Carta Gantt, Enseñanza Media, 2015. (Hasta antes de las Vacaciones de Invierno). Sector: Idioma Extranjero Inglés Nivel: Primero Medio Profesor: Arturo Jirón Tapia / Celeste Santibáñez Ponce MARZO ABRIL MAYO Nº de la Semana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 Unidad: Get started. I must know Contenidos: 1 Verb be present simple -‐ all forms x x x Subject pronouns Question words Articles Plural nouns 2 Verb have got Possessive adjectives there is/are x x x this, that, these, those Adjectives Evaluación Coef. 1 x Unidad: Get started (about me) Routines and ability 1 Present Simple. Free-‐time activities. like / love / hate + ing. question words x x x Adverbs of frequency. Object pronouns 2 Present continuous. Possessive ‘s. Present simple v present continuous x x 3 Countable and uncountable nouns. There is / are Countable and uncountable nouns x x a / an / some / any How much? / How many? 4. Modal verbs can / could / may for ability, permission and possibility x 5. Comparative and superlative Adjectives. Evaluación Coef. 1 x Unidad: Get started. Past problems 1 Past simple. To be (three forms) Clothes Jobs Shops Electronic goods 2 Past simple (regular and irregular verbs) 3 Modal verbs to express obligation (have to / must). Modal verb Should Evaluación Coef. 2 Unidad: Future experiences 1 Present continuous for future Transport Entertainment Food 2 Future tense (will and be going to) Evaluación Coef. 1 1 4 JUNIO 1 1 1 5 6 7 JULIO 1 1 8 9 x x x x x x x x x x x x Carta Gantt, Enseñanza Media, 2015. (Hasta antes de las Vacaciones de Invierno). Sector: Idioma Extranjero Inglés. Nivel: Segundo Medio Profesores: Arturo Jirón Tapia / Celeste Santibáñez Ponce MARZO ABRIL MAYO Nº de la Semana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 Unidad: Get started. I must know Contenidos: 1 Past simple of be Past simple regular Past time expressions x x x (VocabularyPhysical appearance Personality) 2 Past simple irregular (Adventure) Modal verb could x x x was / were able to had to, didn’t have to / need to Evaluación Coef. 1 1 3 What have you done Present perfect x x x Present perfect with for / since Prepositions of place and movement Evaluación Coef. 1 1 Unidad: Stories 1 Past continuous v past simple Present perfect v past simple been and gone x x x Present simple for fixed future Events. Countries, activities 2 Present perfect with just Transport and roads. Past simple v Past continuous (when / x x x JUNIO 1 1 4 5 1 6 1 7 JULIO 1 1 8 9 while) Present perfect with yet / still Strong adjectives. It`s a strange world. 3 Consolidación Contenidos Application forms (real communication) Evaluación Coef. 2 Unidad: News 1 Modal verbs: present and past possibility Multi-‐word verbs Object pronouns 2 Feelings Paintings 3 Adverbs of degree Evaluación Coef. 1 Unidad: Real skills. Life questions 1 Tell us your secrets 2 Reading. Read tips for effective presentations. Consolidación 3 Language check Evaluación Coef. 1 x x 2 x X x x x x 1 1 x x x Carta Gantt, Enseñanza Media, 2015. (hasta antes de las Vacaciones de Invierno). Sector: English. Nivel: 3rd (plan común). Profesor: Arturo Jirón Tapia MARZO Nº de la Semana Unidad: “I must know” Contenidos: 1 *Lenguaje de uso cotidiano – formal e informal *Opiniones y preferencias. *Reported speech. 2 *Present simple v/s Present continuous *Adjectives and adverbs *Connectors *Relative pronouns, in questions and as connectors. 3 *Past simple v/s Present perfect *Second conditional 4 *Consolidación de contenidos en forma Escrita y oral. Evaluación Coef. 1 Unidad: “Advice and Support” 1 *Lectura comprensiva (Reading comprehension) 2 *Redacción (Writing) Phrasal verbs, definitions, points of view. 3 *Lectura y audio (Reading and listening) Adjectives and opposites, prefixes, appearences. 4 *Writing letters, e-mails, suggestions *Reading articles 5 *Listening: Embarrasing moments Conceptos afines, sinónimos *Reading: “The Newbury Reporter” 6 *Consolidación de contenidos. *Test your knowledge *Reading: “Seeking support” Evaluación Coef. 1 Unidad: “Two of the elements” 1 *Reading: “Earth” Opposites, definitions and points view. *Passive voice. 2 *Listening and speaking: “Water” *First conditional *Connectors of condition: if…not, unless and when. *Consolidation Evaluación coef 2 3 *Reading comprehension: “Nature water cycle” *Test your knowledge *Listening: Music 4 *Reading comprehension: “Ryan’s story” *Consolidation 5 *Vocabulary review. *Grammar review Evaluación Coef. 1 Unidad: “Professions” 1 *Modal verbs: should – had better ought to *Words and expressions related to professional conducts and jobs applications. 2 *Advertising for jobs. *Applying for a job. 3 *Reading comprehension: Preparing a CV. 4 *Listening: Dialogues and conversations. 1 2 3 ABRIL 4 5 6 7 8 MAYO 9 10 11 JUNIO 12 13 14 15 JULIO 16 17 18 19 x x x x 1 x x x x x x 1 x x 2 x x x 1 x x x x Carta Gantt, Enseñanza Media, 2015. (hasta antes de las Vacaciones de Invierno). Sector: English Nivel: 3rd S&C Profesor: Arturo Jirón Tapia MARZO Nº de la Semana 1 Unidad: “I must know” Contenidos: 1- Lenguaje de uso cotidiano: Formal e x informal. - Instrucciones simples y elaboradas. - Presente Simple: Actividades diarias, verbos, preposiciones, adverbios y conectores 2- Pasado Simple. Todas las formas. Verbos regulares e irregulares - Wh-question words - Lenguaje usado en comics, posters y afiches. 3- Reading (comprensión lectora) - Consolidación de contenidos. Evaluación Coef. 1 Unidad: “The world we live in” 1- Verbos modales: Can, May, Should, etc. - Crucigrama 2- Excusas - Verb to have - Why & because - Comics 3- Definiciones - Articles & prepositions - Reading - Consolidación de contenidos. Evaluación Coef. 1 Unidad: “The world we live in” 1- Artículos de lectura sobre música y arte. -Wh- question words. - Presentations. 2- Verbos y frases usadas en opiniones, sugerencias y recomendaciones. - Orden lógico en conversaciones y entrevistas. 3- Artículos de lectura sobre Ciencia. - Wh- question words. - Presentations 4- Desarrollo de Crucigramas Definitions - lexical ítems - Evaluación Coef. 2 Unidad: “Showtime” 1- Dramatización de diálogos 2- Dramatización de diálogos - Presentaciones 3- Verbos modales – conectores - Presentaciones 4- Compound nouns (términos compuestos) y definiciones. Evaluación Coef. 1 5- Verbo Ask - Tiempos simples y continuos e “if”. - Compound nouns 6- Inicio de actividad A – B – C Preguntas y respuestas. - Definiciones 7- Desarrollo guía de consolidación - Diálogos 2 3 ABRIL 4 5 6 7 8 MAYO 9 10 11 JUNIO 12 13 14 15 JULIO 16 17 18 19 x x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x 2 x x x x 1 x x x Carta Gantt , Enseñanza Media, 2015. (hasta antes de las Vacaciones de Invierno). Sector: ENGLISH. Nivel: 4th Profesor: Arturo Jirón Tapia MARZO Nº de la Semana Unidad: “I must know” Contenidos: 1- Going to for present and future. - Present simple v/s present continuous - Relative pronouns 2- Past simple v/s present perfect - Connectors - Subject and object pronouns 3- Modal verbs - Instructions - Consolidación de contenidos Evaluación Coef. 1 Unidad I: “People and our Beliefs” 1- Welcome lesson - Stereotypes - Vocabulary on clothing and description of people 2- Description of people - Cultural differences - Presentations 3- Urban legends - First conditional - Presentations 4- Myths and legends - Definitions Evaluación Coef. 1 5 Consolidation: - Worksheet – Project – My progress - Presentations 6 Consolidation: - Worksheet – Project – My progress - Presentations Unidad II: “The Arts and Their Influence” 1-‐ Music genres and music festivals -‐ Presentations 2- Graffiti and Street art - Compound adjectives - Presentations 3- Literature and film - Presentations Consolidation Evaluación Coef. 2 4- Social networking - Presentations 5 Consolidation: - worksheet – Project – My progress - Presentations 6 - Definitions - “My book” Summary 7- Descriptions - “Appearances” 8.- - Parts of the sentence - Grammar tenses 1 2 3 ABRIL 4 5 6 7 8 MAYO 9 10 11 JUNIO 12 13 14 15 JULIO 16 17 18 19 x x x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x x x 2 x x x x x
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