Curriculum Vitae [revised] May 17, 2015 Ho Nam Chang, PhD Professor of Biochemical Engineering, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Korea (Republic of) Email:; http:/ Tel: 82-42-350-3912, 3902; fax: 82-42-350-3910; mobile: 82-10-2531-1022 Home address: Hakdong-ro 47 gil 9, 7-501 (Cheongdam-dong, Jinheung-apt), Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-953, Korea Born : October 9, 1944 Research Areas : VFAs (volatile fatty acids) Production from low cost organic biomass (foodwaste, agricultural, etc.) Microbial biodiesel production based on VFAs Multi-Stage Continuous High Cell Density Culture (MSC-HCDC)/ high cell density culture Enriching of fermentation broth and sea water desalination using Δπ=0 membrane technology Education : Namhae elementary school (1951-1957) Kyungnam middle, high school (1957-1963) Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University (BS, 1963-1967) Stanford University (MS, Chemical Engineering, 1970-1971 Stanford University (PhD, Chemical Engineering, 1971-1975) Thesis : Adhesion and aggregation of blood platelets (advisor: C. R. Robertson) Experiences : 2015-Present: CEC2, CEO (Cutting-edge Creativity Consulting) 2012~Present: President, Asian Federation of Biotechnology 2007~Present : Honorary Professor, Nanjing University of Technology (Nanjing, China) 2010~ 2015: KAIST Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Emeritus 2012~2014: Chairman and CEO, Korea Research Council for Industrial Science and Technology 2010 ~2012: President 15th IBS (September 16~21, Daegu, Korea) 1982 ~2010 : KAIST Professor of Biochemical Engineering 2008 – 2009: Board member of CAETS (Council of Academies of Engr and Tech Sciences) 2006~ 2008 : Vice President, National Academy of Engineering, Korea (NAEK) 2003 –2005: Secretary of Membership Committee, Korean Academy of Science and Technology, 1997 – 2004: Program and Awards Committee Chairman, National Academy of Engineering, Korea 2004~ 2004: Max Planck Institute-Biochemistry (Martinsried, Bayern, Germany) 1 1999 – 2002: Board Member of Basic Research and Technology Association) 1998 – 2002: Vice chairman of research committee, Korea Research Foundation 2000 – 2003: President of Korea Stanford Alumni Association 1990 – 2000 : Director of Bioprocess Engineering Research Center, KAIST (KOSEF- ERC) 1996 – 1998 : Provost and Dean of Faculties, KAIST 1994 – 1997 : Education and Industry-liaison Committee, (KIChE) 1995– 1997 : Member of Presidential Committee on Science and Technology (National) 1994 – 1995 : President of Korea Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2years) 1992 – 1993 : Chairman, KAIST Faculty Association 1988 – 1991 : Biochemical Engineering Division Chairman of KIChE (4years) 1989 – 1990 : APBioChEC, Chairman of Organizing Committee (Founded in Gyungju, Korea) 1988 – 1990 : Member of Research Committee, KOSEF 1984 – 1985 : Chairman of Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST 1985 – 1986 : Visiting Professor at University of Waterloo (Canada ENSERC Fellow). 1982 – 1983 : Secretary General of PACHEC ’83 (Seoul) 1980 – 1981 : Visiting Professor at Erlangen-Nurnberg (Germany Humboldt Foundation Fellow) 1978 – 1982 : KAIST Associate Professor; Promoted to Professor (1984) 1976 –1978 : KAIS Assistant Professor at Bioscience and Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering 1975 – 1976 : Research Associate, Iowa State University 1971 – 1975 : Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering, Stanford University 1967 – 1970 : Staff-Sergeant, Republic of Korean Army Domestic and International Journal Advisory Members : 1999 – Present : Editorial Board and Advisory Board, Biotechnology and Bioengineering (John Wiley & Sons) 1996 – Present : Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Polymer Degradation (Plenum Press, USA) 1992 – Present : Advisory Board, Biotechnology Advances (Pergamon Press, UK) 1993 – Present : Editorial Board. J. of Bioscience and Bioengineering (Japan) 1995 – 2008 : Editor-in-Chief, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering (Korea) 1993 – 2004 : Editorial Board, Biotechnology Letters (Kluwer Academy, U.K.) 1999 – 2002 : Associate Editor, Biochemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier.U.K.) 1984 – 1987 : Associate Editor, Korea J. of Chemical Engineering (English Journal) 1983 – 1985 : Editor, J of Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers(Korean Journal) Academic Societies : Fellow, Korea Academy of Science and Technology (1994, 1995 – Present) Member/Emeritus, National Academy of Engineering, Korea (1995-Present) Members of KIChE, KSBB, Applied Microbiology of Korea, Membrane Society of Korea, Members of ACS (enzyme and microbial technology) 2 Awards and Honors : BBE(2008), KJChE(2009) journal, citation award KIChE, Distinguished Life Time Service Award (2008, 10) Excellent research award for Pre-industrialization development, Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2007.04) 30th-year Service Award, KAIST (2006.02.16) Academic Award, Korea Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineers (2000.11) APBioChEC Award 97 (APBioChEC ’97, Beijing, China, 1997, 10) Korea Engineering Award (2nd, KOSEF, Presidential award, 1997.1) Academic Award (Sang Hur Foundation, 1994.4) Who’s Who in the World (1996 - ) KAIST Research Development Award (1996. 3) KAIST Academic Award (KAIST, 1991. 2) National Medal of Magnolia (Korea Government 4th grade, Presidential 1990. 4) ERC-Bioprocess Engineering (KOSEF, 1990. 3-2000.2, Evaluated as the first) R&D Award, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, 1989. 12) Canada NSERC Fellowship (1985-1986) Recognition of Contribution for PACHEC’83, KIChE (1983. 6) German Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2005,2004, 1999,1988,1982, 1981 – 1980) Academic Award, KIChE (1979) DeWitt-Wallace Fellowship (1971 – 1970, Stanford University) Fellowship of 5.16 [Jeong-Soo] Foundation (1960-1963, 1963 – 1967, Kyungnam High School, Seoul National University) Books, Papers, Patents : 1. Chemical Engineering Communication Vol.34 (PACHEC’83 issue), Gorden and Breach, 1985 2. Biochemical Engineering (Daeyoung-Sa, 1988; Academy Books Korea, 2001) 3. Korea’s 10 World Class Technologies, NAEK, Gimyoung-sa (2003) 4. International Journals : 7768 (citation 7057: as of 25/04/2013 ; h index-47) 5. Korean Journals : 147 6. Patents (includes application) : 30 (Korea 22, USA 9, Japan 1) 7. Proceedings (International): 86 8. Presentation (International: 161 9. Presentation (Korea): 304 Graduates from Professor Chang’s Laboratory : 1. MS ( 105) 80% Advanced to PhD degrees; PhD ( 49) 2. Careers of Graduates: Professors-40, Research Institute- 5, Government-2; Doctors and Patent 3 Attorney 2, Company-49, Study abroad-4, others 2 Google Scholar (2015.05.17.) B-9351-2011(SCI) #of citations: 10,007 (As of 2015.05.17) #papers: 356 (int. 95%/Korea.05%) # citations: 6,234 # papers: 273 # h-index 55 (Google scholar) # h-index : 43 #citation/paper=27.89 #citation/paper=22.84 4
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