Objective Sponsorship and Exhibiting The earthquake and tsunami at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant in Japan in March 2011 reinforced the need for comprehensive emergency response capability for highly unlikely radiological events that have the potential to harm the public, workers, or the environment. In the years following the events at Fukushima, nuclear facilities around the world have been enhanced. Fire protection has always been a major component of nuclear emergency response and reviews continue to provide insights on how these resources can best be deployed to reduce public risk. FSEP 2015 is the ideal marketing vehicle to: Many of the lessons learned from the post-Fukushima reviews will be captured in new and revised international standards (WANO, IAEA) and Canadian regulatory documents (CNSC, CSA). The 1st International Technical Meeting on Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness will provide a forum to communicate on challenges presently impacting the nuclear industry and share lessons learned from reviews, drills, and major exercises. FSEP 2015 is intended to attract international participants from all sectors of the nuclear industry around the world that maintain formal emergency response plans and those municipal, provincial, and federal agencies that would provide support during an emergency. Key Dates Abstract submission Acceptance / author notification Final presentation submission 2014 December 01 2014 December 30 2015 April 30 To learn more details about the conference and topic areas, visit www.cns-scn.ca/events/fsep-2015. If you have further questions please contact: Tracy Pearce (tracy.pearce@cnl.ca) Rudy Cronk (rcronk@plcfire.com) Launch and demonstrate new products Demonstrate your solutions to industry professionals Generate new sales leads Obtain customer feedback and conduct market research Meet your clients and prospects face-to-face Strengthen customer and supplier relations The conference organizing committee is seeking sponsors and exhibitors and is pleased to offer an excellent opportunity to: Gain more visibility: by participating in our sponsorship program and/or with a booth in the conference exhibition area at the FSEP 2015. Stand out: Your company’s name will appear on a large placard at the site of the sponsored event and will be mentioned throughout the conference and in the official Program. Meeting Organizers General Chair Industry Liaison Chair Research / Academia Liaison Chair Communications Chair Technical Program Chair (FS) Technical Program Chair (EP) Tracy Pearce (AECL) Don Trylinski (OPG) Shahina Kurien (AECL) Jeremy Whitlock (AECL) Rudy Cronk (PLC) Garry Fowles (consultant) Advisory Committee: Cheryl McCulloch (Global Safety Corp.); Grant Cherkas (OPG); Ivan Bolliger (CNSC); Jacques Plourde (Nuclear Insurance Assoc. of Canada); Vinod Chugh (AMEC NSS) Proposed Topics of Sessions and Oral Presentations Business Performance and Governance Regulatory Affairs Human Performance Technology Succession Planning Instructional Systems Development/ Training Personnel Safety Human Resources Communication Processes and Programs Nuclear Safety Event Simulation Integrating Services EME Management Oversight Visions of the Future Leadership Emerging Technologies Analytical Tools Strategies Human Factors Fire Prevention Engineering Change Control Business Continuity Risk Management OPEX Business Metrics Management of Performance Systems Codes & Standards License and Laws Organizational Design/Alignment Ethics Fukushima Fire Protection Systems Emergency Response Equipment Analysis, Evaluation and Measurement
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