Saturday, May
16th at 1:00p.m.
in the Crosspoints
Church sanctuary
Class registration is available
and will be open through the end
of school! Registration is available
online including course descriptions
and a video tutuorial to make the
process as smooth as possible!
Check it out at http://mca-eagles.
Specific course schedules will be
officially released during the