Faculty Education, Enrichment and Development (FEED) Conference April 17, 2015 Egleston Children’s Hospital Physical address: 1405 Clifton Road Enter on Uppergate at main entrance (across from Winship Cancer Institute) MORNING SESSIONS (Room 5-7) - Facilitator: Dominique Cosco, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine 8:45-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:50 #WhyShouldIUseSocialMedia? Wendy Darling, WHSC Communications Specialist, Gina Lundberg, MD, Clinical Director of the Emory Women's Heart Center, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Tim Read, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine This session will provide an overview of major social media tools and how and why you can use them. You’ll also hear some real world perspectives from both clinical and research faculty. 10:00-10:50 Managing Conflict - Hal Jones, Assistant Dean, School of Medicine, and Director of Culture, Emory Medicine To be human is to encounter conflict. We experience internal conflicts, and we experience conflicts with others, both in our personal lives and in our work lives. During this session on Conflict Management we will review concepts aimed at helping us engage and manage conflict more effectively. 10:50-11:00 Break 11:00-11:50 Promotion Process – Kathy Griendling, PhD, R. Wayne Alexander Professor of Medicine, Vice Chair for Research and Faculty Development, Department of Medicine, and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, School of Medicine In this session we will take a closer look at the SOM promotion guidelines and apply those guidelines as we review mock promotion cases. 12:00-1:20 Lunch – (foyer) Speed Mentoring (Rooms 6/7, 8 and 9) Facilitator: Melissa Stevens, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine This session is designed to assist junior faculty in specific areas of career development by providing a fresh perspective and rapid advice. Junior faculty will be matched to three senior advisors by area of interest, and will have the opportunity to discuss specific questions or topics submitted by the “mentee” in advance. NOTE: this session is 12:0012:45. AFTERNOON SESSIONS (Room 5-7) 1:20-1:30 Registration for afternoon sessions 1:30-4:30 Concurrent Sessions (each track will cover multiple topics with everyone joining up for the last session at 3:30) *Clinician Educator Track (Room 5) – Facilitators: Dominique Cosco, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Michael Greenwald, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics 1:30-2:10PM Beyond the Feedback Sandwich: Effective Feedback and Evaluation of Learners Lisa Bernstein, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Jason Schneider, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine In this session, learn how to: identify the important components of an effective feedback session; create an action plan for improving direct observation of learners in your local learning environment and recognize the key components of summative narrative evaluations. 2:10-2:50PM Teaching Outside of the Box: Innovative Ways to Build Better Learning Climates and Transform Your Learners Kimberly D. Manning, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine Learners will be able to: identify personal strengths and learner characteristics critical for teaching and develop an approach to designing innovative clinical teaching strategies for each unique setting. 2:50-3:30PM Unleash your iPhysician: Using Technology to Teach on Rounds Richard Pittman, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Roshan Patel, MD Chief Resident, Grady Memorial Hospital In this session the group will discuss the pros and cons of incorporating technology into inpatient rounds; view a demonstration of cutting edge practices for technology rounds and practice tech rounds in small groups with guidance from facilitators. *Researcher Track (Room 6-7) - Facilitators: Melissa Stevens, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine 1:30-2:50PM Mock Study Section – facilitator: Camille Vaughan, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine The Mock Study Section will be structured as a “hands-on” grant application review experience to give junior faculty an idea of the criteria for a successful grant application. Actual grant applications, representing a variety of formats including, R01, Merit Review, pilot, and career development awards, will be distributed to junior and senior investigator participants approximately 2 weeks prior to FEED. Standard review forms and guidelines for review will be distributed concurrently. These applications will be reviewed in a typical study section format involving all workshop participants. The workload will be modest as each participant will be asked to review 1 application. Participation in this session as a reviewer is limited to 10 junior faculty, requires advanced sign-up and will be available on a first come first serve basis. 3:00-3:30PM Crowdfunding@Emory – Kim Julian, Executive Director of Annual Giving This brief session will introduce the concept of crowdfunding and provide an overview of its implementation at Emory. 3:40-4:30PM (Room 5-7) "Doctors without Borders: the Power of Interdisciplinarity" Facilitator: Dominique Cosco, MD Marshall Duke, MD, Professor of Psychology
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