You Make ALL the Difference - Canadian Medical Foundation

You Make ALL the Difference
Donors Create Solutions through the Canadian Physician Health Institute
You don’t have to go far to
discover a Canadian physician
in need of support. Canadian
statistics show if you think
about just 5 of your colleagues,
chances are one of them is
suffering from a mental health
or addiction issue.
The good news? Something is
being done about it. Right here.
Right now.
Canadian Physician
Health Institute (CPHI)
After several years of building
partnerships, creating synergy
and harnessing the collective
mind power of Canada’s
physician leaders, the Canadian
Physician Health Institute (CPHI)
is poised to showcase it all at the
CCPH (Canadian Conference
on Physician Health) in Calgary,
November 15 to 16, 2013.
CPHI is a joint partnership
program of the Canadian Medical
Association (CMA) and the
Canadian Medical Foundation
(CMF) and involves provincial
and territorial associations
and regulating bodies. It aims
to become a central point-ofcontact developing and assisting
programs and people. CPHI
will create real solutions for
physicians, medical students
and retired physicians.
“We went to the physician
community and invited them
to submit ideas on how they
could help their colleagues in
meaningful ways, and in so doing
help the entire Canadian health
care system,” says Canadian
Medical Foundation Chair, Dr.
Ruth Collins-Nakai. “It was a
lengthy process. Now we have
several exciting projects underway
which will lead to impactful
improvements in the health and
well-being of physicians.”
Real Action in Real Time
• A team from McMaster
University will evaluate the
effect of peer support groups
on resilience in anesthesia
• Researchers from the University
of Saskatchewan will examine
how mindfulness in medical
practice drop-in classes can help
medical students build resilience
and cope with the stress that can
lead to burnout.
• A phone-line crisis program
offered by the Newfoundland
and Labrador Medical
The Canadian Physician Health Institute goals are built on four pillars:
Support increased
equitability of
access to resources
for the emotional,
psychosocial, and
mental well-being
of physicians.
Raise awareness
and improve
understanding of
the importance of
physicians’ emotional,
psychosocial, and
mental well-being.
Reduce the stigma
associated with
physician mental
health issues.
Develop and support
primary prevention
activities related to
mental health, for
Association (NLMA) will
expand to include health
promotion and illness
prevention services provided by
local physicians specially trained
to work with their colleagues.
• A small group practice-based
continuing education program
for physicians and case managers
working within physician
health programs will be created
and piloted by the Quebec
Physicians’ Health Program.
“This is just a start of our
journey” says Dr. Collins-Nakai.
“We know we have a long way
to go. With the help and
generosity from our donors
we will continue to reach out to
the physician community and
fund projects which will help all
of us...including patients.” ■
To learn more about CPHI and to offer your
direct support visit
Canadian Conference
15–16 November 2013
Hyatt Regency Calgary
Harnessing wisdom across generations to promote physician health
Partner and co-host
Calgary, Alberta
Canadian Physician Health Institute (CPHI)
CMF and MD Physician Services Golf Tournament
Presented By Franklin Templeton Institutional
Who would have thought that a June golf
tournament would experience near freezing
temperatures and rains that appeared to be
falling horizontally because of high winds,
but not even the incredible (incredibly bad)
weather could dampen the spirits of the
sold-out field of golfers who attended the
2013 annual CMF/MD Physician Services
Golf Tournament at Glen Abbey in Oakville,
Ontario. Thanks to their generosity and those
of the event sponsors an amazing $350,000
was raised this year to support the physician
health and wellness programs of the Canadian
Medical Foundation and financial aid for
medical students, particularly those from
aboriginal and first nation backgrounds.
Canadian Medical Foundation and MD Physician Services
A sincere thank-you is extended to all of the
2013 event Presented
by Franklin Templeton
Institutionaland a
special thank-you to our Presenting Sponsor,
Franklin Templeton Institutional, as well as our
Platinum Sponsors: MD Physician Services,
Deloitte, Manulife Asset Management and
Mackenzie Investments. A special thank you
you for
also goes
to Subaru,
their twousholes-in-one.
more than $340,000!
Glen Abbey, Oakville, Ontario • Thursday, June 6, 2013
Presenting Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
The 2014 Golf Tournament is once again
scheduled to take place at Glen Abbey in
Oakville, but organizers have promised to
speak to someone about better weather. The
tournament sells-out quickly so to reserve your
spot or to obtain information on sponsorship
and other partnership opportunities please
contact The CMF promise some
new and exciting elements for the Thursday,
June 5, 2014 tournament. ■
CMF at CMA General Council
The Canadian Medical Foundation (CMF)
was proud to once again be invited to CMA
General Council (GC) which took place in
Calgary a few short weeks after floods ravaged
the City and nearby communities.
The resilience and community spirit of
Albertans was very evident, and even
infectious, leading both the CMF and event
attendees to “ramp-up” their philanthropic
partnership with the CMA to raise much
needed support for two local charities which
are helping address the challenges that
flooding has had on some of the communities
most vulnerable. Working in partnership
with the Alberta Medical Association (AMA),
the Mustard Seed (a group that helps meet
the basic needs of shelter, food, clothing and
acceptance for men and women experiencing
poverty) and the Calgary Drop-In and Rehab
Centre, more commonly known as “The
DI” and the “voice of the marginalized”
were selected. Pleased to be the CMA’s
philanthropic partner the CMF organized
some fundraising activities that helped to raise
$2,500 for each of these worthy organizations.
During GC, the CMF also hosted its own
Annual General Meeting, an education
session that featured the well-renowned
physician health and wellness researcher,
Dr. Jane Lemaire, also of Calgary, manned a
booth with representation from the Canadian
Physician Health Institute (CPHI), and hosted
one of the luncheons that in and of itself
raised funds to support work of the CMF.
Dr. Ruth Collins-Nakai, Chair of the CMF
Board of Trustees, and fellow Albertan,
was quick to thank the CMA for once
again demonstrating their commitment
to the CMF and social responsibility. Dr.
Collins-Nakai noted “the Canadian Medical
Foundation is proud to be the philanthropic
partner for physicians in Canada and the
Canadian Medical Association. Our many
programs such as those focused on support
for physician health would not be possible
without the generosity and leadership from
donors such as those that attended GC.” She
also went on to note the generosity of key
groups such as the CMAH Board of Trustees,
who determined collectively that they would
support the CMF at this year’s General
Council meeting.
To learn more about the CMF and the
programs surrounding physician health and
wellness, financial aid, and special projects
supported by the fundraising efforts that
take place or to support flood-relief efforts in
Alberta please contact CMF at or
visit ■
End of Year Giving
A Fiscally Responsible Way of Doing Good
As you approach the Holidays, your mailbox
and these days your inbox begin to bulge
with opportunities for you to support your
favourite causes.
There are two reasons for this. 1. This is
universally recognized as the “giving time of
year”. 2. This is the tax-smart time of year.
When you put both together, it’s no wonder
why the Canadian Medical Foundation
and other non-profits hope for a huge spike
in donations.
So what do you do? Left-brain, right-brain.
The end of the year is your last chance to feed
both sides. Do good. Feel good. Reduce your
tax burden.
“November and December are busy months
at the Canadian Medical Foundation,” says
President and CEO Lee Gould. “Canadian
physicians open their hearts and decide to
make a real difference in the lives of their
colleagues and patients, and they do.
I see it every day.”
According to the Canada Revenue Agency
(CRA), a registered charity can only issue a
tax-receipt for a gift given before December
31st of any given year. In other words, if
you are mailing your gift, do so before
December 20th (although a postmark on the
envelope before December 31st is acceptable).
If you decide to give by phone or online,
make sure you do so before midnight on
the 31st. Just keep in mind the statutory
holidays and weekends.
End-of-year giving is a triple win. You
are happy. Your accountant is happy. The
people whose lives you change for the better
are happy.
A new year is about to begin, start it right
by supporting CMF’s meaningful charitable
work today. Please give to the Canadian
Medical Foundation. Unlike most charities
in Canada 100% of all donations to the
Canadian Medical Foundation go to
charitable works. 100%! ■
The Canadian Medical Foundation issues tax receipts for all donations. Call us toll-free at 1-866-530-4979.
Email or go online at
Ethiopia to Fort Nelson and Back Again
Dr. Allan Kassa Gives in Life and Death
Love stories aren’t always written the same way. The best ones have
unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes sad endings turn in to
happy beginnings.
The story of the late Dr. Ayalew Allan Kassa is still being written.
His journey begins in rural Ethiopia, winds its way to Fort Nelson, BC
and back again to his home country 56 too-short years later.
It wasn’t long after arriving in Fort Nelson when he met his surviving
wife, Betty Asher. Betty was and still is the Director of Nursing at
Fort Nelson General Hospital.
Dr. Kassa and Betty are local, national, and international heroes.
Ever since he journeyed to Fort Nelson, Dr. Kassa immediately and
deliberately wove himself into the local fabric.
Dr. Kassa’s hands ushered in more than 10,000 babies into life
during his practice that began England, and later, Canada. He was
a beloved physician to many First Nations people, and made a
point of understanding the culture and ceremony with which they
celebrate life.
Dr. Kassa’s also saved – and is still saving – the lives of thousands of
people he never met. Through his charitable giving and his partnership
with the Canadian Medical Foundation, his kindness and love of the
human condition will live forever.
“We feel good when we help other people,” says Betty.
She mentions this just weeks before she is set to travel with the ashes of
her husband back to Ethiopia where his kind spirit first came to light.
“Her late husband was gifted,” she says, speaking not only of his skill
as a physician but of their giving way of life. “I love to give. Al loved to
give. Money’s not everything.”
It was March 22, 2013 when Dr. Kassa succumbed to a cardiac arrest.
The first responder at their house was his beloved wife Betty.
Other $
“I rushed home. I was doing CPR on him in our home. I did what
I had to do.”
Now, Betty is doing what she has to do again, bringing Al to his final
peace and resting spot. While in Ethiopia she will visit a school which
has fresh water, thanks to Al and Betty. She will visit some of the
children who are getting higher education thanks to their generosity.
The love story Dr. Kassa was writing for is far from over. It continues
to be written by the lives he saved, by the lives he is still saving, and by
his soulmate, Betty. ■
Online : | Phone : 1 888 770.7775 | Mail: Fill out this form and mail to :
Canadian Medical Foundation
1870 Alta Vista Dr, Ottawa, ON K1G 6R7
Enclosed is my cheque payable to the Canadian Medical Foundation
Å Dr. Kassa and his wife approached the Canadian Medical Foundation in 2010 to arrange a donor
advised fund (DAF). The fund they created continues to grow and change the lives of people in Canada,
Ethiopia and around the World. The Canadian Medical Foundation fondly remembers Dr. Al Kassa and
thanks him, his wife and all our donors for their vision and investment in the lives of others.
EXP (mm/yy)
CMF/11/2013 Charitable Registration #: 119219327RR0001