We use NTC-6000 Series Routers to upload content and

tkm9 Group Case Study
Changing the face of digital displays
Install immersive digital screens within
a large shopping mall to display
cohesive content.
Synchronise content across all im|display screens using im|tkm9 and NTC-6000
Series Routers to remotely control media players over 3G.
NetComm Wireless Benefits:
• Remote content management
• Remote fault detection and repair
• Real time monitoring and control
• Easy placement with no fixed line limitations
• Durability in all conditions
tkm9 Group is a full service digital agency that innovates cutting-edge technology for
market leading clients worldwide. When approached by Westfield Miranda to create
a unique shopping experience for customers, tkm9 set out to transform three large
pillars into an engaging promotional piece.
To create the illusion of a screen that seamlessly wraps around each pillar, tkm9
needed the im|display screens on each side to comminucate with each other. The
challenge was to coordinate the content remotely through tkm9’s bespoke content
management platform, im|tkm9.
James Best from tkm9 Group selected NetComm Wireless’ 3G M2M Routers
(NTC-6200 Series) to connect and manage the media players powering each
im|display screen.
“Each four sided pillar at Westfield Miranda has eight im|display screens and four
players powering it. They all needed to communicate with each other, support and
upload content remotely.” said James.
“We use NTC-6000 Series Routers to upload content and
support our devices remotely. It also allows for our content
to synchronise and seamlessly wrap around all faces of the
pillar. Using the routers, tkm9 can support and update content
through im|tkm9 remotely.”
This was achieved by connecting the media players to a switch that connects
to the NTC-6000 Series Router. The router then delivers fast and reliable data
communications and remote management capabilities over 3G.
“We use NTC-6000 Series Routers to upload content and support our devices
remotely. It also allows for our content to synchronise and seamlessly wrap around all
faces of the pillar. Using the routers, tkm9 can support and update content through
im|tkm9 remotely.”
Want to see it in action?
As 90% of the issues faced by tkm9 are software related, the remote management
capabilites of the NTC-6000 Series save time and money by allowing tkm9 to
trouble shoot issues and update software without dispatching an onsite technician to
manually resolve any issues at hand.
With easy access to 3G, displays can be installed at any location without the need for
a fixed line ADSL, cable or fibre connection.
“The NTC-6000 also eliminates installation limitations due to connectivity. Our
installations can be mobile or permanent and the client does not need to install
network infrastructure as we can supply an all-in-one solution.”
To provide clients with a point of difference and a tangible ROI, reliability is critical.
NTC-6000 Series Routers have demonstrated long-term durability. “The product
maintains itself. We have over 70 in the market now, and have not had one call back
or issue with them over the years.”
About tkm9
tkm9 Group is a global collection of specialist verticals in Creative Digital Content,
Innovative Out-of-Home, Retail Digital Signage and AV Equipment Hire.
We offer our clients an interactive connection to their consumers through immersive
technology, bespoke activations, projections and digital signage. This 360° turn-key
solution provides confidence that any project undertaken will be created, developed
and executed by in-house specialists.
Central to this innovation is our platform IM™, which effectively provides more
accurate ROI and analytics on age, gender and allows sophisticated delivery of
targeted content.
Head Office - 18-20 Orion Road, Lane Cove,
NSW 2066, Sydney, Australia ABN 85 002 490 486
E: m2msales@netcommwireless.com
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of NetComm Wireless Limited or their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Images shown may vary slightly from the actual product.