1 9 31 THE CAMBRIAN 5 -20 1 84 Thursday, July 2, 2015 An edition of THE TRIBUNE ThisWeek Sprawling sanctuary: Haven for homeless ———————————— ELLIE MAGNUSON from Coast Union went 3 for 3 and struck out three batters in two innings of an allstar game. Page 16. INSIDE THIS WEEK Agenda Arts & Events Classified ads Crossword Dates & Data Letters Sheriff’s Log Sports Weather 14 15 26-29 30 11, 13 8, 18 5 16 13 Cambria CSD ————————— One-year Cal Fire deal OK’d With chief retiring, board votes 4-1 to contract with the state agency By Kathe Tanner DIXIE WALKER has been named the first woman to lead the Cambria Lions Club, succeeding Andy Zinn. Page 3. ANGEL AVINA etched his name into Coast Union history with one of the football team’s most memorable plays. Page 9. Vol. 84, No. 36 $1.00 The Cambrian CAMBRIAN PHOTO BY STEVE PROVOST Ed Tolosko talks to Cambria Fire Chief Mark Miller (not pictured) Monday during Miller’s visit to the illegal homeless encampment in Fern Canyon, just west of Highway 1. HAZARD HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT Fire near extensive, well-hidden encampment highlights danger to the forest, issue of homelessness By Steve Provost The Cambrian Cambria residents still breathing a sigh of relief after a close-call fire June 16 in Fern Canyon, just west of Highway 1, are turning their attention to the related issues of fire danger, illegal encampments and homelessness in the forest. The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County set aside Wednesday and Thursday, MORE INSIDE: PAGE 5 The search: Officials are on the lookout for more homeless encampments in the forest. Fourth without fireworks: There’s still plenty to do. After a long and occasionally contentious debate June 25, directors of Cambria’s services district approved a one-year, $228,856 contract with Cal Fire to manage the Cambria Fire Department. Under the contract term that began July 1, the state fire agency has assumed interim management of the Cambria Community Services District’s fire department while a newly appointed ad hoc committee reviews long-term options. The decision came three months after a county grand jury report recommended some changes in fire protection services in the small coastal town where homes are scattered among a Monterey pine forest that’s experiencing dramatic die-off from drought and the advanced age of many of the conifers. The Cambria department’s fire chief/fire marshal, Mark Miller, is retiring; his last shift is expected to be July 17. The CCSD board is expected to honor him at a special meeting Tuesday, July 7, its last formal session before Miller leaves the department. July 1 and 2, to haul away material and clear the extensive illegal encampment in the canyon near where the fire started. Meanwhile, officials are working to piece together how the fire started, who started it and how similar situations can be prevented amid the lingering drought. Under the interim contract, Cal Fire/County Fire Chief Robert Lewin is now Cambria See ENCAMPMENT, Page 24 See CONTRACT, Page 4 New hierarchy 2 J u ly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u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 InBrief ———————————— Cycling event to stop in Cambria he 15th annual Arthritis T Foundation California Coast Classic Bicycle Tour has announced it is moving Day 4 of its event from San Simeon to Cambria. The route change was announced in conjunction with a $10,000 grant from the Cambria Board of Tourism. The eight-day, 525-mile ride along Highway 1 begins in San Francisco on Sept. 26 and ends in Los Angeles on Oct. 3. Riders will be in Cambria on Sept. 29. The event raises money for the Arthritis Foundation. “We are very excited to host the event and look forward to welcoming the riders to our delightful community,” said Cambria Tourism Board marketing Chair Pragna Patel. For more information on the California Coast Classic, visit www.california coastclassic.org. Cayucos Pier to reopen Labor Day The Cayucos Pier is set to reopen later this summer, two years after it was closed because of safety concerns. The county-owned pier was closed in July 2013 after officials found missing and severely deteriorated piles and cross-bracing that could have caused the pier to collapse in a powerful winter storm. Divers discovered the creosote-treated pilings had rotted from the inside. The pier’s $3.5 million renovation — paid for with county money, donations and grants — is expected to be completed by Aug. 14 with a formal opening on Labor Day. — Cambrian staff THE CAMBRIAN 3 Walker to lead Cambria Lions Coast school board OKs 2015-16 budget First woman to serve as the club’s president succeeds Andy Zinn By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian The Lions Club installation dinner June 9 was locally historic: It was the first time in the club’s 67year history that a woman was installed as president. As of the new fiscal year that star ts July 1, Dixie Walker will lead the club. Past president Andy Zinn said he will continue as a Lions Club board member after having made history another way. He believes he was the first person to serve three presidential terms in a row and was one of the youngest presidents since the club began in 1947. Other board members installed with Walker were: Jim Hollingshead, first vice president; Jim Bahringer, second vice president; Jeff LaChance, third vice president; Ramon Reza, treasurer; and David Sassaman, secretary. “They’re all younger than I am,” Walker said moved to Cambria and imwith a laugh. mediately started particiThat’s a trend that’s also pating in community activreflected in a wave of ities. younger members, five of Walker said, “I knew I whom were inducted that wanted to be part of the same night at the Centrally community, so it wouldn’t Grown dinner, with three be a difficult transition” inmore set to join soon. to retirement. She origi“It’s so exciting nally hoped to volto see all the enerunteer occasionalgy from them and ly here and there. their families,” said “But ‘a funny thing longtime Lion happened on the Greg Bates. “It was way to the forum,’” an amazing she quipped theevening, a great exatrically. perience. We had She joined the Dixie Walker an excellent time.” Lions Club in Aug. The incoming 2005. members, ages 42 to 58, The new club president “shows how times are also volunteers at the changing,” Zinn wrote in Pewter Plough Playhouse an email interview about box office, helps Nancy the Lions Club, “and how Green at Cambria Center younger members of the for the Arts, sings with the community want to join Cambria Chorale, is a and see all the good the member of Allied Arts Asclub has done.” sociation and is a lifetime Walker is a former pro- member of the Cambria duction accountant for fea- Historical Society. Walker ture films for such studios also volunteers at Piedras as Disney. She scaled back Blancas Light Station, the in 2004, “wanting to be Joslyn Recreation Center home more. I didn’t want “and almost every fundraisto work more than six er there is,” and attends months a year. I knew I’d most Cambria Community retire in 2010,” so she Services District meetings. CCHD board meets for district workshop The Cambria Community Healthcare District held its Board Workshop on June 29 at the Veterans Memorial Building. According to District Administrator Bob Sayers, all board members were present, as well as district staffers, legal counsel and workshop facilitator Bill Chiat. Chiat, dean of the California State Association of Counties Institute for Excellence in County Govern- ment, and president of the Alta Mesa Group, has considerable experience working with trustees of special districts throughout the state. His experience spans more than 35 years in local and state governments. Chiat served as county executive officer of Napa County and director of organizational effectiveness in Santa Barbara County. Several members of the public attended the CCHD meeting. Trustees met from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., discussing such topics as strengths and opportunities for CCHD, characteristics of effective boards, working together as a governing body, trust and respect in difficult times, district vision and strategic goals. No action was taken; a discussion and follow-up will take place at the board’s next meeting, 6 p.m. July 28 at Rabobank, 1070 Main St. — Kathe Tanner Fiscal plan calls for the district to be in the black $470,000; provisional trustee to be chosen Aug. 5 By Steve Provost The Cambrian Coast Unified School District trustees Tuesday night approved a budget of more than $10 million for the 2015-16 school year. The 4-0 vote came after a presentation by the district’s business manager, Annie Lachance, that detailed budgeted general fund revenues of $10.93 million and expenses of $10.46 million — putting the district some $470,000 in the black for the coming year. Salaries and benefits accounted for the lion’s share of the expenses at nearly 78 percent, with the rest going to operating services (16.9 percent) and materials and supplies (5.2 percent). She said the 2015-16 budget assumed a 2 percent increase in the tax roll. Lachance also called the board’s attention to anticipated escalating costs of maintaining district retire- ment funds over the next five years. Lachance detailed some examples of major expenditures by the district during the 2014-15 fiscal year. Among them: • $82,584 for iPods at Santa Lucia Middle School. • $34,794 for a computer lab at Cambria Grammar School. • $49,977 for the purchase of two vans. Also Thursday, the board heard a presentation from fifth-grade teacher Sarah Moore on that class’ five-day field trip to Yosemite National Park. Moore said the Cambria Grammar School class was the only one in the state to take such a field trip and that it provided the students with a rare oppor tunity: “Maybe three kids had been there before,” she said. “Most of them had never been to (Yosemite) Valley before.” In other action, the board set Aug. 5 as the date to appoint a provisional member to replace Judith Hillen, who moved out of the area, and decided to wait until that date to elect a new board clerk. For the Record ————————— Readers can contact the Artifacts Gallery regarding the Dr. Seuss exhibit at 927-2297 or trish@artifactsgallery. com. The gallery is open every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and admission to the exhibit is free. Contact information and hours of operation were incorrect in an item on Page 17 of the June 25 edition. The Cambrian is committed to making its news articles accurate and fair. It is the paper’s policy to correct errors of fact and clarify misleading statements. If you see an error, bring it to our attention by calling 927-8895 or emailing cambrian@thetribune news.com. 4 TOP STORIES THE CAMBRIAN Contract An award-winning member of the California Newspaper Publishers Association and The National Newspaper Association A McClatchy Newspaper Publisher From Page 1 Fire’s official fire chief. Cal Fire Battalion Chief Eric Shalhoob is the department head. Cal Fire’s countywide staff of a dozen battalion chiefs and many other specialists and of ficials will back them up. Lewin and Shalhoob are to meet with Miller today (Thursday, July 2) to firm up a transition plan that cov- #)*+% '*&" ! The Hometown Newspaper of the scenic North Coast of San Luis Obispo County at Cambria, CA. Published weekly by The Tribune, 2442 Main St., Cambria, California 93428. Subscription price: $45 per year in SLO County, $60 per year elsewhere in USA, in advance. Single copy price: $1.00. Advertising rates available upon request. Entered as 2nd class mail matter in Cambria, CA Post Office under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. A legal publication adjudicated Sept. 26, 1932, San Luis Obispo Superior Court File No. 10462. U.S. Postal Service identification No. 086-420. Copyright 2015, The Tribune. No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without permission of the publisher. ers immediate actions, the next 30 days, 60 days and beyond, Lewin said in a phone interview June 29. Shalhoob, 40, is a 20-year veteran in fire service who has most recently been Cal Fire’s battalion chief of training in the county. He’ll of ficially work a 72-hour shift each week, probably Tuesdays through Thursdays, but he said in a phone interview Tuesday, June 30, that he expects to be on duty longer than that, espe- $+,(% -1&& +#' &#*2'347,49 .%5 +0 8#/9 !+$*( Tom Cullinan tcullinan@fresnobee.com Circulation Didn’t get your paper? Want to subscribe? Call (800) 288-4128 Advertising Advertising Office Classified Advertising Real Estate Display Ads Retail Display Ads Obituaries Fax '968/K90. (9E4/KF) #"%'&!"($ ."422K5$ +).FK59FK451 927-8652 781-7811 927-5631 927-5631 781-7834 927-4708 Send advertising copy to: cambrianads@thetribunenews.com Jennifer Perryman, Media Specialist and Office Manager 781-7842 or 927-8652, ext. 12 jperryman@thetribunenews.com Ad deadlines* ?=%#<> @J>#; - #;:,:# !J>%; =># =! , AJ>% '74F"K5$ - H)D7)/C - '9/+. - LK(F. - *44I. Castles & Cottages: Space — Noon Thursday Castles & Cottages: Copy — 10 a.m. Friday Legal Notice: 10 a.m. Friday Cambrian Display-Space: Noon Thursday Cambrian Display-Copy: 10 a.m. Friday Obituaries: Monday noon Classified Liner Ads: Tuesday noon News Steve Provost, Managing Editor 927-8896, sprovost@thetribunenews.com Kathe Tanner, Reporter 927-4140, ktanner@thetribunenews.com "7!2 9+# 41&6+!2'24 #& 92%) News deadlines* Letters to the editor: Friday, noon Press releases/calendars: Thursday, noon *HOLIDAY DEADLINES: Any time a holiday occurs that necessitates closure of the office, all deadlines are moved back one working day. "#!% &#&% &#$$ ---$#*)+%()'")/.+.)*#&!+%,$*#& =2)5 G +9C. 9 D))I (/46 3B96 M &26 cially during the getting-acquainted period. ‘A different model’ Lewin said Shalhoob will ser ve both as head of CCSD’s fire depar tment and battalion chief over Cal Fire’s station in Cambria, working in par tnership with Battalion Chief Phill Veneris, who has been battalion chief for the Cambria area for 15 years and will now act in that role for Cayucos and Los Osos. But Cal Fire operates differently than the standalone Cambria Fire Department, Lewin said, and “it’s a dif ferent model than Cambria’s used to. You’ve always had a fire chief, who was the go-to person for ever ything. Cal Fire is a large depar tment” with many trained personnel who specialize in specific aspects of fire protection. “Eric will be in charge of the Cambria Fire Station,” Lewin explained, handling personnel issues, scheduling, interaction with district General Manager Jerr y Gruber and the board of directors, among many other tasks. “But he doesn’t have to do that alone.” Should County Fire reassign either Shalhoob or Veneris to another incident — as happened late June 29 when Shalhoob was called to the Mesa Fire in Lompoc — another battalion chief will take over, relocating quickly to somewhere on the North Coast, Shalhoob explained June 30 from Lompoc. Cal Fire has 12 battalion chiefs (a title sometimes shortened to “bat chief”), with three assigned to primary response every day, plus a 24/7 duty chief with the rank of division chief or higher. Deputy Chief Steve Reeder oversees all operations and is acting chief in Chief Lewin’s absence. Assistant Chief Eric Cleveland and Administrative Officer Bill Winter will provide ad- J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 ministrative support. Battalion Chief Laurie Donnelly serves as county fire marshal, making sure any structures and projects comply with fire and building codes. Tom McEwen, battalion chief and a Cal Fire peace officer, is in charge of fire law enforcement. Assistant Chief/Unit Forester Alan Peters — who has spent a lot of time lately in Cambria, working on heightened concerns about the Monterey pine forest and fire danger — will continue to handle forestry issues. Shalhoob “is a chief officer who leads from the front,” Lewin said. “He’ll put on breathing apparatus, do hose lays, train and hike with his crews. He’s a chief officer who will lead by example.” However, according to Miller, Lewin and district Director Amanda Rice, Cambria has for many years had those ser vices and more from Cal Fire (except the department leader services) because the entire area is considered “state responsibility area” to which Cal Fire must respond. The debate The Board of Directors’ 4-1 vote June 25 was not a popular decision with the nearly 30 people in the audience who had stuck it out for a 90-minute debate at the end of a meeting that lasted almost six hours. Six remaining audience members spoke during public comment on the issue; all of them, including former CCSD director John Angel, former fire chief Bob Putney and 40-year Cambria resident Sonja Castellanos, said they opposed the Cal Fire option. Putney, who ser ved as Cambria’s fire chief for eight years, said he had nothing against Cal Fire, but its battalion chiefs move all over the county, the department is “tasked with a lot, and they’re stretched thin … when the state starts to burn, they move ver y quickly throughout the state.” Putney offered, as a retired annuitant, to step back in as a short-term chief to give the department, the district, the board and the community enough time to really consider their options. Director Amanda Rice voted no to the Cal Fire arrangement after giving some impassioned testimony urging her peers to “take a breath,” slow down and consider other management possibilities for the town’s 138-year-old independent fire service. Miller echoed that opinion in equally emotional testimony, urging the board to “really evaluate what they have, involve the community” in the decision about “one of the top fire departments in the state.” He said General Manager Gruber never asked for his opinion on what the best choice would be. However, Gruber made it plain that — while he was informing the board about the Cal Fire management option he favored and that a March grand jury report had suggested — the issue was only before them because it’s an interim contract with an outside agency, an agreement they had to approve. In the end, Gruber said, the ultimate decision on who would manage Cambria Fire was his to make, because it was a staffing issue, and “I hope the board would never take that away from me.” Board Vice President Muril Clift, who endorsed the contract, concluded that “I’m not willing to take away the general manager’s position on this. If you don’t like what the general manager … is bringing to you, then do away with the general manager.” See CONTRACT, Page 6 COMMUNITY NEWS J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 THE CAMBRIAN 5 FIRE DANGER: Authorities ask for the public’s help in identifying campsites that increase the risk of a catastrophic blaze Search is on for more homeless camps in forest By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian Ever since a June 16 fire brought to the forefront the problem of illegal encampments tucked in the Cambria forest, officials and volunteers have been searching for and finding more of those unauthorized campsites and ramshackle living areas. But the searchers know there are more camps they haven’t yet located. Sherif f’s Cmdr. James Taylor told directors of the Cambria Community Services District June 25 that his deputies have issued notices to residents of three illegal encampments along (but out of sight of) Highway 1, telling the people therein that they have 72 hours to leave those areas on which they have no rights to camp. One of those encampments was where the June 16 fire began. It’s the extreme fire danger in the drought-ridden, 3,000-acre forest that has brought the encampment issue out of the shadows of concern about the homeless for whom there are few, if any, options on the North Coast. For now, fire prevention is trumping the homeless issue, according to authorities. “We can’t turn a blind eye to them camping in the creeks” and other areas any more, Taylor said. “We’ll try to get to all of them, get help for those who want help and anyone who doesn’t want help, we’ll move them along.” See something, say something Law enforcers and others are searching for more of the sites, Taylor said, and he’s establishing teams of deputies to survey the area. “But we need public help in identifying the locations.” Taylor and others have appealed to members of the public to watch for the illegal campsites, but they stress that people should no- It’s a long July 4 checklist in Cambria, even without fireworks By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian This is Cambria’s Fourth of July to-do list: Two live bands and a top-rated 17piece orchestra, check. Prizes and gear for hilarious kids’ competitions, check. Trays, glasses and balancing practice sessions for the hotly contested waiter-waitress relay races, check. Linn’s pies for the pie-eating competition, check. Lots of good food and cold beverages, check. Swimming in the county pool starting at 1 p.m.? Yes. Free trolley service down Main Street and Moonstone Beach Drive to Shamel Park from 10 a.m. Residents can revel in activities including a pie-eating contest, swimming, kids races, a bounce house and plenty of music to 6 p.m.? You betcha. Old Glory waving in the breeze throughout town. Absolutely. Free admission? As always. Add lots of people, which is a given, and nice weather (maybe), and it sounds like the annual holiday picnicin-the-park sponsored by American Legion Post No. 432 at 5455 Windsor Blvd. on Park Hill, west of the “Spaghetti Bowl” stoplight intersection of Highway 1, Main Street, Charing Lane and Windsor, with Moon- stone Beach Drive just off to the side. Opening ceremonies Saturday start at 11 a.m. with a Legion honor guard, Melanie Gruber singing the national anthem and comments by Legion Cmdr. David Ehlers. Fireworks? Sorry. Not this year, not with the Monterey pine forest and surrounding area being so very dry, so very prone to wildfires. See FOURTH, Page 31 tify officials about the locations, rather than trying to make contact with the campers themselves. The deputies will then serve eviction notices. However, getting the campers to leave their outdoor habitats won’t solve all the related problems, Taylor and others warned. Some of those issues include finding all other campsites that haven’t yet been identified, disposing of the mounds of trash left behind, restoring the habitat where the campsites were, and tr ying to scope out where the displaced campers might set up next. As Dylan Theobald, stew- ardship manager for Land Conser vancy of San Luis Obispo County said simply at the June 25 CCSD meeting, “if you see something, say something.” Tell law enforcers, firefighters, CCSD officials or other authorities who have the clout to do something about the situation. Terraces sides along Highway 1 years ago. He said the Caltrans rightof-way area “goes to the top of the hill.” Those terraces now are packed with dense non-native pine thickets of invasive French broom, jubata grass and trees, which shield the illegal campsites from view and create a “huge fire potential,” Persinger said. Some of the areas are pretty precipitous, the professional reforestation tree planter said. “It’s easy to slip. Some areas are so steep, I had a really hard time getting down. At a June 24 meeting of the Cambria Fire Safe Focus Group, volunteer Ken Persinger showed participants photographs of some illegal campsites he’d found on hikes along a series of terraces that Caltrans apparently cut into the hill- See SEARCH, Page 31 Sheriff’sLog ———————————— From Monday, June 22, through Sunday, June 28, there were 66 entries in the San Luis Obispo County sheriff’s log for the Cambria/San Simeon area. Reports were written on 16, including one coroner’s call and: Monday, June 22 1300 block of Tamsen Street, 10:59 a.m.: Found property. Highway 1/Cambria Drive, 6:54 p.m.: Incident report of field interview after foot patrol. 500 block of Casa Del Mar Drive, San Simeon, 9:02 p.m.: Found property. 6500 block of Moonstone Beach Drive, 4:22 p.m.: Burglary. Highway 1/San Simeon Creek Road, 10:30 p.m.: 20-year-old male arrested on misdemeanor charges of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or more. Tuesday, June 23 400 block of Warwick Street, 2:58 p.m.: Check on someone’s welfare. Thursday, June 25 6300 block of Moonstone Beach Drive, 7:37 p.m.: Found property. 2800 block of Newton Road, 6:56 p.m.: 27-yearold male arrested on misdemeanor charge of violating a court order. Friday, June 26 200 block of Monte Cristo Place, 1:01 p.m.: Vandalism. 300 block of Drake Street, 9:52 p.m.: Illegal entry. 1800 block of Main Street, 1:12 p.m.: Someone detained for suspected criminal act. Wednesday, June 24 Ardath and Leona drives, 9:41 a.m.: Grand theft. 1800 block of Londonderry Lane, 2:41 p.m.: Petty theft. Highway 1/Cambria Drive, 6:45 p.m.: Incident report of field interview after foot patrol. Sunday, June 28 2500 block of Wilcombe Road, 9:33 a.m.: Disturbing the peace. 6 COMMUNITY NEWS THE CAMBRIAN W e at h e r W at c h ————————— J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Mark Kramer More daylight during summer months, unless fog intervenes SUMMER MONTHLY, SEASONAL AVERAGES Below is a monthly summary of the next three months as well as similar statistics for the four seasons that comprise this 16-year study. Sunny, clear days July 5 August 6 September 10 Partial sunny days 22 20 15 Cloudy, no sun 4 5 4 Rain 0 0 1 High 67 67 65 Low 54 54 51 Summer Fall Winter Spring 21 45 43 38 57 26 25 40 13 9 7 9 1 12 15 4 66 62 59 64 53 44 41 48 Average 147 148 39 32 63 47 conducted at or near the ocean, where fog and low clouds are more prevalent than in all other parts of town, the temperatures and weather information reflect lower temperatures than one might expect to see across the many microclimates within Cambria. The weather year starts in July and ends in June. (Weather year 2015 began in July, 2014 and ended in June, 2015.) quarter inch. Even though locals refer to “Gray May” and “June Gloom” when discussing the weather, it is a fact that Cambria experiences 25 Summer 2015 days of some fog during the day during each of the From May 13 through months of July and August Aug. 8, the sun sets after 8 p.m. in Cambria. This late as compared with an average of 19 days during May sunset provides close to three months (88 days) for and June. July and August reflect daylight evening activities. We can expect very little Cambria’s highest average temperature at 67 degrees. rain, if any, over the summer months. Over the past September and October av17 years, Cambria has aver- erage 65 degrees. Our winter average high is 59. aged one rainy day with a There’s only a seven-degree token accumulation of a )*+!''%( "#+$& (!+ )'# *$%$,'"&& 1%/''*(.+ ",'*& 2'/%% - 3$)# !'00' (9;:/ )36+ 7 43-- #1809/ 5 63)+2 )36+ 7 43-*&& #'*"# $%&! ., '/' *#$$# ,)+ ,%-(! "".&.''' Your Journal of Local Record since 1931. Contract From Page 4 Director Jim Bahringer said “there’s a lot of fear about going with Cal Fire…” but “this is a oneyear contract to get rid of that fear … an opportunity to see what this is like, to talk to other communities that did this.” He acknowledged being “conflicted” about the decision. Lewin acknowledged lat- WEATHER QUIZ 1. How many days does the sun set in Cambria after 8 p.m.? A. 58 days B. 68 days C. 78 days D. 88 days 2. What is the average rainfall that Cambria has recorded during the summer months (July, August and September) over the past 17 years? A. 1/4 inch — 1 rainy day B. 1 inch — 3 rainy days C. 2 inches — 5 rainy days D. > 2 inches — 8 rainy days 3. Which month(s) reflects the most number of days that Cambria has fog at some point during the daylight hours?? A. May B. June C. May and June D. July and August 4. By how many degrees does the average high temperature for Cambria vary between summer and winter seasons? A. 7 degrees B. 9 degrees C. 11 degrees D. 13 degrees 5. Which summer month(s) has the highest temperature? A. July B. August C. September D. Both July and August temperature difference between the average highs in summer and winter. Weather conditions for an average week during the summer season: • 2 days per week — Clear, sunny days. • 4 days per week — Early-morning fog, followed by partial clearing and sun. • 1 day per week — No sun (cloudy and foggy all day). er that the management shift “is a very difficult and emotional time for the community and the firefighters, and we’ll do the very best we can to ease everybody’s mind.” He said that, above and beyond fighting fires, providing paramedic care and responding to accidents, the fire depar tment ser vices that townspeople rely on most often will continue. “We’ll still do the same things,” including helping Mark Kramer is a Cambria resident. His Weather Watch column appears quarterly and is special to The Cambrian. WEATHER QUIZ ANSWERS: D, A, D, A, D O ne of Cambria’s main attractions is the temperate weather we enjoy all year round. A study of Cambria’s weather pattern has been put together utilizing the past 17 years of temperature data as recorded at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Park Hill and reported weekly in the Cambrian. This data, combined with a subjective evaluation of the type of day that Cambria experiences, (sunny, partly sunny, cloudy and rainy) contributes to the following report. A clear day is defined as clear skies from early morning to sunset. A partial clear day means that the fog or clouds clear out during the day, followed by sunshine for the remainder of the day (or vice versa). Since this evaluation is out at special events and perhaps hosting a few themselves, such as Shandon firefighters do on Halloween each year. “We install smoke detectors. A cat in a tree? Then go rescue it.” Lewin said his firefighters have rescued “dogs fallen of f clif fs or into a septic tank, ducks out of a drainage system. It’s not unique to us. It’s what any fire department does. That’s what I expect.” COMMUNITY NEWS J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Tale s f rom Town THE CAMBRIAN 7 Con s u e lo Mac e do ————————— Tracing the footsteps of Cambria’s first resident: Jeremiah Johnson A mid last year’s flurry of research about Cambria’s establishment in 1866, we were reminded of one of Cambria’s earliest American settlers, other than the native population and Don Juliano Estrada. That would be Jeremiah Johnson, (but not the Robert Redford character in the Consuelo popular Macedo cooks, film), who writes and settled in stargazes on the area near Bridge Happy Hill. Street at Wall. Last year, the Native Daughters of the Golden West, El Pinal Parlor No. 163, realized a longtime dream to recognize Johnson as Cambria’s first resident, by placing a boulder with commemorative plaques where he is buried next to his wife, Elizabeth Ann, in the Community Cemetery; their aging wooden markers remain. Digging through records We began by verifying facts on ancestry.com, the U.S. Federal Census, Voters’ Registr y and www.finda grave.com: Jeremiah was born in 1826 in Ohio and died in Cambria in 1918; we found that Elizabeth was born in England in 1835 and died in Cambria in 1924; and they were married in Cambria in 1879. As we double checked records about Cambria, additional information appeared concerning the Johnsons, which is reserved for “the rest of the stor y” next month. ABOUT THE MUSEUM The Historical Museum at Burton Drive at Center Street is staffed by volunteers from 1 to 4 p.m. Friday through Sunday and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday. The Heirloom Gardens are open all day every day. For information about serving as a docent, researcher, or gardener, call 927-2891. Go to: www.cambriahistorical society.com, and facebook.com/ cambriahistoricalsociety. Many times, there was contradictory or confounding information, such as when Elizabeth inexplicably was listed as “Manuel” in the 1880 census, and her death date listed in cemetery records as 1957. During that period of histor y, both Elizabeth Johnson and Jeremiah Johnson were common names. I even found two sets of Jeremiah Johnsons, father and son by that name, but eventually clarified that our Jeremiah was born in Ohio, and his father in Maryland. California bound Thanks to Dawn Dunlap for keeping the following story alive, which was in Hazel Olmsted’s article in Marcus Waltz’s booklet celebrating Cambria’s 75th anniversary in 1946 — Chronicles of the Cambria Pioneers. The Johnson brothers were typical Americans who sought their fortune in California, first as prospectors and then stockmen, finally coming to our area in 1864 at the urging of Judge Isaac Foster of San Jose, who had a ranch in Adelaida. In the story, the younger brother (who is unnamed) settled in a lovely valley over the Santa Lucia Mountains at Dr y Bone. One day he welcomed two strangers to his cabin with typical country hospitality. After enjoying dinner, a 12-year-old boy in his employ, who was sick in an adjacent room, overheard the men threaten and attack Johnson. The boy ran 10 miles for help, and when they returned to the isolated location the next day, found him dead and the cabin a shambles — the murderers were never identified. 4 Jeremiah Johnsons Of the four Jeremiah Johnsons in the 1850 U.S. census records across the U.S., one is a 24-year-old in Louisville, El Dorado County, Calif., living with many other bachelor miners on January 18, 1850. But the Oct. 1, 1850 census records for the Johnson family in Michigan list Jeremiah 58, Margaret 53, Jere- This boulder with matching plaques for Elizabeth and Jeremiah Johnson was placed at their gravesite last year by the Native Daughters of the Golden West. PHOTO BY CONSUELO MACEDO miah, 24, Edward, 22, Jesse, 19, and three younger children. Did Jeremiah return to Michigan that year to bring his younger brother, Edward? It is perplexing to piece together the stories and the facts. Next month, we will continue this saga of one of Cambria’s most enterprising businessmen. Consuelo Macedo’s column is special to The Cambrian, and appears the first Thursday of each month. She is the Community Relations Chairwoman for the Cambria Historical Society. Send recipes and comments to Consuelo at The Cambrian, 2442 Main St., Cambria CA 93428; or email to cambrian@thetribune news.com. *$,"&## !#" )$%& (,+'$! )%!&/$%- ,#""( ' *.#-+#"( $6(4 *"422)28 769/&). %8'-3#8'- 5! 1 +40 :8--3,-8,% 4! !=88@ =L @ FAD QF(U=LJ(M() A7U@ D(@-S(MP 2=JS A7U@ ,::=@8-( @8) S@L ?((8 5M@-J=-=8U 07U@ L=8-( I..KO ES( M(-(=3() S(M I.. 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Shorter letters on local topics appear sooner. K at h e T a n n e r ————————— Santa Margarita fire a chilling wake-up call for Cambrians I f Cambria residents needed a nudge to get ready to evacuate and escape an approaching wildfire, the shock of a June 16 midtown blaze near an illegal encampment off Highway 1 was that prod. Then images from the June 20 Park Hill Fire near Santa Margarita pushed us into horrified mode. In Cambria, firefighters estimate that a gas-powered generator may have started the blaze in a bizarre encampment, which also included a solar collector, kitchen sink, windows, door and balcony! Fortunately, within less than an hour, crews doused the fire that had blackened a 30-by-30-foot area and triggered a townful of shaken residents. Near Santa Margarita, according to a final Cal Fire report on June 24, that wildfire in steep, brushy terrain raged across nearly 1,800 acres — about one-third of the area that the U.S. Census Bureau des- Kathe Tanner ignates as the 8.5-square-mile urban and writes for rural Cambria. The Cambrian. Puts things into frightening perspective, doesn’t it? Santa Margarita’s Park Hill blaze ruined residences and outbuildings, leaving behind a stinky, scorched, ruined, ash-frosted moonscape. What caused the conflagration that cost an estimated $3.5 million to fight? A vehicle-exhaust system spit out a speck of very hot carbon buildup, which ignited dry grass by the roadside. A sizzling ember smaller than a dime. That’s all it took. Now we head into the busy July 4 holiday. Because we’re in a fourth year of drought, there’ll be no annual fireworks show at the park; the drought-caused fire danger within Cambria’s so-dry Monterey pine forest is a crisis level. However, American Legion Post No. 432 will host Cambria’s festive, fun, traditional, daylong Independence Please see SLICE, Page 10 OPINION ‘A good newspaper is a community talking to itself.’ Let te r s to th e Editor ————————— Keep Cambria Fire The Cambria Community Services District’s plan to close our fire department is mind blowing and suicidal. Scientists from NASA, Columbia University and Cornell University predict that there is an 80 percent chance that California and five other states will be hit by megadroughts “so far beyond our experience that they are almost impossible to think about.” Strangely, it is the locals who claim to be environmentalists, who have defeated every effort to take survival measures. Bordered by an endless water supply, we can’t have a recycling plant. Yes, it would separate out sea salt (which we could sell at a premium) and save our lives. Millennia ago, Sahara sands covered an area of trees, rivers, animals and people. Is that our future? Two thousand years ago, Romans moved water from where it was abundant to populated areas. Every year, there is disastrous flooding in the East and Midwest of the U.S., but we are evidently incapable of moving any of it. Our fire department is crucial. Our firefighters work hard. They know the area. They are our most valuable local service. I volunteer to suggest cuts in the budget that would finance our fire department. Keep our fire department. Pamela Thompson Cambria J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Vi ew From Th e Beac h ————————— Cell towers needed In consideration of the local residents and the many out-of-town visitors in our various lodges/ hotels every week that utilize their cell phones for all communication, the community of Cambria has a need for constant and reliable wireless communication. Based on possible fire evacuation and other emergency possibilities, it now seems reasonable that the Cambria Community Services District provide oversight, guidance and solicitation of wireless phone towers developers to provide quality and balanced coverage to the total Cambria community. Land lines run on insulated wires strung on wood poles; if fires remove the towers/lines, there are no connections. Cell antenna towers and sites can be constructed to be fire resistant and backed up by self contained independent generators, which start up immediately at the loss of offsite electricity. Fire personal have stated that they will typically request temporary cell towers to be installed for the arriving fire overhead/staff/firemen/ public. But this can take many critical hours to occur; there should be local, established operating towers to support the existing populace and the emergency personnel. Good communication is an important part of fire suppression and evacuation operations. BY ART VAN RHYN In which the old-time directors sense a power shift in the Cambria Community Services District. It is also important that every installation be fire resistant and be capable of operation up to 48 hours without a resupply of fuel. Wireless tower coverage should also be considered in the context of the total community of Cambria, not just which site mobilized first to catch a highly profitable area leaving others in a permanent coverage shadow. Kermit Johansson Cambria Fire policy direction After reading recent fire department-related stories by Kathe Tanner in The Cambrian, I decided to put in my two cents. As a Cambria CERT member and former volunteer firefighter, these subjects are dear to my heart. Our community needs to understand the issues relating to future fire and emergency services, and I propose that we convene a series of meetings so that the Cambria community may have input and give direction to our Cambria Community Services District board and general manager. See LETTERS, Page 18 Letters: Email letters to cambrian@thetribunenews.com OPINION J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Pac i ng th roug h th e Pi n e s ————————— THE CAMBRIAN 9 John FitzRandolph An Angel answered Coast Union football fans’ prayers I t was easily the most thrilling and fortuitous interception of an opponent’s forward pass in the seven years KTEA-FM has provided play-by-play broadcasts of Coast Union High School football, and to some watching and listening that Saturday afternoon at Dunn School in 2013, it seemed a gift from heaven. How appropriate that the gift was delivered by a young man named Angel Avina, who will have a prominent part in this column a bit later. Let’s first go back to Oct. 5, 2013, when perhaps the best Bronco football "&'( %!# team in a generation was on the road at the private Dunn School in the Santa Ynez John Valley to FitzRandolph face the Ear- of Cambria is a wigs. Coast freelance Union needwriter who ed a win in covers sports the worst for The way, Cambrian. because of the dramatic turn of fortunes that occurred the week before at home — and because of the game’s playoff implications. The Broncos had lost a heartbreaking home game to Laguna Blanca 50-48 on Sept. 27, the team’s first setback. In the waning moments of that game, senior quarterback Avina, who gained 228 yards rushing and scored three touchdowns, was a few yards from scoring his fourth TD when the football was stripped from his hands. Later, on his way to another, potentially game-saving score, the football was again stripped from Angel. Those two fumbles contributed significantly to the Broncos’ loss. The next week at Dunn School, Coast was leading 39-34, but the clock was running down and the Ear- "$$&!#% $& ""#! +-%, "*/' ().*&#!$ )))%." $;2.6 /,3; 6,," 12:4!: 7, (%0$;2% (!.7!; 9,; 74! *;7:) +58- '%2. &7)# (%0$;2% wigs were just a few yards from scoring the winning touchdown. Avina, who gained 100 yards rushing, scored two touchdowns and passed for 172 yards, was in his strong safety position on defense when Dunn’s quarterback went back to pass. “They had one receiver out, and we had one cornerback guarding him,” he said. “I kept my eyes on the quarterback, who did play action (faking to a running back), then a pump-fake pass to another receiver. “That’s when I knew he would pass to the first receiver. That’s our play. That’s our bread-and-butter play. As soon as I saw the pump fake, I took off in the direction of the first receiver. The quarterback knew he had our cornerback beat, but I saw the ball in the air. “He could have put that pass in front of the receiver, and they would have scored. But I got under it, came up with the interception, and that was the most exciting play I’ve ever made.” After that turnover, the Broncos let the clock run out and sealed the victory. Having accepted responsibly for that devastating loss the previous week, Avina was suddenly the deserving See PACING, Next Page PHOTO BY JOHN FITZRANDOLPH 2014 Coast Union grad Angel Avina works three jobs to support his mom. 10 THE CAMBRIAN Pacing Angel Avina rushed for 1,259 yards and scored 18 touchdowns in 2014. Here he picks up yardage Sept. 20 against Fresno Christian. From Previous Page redeemer. I was broadcasting the game with my partner, Steve Spisak, on the bed of his Ford pickup truck (there were no bleachers or other facilities at Dunn), and after Angel’s remarkable interception, we abstained from any thought of dignity. We screamed, we yelled, we rocked the Ford pickup, and right now I can see Avina going up in the air to bring down that interception — and save the game — as though it happened an hour ago. In an interview conducted this past week, on a windy day at Shamel Park — a year after his graduation — Avina said his sports involvement at Coast “definitely shaped me as a leader.” OPINION PHOTO BY MERLE BASSETT “When I was in middle school, I’m wasn’t learning leadership yet. I didn’t really understand at that time that I could help these kids. I was thinking about myself and what I could do to make an impact, but only from an individual standpoint. When I got to high school, I realized it was a team game.” Avina was the varsity basketball team’s MVP his senior year and remembers his *""(%"&$% )(%&$#!' (+1), ,)29 &2--:9" /:4 *5:9375 *%9: 630: ,)2 % 0%$%43)+ 89)7)-: )8 ,)29 !%3/, $5)9:7; '29 :.<:93:+$:! *%9:630:97 $%+# 0 647# /4!# %" &%9! 2#54;#. (8$!:1>' /5#41:1>) 0 *% &%9! >!%/#!& =<%$$:1> 41. 3#45 $!#$4!4;:%1) 0 647# &%9 ;% &%9! .%/;%!+= 4$$%:1;3#1;=, !91 #!!41.= :1 -432!:4, 41. 4!%91. ;<# -%91;&) !( %3&0 )& 1$1' %(( .3'-1 (' %(( &,3../ "3.. %(23# 3*2 ,1*%)(* %+)& 32 %( "!#( %)$ &' #+%) 0)'& (-*,+/2 !")2.($(-. '2)$(!21 ,&)"%/& ,*") (+'$#-.$!+'! style of leadership included “not necessarily calling out players’ mistakes but telling them, ‘Here’s what you can do better,’ and pinpointing positions they could take on the court that would help the team.” Today, the subject of “help” is still paramount in Angel’s life. While many of his peer group and teammates are in college, Angel is working three jobs in or- der to help his mother, who isn’t able to work because of a disability. “I do as much as I can to help out,” he said, noting that two older brothers also contribute to the household. After graduation, Avina attended Cuesta College for a semester, but he wasn’t ready to commit his full energy to education. “I’ve done construction, landscaping work, other odd jobs,” he explained while the wind whipped over the tall shrubs protecting the picnic area from the ocean. Currently, he works two restaurant jobs in Cambria and one in San Simeon, busing tables and serving food and drink to customers. His immediate personal goal is to save money and travel in Europe. “All the culture, all the history” in Europe beckons him. “My parents came from Mexico, and they haven’t seen the world outside of the continental United States. It’s my goal to see Europe.” Charlie Casale, head coach for that 11-2 football team, was asked to contribute to this column. Casale said that besides Avina’s “diving interception in the fourth quarter (that) sealed the victory” at Dunn School, he “was an outstanding field leader … and had a great year at strong safety on defense.” “He was our most valuable player on a team of outstanding players,” Casale explained. In fact, he gained 2,066 yards through the air (26 TDs) and 1,259 on the ground (18 TDs) in 2013. The fact that the Broncos were blown out in the CIF Division 7 championship game is just a foggy, faraway memory, but Avina’s remarkable play that sultry October afternoon — and his talent and grace as a player and person — will be part of Coast Union lore for a long time to come. J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Slice From Page 8 Day family picnic at Shamel Park, with games and races, food and live bands, plus dancing into the night to the music of a 17-piece orchestra. No fireworks? The finale could be spectacular anyway, if the sunset is anything like the one we had on June 27. Who needs fireworks when Mother Nature provides a Technicolor backdrop? We’re counting on every resident and visitor to obey the laws that forbid lighting even a sparkler here. No fireworks. Period. Another motivation? A fine of up to $2,000 awaits those who don’t follow the no-fireworks rules. We beg you to respect our hometown, its emergency conditions and its regulations and restrictions. Please be extra careful with barbecues, fire pits, cigarette butts … anything that could spark a blaze. Be prepared Just in case, every official wants us to prepare now for a catastrophic event, so we’ll know what to do if a fire should head our way (www.readyfor wildfire.org). Pack that emergency survival kit or “to go” bag now, they say, and have a list nearby of other items that can’t be packed in advance. Sign up for Reverse 911 and Nixel (www.slo sheriff.org), which will notify us of an emergency via landline or cell phone, telling us if we need to evacuate. What then? We think we know where to go and how to get there in an emergency, but do we? What if our “usual” route is blocked? We think we know what to do, but do we? A few Cambrians participated in an impromptu fire drill recently, and some of them discovered that they did not. The Tanners have survived fire before: A 1994 blaze destroyed our home. We remember now what we didn’t have ready then, so I know well where our medicines and essential papers are (think insurance policy, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, deeds, videos/photos of our belongings, etc.), plus the medical equipment on which Husband Richard has relied since his stroke. Before we evacuate, we hope we’d have time to grab our cameras, eyeglasses, car keys, computers, jewelry and niceties such as underwear, pajamas, a few changes of clothes, favorite pillows … oh, my goodness! Sudden thought! We haven’t traveled since Husband Richard’s stroke, and we’re not yet sure how well he’ll do away from home. Maybe we should do a fire drill for that, too: Make a sudden decision to go away for a night or two. No advance planning or prepacking. Just decide, take the essentials and go. I’ll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, please plan your own “Ready, Set, Go” routine now, then enjoy the Fourth of July holiday — but no fireworks, we implore you. Help keep us all safe. Please. Kathe Tanner is a reporter for The Cambrian and The Tribune. Her "Slice of Life" column appears biweekly. Email her at ktanner@thetribune news.com and follow her on Twitter @cambria reporter. DATES & DATA J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 11 THE CAMBRIAN Cambria+Events ———————————— THISWEEK THURSDAY Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Hike the Coon Creek Loop. 9:30 a.m. Hike on the Rattlesnake Flat and Coon Creek trails. Meet at the end of the Pecho Road in the Coon Creek parking lot, Montaña de Oro State Park. 3 miles, 2-3 hours. Story time for preschoolers. 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. Thursdays. Ages up to 6 welcome. Cambria Library, 1043 Main St. 927-4336. FRIDAY Art in the Park. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 3 to 5. Vendors selling art works, jewelry and handmade crafts. Proceeds benefits student scholarships. Morro Bay City Park, Morro Bay Boulevard. 772-2504. Cambria Farmers Market. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sponsored by Cambria Lions Club. Veterans Memorial Building parking lot, 1000 Main St. Cambria. 924-1260. SATURDAY Fourth of July Celebrations around San Luis Obispo County on Friday: • Arroyo Grande. 1 p.m. Village Band concert, hot dogs, lemonade and ice cream. Rotary Bandstand, Heritage Square Park. Refreshments for sale. 473-2250. • Atascadero. 7 a.m. 5K, 10K and one-mile runs, games, free zoo visits, food and live music. Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero. 466-2044. • Avila Beach. 8 a.m. Pancake breakfast fundraiser followed by Doggie Parade. Avila Beach Community Center, 191 San Miguel St., Avila Beach. $2.50 to $5 breakfast. 627-1997. • Cambria. 11 a.m. Live music, food, prizes, dancing and more. Shamel Park, 5455 Windsor Boulevard. 927-3624. • Cayucos. 5 a.m. Sandsculpture contest, parade, barbecue, bingo, followed by fireworks at the pier at 9 p.m. Downtown. 995-1200. • Morro Bay. 10 a.m. Skateboard race, bike parade, food, drink, music, family games and children’s activities. Tidelands Park, south end of Embarcadero. 225-1633. • Pismo Beach. 10 a.m. Live music, food, crafts, artwork, family activities, followed by fireworks show at 9 p.m. Pismo beach pier. 773-4382. • Templeton. 7 a.m. Pancake breakfast, parade, food, games, entertainment and music. Food and beverages available. Community Park, 550 Crocker St. 434-1789. Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Discovery Saturday: San Simeon Pier Safari. 11 a.m. Explore marine life in San Simeon Cove. Look for marine birds and mammals; fish for plankton off the pier and learn the important role they play in the San Simeon Cove food web. Learn about how these marine animals have influenced the history of San Simeon Cove. Children must be accompanied by an adult. $2 donation per person. Reservation, 927-6575. • The Sea Otter Experience. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 4 and 5. Ask questions and listen to docents talk about these sea mammals. Many items on display to view and touch. Spotting scopes and binoculars available for viewing the raft of otters close up. The sea otter trailer is at the harbor entrance, near the base of Morro Rock, across from the south parking lot restrooms on Coleman Drive in Morro Bay. SUNDAY Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Great Blue Herons, Egrets and Other Rookery Wonders. 11 a.m. A short talk about great blue herons, great and snowy egrets, black-crowned night herons and other residents at the rookery in Morro Bay State Park. Learn about courtship rituals, nesting habits and, in spring, see adults caring for their young. Meet in the learning center at Morro Bay Museum of Natural History. 0.25 mile, 1.5 hours. Jazz Concert Series. 3 and 7 p.m. Guitarist Bruce Forman joined by bassist Darek Oles. Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St., Cambria. $20 to $30. 800-838-3006. MONDAY Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Salt Marsh to Mudflats. 1 p.m. Please see EVENTS, Page 17 &#/* !+,,()-20, "+' 1 ".$,('%+, )%$$&! 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I, for one, feel vulnerable, far more vulnerable than imagining someone sneaking a few more greens. up behind me with Walk an extra mile. a kitchen knife. Thank my lucky The inevitable stars. from which we There are those constantly hide by people with particutucking and dying Dianne Brooke lar gifts — a twinkle of Cambria has in their eye, a beautiand artificially served on the arousing is a ful voice, a loving greater force than Coast Unified heart — who make any earthquake or School District us realize how lucky tornado. I am bare board. Her we were indeed to of arms to fight have someone like column the ultimate call. appears weekly that in our lives. It We all are. makes us realize that in The When we lose even though we may Cambrian. someone particuhave expressed gratilarly dear to so many for so tude toward these souls, long, perhaps we think of we could never really know this fact more seriously. I the depth of that emotion do, anyway. Obviously. until they were gone. FunHave one less cocktail. Eat ny how life works that way. Or death. “Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death.” — Wernher von Braun Yes, I cling to lines such as this like a stout floaty device in the ocean waves. Our friend, Sheri Odenwald, has only left the earthly bonds of flesh and, as many Facebook comments have expressed, “is singing with angels.” And isn’t it funny how a particu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heri Odenwald doing one of the things she did best: sharing the love. When not hugging — as here with Kristin Barnhart at a women’s retreat last year — she was singing. lar song, a sound, a scent, will put those people right back at your side? That happens with my mom all the time. I mean, she has joined me many a mile in this life after the days when I could still hold her hand. Sometimes she helps me by being places she couldn’t possibly have been were she alive. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss her dearly. SHERI ODENWALD Cheryl Jean Odenwald, 70, of Cambria died Wednesday, June 24. Arrangements are under the direction of Reis Family Mortuary of San Luis Obispo. for doing that. So, whatever person who is near and dear to you, whether still here or gone, recently or for some time, the most important “Energy cannot be created lifestyle change you can or destroyed, it can only be make, I believe, is to love changed from one form to more, give more, want less, another.” enjoy it while you can. ? Albert Einstein Oh, and sing more. “It’s alright, Ma, I’m only We are all energy. Love sighing. …” is energy. Sheri was love. Is love. Will always be love, Dianne Brooke’s column just like others who have is special to The Cambrian. gone on to rake the stumEmail her at ltd@ladytiedi bling stones off the next .com, or visit her website at playing field. Thank you www.ladytiedi.com. !)'&+* &% ,$ #"( 9!(/ -#"1* *'& 4(-)01 203)+# 3 #3/,-$# (. -$)'5 (/'& )0' .!"" &3)'% #4$''4&$$4*#&$ )' 8736!2(,%2(0+).+: 04;:8,2'&/:8,# +#(( 8125#(( %1 .);:8,# +#(( 8125#(( %1 -6/79 4; ".)3$7&/3*! %( 0!,)20,-+0""* +/0'$( *)!' +'(1-, +0'1 )' +/(+#-.$ 0++)!.,& DATES & DATA J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 PLACES TO GO Cambria Historical Museum. Local and regional history in the former Guthrie-Bianchini House, a home dated from 1870. Rotating exhibits and displays. Bookstore with gifts and mementos, nursery with heirloom plants. Corner of Burton Drive and Center Street. 1 to 4 p.m. Friday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday. Free admission, but donations welcome. Museum and gardens available for small parties, meetings and other events. 927-2891, www.cambriahistoricalsociety.com. Hearst Castle. Daytime tours, daily, $25 adults, $12 children (5-12 years old). Castle is accessed via bus on tours. Three distinct guided tours are offered throughout the day. Each one explores a different part of the estate. Visitors can enjoy historic works of art, lavish grounds and lush gardens. Visitor center provides showings of the movie “Hearst Castle — Building the Dream.” 800444-4445, www.hearstcastle.com. Piedras Blancas Light Station Tours. Sept. 1 to June 14: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. June 15 to Aug. 31: Mondays through Saturdays. Meet at 9:45 a.m. at the former Piedras Blancas Motel, 1.5 miles north of the lighthouse. $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6-17, no fee for 5 and younger. Call 927-7361 to make arrangements for groups of 10 or more; no tours on federal holidays. 927-7361. Artist paintout days. Second Wednesdays. $10. To make arrangements, call 927-8574. SENIORS Senior Nutrition Program lunch, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road. $2.75. 927-1268. Free transportation around Cambria for seniors and the disabled on the Cambria Community Bus on weekdays. Weekly trips to Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo; monthly trips to Paso Robles, Templeton and Atascadero. Call 927-4173 from 9 to 11 a.m. two days before the day a ride is needed. Free health screening is offered monthly by the Community Action Partnership to anyone 18 years old and older, including monitoring blood pressure, pulse and weight and a finger-prick blood test for anemia, diabetes and high cholesterol. No appointment necessary. 9:30 a.m. to noon the second Monday of each month at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria. RECREATION AND EDUCATION Belly dancing. A soft aerobics workout for the abdomen and BulletinBoard ———————————— spine. Classes are offered two Fridays a month from 5 to 6:15 p.m. at the Joslyn Center, 950 Main St. Free to members. 785-0476. The Cambria Couples’ Dance Club meets from 6 to 9 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. Live band, potluck dinner, dancing and fellowship. 927-0655, 927-0527. Cambria Lawn Bowls Club meets at 9 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Free lessons are offered for all ages. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 924-1696, 559-281-6633, or email stefanoni@aol.com. The Cambria Tennis Club hosts drop-in tennis for members, Cambria residents and visitors from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays at the high school, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road. 927-0799. The Cambria Walking Bunch meets at 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays at Shamel Park. darlenencambria @gmail.com. Upcoming walks: July 8, Estero Bluffs; July 15, Lone Palm Drive Bluff; July 22, Harmony 1 Hi1 65 64 67 70 68 68 68 Lo1 Rain1 55 0.0 54 0.0 57 0.0 52 0.0 54 0.0 59 0.0 60 0.0 Hi2 Lo2 Rain2 68 47 0.0 65 47 0.0 79 49 0.0 66 53 0.01 67 50 0.0 68 54 0.0 70 55 0.0 ————————— Observations Not much morning fog, mostly nice day, strong winds. Early sunshine, stiff breezes. Fog’s back. Sun’s out. Fog’s back. Fog’s thicker. Partly sunny. Overcast early. Partly sunny, streaky clouds. Nice sunset. High clouds segued to mostly blue skies, brisk breezes. Sunny, warmer. Full moon in clear sky. CCSD Water Quality Control Plant, 5500 Heath Lane. 2 Gleason Street, on Lodge Hill near Highway 1 June rainfall: 0.00”1, 0.01”2. 2015-16 rain season to date: 0.00”1, 0.01”2 Weather Service forecast (as of Tuesday): Thursday: Partly cloudy. Highs from the low to mid-60s at the beaches; 80s to around 90 inland. West afternoon winds around 15 mph. Thursday night through Saturday: Areas of night, morning low clouds and fog. Otherwise partly cloudy. Lows in the mid-50s to mid-60s. Highs from the upper 50s to mid-60s at the beaches; mid-70s to mid-80s inland. Saturday night through Sunday night: Areas of night, morning low clouds and fog. Otherwise partly cloudy. Lows in the 50s. Highs from the upper 50s to mid-60s at the beaches, mid-70s to low 80s inland. Monday: Areas of morning low clouds, fog, then sunny. Highs from the upper 50s to mid-60s at the beaches; mid-70s to mid-80s inland. Updated forecast: www.thecambrian.com. CCSD’s San Simeon Creek wells averaged 16.59’ on June 15, down 0.49’ from 17.08’ on June 1 CCSD’s Santa Rosa Creek SR4 well measured 50.68’ on June 15, down 0.90’ from 51.58’ on June 1 CCSD’s WBE monitoring well measured 4.09’ on June 15, down 0.20’ from 4.29’ on June 1 Headlands; July 29, Elephant Seal North walk; Aug. 5, San Simeon Creek Road. Cambria Writers’ Workshop meets from 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesdays at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St. Anyone serious about writing and publishing can come and bring original unpublished works. No charge. Guests are welcome. Call Ivon at 927-8172 for details. Dance Fitness. Dance for fitness. 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays, 5 to 6 p.m. Thursdays. Admission: free for gym members, $10 for drop-ins. Gym One, 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101. 927-4961, www.gymonecambria.com. Drop-in Tennis. All skill and age levels welcome. 9 to 11 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays at Coast Union High School, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road. Sponsored by the Cambria Tennis Club. GymOne, 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101. 927-4961. www.gymonecambria.com. Activities include: • Tabata. High-intensity interval training. 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gentle introduction to indoor cycling. Participants can build muscle and cardio endurance. Admission: free for gym members, $10 for drop-ins. • Active Aging — older adult exercise: Senior Sneakers, 11 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; 1:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Joslyn Recreation Center, home to more than a dozen clubs. All club members must be Joslyn Recreation Center members ($35 annual membership fee). 927-3364, http://joslynrec.org, 950 Main St. Labyrinth and Meditation Garden. Daylight hours daily. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; lower level, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria. Free. 927-3239, www.stpauls cambria.org. Mahjong. 1 to 4 p.m. Mondays at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. $1 donation to the center and a $3 purse buyin. Visitors welcome. Sharon, 927-5155. Mind-body movement class using elements of martial, dance and healing arts. 5 to 6 p.m. Fridays. All ages. Instructor: Calico Hauser. $8. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 927-5405. Pickleball. The club welcomes drop-in play for all. 8 a.m. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Tides W e at h e r — W e l l s Date June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29 THE CAMBRIAN ————————— Date July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 Low tide Height High tide Height Moonrise/set 5:23 a.m. -1.0 12:01 p.m. 4.0 8:55 p.m. 4:38 p.m. 2.2 10:49 p.m. 6.2 6:40 a.m. 6:04 a.m. -1.1 12:44 p.m. 4.2 9:43 p.m. 5:29 p.m. 2.2 11:34 p.m. 6.0 7:43 a.m. 6:45 a.m. -0.1 1:29 p.m. 4.4 10:27 p.m. 6:26 p.m. 2.2 ------------------8:50 a.m. 7:29 a.m. -0.7 12:23 a.m. 5.6 11:08 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2.2 2:16 p.m. 4.6 9:57 a.m. 8:14 a.m. -0.3 1:18 a.m. 5.1 11:47 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 2.1 3:05 p.m. 4.8 11:03 a.m. 9:02 a.m. 0.2 2:21 a.m. 4.6 ------------10:08 p.m. 1.8 3:57 p.m. 5.0 12:09 p.m. 9:54 a.m. 0.7 3:38 a.m. 4.0 12:25 a.m. 11:31 p.m. 1.4 4:50 p.m. 5.2 1:15 p.m. 10:50 a.m. 1.2 5:09 p.m. 3.6 1:04 a.m. ------------------5:44 p.m. 5.5 2:20 p.m. Sunrise: 5:53/5:56 a.m. Sunset: 8:24/8:23 p.m. Full moon: 6:22 p.m. July 1 13 on the back two tennis courts at Coast Union High School, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road. Enter through side gate by baseball diamond, not through front tennis courts. 909-9000. Shorin-ryu karate. Children, 8 to 14 years old, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.; adults, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. $25 a month. 927-5856. Stretch and tone: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. Cost: $8 a class or $48 monthly. First class is free. 9274550 or 927-1055. Watercolor “Yes You Can” classes, 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays. “Art Is Fun” classes, 2 to 5 p.m. Thursdays, free shuttle to the Morro Bay bus. Admission: $15 per session. Jacque Brackett, 927-5965. Yoga with Joanna: Call 927-YOGA (9642) for schedule. Yoga with Patti. Yoga Flo at 4:30 p.m. Mondays, Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St. 927-1661. Submit items at least a week in advance to cambrian@the tribunenews.com; 2442 Main St.; mail to PO Box 67, Cambria CA 93428; or fax to 927-4708. Haiku ————————— The gift of no clouds: But when they return, what then? Be what you received. — Steve Brody Send haikus to sprovost@thetribunenews.com. Gas Prices ————————— Gallon of regular gas (June 30): Cambria Chevron $4.29 Diesel $3.99 Cambria General Store $4.27 Cambria Shell $4.29 Diesel $3.99 Paso Robles Fastrip $3.43 MORE LISTINGS AT WWW.SANLUIS OBISPO.COM/GASPRICES 14 AGENDA THE CAMBRIAN Unless indicated, all meetings are open to the public. Some are available for later viewing on Charter Cable channel 21. Check www.slo-span.org MONDAY, JULY 6 North Coast Advisory Council Traffic and Land Use committees meet concurrently. 3 p.m. Rabobank, 1070 Main St. 927-1442, traffic. 927-1662, land use. www. northcoastadvisorycouncil.org. TUESDAY, JULY 7 County Board of Supervisors. 9 a.m. County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5450. www.slo county.ca.gov/bos. On TV: Live on Charter Channel 21. Replayed at 6 p.m. Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/ UFW1Z3. Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission of the Cambria Community Services District. 10 a.m., Veterans Memorial Building dining hall, 1000 Main St. 927-6223. www.cambriacsd.org. J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 PublicMeetings announced. www.sansimeon csd.com. ———————————— Cambria Community Services District Board of Directors. 12:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. 927-6223. www.cambriacsd.org. Tentative Agenda includes: Authorize Bushwacker 1 to start clearing brush and fire fuels from lots on the 2015 fire hazard/fuel reduction list; proclamation honoring retiring Fire Chief Mark Miller. On TV: Charter Cable channel 21, 6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. Saturday, 6 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. Thursday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/slospanccsd. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 San Simeon Community Services District Board of Directors. 6 p.m. Plaza del Cavalier Banquet Room, 250 San Simeon Avenue, San Simeon. 927-4778. Agenda to be Cambria Forest Committee. 6:30 p.m. Rabobank, 1070 Main St. 927-6240. www.cambriaforest committee.org. Agenda includes: Updates on Cal Fire inspections, fire danger, recent encampment fire, forest-related grants and other forest-oriented topics. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY, JULY 8-10 State Coastal Commission. 9 a.m. Ventura City Council Chambers, 501 Poli St., Ventura (831) 427-4863. www.coastal. ca.gov/. Agenda includes public hearings on: Rezoning 880 Main St. (location of former Santa Rosa Schoolhouse building), to commercial retail from public facilities; request by San Luis Obispo County to remove warehousing as allowable use on properties zoned residential multi family; revised draft policy guidance on sea-level rise. See AGENDA, Page 17 "#"!%$! 8)+5 )3 %/5 7209'-*%/ 6#-5% "2'.5* #!"" )(%&'*$& '*$(#&* 2. 1'. ,-0(%&,$.) !+/. *+,- %&) "(( 1'. #.(0+/.) 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"250/ 7'&12/( 4 !)6#/) ('!! %"+ )#$&* 8<:96 )A039B7. $$$*02%2,-$6'/)(36.5)26*+)- J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 ARTS&EVENTS THE CAMBRIAN At Pewter Plough: ‘Chapter Two’ 15 EDUCATION: Coast art instructor Suzette Morrow recaps a busy year CUSD students draw on variety By Steve Provost The Cambrian PHOTOS BY IAIN MACADAM Rick Bruce and Sharyn Young, top, along with Gene Strohl and Toni Young star in ‘Chapter Two,’ which runs July 3 to Aug. 8 at The Pewter Plough Playhouse. Tickets, at $22 and $17, are available at 927-3877 or www.pewterploughplayhouse.org From scarecrows to iPads, from the Coast Union High School campuses to Santa Barbara, students in Suzette Morrow’s classes at the high school and Santa Lucia Middle School learned plenty about art this past school year. And there’s more where that came from: Morrow’s already planning for the coming school year, she told district trustees in a presentation to the Coast Unified board Thursday, June 25. Morrow began her presentation by detailing three goals of the district’s visual and performing arts program: • To gain a knowledge of works of art with close observation in order to create and perform. • To expand arts literacy through understanding of social, political, cultural, scientific and economic contexts of works across disciplines. • To develop a lifelong curiosity and appreciation of the arts. Students achieved these goals, she said, through a variety of activities and exercises. Among them was the students’ involvement in the Cambria Scarecrow Festival, which Morrow said raised $3,200 for the art program via rentals of student-created scarecrows to local businesses. That money paid for materials such as clay and ceramics glaze used in the program for the rest of the year, she said, and the students learned valuable problem-solving skills in the process. “The students work on the concept the business owner wants for their scarecrows, and that takes a lot of problem-solving,” she told the board. “These COURTESY PHOTO Students use their fingers to trace images on each other’s backs, then try to reproduce what they’re feeling on iPads during an exercise in one of Suzette Morrow’s classes are the tools, here are the supplies you have. How can you make that happen?” One team of students, for example, had to work hard to make a scarecrow stay in its seat. The scarecrow-building, Morrow said, was one example of an activity that taught students not only about art, but also about another discipline: in this case, raising money. In another exercise, students not only created art representing their identity but also posted their work and wrote about it online. Another exercise focused on tactile interpretation: “Children draw on the back of the student in front of them, and those students draw what they think they’re feeling on their iPad,” Morrow explained. Other activities involved visits to a field trip to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art and zoo, an exercise in following step-bystep instructions to create animals out of work gloves, and participation in the annual Youth Art Show. A middle school program taught students about different flowers and how to care for them; the students then painted a water tank on campus with representations of those flowers. Morrow said she wanted to focus in the coming school year on more cross-disciplinary activities with teachers in other fields, and on asking the question, “Is art imitating life, or is life imitating art?” 16 THE CAMBRIAN SPORTS Coasting along: Gene Cerise Bike Ride J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Y o u t h S p o rt s a n d R e c r e at i o n ————————— CYAA provides summer sports for Cambria kids Basketball, soccer, Coach-Pitch and T-Ball programs are offered By John FitzRandolph Special to The Cambrian PHOTO BY BILL HUGHES T he 15th annual Gene Cerise Memorial Country Coast Classic bike ride — held Saturday, June 27 — raised more than $20,000 for the youth of Cambria, San Simeon and Cayucos, according to organizer Marcelle Bakula. Here, Bill Cook and Ellen Finnerty ride their tandem bike north on Highway 1 (on the 50-mile ride), just ahead of an unidentified rider. Riders, who chose among the 100-mile, the 50-mile and 25-mile rides, began their treks from Shamel Park. — John FitzRandolph Giving local kids a chance to become winners, champions, or at the very least, providing an opportunity for them to experience the positive results that collaboration and teamwork with peers can bring, is the guiding principal behind the Cambria Youth Athletic Association. “It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or where you come from, everybody’s equal on the playing field,” said Gar y Stephenson, CYAA Presi- dent. “Everybody is on a team, and they experience great joy and success playing spor ts. And it’s a chance for the community to show our kids how great they can be if they work hard and if they try hard. “These are lessons we want kids in our community to take with them as they grow. If they try hard, they can succeed at something. At any CYAA event, when you look into the stands, you see the parents who wouldn’t normally interact with each other, cheering not just for their kids or their kids’ team, but for all the kids. “It really heightens community spirit. It brings a lot of joy to the families and a lot of confidence to the kids. This is a community that doesn’t necessarily lift spor ts winners on its shoulders and march them through town. But sports lift the whole community.” Nine years ago, Stephenson volunteered to run the youth programs previously handled by Leslie Wilhite — Coach Pitch and T-Ball programs — and that was his launch into this communitybased, sports-based movement. He has ser ved as president for the past five years. CYAA provides several programs for youth: Coach-Pitch, T-Ball, basSee CYAA, Next Page Coast Union’s Ellie Magnuson shines in Colorado all-star tournament By John FitzRandolph Special to The Cambrian Coast Union’s talented softball pitcher Ellie Magnuson — named MVP of the Coast Valley League and of the Lady Broncos team in 2015 — made an impressive showing at a national all-star tournament in Westminster, Colo., on Monday, June 29. Magnuson, entering her senior year at Coast in the fall, played first base and Softball standout drives in four runs and pitches two shutout innings with three strikeouts at the Sparkler All-Star Showcase pitched two shutout innings, striking out three in an allstar game to open the tournament. At the plate she went 3 for 3 and drove in four runs. She was also hit by a pitch, so she reached base in all four of her at-bats. Her all-star team won, 20-4. The Sparkler All-Star Showcase, sponsored by Triple Crown Sports, is by invitation only. It is a weeklong series of fast-pitch softball games offering the top high school players from across America a chance to show their talents to more than 300 college and univer- sity coaches. Among them are 12 from California including UCLA and San Jose State. The coaches are on hand to recruit players; they also provide instruction, they interact with players during warm-ups, they “conduct exit talks” and scholarships are offered, according to the Triple Crown website. Magnuson’s teammates Mon- Ellie day included Magnuson players from Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, Arizona and California. “It was a great day for Ellie, and she made some great connections with girls from all over America,” her mother, Kate Magnuson, said via text message. Magnuson’s SLO Nitro team, coached by Michelle Daugher ty, is one of 200 teams in the tourney and includes players from Paso Robles, Santa Maria, Atascadero, Lompoc, Morro Bay and Arroyo Grande. The event runs through July 5. ETC. J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Events From Page 11 July 6. Follow a path from the State Park Marina through native plants to the salt marsh and on to the mud flats. Learn the history of the salt marsh and see the plants and animals living in and on these specialized environments. Park close to the southeast end of the marina parking lot or across the street by the Morro Bay Campground restrooms. 0.5 mile, 2 hours. Cambria’s Rough Writers. 1 to 4 p.m. Creative writing group meetings. Guests with a serious interest in writing welcome. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. Go to www.roughwriters.org, then email Rough Writers@sbcglobal.net to set a date. Line Dancing. Mondays. Beginner class at 5:30 p.m., no experience or partner required. Latin, contemporary, countrywestern. Learn to dance and exercise at the same time. $2. Ongoing class at 6:15 p.m., $5, or take both classes for $5. Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St., Cambria. 903-3241. TUESDAY The Cambria Chorale meets for rehearsals from 9 to 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays and periodically from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Fridays. All singers welcome. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 927-2989. WEDNESDAY Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Birding for Beginners — Part 2. 10 a.m. Practice using skills introduced in Birding for Beginners — Part 1. Review making quality observations, using binoculars and spotting scopes, and exploring resources available for ongoing skill building. Meet at the Spooner Ranch House in Montaña de Oro. 1 mile, 2 hours. • Montaña de Oro Bluff Nature Walk. 10 a.m. Hike along the Bluff Trail for views and see a variety of birds, plants and sea life. Meet at Bluff trailhead, 100 yards south of the Montaña de Oro Ranch House, on Pecho Road. 2 miles, 3 hours. The Cambria Walking Bunch. 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Meet at Shamel Park, Cambria. darlenen cambria@gmail.com. Upcoming walks: July 8, Estero Bluffs; July 15, Lone Palm Drive Bluff; July 22, Harmony Headlands; July 29, Elephant Seal North walk; Aug. 5, San Simeon Creek Road. Cambria Couples Dance and Social Club. 6 to 9 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays. Live music and a potluck dinner. Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. 927-0527. UPCOMING Cambria Community Healthcare District invites all nurses (active or retired) in Cambria, San Simeon and Harmony, to a fifth meeting to discuss broad health care needs of the community and opportunities for the district to expand the range of care available. July 15 at 4 p.m. at the District Office, 1241 Knollwood Circle, Cambria. Free. Space is limited. To reserve a seat, call 927-8304. ART ENDING Rich Morriss. “Junk Art.” Through July 5. Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main St., Cambria. 927-5951. ONGOING Gail Bohannan. “Color Vibrations in Pastel.” Through July 16. Cayucos Veterans Memorial Lions Hall, foot of the pier. Hats Off to Dr. Seuss Exhibition. Hats from Dr. Seuss’ private collection and prints and sculpture from the Art of Dr. Seuss Collection. Through July 26. Artifacts Gallery, 789 Main St., Cambria. Gregory Siragusa. Reception: 5 to 8 p.m. July 10. “Into the Light.” Photography. Through July 29. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero, Suite 10, Morro Bay. 772-1068. Patricia Newton. Reception: 5 to 8 p.m. July 10. “Way of the Sea.” Oil painting. Through July 29. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero, Suite 10, Morro Bay. 772-1068. CYAA Lana Cochrun. “California Grown, A Celebration in Chinoiserie.” Oil paintings. Through July. Stolo Family Winery and Vineyard, 3776 Santa Rosa Creek Road, Cambria. 924-3131. ketball and soccer; the group also recently offered a flag football program in Cambria, but over the past two years, not enough participants have signed up. “It was a huge disappointment that it hasn’t worked out,” Stephenson remarked. “I’m a big fan of that program.” The CYAA began informally in the late 1970s but was not incorporated until 1997, according to Nancy Poulos, the CYAA treasurer. The organization also supports other groups and individuals in Cambria “that might need our financial assistance,” Stephenson explained. For example, a sports team or an individual not directly linked to the CYAA might need money to enter a tournament. “Our board might help them with that,” Stephenson said. In order to support their youth athletic programs and to provide small grants to groups and individuals on a one-time basis, CYAA operates fundraisers such as the Pier to Point 5K in the fall. Runners and walkers leave the San Simeon pier, go through Hearst Corp. property to San Simeon Point, then back to the pier. Stephenson also explained that the Lions Club of Cambria contributes “a fair amount of our funding” each year. What Stephenson hopes for in the future is that ever y kid who plays PLANAHEAD Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Birds of Land and Sea at Morro Rock. 9:30 a.m. July 10. Observe cormorants, pelicans and various species and age classes of gulls. Watch for resident peregrine falcons over the rock, feeding birds on the beach and sea birds in the channel. Meet near chain-link fence in north parking lot of Morro Rock. 1 mile, 2 hours. • Chumash Ocean Walk. 9 a.m. July 11. Discover the ways in which the Chumash were influenced by and adapted to geography and climate; obtaining food, clothing, shelter and tools. Meet at the entrance kiosk to Pismo State Beach Campground. 0.25 mile, 45 minutes. • Hike the Sand Spit. 10 a.m. July 11. Walk through the dune scrub to the beach on the Sand Spit trail, then walk north along the shore. Meet at the Sand Spit parking lot, Montaña de Oro State Park (turn right on paved road 0.7 mile past the entrance sign). 3 miles, 2 hours. • Los Osos Oaks Reserve. 10 a.m. July 11. Shaded stroll through ancient forest. See native plants and evidence of Chumash habitation, learn colorful historical background. Meet at reserve entrance, 0.7 mile east of South Bay Boulevard on Los Osos Valley Road. 1 mile, 1.5 hours. Barefoot Concerts on the Green. 2 to 6 p.m. Saturdays. Food and beverages available for purchase. Sea Pines Golf Resort, 1945 Solano St., Los Osos. Free. 528-5252. July 11. Burning James & the Funky Flames. July 18. Matthias Clark. July 25. Back Bay Betty. THE CAMBRIAN 17 From Previous Page Agenda From Page 14 THURSDAY, JULY 9 County Planning Commission. 9 a.m. Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5600. www.slo county.ca.gov/planning.htm. PHOTO BY GARY STEPHENSON CYAA basketball player Zack Stephenson heads upcourt along with Jasmine Pena during a 2014 game played in Cambria. spor ts in the CYAA programs will be able to play without having to come up with an entrance fee. “We charge the least amount for sports participation in this town, but I would love some day to not have to charge any of the families in town anything for their kids to play ball. It’s a lofty goal, but this is such a generous town.” Chris Gutierrez, the sports director of CYAA, has been heading up the two soccer seasons (spring and fall) and the basketball programs for 10 years. He got involved while he was coaching his daughter in soccer. “They said, ‘Do you want to be in charge?’ and I said, “OK.” “Seeing the enjoyment on the kids’ faces — I enjoy watching those smiles — and seeing happy parents is why I do this. When kids make a good play or score goals, it makes ever yone happy,” Gutierrez explained. As to which spor t he prefers coaching or watching, soccer or basketball, Gutierrez said basketball is actually his favorite sport, but he prefers working with CYAA soccer, because “I like being outdoors.” Known as an enthusiastic Los Angeles Clippers’ fan — he drives down to Los Angeles for games and drives back the same evening — Gutierrez (class of 1997) never played sports at Coast Union. But, he ser ved as scorekeeper for volleyball, baseball and basketball, and he kept stats for Broncos football. Meanwhile, as an example of how CYAA helps other organizations, the Cambria Tennis Club is holding teaching clinics this summer — under the umbrella of CYAA — on Wednesdays and Saturdays (after the Fourth of July). The lessons are free to participants ages 11 to 16 and are held from 1 to 3 p.m. On TV: Cablecast on Charter Cable Channel 21, replayed at 6 p.m. Thursday and Monday. www.slocounty.ca.gov/planning .htm. As of Monday, June 29, no Cambria, San Simeon or Harmony items were on the agenda. Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5450. www.slo county.ca.gov/bos. On TV: Live on Charter Channel 21. Replayed at 6 p.m. Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/UFW1Z3. TUESDAY, JULY 14 Cambria Tourism Board. 1 p.m. Cambria Pines Lodge, 2905 Burton Drive. www.YourCBID.com. County Board of Supervisors. 9 a.m. County Government 18 J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 THE CAMBRIAN Letters Fake water shortage California’s water shortage is real. Cambria’s is not. Does the community Only weeks after the imwish to retain Cambria Fire position of Stage 3 water Department or contract with Cal Fire? Who will be restrictions, late-winter the Fire Chief after July 15, rains returned our wells when Mark Miller leaves to back to normal levels. They have remained very take accrued vacation? healthy ever since. Over There is an existing fire the past year, Cambria has protection reimbursement received more rain than agreement document (not anywhere else in the counexecuted) between CCSD ty. We have brought back and Cal Fire from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 into service two additional wells that had been previin the amount of $228,856 to provide certain services. ously closed. Our 28 wells on the Santa Rosa and San Also, I have an email from a board member indicating Simeon watersheds are fully capable of supplying that no board decisions have been made to replace more water than we use, as they have done each and Cambria Fire Department with Cal Fire and there will every year. Our CCSD is supposed be a committee formed to to be responsive to changevaluate options. ing local conditions. The Michael Walsh time is long past due to Cambria end water allocations and From Page 8 onerous penalties. Why should we be told not to water our outdoor plantings, just to see that water run downstream under the bridge? We have saddled our water department with extensive debt over the next 10 years. The only way it will be able to meet those obligations while providing us with reasonably priced water and sewer services is by selling lots of water. Let us enjoy the abundance that nature has provided. And let our future decisions be based on facts, not fear. Ed Tockstein Cambria Physician shortage California is experiencing a statewide physician shortage, and the Central Coast is no exception. Provider shortages create an enormous burden for our seniors, who often struggle with chronic conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. They might not be able to schedule appointments in a timely fashion, or may have transportation issues that prevent them from seeking care from another provider far from home. With the Association of American Medical Colleges predicting a nationwide shortage of 90,000 physicians by 2025, these problems will not go away anytime soon. Fortunately, health care is closer than it appears. Nearly all (95 percent) Americans live within five miles of a community pharmacy. As a pharmacist, and the owner of Hometown Pharmacy in Santa Maria, I believe it makes sense to utilize pharmacists to alleviate some of the pressure created by physician shortages. We are ready to help seniors with services such as immunizations, health screenings and tests, and chronic disease management, so they can receive care close to home. Right now, the Medicare Part B program does not recognize pharmacists as health care providers. That is why a bipartisan group in Congress is working to give pharmacists provider status, which would allow us to be reimbursed for the care we provide Medicare beneficiaries in underserved areas. We ask Rep. Lois Capps (CA-24) to support SB 314 and HR 592, the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act, a sensible, costeffective plan to ensure that our seniors have access to the care they need no matter where they live. Joseph E. Abraham; R. Ph. Hometown Pharmacies, Santa Maria Thanks for column Thank you, Charmaine Coimbra, for your well-written and much appreciated June 10 article “Why Volunteer.” Our local communities are dependent on the contributions of so many organizations that are completely volunteer-based. Please write more articles that encourage others to step up, get involved and volunteer. The quote “We make a life by what we give” makes a great slogan. Taylor Hilden Cambria %.5 -(3+*&0+923& 4 %/5 -(3+&93+(77' ! <8@A::"$(77'6B<=A?)8#< ,).) 1#> '&22 ! /=<;!A= +%*(#$(!) 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Where: North end of Trenton Avenue, Cambria. Contact: Dylan Theobald, 5449096, ext. 11, or dylant@lcslo.org. From Page 1 When the Fern Canyon fire started, Miller said, “the marine layer was in (and) there was absolutely zero wind. Under different circumstances, this could have been something that got out of control real quick.” As it was, the fire was extinguished in 15 to 20 minutes, he said. Hiding in plain sight A visit to the encampment at midafternoon Monday revealed how extensive it is. A winding path covers several hundred yards, roughly parallel to Highway 1, before the shelter appears at the last minute around the final bend. “They can hide in plain sight,” Miller noted. “It’s incredible the size and the magnitude of this thing that was going on over here. It’s not something that built itself overnight.” At the end of the dirt trail Monday stood a wooden stair way complete with a handrail made from tree branches, which led to the residence itself. The interior was a single room, but was extensive: Miller estimates it at 120 to 130 square feet. The wood-paneled structure was equipped with built-in wood shelves, windows, a locking door, sink and even a balcony out back. The interior had a kitchen on one end, a living area in the middle and a sleeping area at the other end. As of Monday, you could still see a mattress, a couch, canned food, a tea kettle perched above a propane tank and numerous other belongings strewn across the floor and shelves. Miller said the entire place was powered by a solar panel. More than once, he remarked that the builder could probably make a living professionally building treehouses. CAMBRIAN PHOTOS BY STEVE PROVOST This photo shows the interior of the encampment, facing toward the front window. The mattress is in the foreground, with a built-in wooden sofa and shelves at left and the kitchen area farthest away. Greeted at the site Upon visiting the encampment Monday, the chief was greeted by Ed Tolosko, who was clearing some belongings he said he’d loaned one of the occupants, whom he described as his adopted son. “I thought when he borrowed this stuff from me, he was just going to go camping for a little bit,” Tolosko said. “I didn’t know he was going to do this.” Tolosko said he had his own encampment in the forest for 17 years until recently, when authorities told him he’d have to leave. Fortunately, he said, someone had of fered room to stay inside a house. He said the number of homeless encampments in the forest had increased recently. “There was only me for the last two years, and then all of a sudden, this place got overrun,” he said. “I’d say there were seven from San Simeon on down.” On his way to the site, Miller pointed out a gasoline-powered electrical generator among an area of charred tree trunks and branches where the fire had broken out. He said the generator appeared to have been the cause of the fire. Tolosko, however, disputed that. “That was my generator, and it didn’t run,” he said. Instead, he blamed two other individuals who had a dispute with his adopted son “over a woman,” accusing them of setting the blaze intentionally. Miller said he knew the apparent architect of the encampment — the man Tolosko described as his adopted son — as someone who’s been seen riding his bicycle around town: a bicycle equipped with a bas- An up-close shot of the stove area in the dwelling, with propane container below and teapot. Canned food was kept on a shelf above and to the right of this area. ket and a sign bearing a confrontational obscenity. Connections Signs bearing the same obscenity had been seen near encampment, as well, he said. Miller reaffirmed that he believed there was “a definite connection” between the encampment and a house on the 2500 block of Wilcombe Road a few hundred yards away. He identified the person leasing the house as Christopher John Kehoe, who was arrested in January after authorities reported finding more than 600 images of child pornography on his home computer. Miller said Kehoe, 49, was at the residence when he and county code enforcement officer Art Trinidade visited the encampment last week. Miller added that Kehoe is being evicted and must be out of the residence by the end of July. Pointing to items such as plastic containers of nutritional powder and a chalk signboard at a nearby encampment that appeared to have come from a local eater y, Miller suggested that the residents might have used small-scale burglaries to help build and maintain their sites. “I think there’s probably some burglaries going on,” he said. “That stuff we saw there, I don’t think they went to the store and bought it.” Part of the reason the encampment remained hidden for so long, he said, was its isolated location between the dead-ends of Fern Drive and Trenton Avenue. Some of the nearby homes, he added, are vacant for much of the year. “The house on Fern (closest to the encampment) is a vacation rental,” he said, “and there’s a block of homes on Trenton that are all vacation rentals.” THE CAMBRIAN 0#// "1!("1!! =' !(1&&(%""(1"** "&&%(&$#'#&)! *$-, DLG JT3Z8 ETT7 IA?4`<7 \`f4Y7 SYH 4$RA3 Y[ GL[: E;L437 )^]D $J$`]7 OY WAR37 QXI?P ?>2;55II ,EEG+G [E,H%# Z+ 3? RY NX++ 3? `[?YUW`f3 Y[ HA"3`RA "]LA_$D:4A$]A3R$RA7fY\ XI?;>XS;211I 1/$ 0%-#+. 0%-'.+% !(% "-,&'*) '$&! +&#" )(!,&' DCGE,[# E#HC,L LT6 G6T6 XI?;?1X;SS22 ')V &Z 6ZZV )3 S55? 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Legals FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Name Statement FILE NO. 15-1502 TRANSACTING BUSINESS DATE 06/10/2010 New Filing THE FOLLOWING PERSON IS DOING BUSINESS AS: GERBER’S AUTO SERVICE 2421 Village Ln. #E Cambria, CA 93428 San Luis Obispo County Earl David Gerber 9705 Laurel Road Atascadero, CA 93428 This business is conducted by an individual. /s/Earl David Gerber This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County on 6/08/2015. CERTIFICATION : I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. Tommy Gong County Clerk By S.K. Ramos Deputy Clerk Expires 6/08/2020 June 25; July 2, 9, 16, 2015 1802329 More Breaking News updates 781-7811 Change of Name Change of Name ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 15CV 0317 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Carlos Villalvazo Bautista filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: PRESENT NAME: Carlos Alberto Villalvazo Bautista (Middle) (Last) PROPOSED NAME: Carlos Alberto Villalvazo Bautista (Middle) (Last) THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing showing cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: 8/6/15 Time: 9:00 am Dept.: 2 Address: 1035 Monterey St., Rm. 385, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition printed in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: The Cambrian, 2442 Main St., Cambria, CA 93428 Date: June 18, 2015 /s/Barry T. LaBarbera Judge of the Superior Court July 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015 1807175 than any other local news source. Log on to SanLuis Obispo.com Call today for home delivery 1-800-288-4128. We’ll deliver the most current news and information directly to you! A s l o w a s $ 1 7. 9 4 a m o n t h NOW is the perfect time to start home delivery of The Tribune! 1- 8 0 0- 2 88 - 4 12 8 or SanLuisObispo.com (click on Customer Service) J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 THE CAMBRIAN The Tribune! We’ll deliver the latest news and information to you every day. Subscribe to The Tribune every day. For as little as $1794 a month. Call 1-800-288-4128 or go to SanLuisObispo.com (click on Customer Service) 27 J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 THE CAMBRIAN SALMONELLA PLATTER, ANYONE? KILL HARMFUL BACTERIA: WASH KITCHEN SURFACES, UTENSILS AND HANDS WITH SOAPY WATER WHILE PREPARING FOOD. CLEAN KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFER FROM FOOD POISONING Check your steps at FoodSafety.gov 28 J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 THE CAMBRIAN 29 30 J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 THE CAMBRIAN "&'$%#& "!$' )$& *'!! ("!,&. #- +!!% '$%!&#"& " !%/&(*20)$(10 ",0-1# .+) 20-(+)' ACROSS 1 Take delight in 6 Beam 11 Farley or Hemsworth 16 “The Canterbury —” 21 Dwell 22 Source of bile 23 Throw 24 Famed Texas mission 25 Imposed a duty on 26 Briny expanse 27 Oust 28 Saltpeter 29 Pt. on a compass 30 Apiece 31 Landing place 33 Urban pollution 35 Med. specialty 36 The Mile-High City 39 Noted 43 Trouble 44 Paved ways (Abbr.) 45 Protozoan 47 Competing 49 Confederate general 51 Sacred song 54 Take 57 Lack of seriousness 59 Ovine animals 63 Hirt and Pacino 64 Astern 66 Toy-blocks brand 68 Hoarfrost 69 Affirm solemnly 70 Stones 72 A workplace, for short 74 Flit 76 Vocalize 78 Counterweight 79 Not linked in any way 82 Gloomy 84 Fabled racer 86 Where Greeks assembled 87 “Essays of —” 89 Yarn fuzz 91 Devilfish 92 Allow 93 Powdery residue 95 Bakery item 97 Travels 99 Abbr. on a road sign 101 Stalemate 104 The dawn personified 106 Actor — Neeson 108 Forsaken child 110 Bird of prey 114 Surroundings 117 Musical composition 119 Clumsy 121 Perfect place 122 Chums 124 Mountain lake 126 Angry crowd 127 Winged insect 128 Color 129 — Bader Ginsburg 131 Hideout 133 Manner 135 Black or Bering 136 Detest 137 Extremely courageous 139 Bony scale 141 Serious 143 Cereal grass 145 Cockpit VIP 147 Part of the eye 149 Car for hire 152 Curved path 154 Office associate 157 Pressing 161 Altar constellation 162 War god 164 Old portico 165 — compos mentis 167 On the — vive 168 Public meeting 170 — Winfrey 173 Indian state 175 Book jacket hype 177 Overact 178 Hollandaise, e.g. 179 Specter 180 Idaho city 181 More rational 182 Horse 183 Claw 184 Antic DOWN 1 Glutted 2 Lower in esteem 3 Female fox 4 Poem 5 Wine variety 6 Gin flavoring 7 Germ 8 “— Got a Secret” 9 Springs 10 One of the Muppets 11 Flavoring plant 12 Evil spell 13 Knock 14 Currier’s partner 15 Town in Alabama 16 Knot 17 — Baba 18 Subsequently 19 Correct a text 20 Kinds 30 Paid athlete 32 Go wrong 34 Unctuous 37 Actor — Kilmer 38 Jane Austen novel 40 Rescue (with “out”) 41 Perpetually 42 Bette or Jefferson 46 Landed property 48 Restrict 50 A Muse 51 — New Guinea 52 Broken-arm support 53 55 56 58 60 61 62 65 67 71 73 75 77 80 81 83 85 88 90 94 96 98 100 101 Texas player Last letter Mild oath Singing voice Benefit Code name Kind of pea A state (Abbr.) Of the mouth Antitoxins Wallop Math branch, for short Metric unit Light-ray device Watch part Recognize Used a keyboard Dry Group of animals Ring Stretched tight Thailand, formerly Injure Gear cogs 102 103 105 107 109 111 112 113 115 116 118 120 123 125 130 132 134 137 138 140 142 144 146 148 Place near Nepal Happening Kind of drum Food and drink Blossom Web-footed bird Metric unit “— Frome” Bury Drink noisily Capture Lawyers’ org. Impassive Nothing Town in Hawaii Go quickly River in Belgium Greek goddess Farm building Twister Schoolyard game Talk on and on Child Mother Superior 149 150 151 153 155 156 158 159 160 163 166 169 171 172 174 175 176 Eateries Pleasant odor Business giant Angry Cook a certain way Boiled buckwheat Fit out Hospital worker Rome’s river Quarrel Portent Western Indian Regret High card — soda English network (Abbr.) Mauna — PUZZLE ANSWERS PAGE 27 J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 THE CAMBRIAN Search From Page 5 “If you’re camping on a steep hillside, there’s a tendency to roll down, which makes it hard to sleep. A nice flat spot (like a terraced area) makes a great campsite, with brush to shield you from view and a level place to sleep.” One site that appeared to be abandoned included “30 empty fuel canisters,” he said. Others were nothing more than tents tucked into the brush, sometimes within a few feet of the highway itself. “They’re ver y well camouflaged.” The Focus Group also discussed at length the serious lack of cell-phone connectivity in some Cambria “dead zones,” a lack that participants described as a real public-safety risk. Taylor said an emergency could overwhelm present communication facilities that would be necessar y for first re- Fourth CAMBRIAN PHOTO BY STEVE PROVOST How close are the forest homeless encampments to the highway? This photo of Highway 1 through Cambria was taken Monday from a trail leading past one small encampment en route to a larger dwelling in Fern Canyon. sponders, for repor ting a Fire-protection updates fensible space around Camfire quickly, and for Reverse bria structures, and CamMeanwhile, Cal Fire con911 and Nixel notification bria Fire Department pertinues its inspections of deabout evacuations. sonnel were to have begun high school seniors and sponsoring students for Boys State, Girls State and From Page 5 special athletes. Donation cans have been There’ll be no day-ending professional pyrotechnics put out in many downtown show, and anyone found in locations. possession of or using “safe and sane” or other incendi- Schedule To keep track of all that, ary devices will have those fireworks confiscated and put this in your e-calendar or on low-tech Post-it notes: face a fine of up to $2,000. • 11 a.m. Opening cereNo fireworks monies (flag raising, singing Bonfires and alcohol also of the national anthem) • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. are forbidden on area Kids old-fashioned races beaches and parks. • All-day Lions Club Looking on the bright side, it really won’t matter this year bounce house • 12:30 p.m. Waiter and if the fog comes in. waitress relay race (which Benefits team goes the fastest withFood purchases and con- out dropping, spilling or tributions help ensure that falling down). • 1 p.m. Swimming pool this event will continue and go toward more than two opens • 1:30 p.m. Linn’s sixth dozen other community service projects, including annual hands-down, pie-eatmultiple scholarships for ing contest (enter in ad- vance at www.linnsfruit bin.com or call 927-1499), with first, second and third prizes awarded in four divisions: Little kids, big kids, women and men who chow down on olallieberry-apple pies. • 3 p.m. Prize drawings • 3 to 4:30 p.m. Music by “Stellar” • 5 to 6:30 p.m. Music by “Rough House” • 7 to 9 p.m. Music by “Royal Garden Swing Orchestra.” P.S.: The closest fireworks show this year will be at the Cayucos pier at dusk (about 9 p.m.) With larger crowds expected, anybody who goes there should plan to leave early, park a substantial distance away, wear comfy shoes for the hike to the beach and take a jacket, a beverage and an extra dose of patience. on July 1 their inspections of weed-abatement work required on vacant properties. This year, both agencies al- 31 so are issuing requirements or recommendations about removals of dead trees, due to the fire danger. Cal Fire has inspected about 2,500 residences, and made about 500 second visits, Unit Forester Alan Peters told CCSD directors June 25. He said most of the funds in a $75,000 grant PG&E gave recently to the county’s Fire Safe Council will go toward removing 190 hazardous trees he’d flagged for removal on Fiscalini Ranch Preserve. The council has other Cambria-oriented grant applications in the works and paid $10,000 for a helicopter dip tank that may be installed near CCSD’s emergency water-supply project. A portable weather station to be installed soon on state park property will help predict dangerous “red-flag weather conditions,” when there’s high fire danger due to low humidity and high temperatures. GOT NEWS?! Contact THE CAMBRIAN newsroom! 927-8895 Fax: 927-4708 e-mail: cambrian@thetribunenews.com 32 CAMBRIA PHOTO ALBUM THE CAMBRIAN Octomail: Twisted delivery J u ly 2 - 8 , 2 0 15 Fawned over: Keeping watch for deer Pamela Hartman submitted this photo, taken June 14, of a fawn in a nest on Pine Knolls, with a “thank you” to Marcelle Bakula for her June 25 letter to The Cambrian (“Watch for Fawns.”) “To underscore part of her message,” Hartman wrote, “it is important for us all to refrain from the temptation to do anything other than back away and ‘keep dogs [and] children away’ if we come upon a fawn curled up in ‘a safe, quiet space.’ ” The mother deer (the doe) is off foraging and will return. PHOTO BY NANCY VINCENT ZINKE An octopus provides a twist on mailbox fashion along Windsor Boulevard in this photo taken June 5. PHOTO BY PAMELA HARTMAN *'!" 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