Procedure Waste Management Services Document Number WMS/001/15 Head of Service Head of Environment – Conor Canning John Quinn - Principle Supervisor Refuse (North including Culmore, Carnhill and Pennyburn) Tel 028 71355990 Eddie Nutter - Principle Supervisor Street Cleansing (City Centre including Waterside Duke Street, Spencer Road ) Tel 028 71355990 Norman Boyd – Cleansing Supervisor (East, Waterside and Rural) Tel 028 71355990 James McIvor – Cleansing Supervisor (West, Ballymagroarty, Rosemount, Bogside, Creggan. Tel 028 71355990 Liam Donnelly – Technical Services Officer (Strabane Town Area) 028 71 253253 Bill Laird – Technical Services Officer (Strabane Rural Area) 028 71 253253 Contact Officer(s) Effective Date Review Date 1st April 2015 Reviewed Annually 1 Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this document is to provide information to the residents of Derry City and Strabane District Council area on Waste Management Services currently provided by Council including: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 Background 2.1 3 Local and Regional Strategic Waste Planning and Policy Development Domestic Refuse Collection Bulky Refuse Collection Assisted Bin Collection Food Waste Collection Commercial Refuse Collection Community Clean-ups Household Recycling Centres Street and Environmental Cleansing Enforcement and monitoring Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (N I) 2011 Education and Awareness Report it Derry City and Strabane District Council provides a range of waste and Environmental services across the City, Town, villages and District. The services involve the Collection and treatment of waste from 56,000 domestic properties and 900 Commercial customers on a weekly basis and the provision of a street cleaning services to cover approximately 1130 kilometres of carriageway. Council is committed to providing quality cost effective Waste Management services to all its residents. Local and Regional Strategic Waste Planning and Policy Development 3.1 The Local and Regional Strategic Waste Planning and Policy was developed through the Waste Management Plan 2006 – 2020 was been prepared by the North West Regional Waste Management Group (NWRWMG) representing a voluntary grouping of Several Local Authorities in Northern Ireland which includes Derry City and Strabane District Council. The purpose of the plan is to set out the necessary arrangements for the management of waste arising within the region in fulfillment of the Council’s statutory obligations under the EU Waste Framework Directive, The Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997, the Landfill Allowance Scheme (Northern Ireland) Regulation 2004 (NILAS) and the Food Waste (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2015. These arrangements include the planning, development and Management of waste facilities, i.e. Refuse Disposal /Treatment, Recycling / Recycling Centres and ‘Bring Banks’. 4 5 Domestic Refuse Collection 4.1 Refuse collection Services are regulated under The Waste and Contaminated Land (NI) Order 1997 4.2 Domestic Bins are collected on an alternative week system with black bins collected one week and blue bins the next. Householders are requested to ensure that the correct materials are deposited in each bin and that the bins are set out for collection as per the agreed collection schedule. Calendars indicating the agreed collection schedule can be accessed at; The collection of wheeled bins. 5.1 All waste for collection must be contained within the wheeled bin compatible with the Council’s refuse collection vehicles. The lid of the bin must be fully closed and additional bags or side waste cannot be collected during the bin collections as these pose and unacceptable health and safety risk to the collection crews. Additional waste can be disposed of at a number of the Council’s twelve Household Recycling centres. The acceptance of household waste at Council Recycling centres in the form of black bags will be phased out. 5.2 The collection point should normally be at the kerbside, or where no kerb exists, at an agreed location. The bin must be presented at the collection point before 7.30 am on the day of collection. Position the bin convenient to where the refuse vehicle usually stops with the handles facing the road. The householder must ensure the bin is not overloaded with the lid completely closed. Bins not presented in the correct manner will not be emptied as they pose a health and safety risk to the collection crews. The resident must, as soon as practicable after collection, remove the wheeled bin from the collection point and return it to their premises in order to avoid any possible danger or nuisance to traffic or members of the public. 5.3 Responsibility for the purchase, supply and maintenance of the bins rests with the householder. Bins can be purchased by contacting Council’s Finance Dept or Technical Dept on 028 71253253 and paying the appropriate fee. Purchased bins will be delivered to the property on a set day of the week or householder can collect the bin from the Council’s storage depots at Strathfoyle recycling centre or Strathan Road Depot Strabane. 5.4 Wheeled bins, provided they are used in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines should have a life span of 7 to 10 years. Council will only replace a bin if it has been damaged during refuse collection operations. It is the homeowners’ responsibility to replace the bin in other circumstances such as with damaged, stolen or dirty containers. 5.5 If waste is compacted within the wheeled bin resulting in the collection crews being unable to fully empty the bin then the homeowner should arrange for the compacted waste to be removed, or eased, before the next scheduled collection day. 5.6 During severe adverse weather conditions the service may be at risk of widespread disruption. In such conditions, when on route, the driver in consultation with the supervisor will make a decision whether to access a road/street based on risk assessment of the hazards presented by the weather conditions. During extreme circumstances the Head of Service will make the final decision on the withdrawal of a complete route or service. During area wide service disruption the Council’s public relations unit will be notified and a public information strategy agreed and implemented. 5.7 Missed collections may be result from a vehicle breakdown, temporary restricted access to a street or road, adverse weather or resident failing to present their bins on the scheduled collection day. 5.8 In the event of a missed collection, refuse collection crews will return to collect the missed bin only where it is practicable to do so. Attempts will be made to collect the missed bin within 24 hrs of the scheduled collection date – or on the next working day if your collection day is a Friday 5.9 Council, under normal circumstances, will only collect one bin per household. Council can arrange to collect additional bins where special circumstances apply i.e. those with medical conditions etc. Further information on additional bins can be obtained by contacting 028 7137 4107 6 7 Bulky Refuse Collection 6.1 The Bulky collection service is provided on a scheduled weekly basis within fixed zones and is free to all householders within the Council Area. To avail of the service telephone 028 7137 4107 where the operator will take details of the items you wish to have collected and advise you of the collection day. Bulky items which can be collected include old furniture, carpets, domestic appliances, garden refuse such as bagged grass, hedge cuttings etc. 6.2 N.B. Domestic waste arising from construction works i.e. fireplaces, building debris, kitchen and bathroom units etc will not be collected. Assisted Bin Collection 7.1 In situations where all occupiers of a domestic dwelling are, physically unable to place their bins at the agreed collection point the Council will be offer an assisted bin collection. Application for assisted bin collection: • Householder must obtain letter from their medical doctor explaining the residents(s) disability • Following receipt of the letter a Council officer will visit the property involved to agree or determine the collection point for the wheeled bin. • Following confirmation that an assisted collection service will be provided the collection crew will collect the bin from the resident’s property, empty the bin and return it to the original location. • An annual monitoring system will be in place to ensure the continuing validity of each application. Further information on the assisted bin scheme can be obtained by contacting 028 7137 4107 or by e-mailing or or 8 Additional Household Bins. 8.1 A 240L wheeled bin is normally sufficient to contain the residual waste from a domestic residence however households of 6 or more persons may purchase and present for collection a 360L bin. 8.2 In situations where a member of a domestic household has Medical condition which generates additional medical waste then Council may undertake to collect an additional bin from the premises. 8.3 Application for an additional bin 8.4 9 • Householder must obtain letter from their doctor explaining the residents(s) disability • Following receipt of the letter a Council officer will visit the property to determine if an additional bin is required • Following confirmation that an additional bin is required the resident can purchase the additional bin and the collection crew will collect the bin. • An annual monitoring system will be in place to ensure the continuing validity of each application. Further information on purchasing a larger or additional bin can be obtained by contacting 028 7137 4107 Food Waste Collection 9.1 The Food Waste (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2015 which came into effect on 14th February 2015 requires District Councils to provide for the separate collection and treatment of food waste from households and places a duty on commercial food businesses who produce in excess of 5kg of food waste per week to provide a separate collection for such waste and places a duty on businesses to ensure food waste is not deposited in a drain or sewer. 9.2 Additionally the regulations place a duty on those who transport food waste to collect and transport such waste separately to ensure that the collected food waste is not mixed with other waste to the extent that would hamper recycling. The land filling of separately collected food waste is prohibited as from 1 April 2015 9.3 In compliance with these regulations the Council has introduced a separate weekly Food Waste collection service which will operate alongside the existing wheeled bin collection service. By the end of 2017 all households will be provided with a 5L brown kitchen caddy for use within the house and a 23L external brown caddy for presentation of waste for collection. The external caddy has a locking lid for vermin control and to prevent spillages. Households should present their external caddy for collection on a weekly basis at the same agreed collection point as their wheeled bins before 7.30 am on all collection days. The list of foods which can be included in the food waste collection is listed on Council web page; or Recycling Helpline Tel 02871 374107 9.4 A green waste collection will be introduced in the future which will be widely promoted through the local media before launch of the initiative. 10 Commercial Waste Collection 10.1 The Council provides a refuse collection service available to all commercial businesses within the Council area for which a charge must be made. Commercial bins will be serviced by the residential refuse collection vehicles in that area where bins are collected on an alternative week system with black bins collected one week and blue bins the next. 10.2 Council operate a dedicated food waste collection service to facilitate the introduction of Food Waste Regulations which requires all food waste producers i.e. cafes, bars, canteens etc to separate food waste and present for separate collection. All food bins will be brown and collected once per week. 10.3 Any Commercial business requesting a commercial collection must arrange to sign a commercial collection contract for the collection of the specific number of bins to service their waste requirements. Contracts are either annual (1st April – 31st March) or 6 monthly (1st April – 30th Sept and 1st Oct to 31st March) 10.4 Council offer a 5% discount on all direct debit payments and charge £30 per annum for the duty of care documentation which will be included in the April invoice each year. 10.5 Responsibility for the purchase, supply and maintenance of the bins rests with the commercial customer. Bins can be purchased by contacting Councils Finance Dept or Strathan’s Road Depot on 028 71253253 and paying the appropriate fee. Purchased bins will be delivered to the property on a set day of the week or costumer can collect the bin from the Council’s storage depots at Strathfoyle recycling centre or Strathan Road Depot Strabane. The cost of purchasing and servicing wheeled bin of varies sizes i.e. 120L, 240L, 360L and 1100L is set out in attachment at 20.2 10.6 The Waste producer (i.e. the commercial customer) has a responsibility to comply with the Duty of Care Regulations which involves: • • Taking care in handling and containment of their waste Ensures that a transfer note is completed which describes and quantifies the waste, lists the European waste codes (EWC), and names the registered waste carrier 10.7 Council can provide a seasonal transfer note to comply with the above regulation for an annual charge of £30 however commercial customers can undertake this function themselves. A layout of the duty of care standard transfer note is included in attachment at 20.1 10.8 Commercial customers wishing to avail of the commercial refuse collection service should contact Siobhan Fitzgerald Tel 028 71253253 ext 6868 or or requiring additional information on the recycling/brown bin schemes contact: or Bernie Gormley/Karen McGill 028 71253253 10.9 The Council accepts commercial waste for disposal at the 12 no household recycling centres throughout the Council district following the payment of a fixed charge dependant of the amount of waste involved. Prior to disposal at these sites commercial customers must make the appropriate payment at Council offices. The charges for each particular volume of commercial waste is set out in attachment at 20.2 11 Community Clean-ups 11.1 The Council, will if requested, work with the local communities to organise and carry out community clean-ups and bulky lifts. These clean-ups are additional refuse collection and street cleaning services and are designed to support local residents in neighbourhoods clean and tidy. If you require additional information or intend to organise a clean-up in your area contact Des McChrystal on 028 71253253 ext 6807 or contact or Bernie Gormley/Karen McGill 028 71253253 or 12 Household Recycling Centres 12.1 Recycling Centre provide residents with the opportunity to dispose of larger household items at 12 no locations throughout the Council area. The location of these centres, the opening times the range of waste collected at each particular centre is listed in attachment at 20.3 13 Street and Environmental Cleansing 13.1 Street and Environmental Cleansing Services are regulated under the Litter (Northern Ireland) Order 1994 and The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 13.2 Derry City and Strabane District Council provides street cleansing services to all areas of the City, Town, Villages and Rural Areas in compliance with the above legislation. The Council area has been divided into distinct zones – Central, North, West, East and Rural, Strabane urban and Strabane Rural. A cleansing supervisor is responsible for delivering street cleansing services in each of the zoned areas. Should you experience any difficulty or wish to discuss any aspect of the service in your area please contact the relevant supervisor as detailed below. John Quinn - Principle Supervisor Refuse (North including Culmore, Carnhill and Pennyburn Tel 028 71355990 Eddie Nutter (City Centre including Waterside Duke Street, Spencer Road) Tel 028 71355990 Norman Boyd (East, Waterside and Rural) Tel 028 71 355990 James McIvor (West, Ballymagroarty, Rosemount, Bogside, Creggan. Tel 028 71 355990 Liam Donnelly (Strabane Town Area) Tel 028 71 253253 Bill Laird (Strabane Rural Area) Tel 028 71 253253 14 Enforcement and Monitoring 14.1 Council employs Enforcement officers and litter Wardens to enforce relevant legislation to combat littering and indiscriminate dumping. 14.2 The Enforcement officers undertake the following duties with regard to waste enforcement • • • • Investigate reported incidents of indiscriminate dumping/Fly-tipping, issuing fixed penalties where appropriate, initiating legal action and attending court. Investigate abandoned vehicles ownership and arrange removal Arranging for removal of fallen animal from roadway Dealing with enquiries from members of the Public. 14.3 The litter Wardens undertakes the following duties: • • Investigate littering offences, issue fixed penalties where appropriate, initiating legal action and attending court as and when required Dealing with enquires from members of the Public 14.4 All enquiries regarding enforcement should contact Siobhan Fitzgerald on 028 71 253253 ext 6868 or 14.5 All enquiries regarding litter Wardens contact: or or or 15 Report it – Phone or internet environment incident reporting system 15.1 Residents can now report and follow up on incidents of indiscriminate dumping, littering, and graffiti etc using smart phones or on-line through a dedicated website. Full details of this scheme can be obtained from the following web address 15.2 or 16 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 16.1 The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 which came into effect in April 2012 provides a range of legislative measures to improve the quality of the environment and strengthen the existing powers available to Council officers to deal with the following: 16.2 Gating Orders –Restricting Public right of way over a roadway 16.3 Vehicles – Abandoned and Nuisance Vehicles, Exposing vehicles for sale on the road and repairing vehicles on the road. 16.4 Litter – Dropping Litter (Article 3 of Litter Order) – Lake, pond or watercourse dog fouling, Litter clearance Notices, Street Clearance Notices, control of free distribution of printed materials. 16.5 Graffiti and other defacement (Fly-posting) Defacement removal notices 16.6 Abandoned shopping and luggage trolleys 17 Education and Awareness 17.1 Education and Awareness is a key component of the Waste Management Plan and therefore Council has appointed officers with responsibility for the following issues: • • • • The planning implementation, promotion and support of services and initiatives relating to waste minimisation, reuse, recovery and recycling. Implement key actions identified in the North West Region Waste Management Plan and NI Waste Management Strategy. The provision of advice and guidance through presentations, workshops, activities, competitions, events, and website to schools, community groups, and businesses. The collection and collation all waste data for reports such as waste data flow returns, NILAS returns and all other reports on waste management. 17.2 The Council offers a free environmental education and awareness programme to schools, community groups, youth organisations, etc across the district. Topics include litter, waste and recycling, composting biodiversity etc. For further information or to arrange a visit please contact Julie Hannaway on 028 71 253253 ext 6635 or by e-mail at 18 Legal Framework (Domestic and Commercial Refuse Collection) 18.1 Under Article 20(1) a - The Waste and Contaminated Land (NI) Order 1997, each Council shall - “arrange for the collection of household waste in its district” ....... and Article 21 – (1)...... “the council may, by notice served on him, require the occupier to place the waste for collection in receptacles of a kind and number specified”.....and Article 21-(2) - “The kind and number of receptacles under paragraph (1) to be used shall be such only as are reasonable but, subject to that, separate receptacles.....may be required to be used for waste which is to be recycled and waste which is not”... and Article 21- (3)(d) “require the occupier to provide the receptacle” 18.2 Under Article 20(1) b, The Waste and Contaminated Land (NI) Order 1997, each Council shall – “if requested by the occupier of premises in its district to collect any commercial waste from the premises, arrange for the collection of the waste” ....and 20(2) (b) “the district council may recover a reasonable charge for the collection of the waste from the person who made the request”. Under 22- (1) “A district Council may, at the request of any person, supply him with receptacles for commercial of industrial waste which he has requested the council to arrange to collect and shall make a reasonable charge for any receptacle supplied”....... and 22-(4)(e) ..”the council may .. make provision with respect to.. the steps to be taken by occupiers of premises to facilitate the collection of waste from the receptacles. 19 Customer Support Service. 19.1 If you experience any difficulty or problems with any aspect of the Waste Management service provided, you can contact the Customer Support Services on 028 7137 4107 to register your problem or complaint so that the appropriate action can be taken. 19.2 This information is available upon request in a number of formats including large print, Braille, PDF, audio formats (CD, MP3, and DAISY) and minority languages. For further information on alternative formats please contact Tel 028 71 253253 text phone: 028 7137 6646 or e-mail 20 Attachments 20.1 Duty of Care Document 20.2 Waste Charges 20.3 Household Recycling Centers – Opening Times 20.1 Format of Duty of Care Document 20.2 Waste Charges Derry City and Strabane District Council Wheeled Bins Residual (black) (£ excl VAT) (blue) (£ excl VAT) 120 litre 2.00 1.20 140 litre 2.20 1.50 240 litre 360 litre 4.00 2.00 6.40 3.00 750 litre 13.00 6.00 1100 litre 16.00 8.50 Table 2 – Wheeled Bin Charges - New Council Wheeled Bins Collected Household (£) Delivered (£) 120 litre black / blue 22.00 27.00 240 litre black / blue 27.00 32.00 360 litre black / blue 55.00 60.00 240 litre -both bins purchased together – 45.00 50.00 (£ axcl VAT) (£ excl VAT) 120 litre black / blue 27.00 30.00 240 litre black / blue 32.00 35.00 360 litre black / blue 70.00 75.00 750 litre black/blue 195.00 210.00 Commercial 1100 litre black blue Commercial Charges – Recycling Centres Description 300.00 330.00 Cost (£ excl VAT) Small Van / Trailer 50.00 Large Van / Trailer 75.00 Large Van & Trailer 100.00 7.5 tonne lorry 110.00 20.3 Household Recycling Centres – Opening Times Derry City and Strabane District Council Site Period Mon - Fri - 8.00am – 8.00pm Pennyburn – Pennyburn Ind Est Glendermot – Glendermot Ind Est Brandywell - Lone Moor Road Strathfoyle - Temple Road Park - Learmount Road Claudy - Learmount Road Eglinton - Benbow ind Est Carricklee, Urney Road Opening Hours Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Road Donemana, Berryhill Summer Summer Sun - 13.00pm – 5.00pm Mon – Sat – 8.00am – 5.00pm Mon – Fri 8.00am – 5.00pm Winter Mon – Fri – 8.00am – 5.00pm Mon – Fri – 12.00 noon – Winter Mon – Sat - 8.00am – 5.00pm 8.00pm Mon – Sat - 8.00am – 5.00pm Winter Mon – Sat - 8.00am – 5.00pm Mon – Fri 12.00 noon – Winter Mon – Friday 8.00am – 5.00 pm 8.00pm Mon - Fri 10.00 am – 6.45pm Winter Winter Mon – Sat 10.00am – 4.45 pm 10.00am – 4.45pm Mon - Fri 10.00 am – 6.45pm Winter Mon – Sat 10.00am – 4.45 pm 10.00 am – 4.45pm Mon - Fri 10.00 am – 6.45pm Winter Mon – Sat 10.00am – 4.45 pm 10.00am – 4.45pm Mon - Fri 10.00 am – 6.45pm Sat Mon – Sat 10.00am – 4.45 pm 10.00am – 4.45pm Mon - Fri 10.00 am – 6.45pm Sat Killen, Scraghey Road Mon – Sat - 8.00am – 6.00pm Winter Sat Summer Opening Hours Sunday – 13.00pm – 5.00pm Mon – Sat 8.00am – 5.00pm Sat Plumbridge, Ligford Road Winter Summer Saturday - 8.00am – 6.00pm Sat Newtownstewart, Douglas Period Winter Mon – Sat 10.00am – 4.45 pm 10.00am – 4.45pm * Note: Summer/Winter opening times subject to clock change and public holidays. Please refer to Council website.
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