Process Step 1: Establish a team to lead this process. This team should represent your whole school community. Your team should include, an administrator, teacher(s), students, facility operator. If you already have an environment club in place at your school, then this process can be an extension of that team. Step 2: Baseline Analysis Review your school’s current performance. If not previously done, fill out the Waste Assessment Survey. This survey can be downloaded from the Education*Energy*Environment website. Everyone on the team should participate in filling out the survey. The survey is found on the Waste & Recycling page, under Review. Link: The data that you collect will give your school an idea of what your current waste and recycling levels are, so that you have a means of evaluating progress and success. Step 3: Set-up Process. Materials to be recycled: 2 – Stream Recycling MIXED PAPER & MIXED CONTAINERS a) MIXED PAPER (Fibre): • • • • • • Cardboard Magazines Newspaper Office Paper Assorted paper products Shredded paper (place in clear plastic bag and tie up) Note: Paper Products must be bagged, in clear plastic bags. Cardboard (large pieces flattened, place loose in bin) b) MIXED CONTAINERS (Plastics/Tin/Metal/Aluminum) • Plastics # 1 – 7 Assorted plastic soft drink containers. Natural and Coloured: Clean plastic bottles, containers, and pails. (Including plant pots, yogurt, margarine, and cottage cheese containers) Injected plastics: (Various containers, tetra packs and shrink-wrap) • Tin/Metal/Aluminum/Steel: (Clean metal food cans, aluminum foil, aluminum foil plates and containers) Note: Containers need to clean prior to placing in the recycling bin. Note: mixed paper and mixed containers must be bagged, separately, in clear plastic bags. Clear plastic bags can be ordered from Unisource through your facility operator. There are 3 sizes of bags to choose from: 26 x 36 strong: product #034736 42 x 48 strong: product #034740 42 x 48 extra strong: product #034741 Non-Acceptable Recycling Styrofoam Wires & Cables Glass Contaminated Fibre Photographs used with the permission of The City Of Calgary. Equipment Determine what equipment is needed. Recycling Containers Recycling bins for classrooms and offices Recycling bins can be purchased from Green Calgary Association, Eco Store. The bins are 19”x16”x15.5” in size (approx. 60 litre capacity), green in colour, made in Canada and contain a min. of 25% recycled waste material. Cost: $5.00 each Delivery Fee: $15.00 Eco Store – Phone: (403) 230-1443 ext. 222 Single Blue Multi-Recycler – 6 gallon capacity - $6.00 each Set of 3 Multi-Recycler - $18.00 each Deskside Recycling Bin - $4.00 each Note: Prices effective until June 30, 2010 To Order: Fax an S18 to Deborah Wehnes at (403) 777-8038 Include the following information. • • • • Vendor: Busch Systems Ship to: (Department) Description: Single Blue Multi-Recycler or Multi-Recycler Set or Deskside Recycling Bin Alias: (The department alias that this service is to be charged to.) Recycling Toters (wheeled carts) for Schools and Administrative Sites The CBE, in partnership with the City of Calgary, will provide toter bins (wheeled carts) at a reduced cost to schools and admin sites. These bins are blue in colour and 240 litres (65 US gallons) in capacity. Price: $25 each 10 bins for $20.00 (minimum order) If your school needs bins, please fill out an S18 and fax to Deborah Wehnes at 777-8038 with the number and type of bins you require and the school alias to be charged. Outdoor Front Loading Recycling Bins Both “Mixed Paper” and “Mixed Containers” streams will be collected and placed in these bins. Outdoor Bin: You can request and outdoor bin for your school by faxing an S18 to Deborah Wehnes at 777-8038 with the following information: Vendor: Waste Management Ship to: [your school name] Description: Co-mingled Recycling removal service Bin size: 4 yds (elementary/schools); 6 yds (junior/middle/high schools) Frequency of pick up: every 2 or 4 weeks (elementary schools); every week or 2 weeks (junior/middle/high schools) Alias: (the school alias that this service is to be charged to) Important: Please send in a new S18 indicating the switch from the Paper/Cardboard Recycling removal service to the Co-mingled Recycling Service. Process Design your process and assign responsibilities to members of the team. Here is a suggested process flow: • students o empty classroom, office and common area bins o mixed paper into clear plastic bags, then placed into bin outside o mixed containers into clear plastic bags, then placed into bin outside o cardboard flattened and placed into bin outside • bin outside is emptied by waste hauler Communication Plan • Everyone knows about the process How will you ensure that everyone knows about the process? Ideas: Announcements, assembly, newsletter, posters, etc. • Everyone knows how to reduce, reuse, THEN recycle The goal is to minimize waste: what campaign will your school take on, in addition to recycling, to MINIMIZE waste in the first place? Step 4: Implement your process. Once all your equipment is in place, your process is designed, and communication developed, you can start implementation. Step 5: Measuring, Evaluating and Celebrating - Measure progress on baseline numbers. Evaluate effectiveness of process. Celebrate Success Questions? Contact: Deborah Wehnes Waste and Recycling Coordinator Energy & Environmental Services Bus. (403) 214-1224 E-mail :
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