---THE CONNECTING LINE--IEA-NEA Regions 17-18 Newsletter Volume 1 May, 2015 Issue 8 High quality teachers are the key to high quality schools, and IEA is working toward the day that every child in the state has the best teachers and education possible. IEA is more than a union; it is a professional organization committed to providing ongoing training, mentoring, and support for teachers and other school staff and advocating for policies such as smaller class sizes that will improve schools for students across Illinois. FROM YOUR IEA OFFICE STAFF We would like to wish you a happy and relaxing summer vacation. After the LONG winter, everyone is looking forward to some much deserved down-time. We look forward to seeing you again next fall! Jeff Conrad Sarah Bird Leslie Kahler 2015 IEA AWARD WINNERS The NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence was presented to Jennifer Erickson, an elementary teacher from Batavia School District #101. The Education Support Professional of the Year was presented to India Jones, a parent educator in Community Consolidated SD #168. Amy Lewis, a K-8 music teacher from Des Plaines SD #62 was presented the Bob Haisman Teacher of the Year Award. Maggie Huttlinger, a student at Loyola University Chicago and Jennifer Jaroch, a student at ISU were co-recipients of the Bob Haisman Student of the Year Award. Carly Spina, an elementary teacher in the Glenview SD #34 bilingual program was presented the Human and Civil Rights Award. The Mary Lou and Keith Hauge Retired Teacher Award was presented to James Duffy, a former English and history teacher at Sterling High School. **RESOURCE REMINDERS** Watch the Pension Benefits video at www.ieanea.org – “Your defined benefit pension shouldn’t be replaced with a 401(k) plan.” This video explains the difference between defined benefit pensions and defined contributions savings plan. IEA Online Learning Portal (http://ieanea.learningzen.com/) - Do you need clock hours for recertification of your teaching license? This site provides free classes that can provide a variety of topics for you to do this. This is another benefit of your IEA-RA membership. BetterLesson (http://cc.betterlesson.com/) – In partnership with NEA provides Common Core Lessons and information – “The Master Teacher Project-A Cartoon”. CONGRATULATE THESE TEACHERS!! Several of our members were recently honored The Dispatch-Argus. The Dispatch-Argus will hold its 25th annual Master Teacher Awards program on May 1st at the I Wireless Center in Moline. Recipients of this award are: Sue Iverson, Tammy Nelson, Nan Ryan, Allison Ryser, Susan Smice and Mary Tallitsch (all from Moline EA); Michael Carton, Rock Island EA; Amy Anderson, Debra Kincaid and Jennifer Temple, (all from Riverdale TA); Michael Chausse, Mercer Co EA; Christopher LaRoche, Sherrard EA; and Ann Patrice Nussear, United Township EA. These new inductees bring the number of honored Master Teachers to 381 since the program started in 1991. CELEBRATE NATIONAL TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! Take a moment during National Teacher Week, May 4-8, to share your appreciation for the special educators in your lives. From May 4 — 8, 2015, NEA Member Benefits will feature special deals, discounts, and giveaways—designed exclusively for NEA members. It’s their way of saying #ThankATeacher. Check it out!! SUMMER LEADERSHIP ACADEMY SLA “Taking Charge of Our Profession” will be July 28-31 at ISU in Normal. This event is open to all IEA-NEA members. Come join the fun and the excellent trainings that are offered. For details on housing information and registration, go to http://www.ieanea.org/events/summer-leadershipacademy-2015/. As you make travel plans, don’t forget to use your Access Savings card. ESP CORNER Professional Development The IEA NEA believes that professional development should be required throughout the career of educational support professionals. Professional development programs should provide equal opportunities for these employees to gain and improve the knowledge and skills important to their position and job performance. Professional development programs should assume that appropriate education employees have a decisive voice at every stage of planning, implementation, and evaluation. NEA provides a foundation to help ESP members across the country organize around professional development. It gives real examples of how members have created and implemented ideas to advance their professions, improve their working conditions and contribute to student achievement. The National Education Association has produced an excellent Resource Publication titled: An Action Guide To Help You In Your Professional Development. WIRE IEA-R…..YOU HAVE A CHOICE! When you consider retiring, you have two options in order to stay active and keep current on retirement issues and benefits. The first option is to join IEA-R and become a member of a growing, active, benefit-based organization created to serve the needs of retired members in our state. As a member of an organization of over 130,000 strong, we have the resources that your dues generate for legal fees. As a member, you have access to a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy which protects your employment if you wish to substitute teach, plus pension and health insurance protection. In addition, you also receive discounts for purchasing cars, small and large appliances, travel, and more. Your second option is the Blackhawk Chapter of IRTA (NOT A PART OF IEA). IRTA is NOT affiliated with any other organization and only has 1 office in Springfield. Don’t be confused – the IEA-R is here to protect your retirement security. If you wish to join IEA–R, please contact Stewart Adams at stewart287@aol.com or call 309-7814889. Determine amounts due from Social Security (self and spouse). Notify Social Security if 62 or older to begin payments (requires 4 months notice). Sign up for Medicare. Make or update your will and your spouse’s will. Review employer paid life insurance, which may be reduced upon retirement. Calculate how much income will be needed in retirement each month. Make a list of monthly retirement cash inflow from all sources. Determine how any shortfall of monthly income will be generated from investments or savings. Discuss with accountant or financial advisor the best way to generate monthly income. Decide on the payment option for any taxdeferred annuity. Notify the company issuing the tax-deferred annuity of chosen payment options. Re-compute asset allocation investment plan for post-retirement risk tolerance and life expectancy. Change investment mix to reflect revised asset allocation. Calculate the effect of part-time work on Social Security payments. MAY EDUCATION EVENTS Better Hearing and Speech month Jewish American Heritage Month Asian Pacific American Heritage month 3 World Press Freedom Day 4-8 Teacher Appreciation Week 5 Cinco de Mayo 5 Teacher Appreciation Day 6 National School Nurse Day 9 National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day 10 Mother’s Day 18-22 Walk to School Week 25 Memorial Day RETIREMENT CHECKLIST Pick a retirement date. Notify employer in advance, in writing. Select retirement payment and survivor options from retirement plans. Plan for the conversion of medical and dental insurance. Schedule major medical and dental work to be done prior to retirement. Published by Illinois Education Association-NEA, 1530 46th Avenue, Suite 1, Moline, Illinois 61265; Sarah Bird, UniServ Director Region 17; Jeff Conrad, UniServ Director Region 18; Leslie Kahler, Field Secretary. Telephone: (309) or (800) 797-4126.
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