BULLETIN - Meeteetse, Wyoming

Produced & Distributed by
Meeteetse Visitor Center
MAY 20, 2015
The Bulletin is published at the Meeteetse Visitor Center. Please email ads to: director@tctwest.net or deliver to the Visitor
Center by MONDAY at Noon for WEDNESDAY’S edition. Side ads may be purchased for $5 per week (this includes 2 free
lines in the business section). Please keep line ads at a Three Line Max. The Meeteetse Visitor Center does not represent or
endorse the accuracy or reliability of advertisers, nor is it responsible for the content of any of the advertisers in this publication.
The Visitor Center’s Hours: (as of May 1st) TUESDAY thru SATURDAY 10:30 A.M.—4:00 P.M. - CLOSED: SUNDAY &
MONDAY If you need immediate assistance during these hours and the office is closed, please contact, Yvonne Renner 2720610, Tess Fremlin 272-7808, or Sherry Long 868-2551. If the office is closed, ORV permits are available at the Oasis Motel.
Please note: All menus are subject to change without notice.
Mon., May 25: Closed for Memorial Day
Wed., May 27: Swiss Steak with Tomato Sauce, Baked Potato, Broccoli Salad, Crisp
To Contact Meeteetse Senior Center, call 868-2622 — if no answer, call Tracie @ 272-4768
Have you tried the Meeteetse Senior Center for lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays? The food is fantastic and at a cost of
$3.50 for Senior Citizens 60 years plus and $6.25 for everyone else, the price can’t be beat. We welcome guests and serve at
12noon. Hope to see you soon!
——— NEWS ———
Volunteers Needed! Come and support the Meeteetse Field of Honor by meeting at the cemetary at 10am on Saturday, May
23rd. We will be putting rebar stakes for flags. For more info call Ann Lawler at 868-9239
Meeteetse Community Pool will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th.
Cowboy Bar Friday night (5/22) join us for the 9 o’clock Band unplugged and drink specials!
Garage Sale! 5710 Hwy 120, Meeteetse 8am to Noon May 30th Dave & Lynne Randol. Lots of items, kitchen, art, toys, lawn
furniture, collectibles, some furniture, lamps, something for everyone.
Needed: Home/s for 4 long-haired kittens ready to catch mice. Litter trained & people friendly, please call 641-891-2212 FREE!
Looking for construction Apprentice/Laborer for project here in Meeteetse. Please call Matt at 307-899-9898
Meeteetse Medical Clinic is changing to Mondays from 8-3 starting Monday, May 18th. Call 868-2272 for an appointment.
The Meeteetse Conservation District board of supervisors is requesting an elector of the unincorporated area of the Meeteetse
Conservation District to volunteer to fill an unexpired (rural) vacancy on the Board of Supervisors. For further information, please
contact the Meeteetse Conservation District office at 868-2484 or by email at mcd@tctwest.net.” (5/27)
NOTICE: The Town of Meeteetse is currently accepting applications for a contract cleaner to clean town hall. Pick up an
application and job description at Town Hall. Application deadline May 28, 2015.
Field of Honor flags are now on sale at the MVC! Price of flag is only $38. You may purchase at the MVC or go online at
www.healingfield.org/cody15 to pay with a credit card.
LEGEND ROCK IS NOW OPEN — No Key is needed for entry — Open every day 8 a.m.—6 p.m. — Volunteers are needed for
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8 a.m.– 6 p.m. Call 307-921-2057 if interested.
——— MORE NEWS ———
As of 4/30/15, George Provancha will be living in Lovell at New Horizons Care Center. Cards can
be sent to: George Provancha - New Horizons Care Center -- 1115 Lane 12 -- Lovell, WY 82431
Meeteetse Senior Center would like to thank everyone who purchased raffle tickets for the
BBQ. Congratulations go to Linda Seaton, the lucky winner!
FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Meeteetse Visitor Center gift shop now has gift bags and tissue
paper for your gifts @ $1.00
Lost in the Frank's Fork area - after hiking and back to our truck: a silver Nikon Coolpix Camera. If found please call 868-2474
Exp”d itinerant ranch hand seeking ranch job - feeding, calving, fencing, haying etc. ltdumbear@live.com or 307-359-0011
Girl Scouts is up and running! We welcome girls of all ages and we meet the 1st Wednesday of
each month at the after-school Recreation building at 6:30. For further information please
call 868-2168 (Keri) or 868-2377 (Molly)
Tammy Lawler will be coming to the Meeteetse Senior Center to give manicures and pedicures
on the second Monday of each month, starting at 1:30 pm. If you are interested, please call the
senior center to get on the list. Also, if you are a homebound senior and would like a manicure or
pedicure, please call the senior center at 868-2622. This is a self pay service that is being offered
to Meeteetse Seniors in the community. (2/3)
Ranchers!! And anyone else interested!! Get ready for this year’s National Day of the American
Cowboy celebration, Sat. July 18 -- we are having a cow-tongue art contest -- Just put out your salt
blocks now and let your cows design the best block!!! Bring to the celebration and win a prize.
ARE YOU THE ANGEL WE ARE LOOKING FOR? Hands 2 Help is looking for companions in the
Meeteetse area -- Flexible hours & days -- Must have reliable transportation -- Please contact Lisa
Bellmyer, RN at Hands 2 Help for more info -- lisab@hands2help.com -- 307587-4601 (6/10)
MEETEETSE MEDICAL CLINIC 8-3 on Mondays, Call 868-2272 for an appointment
It’s MOW TIME! Free Spring Fertilizing for ALL NEW customers! Trimming, rotor tilling, fertilizing, and anything else your lawn may need. Call Extra Mile Landscapes at 307-250-7263
Elk Horn Bar
& Grill
Now NON Smoking!
Sunday Special
Your choice of 2 meats; 3
veggies, on our 2
egg ,Breakfast Pizza
Full 10 inch $14
1/2 order $8
Good, but not fast. Come
try something different.
Open 7 days
a week.
Medical Clinic
Mondays 8-3
For an appt
Need Yard work done? Call the Rileys at 868-2493 for all your basic lawn care needs (mowing,
trimming, etc.) (5/6)
Brand Above Real Estate is now in Meeteetse. Shawn Hicks has 30 years experience of the
Meeteetse area and can help you find your way home! See her ad on page 6. Call Shawna for your
real estate needs at 272-0939 or dallygirlleather@hotmail.com.
Hole in the Wall Antiques has so much for everyone! Come and see what we have, small to big,
old to new(ish) Have questions or looking for something? Call Johnny at 272-7153 or text
LNL Classic Auto Repair & Restoration is NOW OPEN for all your classic auto repairs. Small
engines, & basic services are also welcome. Call Lionel Ostrander at 307-868-2155. (7/29)
MEETEETSE CONSERVATION DISTRICT is hiring up to four (4), Summer Field Technicians
to assist with data collection for an ongoing Sage-Grouse Research Project in the Big Horn Basin.
A detailed job description and application instructions are available at: www.meeteetsecd-wy.gov.
Meeteetse Recreation District News
May 20, 2015
The GOLF BUS will be going to Midway Golf Course in Basin on Tuesday evenings
beginning May 26th. The cost is just $17 to play 9 holes with a cart plus $5.00 for the bus ride for non-members.
We will leave from the Recreation District office at 4:00pm. Please call the office at 868-2603 to sign up.
The MeetRecKids Summer Program is set to get underway June 8th. This is for students just completing grades k5. Call the office for more information.
Age 4-1st Grade will meet on Mondays from 3:45-4:45pm; Grades 2-6 will meet on Mondays from 4:45-5:45pm
and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm. Classes instructed by Brittany Clarke are going on now. Please contact the
Recreation District office for more information and to sign up.
Open Gym will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00pm at the school gym. Open Gym is for
students grades 6-12 as well as adults.
We provide weekly transportation for members of our community; whether it be for groceries, household supplies,
or medical treatment. The bus goes to Cody on Thursdays leaving at 8:30am. Please schedule your trip with the
Senior Center (868-2622) or the Rec (868-2603) by Wednesday if you would like to make the trip.
Yoga: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 7:30-8:30am at the After School Program Building. The cost is $5.00 per
session for non-members.
Pool Schedule for May 2015 **CLOSED ON MEMORIAL DAY (5/25)**
Adult Swim
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30-11:30am
Saturday 8:00-10:00am
Deep Water Swim
Monday 10:00-11:00am
Lap Swim
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00-6:30am
Tuesday, Thursday 4:30-5:30pm
The MeetRecKids After School Program is open to students in grades K-5 and takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 – 5:15pm.
The cost is just $50.00 per calendar year. This charge also covers the Summer Program.
Meeteetse Recreation District has Annual Membership Passes available! Your pass will allow you to participate in all recreational
activities offered. The cost for membership passes are as follows:
• Senior Membership (Age 65 & up)
$100.00 per year
• Individual Membership
$200.00 per year
• Family/Couples Membership $300.00 per year (Parents and child(ren) thru age 18)
We have fitness room passes available for $25 for 30 uses and swim passes $40 for 30 times!
Keep up with all activities we offer on our website: www.meetrec.org or follow us on Facebook.
Meeteetse Community Church If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed,
given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking is freedom. ~Dwight Eisenhower
The Anglican Church. (Church of the Holy Spirit) is using the Meeteetse Community Church facilities for their services. Special service times will be noted in this bulletin.
Bible Study non-denominational, every Tuesday at 7pm at Youngs Garage for more info call
Johnny at 272-7153
Anglican Church of the
Holy Spirit welcomes all
SUNDAY’s @ 9 am
At Meeteetse’s Community
“I praise my God this day. I
give myself to God this day.
I ask God to help me this
day. I come from God, I
COWBOY CHURCH 7pm Thursday nights in the shop at Cowboys with a Mission. Join us for
to God, I go back to
worship, fellowship and a message from local and guest speakers. Cowboys with a Mission 369 Hwy
the Name of the
290 (307)868-2238
Father and of The Son and
The Holy Ghost” Amen
St. Andrews Episcopal Church meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Eucharist with Fr. Joe
Galligan is the second Sunday of each month.
Meeteetse Schools hired a new JH Science and Math teacher and we are looking for housing him
and his family. He has six kids. If you have or know of a house for rent that would fit this family
please call the school office at 868-2501.
School Board monthly meetings are held in the Cafeteria on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at
7pm. All are encouraged and welcome to come.
Longhorn League will be on summer hiatus in May and June. For information on the League or get
involved please contact llpto16@gmail.com. All are encouraged and welcome to come.
Friends of the Library will meet Wednesday, May 27 at 10:00. We've got an idea for a fund raiser we need your input and help!
Beyond the Books Club will meet Thursday, May 28 at 2:00. We've finished "Water for Elephants"
and will get new books.
The Park County Library Board will hold their May meeting in Meeteetse on Thursday, May 28 at
4:00. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Rocky Mountain Puppets will be here on Thursday, June 4 at 10:30 am to kick off our Summer Reading Programs! This family program promises to be fun for all ages!
"Genealogy Night" at the Library. Come on the last Thursday of each month from 4:00 - 6:00 to
work on your genealogy projects. Use our computers as a resource, spread your work out on our tables and share information and tips with your fellow genealogy workers. See you Thursday’s
The Big Horn Rodeo
Would like to thank the following
Farm Credit Services
Big Horn Basin Bone &
“The Range” 103.3
Radio Station
All who have donated time and
energy in making this happen!
If you would like to donate or
sponsor, please contact Tess at
Or 272-7808
Second rodeo for the
MEETEETSE BRANCH LIBRARY Hours Monday & Wednesday’s 7:30 am - 5:00 pm, Tuesday &
Thursday’s 7:30 am- 6:30 pm, Friday’s 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday’s 10:00 am - 2:00 pm & Sunday’s - Closed
Park County Sheriff Dispatch (non-emergency calls) 800-786-2848
One Call of WY 800-849-2476 or 811
Park County Court House 800-786-2844
Post Office
Frequently Used Phone Numbers:
Fire Dept.
Rec Center
Senior Citizens
Come and support the
Big Horn
Rodeo Circuit
Ten Sleep for
Beauty and the Beast
Saturday, May 23
Please let us know when your item sells so it can be removed from the Bulletin
FOR SALE: 5 ft x 6 ft picture window - double casement - white clad Pella $250 - 586-5409 in Cody
FOR SALE: Computer - Cannon Printer - Refrigerator (runs good) 868-2651
The Meeteetse Visitor's Center has graduation cards on their dollar carousel. Remember all cards on
the carousel are $1. SHOP LOCAL
littleBigman currently has quilting books on the Dutchman's puzzle block, the log cabin block, snail's
trail block, Gentleman's Fancy block, Farmer's Daughter block, and Wild Geese block. Prices are
greatly reduced for all quilting books. These are written especially for beginning quilters. SHOP LOCAL!
You remember Little House on the Prairie? Since 2010, the South Dakota Historical Society has been
working on a research project which enhances and analyzes the writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder. The
book was published this past year and sold out immediately. It is entitled, Pioneer Girl, and littleBigman
has only a few copies due to the book's popularity. Our prices are competitive with on-line sellers who
at this time don't have copies available.
Thank You
To the following for
supporting the
Meeteetse Rodeo!
The 91 Ranch
Ace Hardware
The Irma
The Oasis Motel
Denny Menholt
Alan & Ann Simpson
Lewis Construction
Gould Veterinary Clinic
Turnell Cattle Co.
Marathon Oil
Keep looking back for
more supporter’s!
For Sale: Concentrator Machine -- Treadmill (almost new) Call Jake Weber 307-868-2206
FRESH FARM EGGS—$1.98 doz. Call Kurt 904-583-0384 — In town FREE delivery.
The Town of Meeteetse will hold an open burn within the city limits May 18 th through June 1st,
2015 with the proper approval of the Fire Department with the following precautions.
1) No burning within 25 feet of any buildings
2) No burning of tires, steel, paper, cardboard or other trash, only leaves, weeds, vegetation.
3) Must have a means of controlling the fire and putting it out- a hose connected to the faucet.
4) No burning before 7:00 am and after 7:30 pm.
5) An adult must be present at all times of a burn.
6) No burning in the dumpsters.
Summer Reading
Spend time reading
for prizes Big and
Registration open
May 26th
A variety of fun
programs for all
age groups from
infant to adult on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Go to
the library for info
Place your ad here
for only $5
If you have a home or property for sale or rent, please contact the Visitor Center and it will be
listed here and passed on to anyone who contacts the Visitor Center.
Brian Webster - Associate Broker (307) 899-2494 Western Real Estate of WY, Inc.
1. NEW: 2108 Idaho Street. 3bed 2bath with garage on large lot, built in 2014. $159,500
2. 20 acres with well, electric, septic, 1br trailer, full RV hookups. Great views! $115,000
3. REDUCED to $99,900! 2146 Franklin St- 3 bed 1 bath historic home, garage, large lot.
4. 2245 Franklin Street. 2112 sq ft twinhome with many updates and large attached garage. $139,500
FOR SALE: 6 bdrm/3 full bath home on 2 lots. 2 car garage/storage shed. Auto Sprinklers, wood
stove, great location! $220,000 — Call Jody at Real Living Eagle Real Estate @307-250-4421 Best
buy in Meeteetse!
For Sale: Oasis and Vision Quest Motels & RV Park. Highway & river frontage, cabins, rooms, & RV
sites. Profitable business in bountiful Meeteetse. Call 307-868-2551
FOR RENT: 6 Bedroom/3 Full Bathrooms. $1200.00 per month plus utilities. One year lease purchase
option available. Two lots/Two car garage. Perfect family home! Call 250-4421 or 1-307-840-2603.
Brian Webster
Associate Broker
Integrity in your Real
Estate Transaction
Office: 307-587-5584
Cell: 307-899-2494
Home: 307-587-0881
E-mail: bwebster@tctwest.net
Meeteetse House FOR SALE: 3br, 2 bath, huge family rm, huge 2 car garage, 12x12 storage shed,
fenced yard. Owner will finance O.H.C. at 4% with 5K down. Asking 57 K -- 1785 Wyoming Ave.
Phone 307-250-2091 (4/22)
For Rent: 1 Bedroom w/ washer/dryer, No dogs or smoking. $500 / month. 250-0116 899-3561
Meeteetse - New home and pasture -- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2.5 car garage. Fantastic views, pets?
Call 307-250-7571 or 307-868-2285
Help support the
Big Horn
Rodeo Circuit
Available at the
Call Dan Today!
Unisex Youth to
sm-xl $15
Unisex 2xl - 3xl
Ladies sm-xl $17
Visit the
Gift Shop
Lots of great
items for you
or as gifts!
Check our website meeteetsemuseums.org
Email us at info@meeteetsemuseums.org
Meeteetse Museum District
1947 State Street ~ Meeteetse, Wyoming 82433
Charles Belden Museum
Meeteetse Museum
First National Bank Museum
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Saturday 9:30 am– 5:00 pm
Sunday Noon - 4:00 pm
Opening on Saturday, May 23
Presentation, 1 PM
(featuring archaeologist Larry Todd and representatives of the US Forest Service and the Bureau of
Land Management)
A new temporary exhibit, Pieces of the Puzzle: Our Heritage at Risk, opens Saturday, May 23, at
Meeteetse Museums and continues through 2015. The exhibit lays out the area’s archaeological past (starting in
Africa), then shows the changes in projectile point manufacturing technology in what is now the western
United States. Finally, the exhibit provides a look at actual Paleoindian artifacts from this immediate area that
are under threat. A fun interactive component is aimed at children and adults. Admission is free.
This exhibit opens with a presentation by archaeologist Larry Todd at 1 p.m., who will talk about the exhibit, our heritage, and the importance of preserving it. Todd, of Meeteetse, is Professor Emeritus from Colorado State University, as well as a Research Fellow at the University of Texas – Austin. Todd is also President
of the Park County Historic Preservation Commission and sits on the National Register Review Board for the
State of Wyoming. Representatives of the US Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management will also
take part in the presentation.
Pieces of the Puzzle: Our Heritage at Risk is a collaborative effort between the Meeteetse Museums, the
US Forest Service, Shoshone National Forest, the Park County Historic Preservation Commission, and the
Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office. Dr. Todd has also collaborated with the staff on the design of the
exhibit and has been instrumental in its development. Major funding for the exhibit has come from the Park
County Historic Preservation Commission through a grant from the National Park Service.
Admission is free to the Saturday exhibit opening and presentation. Free refreshments will also be available. For more information, please call 307-868-2423 or email info@meeteetsemuseums.org.
Youth Work
June 1, 2015 - Student/Employee
Training (mandatory) - 9:00am
@ Town Hall
Meeteetse Youth Work Program
Summer is right around the corner and we are sure you are gearing up for a busy summer season. We would like
you to consider joining our Meeteetse Youth Work Program for the 2014-2015 year.
Our goal for the program is to provide youth work experience and provide businesses the extra help they may need
and cannot afford. The program pays for the youth wages and the businesses agree to help provide our youth with a
learning work experience.
The Meeteetse Youth Work Program Board is now requiring a $250.00 Business registration fee. The fee will
help with the initial program costs and help leverage private donations and grant dollars. The funding for the program is
changing and it is important to show business buy-in. Businesses are also required to sign a contract with the Town of
Meeteetse and sign the Meeteetse Youth Program Guidelines. Please contact Angie at 868-2278 or
meeteetse@tctwest.net to receive a copy of these documents.
If you are interested in the program please complete a job description for the positions you may have available. The
job descriptions can be emailed to meeteetse@tctwest.net or dropped off at the Town Hall. These job descriptions will be
handed out to the youth on April 11, 2014.
The MYWP is a partnership between the state of Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, the Town of Meeteetse,
the Meeteetse Schools, the Wyoming Community Foundation, and many Meeteetse employers. It is in this spirit of
partnership that we ask you to financially support this program at whatever level you are able. This year we are
tasked with raising $10,000 to match a contribution from the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. Any contribution
would be greatly appreciated, and every dollar goes back into the pockets of the youth employed by the program. For more
information feel free to contact John Fernandez @ 307-868-2603- meetrec@tctwest.net or Angie Johnson @ 307-868-2278meeteetse@tctwest.net.
My granddaughter, Aspen Eldredge is raising money to go on a Senior trip to Europe by baking her famous
cheesecakes. She will be in Meeteetse the 1st week in June to fulfill orders. Please email Aspen at her email address on the flyer or text/call her. If you are not going to be available for delivery the 1st week of June, please let
her know and we will make arrangements to delivery your cheesecakes later. If you have questions, contact Aspen or me, Sherry Long, 868-2551. Thanks!