What is EN840 ? How to comply and the serious risks of non-compliance.

How to comply and
the serious risks of
How to comply & consequences of non compliance
EN840 testing and key requirements
What is EN840 ?
What is EN840 ?
Following recent statements from the HSE criticising the high rate of injury and fatalities in the waste
and recycling industry - it is likely that companies that fail to practice the recommended levels of
health and safety will be heavily penalised in the event of an accident.
This guide outlines the EN840 standard and WISH guidelines; the safety standards for 4 wheeled
waste and recycling containers that need to be followed to avoid liability and prosecution, in an
industry that has nine times more fatal accidents than the national average
While the accident rate in the waste and recycling
industry is declining, the number of law suits
based on H&S claims that result in large payouts is
increasing. In a health and safety aware society the
law frowns on companies that cannot prove they
are committed to safety.
Requirements for EN840 in relation to 4-wheel bins
include but are not limited to:
In the event of a serious injury or fatality caused by
a mobile waste container it is imperative that the
company responsible is able to show that it has
complied with the relevant European Standard,
EN840 and the recommendations set out in the
Waste Industry Health and Safety (WISH) forum
guidelines which set out good practice.
EN840 is the European standard setting out
the basic standard for 2 and 4 wheeled waste
containers. In this document we will be focusing on
the requirements for 4-wheeled bins.
Many waste containers in the UK fail to meet with
EN840’s strict standards and in the event of an
accident leave the management company unable
to demonstrate compliance to best practice and
invariably liable for damages.
This guide is intended to help ensure your fleet is
recognised as EN840 compliant, to improve safety
for workers and the public and in turn, minimise the
risk of injury, lost time, court appearances and fines.
1. The container shall be constructed so
that it fits on an approved, compatible
lifting device; it must automatically
locate and lock safely into the lifting
device during the lifting operation.
2. The container shall have four swivel
casters; each castor must be capable
of withstanding 1/3 of the total
permissible mass.
3. The container shall fulfil all the
performance requirements and tests
of EN840 for its designated category.
4. Lifting handles must be strong enough
to avoid damage caused by collisions
or from disconnecting when used to
lift the container up the kerb.
What is EN840 ?
“Waste and Recycling
is one of the most dangerous
industries in which to work,
this can’t continue” – HSE, November 2010
Introduction to EN840?
EN840 testing and key requirements
1. Bins must be compatible
with lifting devices
All Taylor bins are
designed to be
compatible with
EN1501-5 compliant
lifting devices. Bins
are lifted with their
maximum load 100
times and tested for
signs of deformation.
2. Castors must withstand
1/3 of maximum weight
Taylor has developed
its own specification for
castors which exceeds
the requirements of
EN840; using high
quality materials
and construction
technique, they are
some of the strongest
castors available.
3. Containers must pass the
10 physical tests specified
within EN840
Taylor operates the UK’s
only fully certified R&D
facility, its test centre
is used for EN840
accreditation purposes.
4. Lifting handles must be tough
enough to withstand hard use
The Taylor test facility
subjects bin handles
to an impact test with
the containers loaded
to their safe working
load. Lifting endurance
is tested with at least
1000 lifts.
See a video of the demanding realworld tests each bin is put through at
EN840 testing and key requirements
EN840 sets a wide range of real life tests and
other basic standard requirements to ensure
the container is safe and fit for purpose.
Always procure EN840 compliant containers supported by a genuine certificate
(and test report on request) issued within 6 months of purchase by a known
and approved testing facility and follow the recommendations set out in the
WISH guidelines.
EN840 & WISH Guidelines
Working together to improve safety
The Waste Industry Safety and Health Forum (WISH) guidelines have been created with the HSE to
act as ‘good practice’ guidance for the safe operation and management of refuse collection vehicle
hoists and bins. It is recommended that these are followed in partnership with EN840 standards and
would provide evidence of a commitment to the safety of workers and public in the case of an inquiry.
The document contains examples of risks to workers and the public and indicates protective
measures and safe operating procedures that should be used to minimise them.
WISH Guidelines include:
• During the design, specification and manufacturing stages, bins should conform to the
requirements of EN840 standards.
• When specifying a bin that conforms to EN840 standards a certificate of conformity should
have been issued for that model within six months to the purchaser by a known and
approved test facility (WISH Part 37).
• Regular inspections should take place using manufacturers/suppliers instructions to identify
bins which may fail and arrangements made to replace or repair them (Parts 51-52).
• Repairs and maintenance to bins should use parts and materials specified in the
manufacturer’s instructions, or exhibit equivalent or superior performance standards,
and be in accordance with the original BS EN 840 Parts 1-6 specification (Part 53).
The waste and recycling industry has nine times more
fatal accidents than the national average and four times
as many workers suffer injuries. The HSE has made
it clear that it will not tolerate complacency towards
safety standards within the industry and will pursue
legal action against those deemed responsible.
WISH Guidelines - Waste collector killed
by bin falling from hoist
A waste bin killed a refuse collector when it fell from
the hoist. The investigation revealed that containers
may exceed their safe working load (SWL). It was
concluded that bins need to give workers clear
indication of safety requirements. In addition to
significant managerial time and money, the company
was fined £130,000 plus a further £220,000 in
HSE Release - Local authorities warned
of cutting costs
The HSE has warned of targeted inspections of local
authority waste services departments. Inspectors will
be looking closely at the working relationships Local
Authorities have with contractors and their commitments
to Health and Safety. Fines for cost cuttings that prove
dangerous could exceed any potential savings.
Helen Wardman – Category Manager
for Waste and Commercial - YPO
The waste and recycling industry is inherently dangerous,
it’s crucial for all those involved to be fully aware of the
dangers and the best ways to combat them. Ensuring
that your bin fleet is EN840 compliant is one of the key
strategies to running an effective Health and Safety
As one of our recommended suppliers, Taylor is always
available to offer advice and guidance on HSE regulations
within its industry. We know that all Taylor products
comply with the necessary standards and trust them to
maintain and repair fleets in line with requirements.
How to comply & consequences of non compliance
How do I comply?
talk to us
+44 (0)1299 251 333
visit us online
e-mail us
Taylor, Continental, Chamberlain, node, Taylor Street are Trademarks. Egbert H. Taylor & Co.
Limited record, register and enforce their intellectual property rights. Such rights exist in, for
example product designs, publications and trade names—further details may be obtained
from the company secretary.
Egbert H. Taylor & Co. Limited maintains a policy of continuous research and development,
specifications are subject to alteration without notice.
Taylor Oak Park, Ryelands Lane, Elmley Lovett, Droitwich. WR9 0QZ United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1299 251 333 Fax: +44 (0)1299 254 142 www.taylorbins.co.uk
Egbert H. Taylor & Company Limited. Registered in England No. 718441 Registered Office as Above.