KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering MAE 205, 2015 Spring (2015 Spring) MAE 205 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Lectures: Mon. 13:00 – 15:00 pm, ME bldg. (N7) #2204 (class A) & #1122 (class B) Experiment: Tue. ~ Fri. 16:00 – 19:00 pm. (select 1 day) for chap. 1 ~7. Tue. ~ Fri., select one time for chap. 8 ~ 13. N9 Bldg. #4130 Instructors: (Class A) Prof. Sung, Hyung Jin (hjsung@kaist.ac.kr), ME bldg. (N7) #5114, T.3027 (Class B) Prof. Oh, Wang-Yuhl (woh1@kaist.ac.kr), KI bldg. (E4) C512, T.3237 TAs: Chapter Head 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name Shin, Inho Chang, Handdeut Oh, Keonyoung Kim, Cheongjun Lim, Jeongsoo Song, Yeoul Lee, Sangho Seol, Woojin Jung, Young-gi Kang, Hyun Jay Park, Hyun-Sang Kim, ByeongJin Kim, Sanghyeok Yun, Jeonghoon Byeon, Seong Pil Kim, Joonyoung Son, Daehyuk Park, Jinsoo Choi, Bongsu E-mail sih1101@kaist.ac.kr onemean@kaist.ac.kr kyoh@kaist.ac.kr juny8916@kaist.ac.kr yjs0497@kaist.ac.kr find3969@kaist.ac.kr sangho09@kaist.ac.kr seoljin1009@kaist.ac.kr jungyg@kaist.ac.kr subibler@kaist.ac.kr pier29@kaist.ac.kr geniuskpj@kaist.ac.kr shk8511@kaist.ac.kr yunjh89@kaist.ac.kr tjdvlfqpqp@kaist.ac.kr kim5495@kaist.ac.kr infinitude@kaist.ac.kr jinsoopark@kaist.ac.kr freehope87@kaist.ac.kr H.P. 010-5096-6473 010-5773-7726 010-3927-4107 010-9393-7025 010-3050-0497 010-8273-0039 010-8626-8739 010-6757-6498 010-2393-5187 010-2898-2768 010-2882-8875 010-9866-9775 010-5220-8511 010-6755-1327 010-8910-6489 010-9796-1311 010-5574-1260 010-4148-9703 010-9636-3349 Tel. 7167 3271 3271 5229 3263 3074 3085 3252 5229 3257 3277 3252 5240 5240 5229 5031 3076 5009 3072 Kang, Won Kyeong wkkang@kaist.ac.kr 010-9902-7696 3072 Website: http://me1.kaist.ac.kr/newcourse/index.php?code=MAE205_2015 Textbook: Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Chung Mun Gak /기계공학실험, 청문각 Grading: Experiment (60%), Final exam (30%), Attendance (10%) Examination: TBD, 13:00 – 15:00 pm, Final exam. (No midterm exam) The final exam will consist of 6 problems from 6 chapters. Laboratory: Students will perform 13 experiments through this course. Guideline for pre- and final report will be given by TA for each chapter. 1. Pre-report (10%): No submission and copied reports will get 0 point. 2. Result report (35%): Delayed submission will lose 20 points. No submission and copied reports will get 0 point. 3. Attitudes (15%): TA evaluates experimental attitude and cleanliness of your seats. Some chapters could be evaluated by quiz or oral test. No attendance will get 0 point. Attendance: Absence: -2 pts, Lateness: -0.5 pts (within 15 minutes) or -1 pts (more than 15 minutes) of the total 10 pts Submit the certificate if you will participate school events or be sick. 1 KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering MAE 205, 2015 Spring Lecture schedule Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date. 3/2~6 3/9~13 3/16~20 3/23~27 3/30~4/3 4/6~10 4/13~17 4/20~24 4/27~5/1 10 5/4~8 11 5/11~15 12 5/18~22 13 5/25~29 14 15 16 6/1~5 6/8~12 6/15~19 Lecture Contents 1. Introduction to Laboratory Instruments 2. Design of Experiments using the Taguchi Method 3. Signal Processing 4. DC servo Motor System Identification 5. Vibration and Sound 6. Energy Conversion using Fuel Cell and Solar Cell 7. Principle of Strain Gage and Application Mid-term exam period (No exam) 8. Mechanical Properties of Material Remarks 5/5 Tue. Children’s day 9. Optical Metrology 10. MEMS and Nano Process 11. Measurements of Axisymmetric Turbulent Jet Flow with Pitot-tube and Viscosity No class 5/25 Mon. Buddha’s birthday 12. Measurement for Flow Past a Cylinder 13. Conduction, Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer Final exam (TBA) Evaluation guideline of experiment The experiment and the report score will be noticed at the subject homepage 1 or 2 weeks later. ** Submission due of the result report: Fri. 5 pm of next week, report box#1 in ME bldg. (N7) 2nd floor Only a report submitted on Friday (from 5 pm to 11:59 pm) will be considered as a delay. Reports which are submitted after the deadline (Fri. midnight) will be regarded as ‘NO-SUBMISSION’. 1. Concentration on experiment. 2. Recognition of expert knowledge obtained by preparation and experiment. 3. After experiment, all equipment should be well arranged. If not, there can be some demerit points. 4. There can be quiz about pre-report and/or experiment. 5. Copying of report gives zero point to both the original and the copy. 6. Correct experiment output. 7. Completion of experiment in the appointed time. 8. No experiment point for absence. 9. Lateness for experiment: -1 point per 5 minutes. 2 KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering MAE 205, 2015 Spring Experiment schedule Week Date Chap Mon.-Fri. 1 3/2~6 0 2 3/9~13 1 3 3/16~20 2 4 3/23~27 3 5 3/30~4/3 4 6 4/6~10 5 7 4/13~17 6 8 4/20~24 9 4/27~5/1 7 10 5/4~5/8 8 11 5/11~15 9 12 5/18~22 10 13 5/25~29 11 14 6/1~5 12 15 6/8~12 13 16 6/15~19 Contents Teaching Assistants Shin, Inho T.7167, 010-5096-6473 sih1101@kaist.ac.kr Chang, Handdeut Introduction to Laboratory T.3271, 010-5773-7726 Instruments onemean@kaist.ac.kr Oh, Keonyoung Design of Experiments T.3271, 010-3927-4107 using the Taguchi Method kyoh@kaist.ac.kr Kim, Chungjun T.5229, 010-9393-7025 Signal Processing juny8916@kaist.ac.kr Lim, Jeongsoo DC servo Motor System T.3263, 010-3050-0497. Identification yjs0497@kaist.ac.kr Song, Yeoul T.3074, 010-8273-0039 Vibration and Sound find3969@kaist.ac.kr Lee, Sang-ho Energy Conversion using T.3085, 010-8626-8739 Fuel Cell and Solar Cell sangho09@kaist.ac.kr Spring 2015 Midterm exam (no exam) Seol, Woojin Principle of Strain Gage and T.3252, 010-6757-6498 Application seoljin1009@kaist.ac.kr Jung, Young-gi T.5229, 010-2393-5187 Mechanical Properties of jungyg@kaist.ac.kr Kang, Hyun Jay Material T.3257, 010-2898-2768 subibler@kaist.ac.kr Park, Hyun-Sang T.3277, 010-2882-8875 pier29@kaist.ac.kr Optical Metrology Kim, ByeongJin T.3252, 010-3050-9775 geniuskpj@kaist.ac.kr Kim, Sanghyeok T.5240, 010-5220-8511 MEMS (Micro Electro shk8511@kaist.ac.kr Mechanical System) and Yun, Jung-hun Nano Process T.5240, 010-6755-1327 yunjh89@kaist.ac.kr Byeon, Sung Pil Measurements of T.5229, 010-8910-6489 Axisymmetric Turbulent Jet tjdvlfqpqp@kaist.ac.kr Kim, Joonyoung Flow with Pitot-tube and T.5031, 010-9796-1311 Viscosity kim5495@kaist.ac.kr Son, Dae-hyuk T.3076, 010-5574-1260 Measurement for Flow Past infinitude@kaist.ac.kr Park, Jinsoo a Cylinder T. 5009, 010-4148-9703 jinsoopark@kaist.ac.kr Choi, Bongsu T.3072, 010-9636-3349 Conduction, Convection and freehope87@kaist.ac.kr Kang, Won Kyeong Radiation Heat Transfer T.3072, 010-9902-7696 wkkang@kaist.ac.kr Result report due. Orientation & Team organization Spring 2015 Final exam 3 Remarks 3/2, Rm #1122 3 pm~ 3/20 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 1 3/27 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 2 4/3 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 3 4/10 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 4 4/17 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 5 5/1 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 6 5/8 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 7 5/5 어린이날 (Children’s day) 5/15 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 8 5/22 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 9 5/29 (Fri), 5 pm chap. 10 6/5 (Fri.), 5 pm, chap. 11 6/12 (Fri), 5pm chap. 12 6/19 (Fri), 5pm Chap. 13 5/25 석가탄신일 Buddha’s birthday KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering MAE 205, 2015 Spring For chap. 1 ~ 7: Parallel experiment * Experiment team: Two persons per one team and maximum 7 teams per day. All student have to stay in #1122 (class B lecture room, 계단강의실) after the first lecture (Mar. 2nd, Mon, 3 pm ~), because orientation and experiment team organization will be held. * Experiment time: 16:00 – 19:00 pm. Tue. Wed. Thu. 4 Fri. KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering MAE 205, 2015 Spring For chap. 8 ~ 13: Sequential experiment * Experiment team: Four persons per one team. (Reform teams and reselect experiment time.) * Use experiment equipment rotationally due to limited quantity. * One team per each time slot. * Two or three teams can perform experiment of chap. 10 and chap. 11 at the same time. Time Tue. Wed. 09:00 ~ 12:00 13:00 ~ 16:00 16:00 ~ 19:00 19:00 ~ 22:00 22:00 ~ 01:00 5 Thu. Fri.
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