May 2015 PrayerWays Booklet - Missouri Baptist Convention

Association, will reflect the love of Christ to everyone//Summer Missions
Orientation begins today. Pray for students and supervisors as they join in
reaching the lost throughout their summer experience.
May 27: Pray that K. M., Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples,
will be safe as he boldly shares his faith//Ask God to surround Amy Purl,
Retired, European Peoples, with people who will provide friendship and
care//Lift up Brent Rice, Missouri, that he might not buckle under any
discouragement Satan might throw at him//Pray for MK Haven Spannagel, 9,
Sub-Saharan African Peoples, to be safe as she travels with her family.
May 28: Remember Jennifer Ford, European Peoples, and Jamie Ruede,
American Peoples, as they seek to make a difference in their
neighborhoods//Laveta Thompson, Retired, American Peoples, asks prayer
that she will be an encouraging helpmate, mother, and grandmother, and will
be aware of opportunities to share Christ’s love//Weston Ely, Missouri, asks
prayer for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as he prepares for summer mission
groups that will be doing outreach in their community//Ask the Father to bless
MK Joy Barbour, 16, Sub-Saharan African Peoples, as she joins her family
in ministry projects.
May 29: Pray that MK Zachary Hagen, 13, Southeast Asian Peoples, will
surround himself with other believers as he grows in his daily walk with the
Lord//Remember Anita Groner, DOM Spouse, Bethel Association, as she
seeks the Father’s will in her daily life//Lift up First Baptist, Wentzville, as
they serve in Panama May 30 to June 6.
May 30: Pray that Dorothy Simmons, Retired, Missouri, might continue to
use her expertise to affect her community for the cause of Christ//Lift up MK
Veronica J., 20, Sub-Saharan African Peoples, as she spends her college
break in South Africa with her family. Pray she will find meaningful
opportunities for ministry.
May 31: Jonathan Bundrick, Sub-Saharan African Peoples, (Lesotho),
asks that you pray that he would be committed to time in God's Word//Ben
Hess, Missouri, asks that you pray that he will submit more and more to
Jesus’ Lordship and be led by the Holy Spirit in partnering with Missouri
Baptist Churches in making disciples, multiplying churches, and transforming
communities through the gospel//Ask God to give MK Emily P., 14,
Sub-Saharan African Peoples, a year filled with lots of love and laughter.
Carol Bowers
Prayer Advocate, Missouri WMU
Laura Wells
MWMU Executive Director/Consultant
Toll-Free Prayer Lines:
IMB: 1-800-395-PRAY
NAMB: 1-800-554-PRAY
May 2015
Missouri Prayerways
“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be
pleasing in your sight.”
Psalm 19:14
May 1: Lesotho: Today, Teresa Flora is teaching a cooking class for
Highlands development workers who wish to learn to make her sweets. Pray
for the Father to soften the hearts of these men, yes men, who refuse to
accept the gospel.
May 2: Pray that Jess Thomas, Missouri, will grow daily in a closer walk
with Christ//Melinda Cobb, Retired, Illinois, asks prayer for wise use and
upkeep of the multi-purpose office building in the Chicago Metro Association
which currently houses two church plants (second generation Romanian and
second generation Hispanic) and lodging for mission teams//Ask God to bless
Mike Wilson, DOM, Pleasant Grove Association, with lots of energy for
pastoring as well as serving as a DOM//Leslie Manning, DOM Spouse,
Linn-Livingston Association asks prayer for sensitivity and wisdom as she
counsels pastors’ wives and for strength and health as she works full-time.
May 3: Ask God to bless Heather Oldham, Missouri, as she raises a young
family and supports her husband’s ministry//Pray for Diana Edwards, DOM
Spouse, Wright-Douglas-Ozark Association, as she builds relationships
with pastors’ wives.
May 4: Remember Merin Nelville, Missouri, and Derek Steinmuller,
Missouri, as they trust the Lord to multiply their efforts//Lift up MK Debra
Ross, 8, European Peoples, as she transfers to a new school in the coming
school year//Debbie Hammer, DOM Spouse, Blue River-Kansas City
Association, asks prayer for wisdom and strength for her work and
opportunities to share God with co-workers. Pray for the Restoration House of
Greater KC, that trafficked survivors who come there will experience hope in
May 5: Pray that Jennifer Mackey, Maryland, will count it all joy as she
serves her Master//MK Grace Flora, 17, Sub-Saharan African Peoples,
asks prayer as she surveys the deaf living in the mountains and develops a
strategy to reach them with the gospel.
May 6: Lesotho: Lift up J. B. & Liz Bundrick and little Eliza as they are in
Johannesburg this week at the Apprentice Conference (training and debriefing
after 2 years on the field)//Remember Crossway Baptist as they serve in
Puebla, Mexico, May 7 -12.
May 7: Pray that Paul Pope, DOM, Mineral Area Association, will have a
vision for God’s best work in his area//Laura Wells, MWMU Executive
Director, asks you to pray for her as she represents MWMU at the national
level at the upcoming WMU Missions Celebration in Columbus, Ohio on June
May 8: Lesotho: Pray for Moja, the Bundricks’ language helper, that she will
continue to grow in her relationship with the Lord//Marge Wakefield, Retired,
Southeast Asia, asks prayer for her health and for safety for family members
serving as missionaries overseas//Remember Ray Pollock, Retired, Indiana,
as he trusts the Father for all his needs.
May 9: Ask the Father to provide M. C., Northern African and Middle
Eastern Peoples, with the words that will bring life to the nationals//Pray that
Chet Daniels, Illinois, and Gwen Thomas, Missouri, will have quality time in
the Word every day.
May 10: Blake Hardcastle, Delaware, asks that you pray that many
friendships will be built among students studying English at the Univ. of
Delaware and that God would provide an intern to lead engagement with
internationals//Lift up Pat Panepinto, DOM, Meramec Association, as he
promotes mission opportunities.
May 11: Remember LaNell Barnes, Retired, Northern African and Middle
Eastern Peoples, as she seeks God’s will for daily living//Nancy LaChance,
MWMU South Central Region Consultant, asks for prayer that God would
continue to inspire her to write for Him as she prepares material for a VBS
mission trip to Oklahoma.
May 12: Pray that Sherry Bielinski, Retired, American Peoples, will always
trust the Father for her daily provision//Mark Emerson, Illinois, asks prayer
for wisdom as he organizes summer mission opportunities for Illinois Baptists,
especially in the Chicago area//Ask the Father to give Brad Walker, DOM,
Harrison Association, biblical wisdom to lead others to Christ.
May 13: Lesotho: Pray that Gap-Year missionary, Makayla Springsteen,
will have a fruitful day for the Kingdom on her birthday today//Jim Wilkins,
Retired, Sub-Saharan African Peoples, asks for prayer for Nigeria -- and
specifically for our missionary librarian at our Baptist Seminary to have peace,
comfort and solace about the atrocities committed by Boko Haran's followers//
Kristie Stoddard, Missouri, asks that you pray for wisdom for their church as
it outgrows its current facility, and they look for a new location//Remember
Cindy Cook, Retired, California, as she seeks God’s plan for her future.
May 14: Pray that Wilfred Martin, Retired, East Asian Peoples, will be able
to build relationships with those who live around him//Glenda Terrill, Retired,
European Peoples, asks that you pray that they will continue to be diligent in
their work, despite internal changes within the organization, that might greatly
affect their positions//Lift up Gene Austin, Missouri, as he grows in grace
and mercy for those within his realm of influence.
May 15: Lift up MK Evangelia Woods, 9, American Peoples, as she grows
physically, emotionally, and spiritually//Remember Rick Hedger and a team
from Hannibal LaGrange University as they do evangelism and lead in
worship during the Puebla Annual Meeting, May 19-25.
May 16: Ask God to show Jon Caudle, Retired, West Virginia, how he can
continue to serve in his newest community//Lift up MK Johnny Upchurch, 23,
European Peoples, as he begins to pastor a church in the U.S.
May 17: Pray that J. N., Sub-Saharan African Peoples, will follow the Holy
Spirit’s leading in all strategy plans//Ask the Father to surround Brent
Hockman, Journeyman, American Peoples, with caring mentors//Jonathan
House, Missouri, asks prayer for financial provision, spiritual growth, new
leaders, and opportunities to share the gospel in his church plant//Remember
Tina Petty, Missouri, as she stretches herself outside her comfort zone//Lift
up Barbara Bray, MWMU Past President, as she trusts God for all her
May 18: Don Combs, European Peoples, asks you to pray, as they return
to the mission field in Moscow next month, for God’s guidance to find a
location where people who are receptive to being involved in a Bible study
group//Remember MK Jacob McAnally, 23, Southeast Asian Peoples, as
he prepares for entrance exams into medical school.
May 19: Pray that Janice Brake, Retired, American Peoples, will always
see how God wants to continue to use her//Ask the Father to show Jamie
Parker, Missouri, how to bring glory to His name//Andy Sander, Missouri,
asks that you pray that his heart grows more like Christ's as he ministers to
students//Remember MK Jacob G., 9, American Peoples, as he allows God
to guide his steps.
May 20: Remember Martha Rees, Retired, American Peoples, as she
serves faithfully through her mission-minded church//Pray that Travis
Loewen, Missouri, will have extra energy to meet the demands of his
May 21: Ask God to give Jennifer Hagen, Southeast Asian Peoples, divine
appointments as she goes out and about//Pray that Kimberly Nunez,
Missouri, will trust God no matter what comes her way//Remember MK
Nathan S., 13, as he faces the challenges of being a teenager.
May 22: Lift up Adrain Hendricks II, Missouri, as he searches for new
opportunities of service.
May 23: Pray that MK Evelyn R., 4, South Asian Peoples, will overcome
her shyness and be able to make good friendships with South Asian girls her
May 24: Ask the Father to open new doors for Keith Utley, Missouri, to grow
the Kingdom//Remember Deanna Breeden, DOM Spouse, St. Louis
Association, and Patty Panepinto, Meramec Association, as they support
their husbands in their ministries//Lift up Antioch Baptist of
as they take their first mission trip to Puebla, Mexico, May 25 to June 1.
May 25: Pray that Don Smith, Retired, American Peoples, will be able to
share experiences that will encourage others to pray, give, and go//Lift up
Stephanie House, Missouri, as she supports her husband in his church
planting efforts//Remember MK Caelyn Wilbanks, 10, European Peoples, as
she steps outside her comfort zone to embrace the local culture.
May 26: Lesotho: Lift up summer missionaries, Olivia, Taylor, Owen, and
Marianna, as they prepare to go and serve beginning in June//Ask the Father
to give MK Samuel Huser, 4, American Peoples, the ability to become fluent
in the local language//Pray that Sherry Walker, DOM Spouse, Harrison