Gton Världens energiproblem är möjliga att lösa -vi är mitt i ett härligt energidrama! Tomas Kåberger Professor of Industrial Energy Policy at Chalmers University of Technology visiting fellow/academy/professor at IAS TU München/IIIEE Lund Univ. / Zhejiang University Executive board chair Japan Renewable Energy Foundation CO2utsläpp i tre ledande regioner 19652014 10 000 7 500 5 000 Total North America Total Europe & Eurasia China 2 500 0 Data from BP Statistical review 2015 3 4 Olika energislags bidrag till ökningen av Increasedelproduktionen electricity production 2011-2012 in China i Kina 2013-2014 17 more cement plants biting the dust Updated: 2014-02-18 02:04 By ZHENG JINRAN in Shijiazhuang (China Daily) Hebei continues with project to cut excess capacity in polluting sectors Work began in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, on Monday on the demolition of another 17 cement factories, two months after the first batch of demolitions to improve air quality. "After the second batch of demolitions is finished in March, we can meet the target of reducing excess capacity three years ahead of schedule, reducing production capacity by 40 percent," said Wang Liang, the mayor of Shijiazhuang. Hebei has been hit by many smoggy days in February, causing serious pollution. On Monday, the air quality index exceeded 200 in the morning. 5 180 160 TWh 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 ≈ 0 ≈ −40 −20 −40 175 Fossil Hydro Nuclear Wind Solar Biomass 15 17 ≈ 15 ≈ 10 6 Data: (uncertainties fossil biomass remains) Industriell erfarenhet ger lägre kostnader In the 20th CenturyJapan was energy-poor: Scarcity of Energy Resources in Japan Prof. Clas-Otto Wene, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, 2000 Japan is very poor in natural resources, relying on imports for approximately 80% of its primary energy requirements. In particular, nearly 90% of crude oil is supplied from the Middle East. Since the oil crises of 1973 and 1979, Japan has diversified energy sources by introducing nuclear energy as well as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal. As a result, about 30% of electricity in Japan now comes from nuclear power and dependence on oil as primary energy supply has been lowered from 77% in FY1973 to 42% in FY2009. From the web-site of: 8 Status at Fukushima Daiichi March 15, 2011 Electricity generation by nuclear reactors in Japan 1965-2014 maximum 400 327 TWh, 1998 TWh Three nuclear meltdowns Three hydrogen explosions Uncertain status of spent fuel pool 4 at the time 300 200 100 Nuke crisis caused by Japan, not quake: Kan | The Japan Times Online 2012-02-20 09:42 HOME The Japan Times Printer Friendly Articles Nuke crisis caused by Japan, not quake: Kan 1965 1971 1977 1983 1989 AP 1995 2001 2007 2013 Data from BP, IEA 0 9 Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan has admitted that Japan was woefully unprepared for last year's nuclear disaster and suggested that the crippled Fukushima No. 1 plant should not have been built so close to a tsunamiprone coastline. In an exclusive interview, Kan acknowledged flaws in the authorities' handling of the crisis, including poor communication and coordination among nuclear regulators, Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s management and the government Kan was heading at the time. But he said the disaster — the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986 — laid bare a host of even bigger vulnerabilities in the nuclear power industry and its regulations, ranging from inadequate safety guidelines to crisis management, all of which he said need to be overhauled. Straight shooter: Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan is interviewed at his office in Tokyo on Friday. AP "Before 3/11, we were totally unprepared," he said. "Not only in terms of the hardware, but our system and the organization were not prepared. That was the biggest problem." 11 Sida 1 av 2 In I hotelhissen, the hotel en elevator, karta som a map berättar showing var hotellet radiation ligger i intensity förhållande along till roads evakueringar in the och neighborhood radioaktivitet längs vägarna Swedish Fukushimaolyckan After the ledde till Fukushima solcellsdrivna accident solar stråldosrat-mätare. driven radiation Denna vid meters dose-rate Stationen i are installed, like Fukushima this on by City med 300 000 Fukushima City invånare 2 1/2 år Railway station. efter olyckan. September 2013. english 100 m from railway station in Fukushima City, 6 times worse. By parking lot 1/2 km from railway station in Fukushima City, 46 times worse, and... ...just moving it a little bit, and it is off-scale! 19 Decontamination: remove surface soil and biomass to build a plastic bag mountain – But is does not get very well. 20 21 22 23 24 Government advisor Shunichi Yamashita ”If you smile, the radiation will not affect you” 25 26 Electricity generation by nuclear reactors in Japan 1965-2014 400 TWh maximum 327 TWh, 1998 300 200 100 0 1965 1971 1977 1983 1989 1995 2001 2007 2013 27 Data from BP, IEA 28 Sveriges Bioenergianvändning 1970-2014 150 • ≈1/3 av använd energi •450 PJ •50 GJ/ capita •1,6 kW/ capita 50 0 197019801990 20002010 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 1980 1990 2000 2010 % 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Riktiga procent EU-procent 0 Data: Energimyndigeheten kortsiktsprognos Global vindel-kapacitet 1980-2014 0 Förnybara drivmedel i Sverige 2000-2014 TWh 100 GW Tomas Kåberger Data från GWEC 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 30ändning%202014.pdf 120 GW 110 100 Ledande 90 länders 80 70 utveckling 60 50 av vind-el 40 1980-2014 30 20 10 0 1980 199720012005 20092013 China USA Germany Spain India Data GWEC, Experience of Onshore Wind Turbines Electricity production @ 7,5 m/s 145% 127% 100% 2002 2010 2,3 2,3 SWT 2,3 - 82 2011 SWT 2,3 DD 33 SWT 2,3 DD -113 By courtesy 2012 2A0ve 14ra ge ce of Anverage ppriri ew wind pcoewoer f 3 201 new wind po w 4 of e ce ce r pri n ge t/ h. 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