CORS WORKING PAPER 2015:1 CORS WORKING PAPER 2015:1 LOCATION-ALLOCATION OF PUBLIC SERVICES – CITIZEN ACCESS, TRANSPARENCY AND MEASUREMENT Anders Fredriksson April 2015 Center for Organization Studies Department of Business Administration University of São Paulo, Brazil LOCATION-ALLOCATION OF PUBLIC SERVICES – CITIZEN ACCESS, TRANSPARENCY AND MEASUREMENT1 This version: APRIL 2015 ANDERS FREDRIKSSON CORS — Center for Organization Studies, FEA-USP, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908, São Paulo CEP 05508-900, SP, Brazil CRED — Centre for Research in Economic Development, Département de Economie, Université de Namur, Rempart de la Vierge 8, Namur B5000, Belgium IIES — Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Abstract Access to public services is an important determinant of economic opportunities and well-being. We discuss how location-allocation analysis can be used to both determine, and to evaluate, the spatial allocation of public services, and discuss different distance-based performance metrics. We illustrate the method by comparing the allocation of Citizen Service Centers (Servicekontor) in Swedish counties, to a suggested (per county) optimal allocation of the same centers. We also conduct a similar analysis for Poupatempo (“Savetime”) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The analysis can be adapted and applied to other public services such as health clinics, schools and civil registries. We suggest that advances in methods, computation and data availability will make it possible and relatively straightforward to analyze allocation problems that were previously unfeasible, thus enabling increased transparency in decisions of where to allocate vital public services. 1 I thank Love Ekenberg, Wouter Gelade, Catherine Guirkinger, Thiago Paixão, Imran Rasul, Sylvia Saes and Rohini Somanathan and participants at the CRED workshop (UNamur), as well as at the CSAE/Oxford 2014 development economics workshop, for feedback on early ideas for this draft. I also thank Eric Thorén at the Swedish Tax Agency, Ilídio Machado, Cristina Onaga and Carlos Torres at Poupatempo, and the Swedish Transport Administration for road data. Any errors are the sole responsibility of the author. 1. Introduction Access to public services is an important determinant of economic opportunities and well-being. This may concern schooling, health clinics and hospitals, security, water and irrigation, but also access to the public offices responsible for civil registration, ID-cards, payments of pensions and unemployment benefits, polling places, etc. This paper looks at one specific aspect of access, i.e. the spatial allocation of public services. We suggest an easy-to-implement method for how location-allocation analysis can be used to plan such services. Importantly, the same method would be available to citizens to evaluate the degree of optimality in spatial access. We use population-, location- and distance data, largely publicly available, to illustrate our method. Using an intuitive accessibility criterion, we evaluate the access to Citizen Service Centers in Sweden. We also study the optimality of a 2008-2011 expansion of similar centers in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The method can be adapted to take into consideration other decision criteria than the ones considered in this paper, and the examples given can be generalized to other countries and public services. The first contribution of the paper is to illustrate how location-allocation analysis can be applied on a large scale to plan, and to evaluate, the spatial allocation of public services. The methods have been used by Operations researchers for at least 40 years, ranging from theory development to real world projects such as the planning of health clinics and ambulances. We argue that improvements in computing capacity and spatial data availability, together with modern solution methods, can enable a large-scale deployment of location-allocation analysis by government officials (planners) and citizens (evaluators) alike. The method can thus provide, albeit with certain restrictions in the problem size that can be studied, increased accuracy and transparency in the provision of public services. The second contribution is a spatial analysis of the location of Swedish and Brazilian Citizen Service Centers. In Sweden, Servicekontor (“Service offices”) is a recently introduced “single window” government office, physically co-locating three different authorities (Tax, Social Insurance, Pensions). By analyzing, per county, the actual and suggested optimal locations of such offices, we suggest several distance-related measures to evaluate the access to this specific public service. In the state of São Paulo, Poupatempo (“Savetime”) is a government “one stop shop” for many public services, and was introduced in 1997. We analyze the spatial optimality in the 2008-2011 expansion into the interior of the state. The Brazilian analysis is more elaborate in that it also takes into account pre-existing offices and is done for a larger geographical area and a larger number of municipalities. It is still feasible to implement, however, thus further illustrating the method suggested. Whereas the Swedish analysis compares access between counties and proposes several measures for such comparisons/access quantifications, the Brazilian analysis is kindred to a planner’s problem of expanding an existing public service into a larger geographical area. The paper studies an important aspect of public services, i.e. physical access. Corbacho and coauthors (2012A, 2012B), and Kondylis and Manacorda (2012), are recent examples of papers connecting distance to public services with socioeconomic outcomes.2 Fredriksson (2015) instead conducts an impact evaluation of the above mentioned Poupatempo, estimating the time saved when undertaking an errand at this one stop shop, rather than through traditional means, explicitly considering the opportunity cost of travel time. Location-allocation methods fit well into such economic analyses of the effects of distance on different outcomes. The paper provides no panacea for the analysis of public goods and services provision, however. First, whereas we discuss a method that can increase accuracy and transparency in decisions related to the access to public services, the paper says nothing about quality. It is well established, especially in developing countries, that the quality of public services, once accessed, is a fundamental problem. Schools closed on school day, teacher absenteeism, reduced class hours, no schoolbooks, bribes to be attended by a nurse or a doctor, or doctors attending only those that accept being referred to a private clinic, are but a few examples of such problems (see e.g. World Bank, 2004; Banerjee and Duflo, 2007; Banerjee et al., 2008). We instead focus on the spatial allocation, an important aspect of citizen access to public services. Second, there are many alternative (possibly multi-criteria) planner objectives / utility functions for the allocation of public goods and services. We discuss our underlying assumptions and some alternative such formulations in the paper. The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. In section 2, we discuss the location-allocation method, and assumptions and other considerations that enable the analysis. Section 3 applies the 2 Corbacho and coauthors (2012A, 2012B) argue that distance to a birth registry not only affects whether a child is registered or not (a pre-condition for other documents later in life), but also has an impact on schooling. Kondylis and Manacorda (2012) argue that distance to school affects education outcomes, but not child labor. method to the allocation of Citizen Service Centers in Sweden and Brazil and introduces distance-related metrics to assess the spatial optimality of public services. Section 4 discusses the results and the potential of citizen access to the methods applied. 2. Method This section discusses several aspects of Location-allocation analysis, with the aim of reaching a realistic, implementable and transparent analysis of the spatial allocation of public services. 2.1 Citizen accessed public services with predictable demand We will consider public services where demand is relatively stable and where citizens visit facilities. The analysis may apply to schools, primary health care clinics, pharmacies, civil registries, Citizen Service Centers, etc. Typical services at Poupatempo in São Paulo are issuance of identity cards (which teenagers get as they approach 18) and renewal of driver’s licenses (compulsory for drivers every five years), both of which have a highly predictable demand. Other examples of predictable demand are number of children of school age, number of unemployed requesting job search assistance or benefits, number of retirees, number of voters, etc. Although the access to ambulance, police and fire stations is similar in certain respects, stochastic demand and design for “worst case” scenarios make these services different. They are excluded from the paper. The analysis is also restricted to services provided at a level higher than the individual municipality (e.g. federal, state, county), where administrative-, cost- or other considerations make the number of offices less than the number of municipalities/population centers. Thus a spatial allocation problem. As an example, there are 290 municipalities and 103 Servicekontor in Sweden. 2.2 Objectives of the planner In Operations Research the accessibility problems to which this paper relates are classified as Coverage problems, “p-center” problems or “p-median” problems (or variants thereof). The Coverage problems aim at placing facilities such that the individual (customer, client, citizen) living furthest away is within a certain distance (or travel time), thus asking how many facilities are needed as a minimum (“Location Set Covering Model”). Alternatively, it is recognized that full coverage is too expensive. The maximum amount of individuals covered given a fixed number of units is instead sought, recognizing that those (potentially) beyond a threshold distance will not use the service (“Maximal Covering Location Problem”). In the “p-center” problem, a number p of facilities should be placed to minimize the distance for the individual living furthest away. The “p-median” class of problems instead allocates facilities such that the travel distance for the average citizen is minimized. The “center” and “median” problems correspond to different utility functions, where the former implicitly give more weight to some individuals (those far away) and the latter give individuals equal weight, irrespective of location. Both problems can be specified in the continuous two-dimensional plane, or over a network (e.g. cities and roads between cities).3 We will consider the problem of allocating a fixed number of units/facilities/centers, choosing between a number of candidate cities, in order to minimize the population-weighted travel distance.4 We thus solve a discrete p-median problem. Other objectives can be specified, and are discussed in the paper, but we consider minimization of average citizen distance a natural starting point.5 We do not consider different queue lengths and congestion at units, but it can be added to the analysis. Each potential allocation will be associated with a specific number of users of each unit, which can be used to add a queue/congestion penalty. We also assume that each individual visits a unit an equal amount of times. Note that this assumption implies that demand does not depend on distance, but it could be modified, by e.g. assuming that the service is not used beyond a certain distance threshold. As discussed in section 2.4, the assumption can also be adjusted with usage fractions that are a function of age/gender etc., depending on the service studied. 3 The papers by Marianov and Serra (2002), and Revelle and Eiselt (2005), provide overviews of the locationallocation theory development, as well as examples of private- and public sector applications. Rushton (1984) and Oppong (1996) discuss applications to developing country problems. 4 In the applications in section 3, this also implies minimizing the travel time, given the road data that is used. 5 We were inspired by information from Poupatempo, in using this problem set-up. The specification of a “pmedian” problem for the analysis of emergency services would be less appropriate. For such problems the Location Set Covering Model is instead typically used. In order to be explicit about the assumptions, these are summarized here. We consider 1) constant demand across citizens, 2) citizens visiting units, 3) fewer units than municipalities, 4) the choice between placing no unit and placing one unit in a given municipality, and 5) no queueing/congestion at units. We also assume 6) travel times/distances constant over the day/year, thus leaving out traffic congestion and seasonal variations due to rainy seasons, winter etc.6 The analysis is thus “rural” rather than “urban”, in that we think of trips between cities, rather than within cities (this is why the Stockholm County is not analyzed below). 7) Citizens of a municipality/urban agglomeration are assumed to live in the latitude/longitude point of the city center, which is also the point considered for the placement of a potential unit. This assumption is needed because a less aggregate population distribution (e.g. city districts or zip code areas) would need to be accompanied by a finer road distance grid (all distances between all population points). Also not part of the analysis is differential access to public transport for different routes. It is instead assumed that 8) all citizens travel at the same speed and on the same route between any pair of municipalities.7 Finally, it is assumed that 9) the cost of each unit is the same. A modification of this criterion could be implemented in the analysis and is discussed in section 4. 2.3 Complexity of the problem The generalized “p-center” and “p-median” problems are “NP-hard”.8 This statement effectively implies that it is currently not known if these problems can be solved in “polynomial time”, although special cases may be. The number of computations and the solution time instead increase exponentially with the problem size. In practice, for a discrete problem (choosing where to place p units in a choice between n candidate cities), there is a maximum number of units and/or candidate locations above which the problem becomes unfeasible, if seeking the optimum. 6 See Oppong (1996) for a discussion. As the location-allocation analysis is based on population density and distances, the algorithm will typically select “central” and populous locations. It is unlikely that such selected locations, in general, would be less covered by public transport than other municipalities, although exceptions may exist. Another possible argument is that we want to avoid reverse causality in the sense of unit placement being guided by considerations that lead to “spatially inferior” locations, instead of unit placement in central locations leading to those places getting better public transport. 8 Nondeterministic Polynomial Time Hard. See Kariv and Hakimi (1979), and Megiddo and Supowit (1984), for a discussion of problem complexity. 7 For some of the problems there are methods that reduce the computational complexity and still deliver the optimal results. Smith et al. (2015) report that the largest p-median problems for which exact solutions are found, using commercially available software that deploy Lagrangian relaxation techniques developed by Beasley (1985), are those of selecting 50 locations from 500 candidate cities. Many real-world applications will be smaller, as there are often legislative or administrative divisions that limit the problem size. Although these methods use heuristics (“educated guesses”) as part of the solution procedure, an iterative lower/upper bound procedure assures that the optimum is found, for small enough problems.9 Sometimes we do not know, however, how “good” the solution delivered by the heuristic is, as we do not know the optimum. Athreya and Somanathan (2007) adapt a heuristic for facility location problems to consider also pre-existing units, and apply it to analyze the spatial allocation of post offices in India. The method delivers an average distance that is, at worst, 61% larger than the minimum distance. The method we apply in this paper is exhaustive iteration of all combinations, thus always finding the optimum. Marianov and Serra (2002) stated that “complete enumeration can be used in a network with up to 50 nodes and 5 facilities in reasonable computer time” (p. 134). We instead find that, as of 2015, problems with 6000 times as many iterations (the below solved Poupatempo problem) are feasible to perform on a standard computer. One can thus solve small problems using exhaustive iteration (select 10 locations from 30 candidate cities), and use commercially available software for larger problems (select 50 locations from 500 candidates), depending on the needs. 2.4 Data The data needed for the type of analysis we conduct is population and a road distance/travel time matrix with fastest or closest distances between all population points.10 Less aggregate data gives more accuracy. 9 An example of a heuristic is: “start with an educated guess on a set of cities, then study all combinations of cities that lie in the vicinity of this initial guess, update the allocation, and repeat the procedure until no further improvement can be found”. 10 Oppong (1996) discusses earlier arguments about geospatial data limitations in developing countries. Such concerns should be much less of an issue today, although they may still be relevant in some regions. For Sweden, we use the 2010 population data from SCB (Statistics Sweden). The road distance data, from the Transport Administration, is a manually compiled 2002 (fastest) road distance database comprising 481 locations, including the main urban agglomeration for (almost all) 290 municipalities, as well as other locations.11 For São Paulo, we use the 2007 municipality population data from SEADE (the São Paulo state data entity). The analysis was done for the interior of the state, with 606 municipalities. We consider 37 of these municipalities as having been candidates for getting one of the 16 new Poupatempo units, implemented 2008-2011. We first used “as the crow flies” distances (similar results as below, not reported). We then repeated the analysis with real distance (fastest) road data from Open Street Maps (i.e. all distances between the 606 municipalities and the candidate cities + the pre-existing units). In both countries, less aggregate population data exists, geographically as well as along certain socioeconomic characteristics. One would need a more elaborate road distance matrix to take advantage of the former, whereas demand characteristics related to age and gender can be incorporated by using different weights on different subgroups of the population. One advantage of using “real” distances or travel times, instead of “as the crow flies”, is that geographical conditions other than distance are implicitly considered. That is, if a certain city is easier to reach, it will be reflected in the distances/travel times, and hence impacting the calculations undertaken.12 With population and road data, and with the restrictions discussed above, it is straightforward to solve (discrete) allocation problems of the type “choose 10 cities where to implement health care centers, from a list of 30 candidates, to minimize average citizen travel distance”. The analysis can be done with or without the consideration of pre-existing units (as is done in this paper). A modern computer can undertake four parallel such calculations in less than an hour, if using exhaustive iteration, and much faster if using methods implemented in commercial software. This opens up for implementing a “citizen portal” where such calculations can be made and visualized, which is discussed in section 4. 11 There are 2000 locations in the Swedish population data, thus averaging around seven locations per municipality. All individuals living outside the points available in the road distance matrix were assigned to a municipality’s main town (“centralort”). Marianov and Serra (2002) discuss errors introduced by such population aggregation. 12 In our specific analysis we used the distances of the fastest routes, but travel times can be used instead. 3. Analyzing Citizen Service Centers in Sweden and Brazil Swedish Servicekontor (“Service offices”) are single-window Citizen Service Centers that handle errands related to the Tax-, Social Insurance- and Pensions Agencies. The offices were implemented following a reorganization of the Tax Agency, starting in 2007, and the Social Insurance Agency has since closed down its separate offices. Offices were placed where there were previously a tax office, but new offices opened as well. The Pensions Agency has never had separate offices. Related developments are a general move towards e-government, and cost reductions from co-location. A citizen can visit any office, and personnel are trained to handle errands related to all three authorities. The area of Sweden is 450.000 km2, there are 103 Servicekontor offices and around 3.5 million yearly visits, out of a population of 9.5 million. Poupatempo (“Savetime”) in São Paulo is a government service “one stop shop” that co-locates many different state authorities. It was first established in 1997 in order to address several concerns with a malfunctioning government bureaucracy, citizens’ dependence on bureaucracy intermediaries, etc. Examples of agencies located at Poupatempo are DETRAN (the Department of Transit), IIRGD (the Institute for civic identification), SERT (the Secretary of Labor and Labor Relations), public utility companies, the consumer complaints bureau, post office, a public bank, etc. The Poupatempo offices are much bigger and encompass more errands than their Swedish “counterparts”. A São Paulo state citizen can visit any office. The area of São Paulo is 250.000 km2, with a population of 44 million and 38 million yearly Poupatempo visits (in 2015). In this paper we analyze the 2008-2011 expansion into the interior of the state, which increased the number of units from 5 to 21. A new build-out was then undertaken in 2014. We conduct two types of analysis. For Sweden, we compare allocations and citizen access to Servicekontor between counties, and calculate a suggested (per county) optimum. We discuss three different distance-based accessibility measures. For São Paulo, we analyze the spatial optimality of the 2008-2011 Poupatempo expansion, explicitly considering the pre-existing units. 3.1 Servicekontor in Sweden The analysis of the Servicekontor is presented in table 1, for all but three Swedish counties. The table listing is in north-south order, where the county code is displayed in figure 1A. Figures 1B and 1C show the population density and the location of the service centers. Columns 5-7 in table 1 list the actual allocation of the service centers and the average citizen distance. Column 7 largely reflects that northwest Sweden is scarcely populated with long travel distances to urban centers, although at least one county in the south (Kalmar, code H) shows similar characteristics. Figure 1A. Counties (red=excluded). 1B. Population density. 1C. Servicekontor. Columns 8-10 show the results of the location-allocation analysis. Taking Norrbotten as the example, we iterate all combinations of placing 6 units in 14 municipalities, thus yielding 14!/(8!×6!)=3003 possible allocations. For each iteration, the population-weighted average distance to the closest unit is calculated, and the optimum is found as the allocation with the smallest average distance. The results are quite remarkable, in that the minimum distance allocation is indeed implemented in all but three counties, and when not, only one unit differs between the allocations. In some counties, it is intuitive and straightforward where units should be placed, with the choice corresponding to the most populous municipalities. 1 County information County 2 3 4 5 6 Access to Servicekontor: Actual allocation Area # municicode km2 Population palities # offices Municipalities with offices 7 8 9 Location-allocation optimum 10 Average citizen Average citizen % distance (km) Change from actual distance (km) reduction 11 12 13 Changes to actual allocation 14 +1 -1 Average citizen distances (km) +1 -1 Total distance changes (Mkm) Norrbotten BD 97257 248609 14 6 Arvidsjaur Gällivare Haparanda Kiruna Luleå Piteå 19,2 Haparanda → Kalix 17,4 9,4 15,0 24,1 -2,10 2,42 Västerbotten AC 54672 259286 15 4 Lycksele Skellefteå Umeå Vilhelmina 14,7 no change 14,7 - 12,4 20,0 -1,20 2,72 Jämtland Z 48945 126691 8 3 Strömsund Sveg Östersund 23,3 no change 23,3 - 17,3 32,5 -1,52 2,33 Västernorrland Y 21552 242625 7 4 Härnösand Sollefteå Sundsvall Örnsköldsvik 9,8 no change 9,8 - 5,8 15,1 -1,93 2,55 Gävleborg X 18119 276508 8 6 Bollnäs Gävle Hudiksvall Ljusdal Sandviken Söderhamn 5,4 no change 5,4 - 4,2 8,8 -0,65 1,90 Dalarna W 28030 277047 14 5 Avesta Borlänge Falun Ludvika Mora 14,2 no change 14,2 - 10,8 18,3 -1,92 2,24 Uppsala län C 8192 335882 10 3 Enköping Tierp Uppsala 9,2 no change 9,2 - 5,5 14,5 -2,49 3,55 Värmland S 17517 273265 16 4 Arvika Hagfors Karlstad Kristinehamn 18,5 Hagfors → Sunne 17,7 4,3 14,6 23,2 -2,11 2,59 Västmanland U 5118 252756 10 4 Fagersta Köping Sala Västerås 5,3 no change 5,3 - 3,4 8,7 -0,97 1,72 Örebro län T 8504 280230 12 3 Karlskoga Lindesberg Örebro 11,1 no change 11,1 - 7,4 14,8 -2,07 2,11 Södermanland D 6076 270738 9 4 Eskilstuna Katrineholm Nyköping Strängnäs 7,1 no change 7,1 - 4,6 11,1 -1,35 2,14 Östergötland E 10545 429642 13 3 Linköping Motala Norrköping 9,3 no change 9,3 - 7,2 15,2 -1,82 5,09 Jönköpings län F 10438 336866 13 6 Gislaved Jönköping Nässjö Tranås Vetlanda Värnamo 7,1 no change 7,1 - 6,0 10,1 -0,78 1,99 Kronoberg G 8425 183940 8 3 Ljungby Växjö Älmhult 11,5 no change 11,5 - 8,8 15,4 -0,99 1,45 Kalmar län H 11166 233538 12 3 Kalmar Oskarshamn Västervik 20,5 no change 20,5 - 14,5 31,1 -2,80 4,93 Halland N 5427 299484 6 4 Falkenberg Halmstad Kungsbacka Varberg 4,0 no change 4,0 - 1,9 8,2 -1,27 2,51 Blekinge K 2931 153227 5 2 Karlshamn Karlskrona 11,4 no change 11,4 - 6,5 33,0 -1,49 6,62 6,0 Klippan → Åstorp 5,9 1,0 5,5 6,5 -1,23 1,19 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Skåne M 10969 1 2 1243329 33 12 Eslöv Helsingborg Hässleholm Klippan Kristianstad Landskrona Lund Malmö Simrishamn Trelleborg Ystad Ängelholm 3 4 5 6 Table 1. Actual and optimal allocations. See main text for a discussion of columns 5-14. Note that for some counties (län) the county name is equivalent to that of the main city. Whereas the optimal-actual differences in Värmland and Skåne each represents one different inland municipality allocation, it cannot be ruled out that concerns other than Swedish population density may have guided the allocation in Haparanda, at the Finland border.13 Columns 11-14 are analyzed below. One aspect of the analysis so far is that most counties are small, with few municipalities and few units, thus making the location-allocation analysis less complex than if undertaken for larger entities. It also puts limits on how optimal an allocation that can be achieved and runs the risk of placing units close to each other, on different sides of a county border. In addition, the service centers were not planned according to county divisions, and citizens can visit any center. We therefore conducted an alternative and aggregate analysis for one Swedish province, Småland, comprising the Jönköping, Kronoberg and Kalmar counties.14 Whereas the counties individually have the optimum implemented, this is not the case when considering the province as a whole, and the average citizen could be better off in terms of travel distance. The results are in table 2, and the top three allocations, all excluding the Älmhult unit and instead having an additional unit in the Kalmar County, are shown in figure 2. Access to Servicekontor: Actual allocation Location-allocation optimum # municiAverage citizen Average citizen % palities # offices Municipalities with offices distance (km) Change from actual distance (km) reduction Småland province: Gislaved Jönköping Nässjö Tranås Jönköping, Kronoberg 33 12 Vetlanda Värnamo Ljungby Växjö 12,33 Älmhult → Vimmerby 11,28 8,5 and Kalmar counties Älmhult Kalmar Oskarshamn Västervik Table 2. Location-allocation solution for the Småland province. The Småland analysis thus suggests four units in the Kalmar County and only two in Kronoberg, whereas the actual allocation has three units in each (table 1). The allocation of a unit in Vimmerby instead of Älmhult would result in an average increase in travel distance of 27 km for those that would have used the Älmhult unit, but a reduction in travel distance by 49 km for those using the Vimmerby unit. The affected population groups (as predicted by the model) are of almost equal size (numbers not shown in the table). The allocation difference therefore results 13 It also cannot be ruled out that for some counties, the results would change slightly with a finer road distance grid. The current database contains 481×481 distances, which means that most municipalities have one or two urban agglomerations for which distances to all other points are available. These points are typically the principal town (“centralort”) in the municipality, and one additional location, which sometimes corresponds to the second largest agglomeration. We assigned all municipality population living outside the locations available in the distance database to the principal town, thus slightly overweighting its importance in the location-allocation analysis. 14 The Småland “landscape” has slightly different borders than the three county-region, but differences are minor. in a substantial net gain. This is true irrespective of the fact that the Vimmerby unit would have little usage (only 3.5% of Småland users). The allocation internalizes citizens’ travel time. Figure 2. Actual Småland allocation (left). Optimal allocation (right). The top three allocations are shown, all excluding the Älmhult unit (but confirming the other 11 units), and including instead a unit in Vimmerby (top allocation, #1), Hultsfred (second best, #2) and Nybro (#3). The result is intuitive in that the “empty” area between the coast and the inland is better covered, with a unit allocated to this region for each of the top three allocations. For a constant number of units, there is a tradeoff between population and distance. If a unit placed in a densely populated county reduces the average distance by 0.5km, and by 5km if instead allocated to a sparsely populated county, the latter case contributes more to an aggregate distance reduction as long as the population ratio is less than ten. In the final four columns of table 1, the per county gains/losses when adding/removing one unit are analyzed. This analysis takes as a starting point the actual allocation in column 6. Adding means placing a new unit in the municipality that would contribute the most to reducing the average distance (with the new distance in column 11), whereas the removal would be done from the municipality that would result in the smallest increase in the average distance (column 12). To know the aggregate impacts of these changes, we must multiply with the county population, which is done in columns 13 and 14. Taking the unit addition in Norrbotten as the example, column 13 shows the product of the population (column 3) and the distance difference between columns 11 and 7, times two (for return trip), and correspondingly for the reduction in column 14. By comparing columns 13 and 14, one can identify pairs of changes that, if undertaken, would reduce the average (Swedish) citizen travel distance. There are five such pairs in the table. In order of overall reduction, it would amount to allocating an additional unit in Kalmar and removing one in Skåne (largest reduction in column 13, smallest increase in column 14), adding a unit in Uppsala and reducing in Kronoberg (second largest difference), Värmland instead of Västmanland, Norrbotten instead of Gävleborg, and Örebro instead of Jönköping.15 The analysis of distances can be summarized as follows: Column 7 reflects that in some counties, public services are far, but we cannot make immediate welfare statements based on this column. For three counties we identify a sub-optimal allocation (columns 8-10), based on the assumptions and the location-allocation analysis. The actual and optimal allocations have the same number of units, but the latter one is associated with higher citizen welfare (as measured by travel distance). An average citizen in Jämtland has almost six times the distance of that of Halland. Such uneven access is well documented, from a Swedish/European regional perspective (Dahlgren, 2008). To judge whether the allocations are fair, in terms of the objective chosen (i.e. minimizing average citizen travel distance), counties must be compared with each other. One exercise is therefore to study if there are between-county re-allocations of the (current number of) service centers that would allow for a reduction of average travel distance. This is similar to asking “how can units be optimally placed, given the current budget, in order to reduce average citizen travel distances, and what are the most significant improvements that can be made?” This question was addressed in columns 13 and 14, which, rather than column 7, constitute a ranking of counties in terms of how advantaged/disadvantaged they are with respect to the access to Servicekontor. According to this criterion, the most disadvantaged counties are Kalmar, Uppsala, Värmland, Norrbotten and Örebro, and the most advantaged Skåne, Kronoberg, Västmanland, Gävleborg and Jönköping. It is important to note that another utility function, such as that implied by solving the above discussed “Location Set Covering problem”, could lead to a different conclusion.16 15 What matters for the comparison of columns 13-14 is that the percentage of the population that uses the service centers does not differ between counties (essentially the above assumption that demand is constant across citizens). With a current usage ratio of around 40% of the population per year, columns 13-14 then represent the hypothetical total change in distance traveled over a 2.5-year period, due to the additions/reductions of units. 16 Several other caveats apply to the analysis. First, we started with the actual rather than the optimal allocation, and the addition/reduction analysis could be repeated by instead starting at the optimum. Importantly, neither of these two analyses is the same as conducting the analysis without restrictions. We would then instead ask, “what is the optimal allocation of five units in Norrbotten” and “what is the optimal allocation of seven units in Norrbotten”, which in general does not guarantee the same result as starting with the optimal or actual allocation of six units and then add/subtract one. Second, and as illustrated by the Småland analysis, the fact that counties are small with few municipalities may lead in itself to suboptimal allocations. With larger (and fewer) entities to analyze, both the location-allocation optima and the units suggested by the addition/reduction analysis may change. Third, it may be that the addition/reduction analysis merits a county not only one but two (or more) new units, and an analysis such as columns 11-14 should be undertaken also considering such possibilities. 3.2 Poupatempo in São Paulo, Brazil The location-allocation analysis of Poupatempo – i.e. selecting 16 locations out of 37 in order to minimize the average citizen travel distance for the 2008-2011 expansion - is presented in table 3 and in figure 3. Our selection of the 37 candidate cities was based on criteria, obtained from Poupatempo in 2012, that were relevant for the 2007 expansion decision. The most important criteria were municipality population and spatial dispersion, i.e. to underweight municipalities in the densely populated Bandeirantes/Anhangüera highway region (running in a north-northwest direction from the metropolitan area), to avoid concentrating Poupatempo units in this area. There are some differences with the above analysis, the most important being that we actually solve a “global” problem, without any division of the area studied. Poupatempo is a São Paulo state authority, and we analyze the entire state at the same time. We also take into account the location of the five pre-existing units, which are shown in the upper panel of figure 3.17 Whereas we did the Swedish analysis with a county accessibility comparison in mind, in São Paulo we rather analyze an expansion decision of where to place 16 new units, based on how access to Poupatempo looked in 2007. The size of the São Paulo computation problem is much bigger and the decision is more complex. There are 606 municipalities (of which we consider 37 as having been candidates to get a Poupatempo unit in the expansion). More relevant for computation times, the number of combinations is much larger than the most complex allocation problems considered above (with 37!/(21!×16!)=12.9 billion possible allocations).18 With the objective of minimizing average citizen distance, the units in São Paulo are, notwithstanding the above, somewhat too concentrated along the Bandeirantes/Anhangüera highways (see figure 3). The optimal allocation reflects a larger dispersion of units, although the reduction in average travel distance is modest (6.2%, as compared to e.g. 8.5% in the Småland analysis). It should be noted however that São Paulo has almost five times the population of Sweden, and more visits per inhabitant, i.e. the allocation choices have a larger overall impact. 17 We also considered the pre-existing units in the metropolitan area, although these are not shown in figure 3. Another difference is that the degree of urbanization is higher in São Paulo (96%) than in Sweden (88%), and there are twice as many population points per area unit, which probably makes the analysis more accurate. Fewer individuals will be assigned to urban locations that only approximate where they live. We also conducted an analysis of which municipalities are “twin cities” rather than two independent geographical units, and (in a few cases) adjusted latitude/longitude and population data accordingly. 18 Figure 3. Upper panel: Pre-existing units (blue) and new units (black) in the Poupatempo 2008-2011 expansion. Lower panel: result from the location-allocation analysis, i.e. the optimal allocation, with 11 of 16 actual units confirmed by the analysis (black), and five units suggested (green), instead of the actual, but not confirmed, units (red). The actual average travel distance is 40.21 km, the optimum 37.71 km. The table in the lower panel is a robustness analysis, in that each candidate municipality’s frequency in the top 0.5 km allocations (allocations between 37.71 and 38.2 km) is shown. This criterion selects the same allocation, with the exception of Piracicaba, that replaces Caraguatatuba, which is ranked 17 th in frequency of appearance in the top locations. The numbers on the map correspond to the ranking in the top 0.5km table. The robustness criterion is suggestive only however, as the implementation of that specific allocation (i.e. the table top 16 rather than the one allocation with smallest distance) does not guarantee an allocation close to the optimum. Access to Poupatempo: Actual 2011 allocation Location-allocation optimum # candidate Average citizen Average citizen % Change from actual locations # units New municipalities with Poupatempo distance (km) distance (km) reduction São_José_do_Rio_Preto Sorocaba Franca Marília Piracicaba Itapetininga Presidente_Prudente Araçatuba Santos Araraquara Taubaté Mogiana Ourinhos State of São Paulo 37 16 40,21 → 37,71 6,2 Piracicaba Jundiaí Botucatu Caraguatatuba Taubaté São_Carlos Pindamonhangaba São_Carlos Rio_Claro Tatuí Rio_Claro Tatuí Limeira Table 3. Location-allocation solution for the Poupatempo 2008-2011 expansion. 4. Discussion In the paper we suggest an intuitive and easy-to-implement location-allocation analysis for the planning and evaluation of spatial access to public services. We apply it to Citizen Service Centers in Sweden and Brazil. The Swedish analysis presents different distance related measures that can be used to compare counties (columns 7, 9/10 and 13/14 in table 1). These measures constitute a type of index of accessibility to public services, with the advantage that they have a very precise underlying interpretation and quantification. Indeed, “metric” is more correct, as the measure is quantitative rather than ordinal/categorical. This is different from e.g. the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index and allows for its use in regression analysis, etc. The metric can be used to not only assess the degree of misallocation but also be correlated with socioeconomic outcomes, or used to study political “manipulation” in the spatial distribution of services.19 In line with this reasoning, Banerjee et al. (2008) argue that previous studies provide no analysis of the reasons for misallocation. In addition, the analysis of columns 11-14 in table 1 constitutes a “county-based” heuristic that takes the individual county optima as a starting point, then looks for deviations that reduce the nation-wide average distance. Cotteels et al. (2012) conduct a kindred analysis of the allocation of radiotherapy centers, in Belgium, then in Flanders and Wallonia separately. Their aggregate solution differs from the disaggregate, which hints at sub-optimality in the latter.20 Both types of analysis here presented can be repeated for other countries, regional divisions and types of public services. The Brazilian location-allocation expansion analysis is “robust”, in the 19 20 I thank Rohini Somanathan for discussions regarding these points. The authors stress that the study is exploratory and based on limited information. sense that it is performed on the administrative level for which the state program Poupatempo is implemented, and thus constitutes the “global” solution. This is a desirable feature, i.e. that the analysis should, if possible, correspond to the administrative level for which allocation decisions are taken (a similar discussion appears in Rushton, 1984). In addition, we show that it is possible to obtain, using exhaustive iteration on a standard computer, the optimum for quite a large and complex allocation problem. More complex problems can be analyzed using commercially available software. In both the Swedish and Brazilian cases, we find small to moderate differences between the actual allocations and the suggested optima. Replications of the method for other services would show if this is a typical result. Notwithstanding, the analysis identifies regions which are underserved by the actual allocations, such as the Kalmar county in Sweden and the Itapetininga (southwest) region in São Paulo (“actual” here refers to the years 2011-2013). It also precisely quantifies the changes that would come about by implementing the optimum. The analysis in the paper builds on population figures, distances and assumptions about usage. It should be studied how actual usage figures can be integrated into the analysis, and such figures could also validate the predictions given by the location-allocation analysis. Many alternative planner objectives can be specified. Consider that of adding a fixed + variable cost of unit operation, where the latter would depend on usage, instead of the current assumption with a predetermined amount of units and equal cost per unit. This incorporates the government budget more realistically into the analysis, whereas we have focused on citizens’ travel (distance/time) costs, and would be a natural extension of the analysis presented. The administrative costs could then be compared to a (monetization of) citizens’ opportunity cost of time. Whereas such an inclusion of establishment and operational costs would add realism to the model, an important argument runs also in the other direction: The exclusion of citizen travel time would imply that the full social cost is not considered. A unit with little usage may still be socially beneficial, if it is the closest one in a sparsely populated (but large) area. The placement internalizes citizens’ opportunity cost of time. One source of data that is useful in such an analysis, and for which a tool was developed at Poupatempo, is to collect data on where users live. In Sweden, with unified personal numbers, such identification should also be possible. Another consideration to further investigate is the combination of efficiency and equity objectives, such as to avoid solutions where scarcely populated areas may get very long distances. A further extension is to conduct a cross-region or cross-country comparison using a uniform standard, for a certain type of service (e.g. “everybody getting an ID should have such a center within 2h travel”), and compare actual-optimal differences between regions or countries. 4.1 Citizen monitoring of public services We are not the first to evaluate the spatial optimality in access to public services. Rushton (1984) and Oddong (1996) cite several early studies from developing countries, e.g. the health sector in Honduras, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. More recently, Atheya and Somanathan (2007) studied the location of post offices in South India, Dahlgren (2008) schools in a Swedish county, and the above discussed study by Cotteels et al. (2012) assesses the spatial optimality of radiotherapy centers in Belgium. We argue, however, that the method here applied, once refined, can be applied on a large scale. There are Citizen Service Centers in many countries, and county/state comparisons can be done, similar to the above. Such calculations can be presented as an accessibility index, which can be correlated with socioeconomic outcomes, or used to study reasons for misallocation. With increased availability of road distance data (probably the main limitation for the type of “pmedian” analysis we conduct), together with computing capacity, it should become increasingly possible to provide a web-based citizen monitoring platform of public services allocation. This could involve both the presentation of indices themselves, as well as a simple (limited-options) user application (i.e. “analyze the location of health care facilities in your region”). The latitude/longitude of most public services are readily available. 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