MEETEETSE COMMUNITY MARCH 25, 2015 BULLETIN The Bulletin is published at the Meeteetse Visitor Center. Please email ads to: or deliver to the Visitor Center by MONDAY at Noon for WEDNESDAY’S edition. Side ads may be purchased for $5 per week (this includes 2 free lines in the business section). Please keep line ads at a Three Line Max. The Meeteetse Visitor Center does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of advertisers, nor is it responsible for the content of any of the advertisers in this publication. ——— MEETEETSE VISITOR CENTER NEWS ——— The Visitor Center’s Hours: NEW HOURS: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY,& SATURDAY 10:30 A.M.—4:00 P.M. — CLOSED: SUNDAY, MONDAY & THURSDAY If you need immediate assistance during these hours and the office is closed, please contact, Yvonne Renner 272-0610, Tess Fremlin 272-7808, or Sherry Long 868-2551. If the office is closed, ORV permits are available at the Oasis Motel. MVC BOARD MEETINGS ARE HELD ON THE 2nd WED. OF THE MONTH!! ——— SENIOR CITIZENS’ MEALS ——— Please note: All menus are subject to change without notice. Mon., Mar.30: Herb Baked Chicken, Potatoes, Gravy, Veggie, Roll, Cookies Wed., Apr. 1: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Carrots, Rolls, Fruit To Contact Meeteetse Senior Center, call 868-2622 — if no answer, call Tracie @ 272-4768 ——— NEWS ——— Retirement Party for Arlene Griffin! 25 Years with USPS, Saturday, March 28th 2pm to 4pm, Meeteetse Senior Center. Let’s show our appreciation and wish her well! Congratulations to the winners of the Wall of Guns: Byron Sheets, Tim Raver, Brodie Bennett, Cathy Upton & Nori Hoff, Ben Kolperski for winning the 270 Weatherby, and Bobby Long on the Basket Raffle. A huge thanks to the Meeteetse community and all the other people who came for the Friends of the NRA event! It was a very successful event! Thanks also to Joe & Alice Faye and the years of support for the NRA and these kind of events! The "Beyond the Book" Book Club will meet at the Library Thursday afternoon at 2:00. We are reading the book "The Giver". If you'd like to read with us come up and get a book - or come on Thursday and see what we all think of the book. After that we're going to read Ayn Rand's "Anthem" and compare the two - should be interesting! MEETEETSE CONSERVATION DISTRICT is hiring up to four (4), Summer Field Technicians to assist with data collection for an ongoing Sage-Grouse Research Project in the Big Horn Basin. A detailed job description and application instructions are available at: Richard and Hope would like to Thank everyone for their support. Please see the note in this bulletin. MEETEETSE MEDICAL CLINIC: March 31st: Limited hours from 9-12, Ashlea only for blood draws and allergy shots. April 7th: CLOSED for Spring Break. We will resume regular hours of 9-4 on Tuesday, April 14th. Thank you for understanding. Meeteetse Chocolatier is taking pre-orders for Hot Cross Buns. The Buns will be available for in store pick up on Good Friday, April 3rd. $2.00 each -- 868-2567 Breakfast is back in Meeteetse! Beginning Saturday, March 21st, breakfast will be served at the Elkhorn starting at 6 am daily. Come on over for a full selection of breakfast items and meet the new owner! Joe & Alice and crew at the Elkhorn wish to thank our many friends that have supported us for the past twenty years. Please come and meet the new owners Dave & Marline Ozburn and welcome them to this wonderful community as you have us. Thank you. Sign up now for Bountiful Basket produce. It is delivered every other week to the Senior Center. Go to to sign up. The next order date is 3/30, 3/31 for delivery on Saturday 4/4. Call Judi Cox @ 868-9290 if you have any questions. Meeteetse Community, beginning the first of April, I have decided to give up the Meeteetse Cowboy Corner section, features and photos of Meeteetse people and events, for the Cody Enterprise. Thank you so much for sharing your stories and letting me take your photos over the last 5 years. I have truly enjoyed it and been humbled and honored to share a part of this great community we live in with the readers of the Cody Enterprise. If you think reporting and photographing Meeteetse is something you would like to take on, contact John Malmberg at the Cody Enterprise. Thanks so much Meeteetse! Tracie Fernandez THE Meeteetse Senior Center will be raffling off a beautiful WEBER Q1400 PORTABLE ELECTRIC GRILL, perfect for those summer barbeques. RAFFLE TICKETS ARE $5 EACH OR 5 for $20. Retail value of the grill is $249.00. The drawing will be May 2nd, during the Garage A Rama weekend in Meeteetse. The Senior Center will have raffle tickets for sale and Senior Citizens will be selling raffle tickets. SATURDAY: Wyoming Outdoorsmen Fundraiser Banquet is March 28th at the Riley Arena in Cody. Check out Wyoming Outdoorsmen Mission Statement and Project / Support page in this bulletin. All proceeds stay local to improve wildlife habitat and conservation and to encourage youth and family involvement in our western outdoor heritage. Buy your tickets before Mar. 8th and be entered in a drawing to win $500 cash! Tickets are $55 for adults / $25 for youths and include dinner and membership. Contact Rori Renner @ 272-9474 for tickets or more information and visit Thank you. (3/25) ——— BUSINESS INFORMATION ——— MEETEETSE CONSERVATION DISTRICT is hiring up to four (4), Summer Field Technicians to assist with data collection for an ongoing Sage-Grouse Research Project in the Big Horn Basin. A detailed job description and application instructions are available at: Affordable Accounting is here to serve all of your tax needs. Please contact us to setup an appointment. Nicole Blake 272-2124 or Meg Nicholson 868-2352. (4/8) MEETEETSE MEDICAL CLINIC 9-4 on Tuesday, Call 868-2272 for an appointment. ——— SCHOOL NEWS ——— Meeteetse School is still collecting BOXTOPS! This is free money for our school. Clip the tops, save them, and then submit them to the school! BOXTOPS are found on most product packaging! Thank you! ~Mrs. Potas School Board monthly meetings are held in the Cafeteria on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm. All are encouraged and welcome to come. Longhorn League monthly meetings held in the WEN VID room on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 4pm. All are encouraged and welcome to come. ——— RELIGIOUS NEWS ——— Bible Study non-denominational, every Tuesday at 7pm at Youngs Garage for more info call Johnny at 272-7153 St. Andrews Episcopal Church meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Eucharist with Fr. Joe Galligan is the second Sunday of each month. Elk Horn Bar & Grill Now NON Smoking! Dinner Special Thursday (3/26) Lasagna Special $9.95 Comes with salad and garlic toast Open 7 days a week. (6/30/15) The Big Horn Rodeo Circuit Would like to thank the following sponsors: Farm Credit Services Old Gringo Boots Tanager Beverages Cinch Jeans And All who have donated time and energy in making this happen! If you would like to donate or sponsor, please contact Tess at Or 272-7808 St. Theresa Catholic Church. Come pray the Stations of the Cross on Friday March 27 at 6 pm. Holy Thursday Mass will be held at 5 pm on April 2nd and Good Friday Service is Friday April 3rd at 3 pm followed by the Stations of the Cross. Meeteetse Community Church. “ We live and die; Christ died and lived!” ~John Stout. See the message of Easter on our Facebook page. COWBOY CHURCH Thursday nights in the shop at Cowboys with a Mission. Join us for worship, fellowship and a message from local and guest speakers. Cowboys with a Mission 369 Hwy 290 (307)868-2238 ——— LIBRARY NEWS ——— MEETEETSE BRANCH LIBRARY Hours Monday & Wednesday’s 7:30 am - 5:00 pm, Tuesday & Thursday’s 7:30 am- 6:30 pm, Friday’s 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday’s 10:00 am - 2:00 pm & Sunday’s - Closed Meeteetse Medical Clinic Tuesdays 9-4 For an appt call 868-2272 Or 347-2555 (12//31/14) ——— MORE NEWS ——— A meeting regarding a logging contract in Kirwin this summer will be held on April 14, 2015 @ 5:30 pm at the Meeteetse Museum. Although there is a definite need to reduce the dead trees around the Kirwin site, this could greatly impact our summer tourist & fall hunting business. PLEASE make a point to attend this meeting for the good of our community. Communication on this issue will be key. Girl Scouts is up and running! We welcome girls of all ages and we meet the 1st Wednesday of each month at the after-school Recreation building at 6:30. For further information please call 868-2168 (Keri) or 868-2377 (Molly) Tammy Lawler will be coming to the Meeteetse Senior Center to give manicures and pedicures on the second Monday of each month, starting at 1:30 pm. If you are interested, please call the senior center to get on the list. Also, if you are a homebound senior and would like a manicure or pedicure, please call the senior center at 868-2622. This is a self pay service that is being offered to Meeteetse Seniors in the community. (2/3) Ranchers!! And anyone else interested!! Get ready for next year’s National Day of the American Cowboy celebration -- we are having a cow-tongue art contest -- Just put out your salt blocks now and let your cows design the best block!!! Bring to the celebration and win a prize. Rodeo! Rodeo! Rodeo! Get online at & go to ‘Shop’ Enter the rodeo online for the Party in the Pasture or Labor Day Rodeos Let’s get our Rodeo ON! 6/30/2015 Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit welcomes all. SUNDAY’s @ 9 am At Meeteetse’s Community Church “I praise my God this day. I give myself to God this day. I ask God to help me this day. I come from God, I belong to God, I go back to God. In the Name of the Father and of The Son and The Holy Ghost” Amen 12/31/14 Meeteetse Recreation District News March 25, 2015 Open Gym will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00pm at the school gym. Open Gym is for students grades 6-12 as well as adults. The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday April 4th beginning at 10:00am at the Golf Course. Age groups are: Preschool – Kindergarten and Grades 1-4. Come out and join us. There will be an Adult Swimming Trip to the Star Plunge in Thermopolis Friday April 3rd. The bus will leave from the Senior Center at 11:30am and return around 4:00pm. Star Plunge Rates: Seniors (65 & up) -$10.00; Adults - $12.50. The cost for the ride is $5.00 for non-members. Bring lunch money. Please sign up at the Recreation District Office. Meeteetse Ballet Update: Classes instructed by Brittany Clarke are going on now. Please contact the Recreation District office for more information and to sign up. We provide weekly transportation for members of our community; whether it be for groceries, household supplies, or medical treatment. The bus goes to Cody on Thursdays leaving at 8:30am. Please schedule your trip with the Senior Center (868-2622) or the Rec (868-2603) by Wednesday if you would like to make the trip. Pool Schedule for March 2015 Adult Swim Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30-11:30am Saturday 8:00-10:00am Deep Water Swim Monday 10:00-11:00am Lap Swim Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00-6:30am Hydrocise Tuesday, Thursday 4:30-5:30pm Yoga: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fr idays 7:30-8:30am at the After School Building. The cost is $5.00 per session. The MeetRecKids After School Program is open to students in grades K-5 and takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 – 5:15pm. The cost is just $50.00 per calendar year. This charge also covers the Summer Program. Meeteetse Recreation District has Annual Membership Passes available! Your pass will allow you to participate in all recreational activities offered. The cost for membership passes are as follows: • Senior Membership (Age 65 & up) $100.00 per year • Individual Membership $200.00 per year • Family/Couples Membership $300.00 per year (Parents and child(ren) thru age 18) We have fitness room passes available for $25 for 30 uses and swim passes $40 for 30 times! Keep up with all activities we offer on our website: or follow us on Facebook. ——FOR SALE—— Please let us know when your item sells so it can be removed from the Bulletin For Sale: New all leather Stetson boots 11 1/2 D, square toe, walking heel, in original box. $100. Call 250-2011 or 272-6220 Just Arrived for our greeting card carousel.....Lean' Tree cards. Every card on the carousel is $1.00. SHOP LOCAL littleBigman books now has copies for sale of Nancy Weidel's book, Historic Ranches of Wyoming. Several of you have been asking about this book. We got in our first shipment this week and they are almost all gone already. More are coming. Leave your name with the Visitor's Center staff, and we will call you when the next shipment arrives. Two ranches from our area are part of the narrative. QUILTERS! littleBigman at the Visitor's Center is now carrying books on quilting designs and patterns. JUST ARRIVED! littleBigman has just received 50+ books to add to our inventory. Browse in the visitor's center to see what is new. Cody no longer has a book store so SHOP LOCAL The MVC would like to give a great big Thank You To the following for supporting the Meeteetse Rodeo! The 91 Ranch Ace Hardware The Irma The Oasis Motel Stein Buss Wolff Accounting Denny Menholt Lewis Construction Keep looking back for more supporter’s! For Rent: 1 Bedroom w/ washer/dryer, No dogs or smoking. $500 / month. 250-0116 899-3561 For Sale: 2002 29’ Montana 5th wheel. Three slides, Arctic Package, like new tires. 307-868-2643 for more information. For Sale: Camper Shell - fits 92 - 98 long box Ford Call 1-307-272-1664 (4/22) For Sale: Remington Model 12 Nylon 22 LR Tube feed w/ old scope. $325 -- Wolf .223 cal ammo $6/box of 20 rounds -- R.C.B.S. Rock chucker supreme reloading press N.I.B. $140 -- Call John 868-2386 For Sale: Concentrator Machine -- Treadmill (almost new) Call Jake Weber 307-868-2206 For Sale: Saddle blanket seat covers for an SUV, navy blue in color. Front bucket seats, and full bench seat in back. New never used still in plastic packages. Paid $300.00 will sell for $200.00. Only interested persons, please call. 307-868-2660 or 307-899-3999 For Rent: 2 trailer lots with individual hookups available for seniors, small pet ok. Call Jim Yockey at 868-2233 or Mattie Hall at 303-637-0084. For Sale: Senior Trailer Park for sale. Owner financing available. Please call Jim Yockey 8682233 or Mattie Hall at 303-637-0084 Brian Webster Associate Broker Integrity in your Real Estate Transaction Office: 307-587-5584 Cell: 307-899-2494 Home: 307-587-0881 E-mail: (6/30/15) For Sale Set of four 225/65R17 Toyo all weather tires in very good condition. $740 new, asking $300. Call 868-9243 May Day in Meeteetse Donations FRESH FARM EGGS—$1.98 doz. Call Kurt 904-583-0384 — In town FREE delivery. Ace Hardware, Canyon Sporting Goods, Cowboy Bar, Cowtown Candy, Elkhorn Bar & Grill, Eastgate Liquors, Libations, Linton’s Big ‘R’, Mac’s Bar, Meeteetse Museums, Meeteetse Rec Dist., Rocky Mountain Sports, Scheels, Sunlight Sports, Tanager Beverages, Walmark, Wea Market & the Wind River Hotel & Casino. ——AREA REAL ESTATE—— If you have a home or property for sale or rent, please contact the Visitor Center and it will be listed here and passed on to anyone who contacts the Visitor Center. House for rent, on five acres with pasture and barn. House is 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. The master bedroom and bathroom are quite roomy. The kitchen was recently remodeled and has all new appliances. Available Feb 1st. Call for more information, Brent LaPierre 307-272-0223 FOR SALE: 6 bdrm/3 full bath home on 2 lots. 2 car garage/storage shed. Auto Sprinklers, wood stove, great location! $220,000 — Call Jody at Real Living Eagle Real Estate @307-250-4421 Best buy in Meeteetse! For Sale: Oasis and Vision Quest Motels & RV Park. Highway & river frontage, cabins, rooms, & RV sites. Profitable business in bountiful Meeteetse. Call 307-868-2551 Brian Webster - Associate Broker (307) 899-2494 Western Real Estate of WY, Inc. 1. REDUCED! 2146 Franklin Street. 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath historical home with garage on a large lot. Now only $104,500! 2. 2245 Franklin Street. 2112 sq ft twinhome with many updates and large attached garage. $139,500. Park County Sheriff Dispatch (non-emergency calls) 800-786-2848 One Call of WY 800-849-2476 or 811 Park County Court House 800-786-2844 Meeteetse: Bank 868-2521 Fire Dept. 868-2627 Library 868-2248 Museum 868-2423 Post Office 868-2461 Rec Center 868-2603 School 868-2501 Senior Citizens 868-2622 Visitor Center 868-2454 Town Hall 868-2278 Thank you! Check our website Email us at FREE ADMISSION Meeteetse Museum District 1947 State Street Meeteetse, Wyoming 82433 307-868-2423 Charles Belden Museum Meeteetse Museum First National Bank Museum Hours of Operation: Tuesday –Saturday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Closed Sunday & Monday Visitors often ask whether the First National Bank of Meeteetse was ever robbed. Well, it seems that it was in 1958. Read the article below to find out what happened. (Article from unknown newspaper, November, 1958. From the Meeteetse Museums Archives.) One can still see the patch in the wall of the vault where the bugler (s) entered. Come by the Bank Museum Tuesday through Saturday to check it out. Also check out our updated calendar of events for 2015 at We will be adding additional events as time goes on, so keep watching. Get ready for a NEW event comin’ our way! May Day in Meeteetse May 1st - 3rd Friday ~ Garage-a-Rama & Calcutta Saturday ~ Garage-a-Rama & Fishing on the Sunshine & Fish Fry Sunday ~ Fishing on the Sunshine & Awards Dinner All prizes from the Ice Derby will be used for this event so come on out and get your Fish ON! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Wyoming Outdoorsmen Annual Fundraiser Banquet MARCH 28 - RILEY ARENA - DOORS OPEN AT 4 - DINNER 6:30 $500 CASH DRAWING for tickets purchased by 3/8/15 Tickets: Cody-Rocky Mtn. Sports/ Powell - Ridgeline Auto Repair/ Greybull - Mike’s Gun Shop ADULT TICKETS $55 YOUTH TICKETS $25 ALL INCLUDE MEMBERSHIP TWO GRAND DOOR PRIZES! **** $500 FUEL CARDS YOUTH DRAWINGS ** Boys and Girls Deer Hunts/Fly Rods with Lessons Kids under 12 - Spin Rod/Reel and Tackle Box ALL KIDS GET A FREE CAP RAFFLES: GUN SAFE, 65” VIZIO TV, AR-15, DIAMONDS, 50/50 CASH CASH BAR --- SILENT AUCTION --- LIVE AUCTION --GAMES HUNTS, FISHING, LADIES, YOUTH GUNS, ART, GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP GUEST SPEAKER: RYAN BENSON OF BIG GAME FOREVER Invited Guests: Matt Mead, John Barrasso, Mike Enzi, Cynthia Lummis IT’S A FAMILY BANQUET -- PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND The Town of Meeteetse is entertaining estimates for handicap ramp and or a roof over existing ramp. Please have estimates into the Town by April 7th, at 4:00 pm. Meeteetse Youth Work Program Calendar 1. April 06, 2015 - Business Job Descriptions Due 2. April 10, 2015 - Meeteetse Youth Friday Workshop 8:00 am - 12:00 @ Meeteetse School 3. April 15, 2015 - Business Labor Laws Meeting (required) 2:00pm @ Meeteetse School Cafeteria 4. April 15, 2015 - Program Awareness -7:00 pm @ Meeteetse School Cafeteria 5. May 11, 2015 - Meeteetse Job Interview and Youth Enrollment Deadline- 5:30pm @ Meeteetse School Gym 6. June 1, 2015 - Student/Employee Training (mandatory)-9:00am @ Town Hall Meeteetse Youth Work Program Summer is right around the corner and we are sure you are gearing up for a busy summer season. We would like you to consider joining our Meeteetse Youth Work Program for the 2014-2015 year. Our goal for the program is to provide youth work experience and provide businesses the extra help they may need and cannot afford. The program pays for the youth wages and the businesses agree to help provide our youth with a learning work experience. The Meeteetse Youth Work Program Board is now requiring a $250.00 Business registration fee. The fee is due to the Town of Meeteetse on March 1, 2015. The fee will help with the initial pr ogr am costs and help leverage private donations and grant dollars. The funding for the program is changing and it is important to show business buy-in. Businesses are also required to sign a contract with the Town of Meeteetse and sign the Meeteetse Youth Program Guidelines. Please contact Angie at 868-2278 or to receive a copy of these documents. If you are interested in the program please complete a job description for the positions you may have available. The job descriptions can be emailed to or dropped off at the Town Hall. Please provide your job description by April 6, 2015. These job descriptions will be handed out to the youth on April 11, 2014. The mandatory meeting for all businesses to attend is scheduled on April 15, 2015, at 2:00 at the Meeteetse School Cafeteria. We will to go over program guidelines and labor laws. All businesses who participate in the program must have this training, it is very important information. Please bring your signed contract and Meeteetse Youth Program Guidelines to this meeting. Meeteetse Job Interview and Enrollment will be held May 11, 2015 @ 5:30 at the School Gym. All Work Program Businesses should attend to interview potential youth workers. Thank you for considering being part of this program!! We hope you will continue in our partnership to provide quality work experience to the youth of Meeteetse. If you have any questions feel free to contact Jim @ 587-4241 or Angie @ 868-2278. The MYWP is a partnership between the state of Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, the Town of Meeteetse, the Meeteetse Schools, the Wyoming Community Foundation, and many Meeteetse employers. It is in this spirit of partnership that we ask you to financially support this program at whatever level you are able. This year we ar e tasked with raising $10,00 to match a contribution from the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated, and every dollar goes back into the pockets of the youth employed by the program. For more information feel free to contact John Fernandez @ 307-868-2603- or Angie Johnson @ 307-868-2278 - Richard is at Hospice House in Cody receiving excellent care. Richard and I would like to thank everyone for the prayers, visits, monetary gifts, food, cards, flowers, balloons, transportation, phone calls. We also wish to thank his Doctors & PA’s, Nurses & CNA’s who took excellent care of him. A special thank you to John and the ladies that went on the Rec bus 12, 11, 14 to Cody with me and thanks again for the pleasant surprise they had for me. ~Richard & Hope Lindgren For Garage-a-Rama entry forms, go to go to ‘Event Calendar’ go to ‘Applications & Forms’ ...and there you be! All entry forms and whatnot can be found right here for all events for 2015! As you know, a living history tour of the rediscovery site of black-footed ferrets will be conducted on May 15 as part of Spring into Yellowstone, a Cody area birding and wildlife festival. This is a collaborative effort with Dennie Hammer taking the lead. Partners include: Dennie Hammer: Co-discover Lenox Baker: Pitchfork Ranch owner David Cunningham: Meeteetse Museum John Fernandez: Meeteetse Rec District (providing transportation) Kimberly Fraser: National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center Nichole Cudworth: Game and Fish Non Game Biologist Zack Walker: Game and Fish Non Game Program Supervisor Spring into Yellowstone! Here is the tentative tour itinerary: 9 a.m.- Participants leave Cody in bus provided by Meeteetse Rec District 9:45- Participants arrive at Museum, tour exhibit, discuss current status, management, view live ferret ~Noon or earlier- Leave for Pitchfork Ranch, tour site, have lunch ~2 p.m.- Depart for Cody Participants can sign up for tours and learn more about the event at . The Chamber is charging $40
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