hFp://www.fapesp.br/en/8906 hFp://www.briLshcouncil.org/ hFp://www.fapesp.br/en/ Applica'ons Invited: One Health One Welfare Early Career Researcher Workshop 9th – 13th March 2015 São Paulo State, Brazil The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at The University of Surrey and The School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of São Paulo are pleased to announce that they are jointly hosLng a workshop, 'A ”One health -‐ One welfare” approach to animal and human well-‐being in diverse urban, peri-‐urban and rural communiLes in São Paulo', which has been made possible by a grant from the Newton Fund, the BriLsh Council Researcher Links Programme and The São Paulo Research FoundaLon, FAPESP. The workshop will be jointly hosted by Prof. Alasdair Cook (Surrey) and Prof. Adroaldo José Zanella (São Paulo) and will be held in Pirassununga, São Paulo State, Brazil. All parLcipaLon costs (travel, accommodaLon, workshop costs) will be met by the sponsors. The insLtuLons will provide financial support to bring together a UK/ São Paulo State cohort of early career researchers to take part in the workshop focusing on building links for future collaboraLon and enhancing the researchers’ career opportuniLes. The Newton Fund is part of the UK’s official development assistance. Its aim is to develop science and innovaLon partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries. This will be the first iniLaLve with support from the Newton Fund in Brazil. One Health One Health is an interdisciplinary approach to safeguarding health for people, animals and the environment. This approach to disease research is increasingly important as appreciaLon grows that the interacLons between people, animals and environment are major determinants of pathogen transmission and that a holisLc understanding of the ecology of pathogens underlies effecLve control. UrbanisaLon, globalisaLon, climate change, agricultural intensificaLon and encroachment on wildlife habitat have resulted in the (re-‐)emergence of pathogens threatening biodiversity, water and food, and human/animal health. About the workshop This workshop will bring together early career researchers from the UK and Brazil who are interested in the epidemiology and impact of infecLous diseases at the human/domesLc animal/wildlife interface. The focus of the workshop will be integrated approaches to One Health research, and it will aFract early career researchers from medical, veterinary, biological, social sciences, engineering and technology disciplines, allowing the exchange of ideas, approaches, informaLon and skills. The workshop will be a combinaLon of key note speeches from experienced researchers and interacLve sessions allowing parLcipants to share knowledge and experiences and build plans for future internaLonal collaboraLve mulLdisciplinary research projects. It will be divided in to five themes – infecLous disease, disease surveillance, behavioural change, welfare and workforce. Each theme will be developed in small mulLdisciplinary groups guided by an experienced research mentor. The main purpose of the workshop is to allow parLcipants to work together to address key issues regarding One Health research. This workshop will be an excellent opportunity for parLcipants to meet experts and peers from a range of backgrounds, enabling discussion about ideas and concepts, facilitated by brain storming sessions,, social evenings and networking events. We strongly encourage applicaLons not only from disease biologists but also from other natural scienLsts, social scienLsts, anthropologists and engineers with an interest in these areas of work. Who can apply? Early career researchers are researchers awarded their PhD not more than 10 years ago, or equivalent level of experience. ApplicaLons are invited from eligible individuals based in research insLtuLons in the United Kingdom (and the final make up of the workshop will be 50% from Brazil and 50% from The UK, 40 parLcipants max). There is no restricLon on naLonality, though applicants must be based in the UK. How to apply ApplicaLons to parLcipate in the workshop are now invited, and should be submiFed electronically to Prof Alasdair Cook, University Of Surrey (alasdair.j.cook@surrey.ac.uk) by Friday 19 December 2014, 5pm UK Lme (GMT). ApplicaLons should consist of a two-‐page curriculum vitae and a one page leFer of moLvaLon, making the case for aFendance and what the applicant feels they can bring to such a gathering. Documents should be submiFed in PDF format, with all documents in one PDF package sent by email to the address above, with the phrase "One Health One Welfare ECR Workshop ApplicaLon” in the subject. ApplicaLons will be judged on the strength of CV and covering leFer; applicants will be noLfied if they are successful by Friday 16th January 2015.
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